\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Gameplay/Aspects Of Night

Aspects Of Night

Levels: 0, 1, 2

Requirements: Demigod Warrior 1/2

Level One

Underworldaspect - Take on the aspect of the underworld, doing more damage to enemies with less than 50% defense and less damage to those with more than 50% defense.

Moonaspect - Take on the aspect of the moon, becoming more hidden by shadows and taking 20% less damage from ranged attacks, but 20% more from melee attacks.

Level Two

Thunderaspect - Take on the aspect of thunder, causing all melee attacks to inflict an additional 20 stagger on their targets.

Windaspect - Take on the aspect of the wind, granting you super jumping for two rounds or enhances jump distance if they already have the power.

Hunteraspect - Take on the aspect of the hunter, increasing ranged damage by 25% but decreasing melee damage by 25%.

Demigods can choose one ability to double it's effectiveness, use change divinefocus (aspect) to select this. In the case of Windaspect, it grants Glide instead of Super Jumping. Demigods can only have one Aspect tree without Dual Aspects.