\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Gameplay/Contacts


Contacts are gained through the contact stats, you have one assignable contact for each contact stat you have, with their power being determined by the levels of those stats.

Syntax: Contact

See a list of all your contacts.

Syntax: Contact name (contact) (new name)

Set the name for your contact, such as contact name military John Doe

Syntax: Contact description (contact)

Enter an editor to your a description of your contact.

Syntax: Contact job (contact) (job)

Set what task you what your contact to be undertaking, possible jobs are: Idle, Muscle, Reputation, Schemes, Influence, Capital, Politics, Planning. Jobs must be set to recover for approximately 4 days before they can be assigned to a new job.

Contact Jobs


Every contact assigned to this job will provide you with an ally to use in combat. Use make ally to configure your ally, then use an attack with the asummon special to make them arrive in combat. Allies usually take 4 rounds to show up. You can use command allies attack/follow/atwill (target) to command them in fights. Allies do less damage if the person who summoned them has used their attack that round. The power of allies is determined by the average score of all contacts assigned to the muscle job. Each ally has 60k experience, times the number of skillpoints invested into the muscle contact in experience to spend. So 60k at rank 1, 180k at rank 2 and 900, 000 at rank 5. When an ally is defeated in combat they become injured and the contact is unable to be used again for about three days. It takes 20 minutes after a fight for your allies to refresh.


A contact assigned to this job will increase your social rank.


A contact assigned to this job will increase the duration of any scheme you launch.


A contact assigned to this job will produce influence for you every time you log on, only one of your characters can benefit from this.


A contact assigned to this job will produce newbie credit money for you every time you log on, only one of your characters can benefit from this.


A contact assigned to this job will give you more faction standing every time you log on, only one character can benefit from this.


A contact assigned to this job will give you more scheme influence every time you log on, only one character can benefit from this.


A contact assigned to this job will reduce the time taken and fatigue caused by tasks such as repairing or developing roads or clearing forests.


Contacts without names or descriptions will not function.