\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Gameplay/Training


Train (stat or discipline)

Negtrain (stat or discipline)

Training can be done anywhere in the game and spends your experience or RP experience to raise the stat or discipline you want to raise.

Stats and powers vary between -1 and 5, the cost to raise each level increases. It costs 10, 000 RPXP to raise a stat from 0 to 1, 20, 000 to raise from 1 to 2. 30, 000 to raise from 2 to 3 etc.

Disciplines range from 0 to 100, it costs 200 experience * the level it's being raised to to increase. So 200 to raise to 1, 400 to raise from 1 to 2 etc.

You begin the game with 100, 000 of both types of experience.

Negtrain refunds a stat or discipline for 50% of it's cost.

If you use train on a stat or discipline without enough experience, you'll set yourself as learning that stat or discipline and will automatically acquire it once you have enough experience. You earn less experience if you're not trying to currently learn anything. If you change what stat or discipline you're learning, you will lose a small amount of experience or rp experience.

You can use stats/powers/disciplines cost to see the cost of raising any attribute you are eligible to raise.