\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Resources/Building


For building in Haven:

Relevant commands are contained in the in-game help files HELP DEVELOP?, HELP DECORATE?, HELP HOUSES? and HELP SHOPS?. Property additions such as security and guards can be found in HELP LEASE?.

For building outside of Haven:

See HELP MAKEROOM and Making Rooms Outside Haven?

How do I build a plot from scratch?

  • Find an undeveloped space. Plots must be 3x3 of undeveloped space in cardinal directions off the street, and adjacent to either an existing intersection or developed land.
  • Stand on the street in the middle block of where you want the plot to be.

Note: Once you buy a plot, its location on grid cannot be changed!

How do I buy an existing plot?

  • Search through HOUSE LIST or SHOP LIST for a property that is for sale.
  • HOUSE/SHOP BUY #, or find the property, stand on it, and simply enter 'HOUSE/SHOP BUY'.

I bought a plot but can't find an entrance!

  • Use the STALK or PRAY commands and ask for a transfer inside the property.
  • You may also be able to DECORATE an entrance from outside.

Land Costs:

  • Desireable property is $1500 per plot. These are largely located along downtown Main Street and Ocean Drive.
  • Most land south of the river is $1000 per plot.
  • Most land north of the river is $500 per plot.

Known Bugs:

  • Upper and basement levels are currently bugged on expansion plots. You will be charged for owning these rooms, but you will be unable to decorate them.
  • If you miss a property payment, the bank will repossess it next month regardless of whether you have the required money in your account. You will have to buy it back.