\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Resources/Color


Original File

 Syntax: color                Toggles color mode on/off
 Syntax: ` switch to that color

 0 or r - Red
 1 or g - Green
 2 or y - Yellow
 3 or b - Blue
 4 or m - Purple
 5 or c - Cyan
 6 or w - White (Default color)
 7 or d - Grey
 8 or R - BrightRed
 9 or G - BrightGreen
 ! or Y - BrightYellow
 @ or B - BrightBlue
 # or M - BrightPurple
 $ or C - BrightCyan
 % or W - BrightWhite
 ^ or D - Black (Black)


 `cSyntax: `Wcolor`w
 Toggles color mode on or off for the mud.

 `cSyntax: `Wcolor say `w
 This will color dialogue for you in your emotes. It will not
 color dialogue that comes through on your comms systems.
 This syntax will accept names (red, green, blue, etc.), with
 "hi-" appended for bright colors (hi-red, hi-green, hi-blue,
 etc.), or the one-letter codes listed below. (The numeric
 codes will not work.)

 `cSyntax: `W```w
 Note this key is a backtick, the one under the tilde and to
 the left of the "1" key on standard QWERTY keyboards. Color
 codes are able to be used in notes, messages, says, emotes,
 and descriptions, including both short and long.

 `cColor Codes:`w
 `00`w or `rr `w- `rRed`w
 `11`w or `tg `w- `gGreen`w
 `22 or `yy `w- `yYellow`w
 `33 or `bb `w- `bBlue`w
 `44 or `mm `w- `pPurple`w
 `55 or `cc `w- `cCyan`w
 6 or w - White (Default color)
 `77 or `dd `w- `dGrey`w
 `88 or `RR `w- RBright Red`w
 `99 or `GG `w- GBright Green`w
 `!! or `YY `w- YBright Yellow`w
 `@@ or `BB `w- BBright Blue`w
 `## or `MM `w- MBright Purple`w
 `$$ or `CC `w- CBright Cyan`w
 ` or `WW `w- WBright White`w
 `^^ or `DD `w- DBlack`w

Not sure if color works for any other arguments aside from say. If it does, please list. - Olivia