\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Resources/Shroud


Original File

 Title: Shroud

 Syntax: Shroud

 Using this command will make your character enter or exit the shroud.  

 The shroud is a place that's half in this world, half in the other.  As such
 things often look like different, twisted versions of themselves.  Civilians
 can't enter the shroud or see people inside it, but conversely to those in
 the shroud entirely mundane people seem like shadows.  

 When in the shroud players have an aspect, this is a visible aura around
 them that is representative of their mystical nature.  

 The forests around town contain many dangerous creatures which can only be
 seen or interacted with by those in the shroud, they also can contain small
 crystals formed of concentrated magic used to make artifacts.  The further
 out into the forest one goes while in the shroud, the further away from this
 world you travel and the more dangerous creatures you may encounter.  


 `cSyntax: `Wshroud`w
 Enter or exit the shroud.

 The shroud is a shadow land that only exists halfway in the real world, with
 the other half in the Other. This area is only accessible when in or around

 Naturals cannot enter the shroud or see into it without the help of a shroud
 device, unlike supernaturals who have an imbued ability already. Conversely,
 those naturals without a device cannot be seen from the shroud as more than
 a shadowy figure. Shroud devices are sold in the newbie shop as well as the
 Hunt and Hook, which is close to Stop 2.

 When in the shroud, characters have an aspect referred to as a shroud aura,
 which is visible most generally as a reddish illusion that represents their
 mystical nature. There are ways to hide or disguise this aura.

 The shrouded forests around the town contain dangerous creatures who have
 wandered into the shroud from the Other. The concentration of supernatural
 energy in the area can also form small crystals, which can be used to make
 artifacts. The further into the forest one goes while shrouded, the further
 away from this world they travel and the more dangerous the creatures are.

 `rThe Deep Shroud:`w

 On occasion, a character may find himself pulled into the deep shroud. This
 area is one designed for player conflict, and essentially puts the group
 inside one of numerous random rooms which are RPly very deep in the forest.
 There is only one exit from these rooms, and it deposits whomever walks out
 of it in a random location inside Haven.

 The deep shroud will empty itself out after a long enough interval, making
 it impossible to hold anyone there for an extended amount of time.

 There are several methods used to pull characters into the deep shroud.
 The primary of these is the `Wambush`w command. The `Wtackle`w and `Wattack`w commands
 may also work depending on the circumstances.

 `cSee Also: WAmbush, Attack, Supernatural, Tackle, Worlds`w

Other linked articles may include: obfuscate, mimic, community credits? Discuss. - Olivia

Obfuscate and mimic should definitely be on it, maybe include them by name in the main file? - OF