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Home Page

Welcome to Haven, a small, innocuous New England town near the coast and only a short commute from Boston. Nestled amongst the forests and not far from the coast the town is home to average townies and university students, but attracts its share of campers and boaters.

It also happens to be the weakpoint between worlds, where creatures of myth and folklore creep across. Drawing a large number of supernatural beings, it is protected and fought over by secret societies.

In order to play, connect the telnet client (MUSHclient / CMUD / MUDlet) of your choice to havenrpg.net:3000

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Any player is free to use or share any intellectual property of this game including lore and gameplay systems in any way they wish, in whole or in part without limits or attribution.(This does not include anything created by a player)

In News

On a seemingly peaceful morning at Haven Bay, Calista finds her serene moment disturbed by an unexpected and chilling encounter. While enjoying the early sunlight and the soothing waters off Sidney Beach, her tranquility is broken by mysterious ripples and a brief, unnerving touch from something unseen beneath the waves. The intrigue quickly turns into a bone-chilling experience when a voice, seemingly emanating from the ocean itself, beckons her to play. Despite her attempts to dismiss the encounter and withdraw to the safety of her seaside cabin, Calista finds herself persistently pursued by this strange entity, which reveals a capacity to communicate telepathically and a desire to lure her deeper into the water. Her initial nonchalance rapidly transforms into alarm as this sea creature, manifesting with a human-like appearance yet clearly otherworldly in nature, demonstrates both its fascination with and sinister intentions towards her.

In a desperate bid for escape, Calista's situation escalates further as the creature physically tries to restrain her, prompting her to unleash a frantic physical rebuttal followed by an ingenious use of her magical abilities to create a diversion. This quick thinking enables her to make a narrow escape back to the apparent safety of her cabin, but not without a harrowing chase that tests her limits. The creature's persistence, marked by a menacing pressing against her cabin's glass door and its frustrated declarations, underlines the peril she narrowly avoided. Calista's eventual safety, as she collapses into a bundle of frayed nerves on her kitchen floor, offers a stark reminder of the unpredictable dangers that lurk even in the most serene of settings, forever altering her perception of the tranquil waters that had initially offered her solace on that fateful morning.
-Calista's odd encounter(SRTrevor)

In the early hours at the Thirsty Toadstool Tavern, owned by Korina, an eerie quiet is broken by a ghost child's presence, leading to a series of disturbances. Initially dismissing the odd events as nothing serious, Korina realizes the importance of addressing the ghost's presence when it becomes more intrusive, engaging in a playful yet disruptive game of tag throughout the tavern and market. Despite the ghost child's mischievous antics, including insulting Korina's dress and making demands for attention, she decides to tackle the issue head-on. The story takes a poignant turn when the ghost child reveals he is stuck in the realm of the living because he misses his dog, Maggie, setting the stage for a quest of closure.

Determined to resolve the ghost child's unfinished business, Korina reluctantly agrees to search for Maggie, despite her disdain for dogs and the ridiculousness of the situation. The odd quest leads Korina to impersonate Maggie, through a magical transformation, to provide the ghost child with the comfort and closure he needs to move on. This tender moment of farewell, facilitated by Korina's unexpected act of kindness, allows the ghost child to finally rest in peace. Despite her initial reluctance and the comical nature of her transformation, Korina's actions demonstrate a deep, albeit begrudging, compassion. The story concludes with Korina, once again in her own form, contemplating her actions and their secrecy, humorously vowing silence over the lengths she went to for the ghost child's peace, hinting at personal growth and the complexities of her character.
-Korina's odd encounter(SRRachel)

In the ominous expanse of a forest between Haven and Boston, an unlikely trio—Jordan, Matthew, and Astrid—unite under the cloak of night, drawn together by a gritty quest to confront a malevolent force preying upon White Oak students. The dense woods and a dilapidated compound set a stage for a confrontation that blurs the lines between hunter and prey.

The eerie silence of the compound is shattered when Astrid, caught up in her personal turmoil and dark purpose, inadvertently draws the attention of Drake and his cohort with her vulnerable state. Jordan and Matthew, on edge, navigate the compound's dangers, armed and ready for the inevitable clash. The tension escalates rapidly as Jordan's decisive move to use firepower against the emerging threat triggers a chaotic melee, embodying their transition from bystanders to warriors.

As Drake, now a monstrous werewolf, lashes out, the battle rages with fervor. Matthew finds himself in the jaws of peril, struggling against Drake's ferocious assault. Meanwhile, Astrid, seizing a moment of audacity, ambushes Drake's ally with a boldness that defies her earlier despair. Her actions, fraught with desperation, turn the tides momentarily.

The conflict crescendos with Jordan, driven by a mix of fear and determination, taking calculated shots to subdue the beast. Astrid, amidst the chaos, leverages her survival instinct to land a critical shot, though finds herself trapped under the looming shadow of Drake. Matthew, despite his wounds, musters the strength to aid in Astrid's precarious situation, embodying a sense of unity and resilience amidst the harrowing ordeal.

In the aftermath, the forest's sinister ambiance is replaced by a haunting stillness, pierced only by distant howls—a stark reminder of the darkness that lingers beyond their moment of triumph. The trio emerges not only bloodied and battered but profoundly changed. Bonds forged in the heat of battle leave them with a grim understanding of the fragility of life and the depth of darkness that festers in the heart of the woods.

Their journey back to Haven is one of reflection, marked by silence and the weight of what transpired. They return as survivors, carrying the emotional and physical scars of their encounter, bearing witness to the strength found in unity and the undeniable courage that rises in the face of darkness.
-The Wolf of White Oak(SRJack)

Fayad's experience by the poolside at dusk quickly transitions from a mundane attempt to recover from recent traumas to a nightmarish ordeal orchestrated by a dream stalker. Having already suffered from the tortures inflicted by high-tier werewolves, Fayad seeks solace in sleep, only to find himself plunged into an eerily altered version of his surroundings. The pool transforms into a dark, stormy sea, and the air grows unnaturally crisp for Haven's climate. This surreal setting serves as the stage for a confrontation with a terrifying entity, one that manipulates Fayad's environment and preys on his fears. Despite initially feeling rejuvenated, Fayad's strength ebbs as he faces the specter of his past torments, the werewolves, now resurfacing in this distorted dream reality.

The dream quickly spirals into a fight for survival. Fayad, driven by a mix of fear and determination, attempts to fend off his assailants using his pyromantic powers. However, the dream stalker, manifesting through the wolves, overwhelms him, turning his dream into a feeding ground for fear and despair. As Fayad's situation becomes increasingly desperate, he reaches a point of utter exhaustion, his powers waning against the relentless assault. The culmination of this battle sees Fayad, despite a final, spite-driven assault on the wolves, succumbing to his injuries, only to awake back at the poolside, the horrors of his dream leaving him shaken and more traumatized than before, a poignant reminder of the vulnerabilities and battles that lie within the depths of one's mind.
-Fayad's odd encounter(SRAristotle)

In the dense forest near District 82, a clash of steel and sorcery unfolded as the Knights and the Hand vied for power amidst the whispers of ancient trees. Autumn, with her massive katana, defended against the onslaught of a fleshformed monstrosity, its old-fashioned weaponry clashing against her blade in a shower of sparks. Beside her, allies like Harriet, with her precise rifle shots, and Korina, weaving light into lethal butterflies, fought bravely against the encroaching darkness. The air crackled with the power of invoked rituals, the earth scarred by the spells cast and the violence unleashed. In a desperate bid, Nikolai triggered a distress beacon, signaling a turn in the skirmish as strategic positions shifted and the forest became a maze of conflict and strategy.

As the battle wore on, the relentless push from both factions saw no end. With each fallen monstrosity, another seemed to rise, the nightmare never ceasing. Korina, illuminating the path to victory with her radiant spells, fought tirelessly to protect the sapling — a symbol of their hope and resilience. Yet, as the cover dwindled and their numbers dwindled, exhaustion set in. Despite the valor displayed by each warrior, the sheer force and numbers of their adversaries overwhelmed them. In the end, the forest stood quiet once more, the ritual site abandoned, a testament to the fierce battle fought. The sacrifices made and the efforts expended faded into the whispers of the wind, with neither side claiming victory in the continued struggle for power and dominion over the contested lands.
-The Knights of the Silver Dragon's operation in District 82

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Jill Crest


Nikolai Kuznetsov

Alexandra Harris

Jack Francis


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Harriet Fairfax

Rachel Cai

Nikolai Kuznetsov


Peyton Bennett

Tabitha Matheson

Jill Crest
