\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Calendarlogs/Alexandras White Oak The Weight Of Your Doom Prophecy 240213

Alexandras White Oak The Weight Of Your Doom Prophecy 240213

In the Spender Arts and Wellness Center's Abnormal Psychology Classroom, students engage in a fraught discussion led by Alexandra about a prophecy foretelling their doom and its psychological effects. Antwon is skeptical about the legitimacy of the prophecy, while Meridith, grappling with concern, questions whether these prophecies are meant to manipulate and instill fear. Sienna, attempting to make sense of it all, takes diligent notes, and Charlene dismisses the idea of the prophecy affecting her spirits. Caelum considers how to handle the looming fate, blending skepticism with a desire to maintain control over one's life.

Alexandra attempts to guide the discussion from speculation to coping with the heavy knowledge of their potential fated ends. She illustrates the conflict of wanting to experience normal milestones like marriage and family when faced with a prophecy of doom. Challenges arise as the students react with a mix of jokes, disbelief, and real concern. Caelum shares his personal ominous prophecy, which attracts mixed reactions including playful jests from Antwon about the mystical source of such predictions and serious contemplation from Meridith about the role of God. Ultimately, Alexandra leads the students towards introspection on their responses to their prophecies, embracing the varying outlooks as they end the class to pursue their own paths of understanding and coping with their destinies.
(Alexandra's [White Oak] The Weight of Your Doom (Prophecy))

[Mon Feb 12 2024]

In the Abnormal Psychology Classroom in the Spender Arts and Wellness Center
A rather mundane room as rooms on White Oak grounds go, this is definitely more of a classroom than an expansive lecture hall like those near the building's entrance. A large whiteboard covers the vast majority of the western wall save for the door that shares it, with dry erase markers in the basic colours usually resting on its tray when they haven't gone wandering. A little under two dozen desks fill the middle and back of the room, facing westward to the board and the sturdy black lectern. The lighting set within the ceiling tiles is bright and flourescent, leaving the room well-illuminated.

It is about 50F(10C) degrees.

"Ain't there all kinds of bullshit like that all the time?" Antwon asks Alexandra. "How you know that's anything real?" he asks her, raising his voice before he raises his hand from where he slouches in the lecture seating.

Meridith looks more than a little unsettled at the notion, the class itself, and a dawning realization. "Couldn't they just be...you know, sending dreams to mess with people? Make us more...desperate? Less concerned for the future?" she asks, hopefully.

Sienna pulls out her notebook and a begins structuring an outline for the lecture, titling in the date and lecture title in looping cursive. "He has a point," she reluctantly chimes in agreement to Antwon, lifting her voice a touch from the back to be clearly heard by Alexandra. "What will you have to say about this unsettling phenomenon that's been effecting everyone, in a way that's actually ... meaningful and not some psychobabble or freak conspiracy theory?"

"That was real? I thought I dreamt it. I can't even really remember what it was about," Charlene remarks, peering uncertainly at Alexandra. "I ain't gonna let that stuff get me down, that's for sure."

"Let's leave conspiracy theories aside. That's not what this class is about. I am not here to prove right or wrong. I am here to talk about what sorts of burdens, feelings, existential crises, and more can come up with knowing this sort of information," Alexandra says to the students, shaking her head and lifting a hand in the semi-universal gesture for stop. Then she gestures to herself and says, "When it happened, I felt a huge weight put onto my shoulder. Knowing a date, knowing how much time is in the hour glass, even if it is proved to be fake, is still strange. And hefty. If you actually start to think about it." She takes in a deep breath to let it out as a sigh and says, "For instance, some of you might have boyfriends or girlfriends. Maybe you want to get married. Maybe you want to start a family. But then you have this doom prophecy on your head. What do you do with that? How do you reconcile these dates with your current plans?"

Meridith snaps awake, blinking.

Meridith snaps awake, blinking. Again.

After Caleb considers those questions, and his eyes bounce from person to person, considering their words, he offers, "Its definitely easy to panic a little bit or overthink it or whatever. But like...well do we know ways to handle it? Like the bunker option or doing some other life change or whatever?" He seems to echo Charlene's thoughts there. "Otherwise there isn't a lot of point in worrying about it, as hard as that probably would be?" He ruffles his hair though. "Would be shitty not to have any sort of control over it. But it shouldn't stop your life entirely...?" At least he's putting his brain to work here.

"Master Oogway gave us the lovely, if stolen, quote about one often meeting their destiny on the road to avoid it," Alexandra mentions with a small smirk toward Charlene, but she shrugs her shoulders toward Caelum. "I am not going to force anyone to share theirs, but if there is some form of catharsis to be had by sharing, I invite any that wish to do so to do just that," she says, making an motion with her hand toward the class at large to allow anyone that wants to share the opportunity to do so. "Not because they are weird, but just because some times, a burden shared is less so," she suggests thoughtfully before folding her hands together behind her back once more.

"Oogway?" Antwon asks. "There some kind of reading or some shit we missed?" he wonders. "Like, what the hell kind of name is Oogway?" There's a look around, scanning for someone who might have any idea what is going on.

"There's gotta be a way, though. Else it's unfair," Charlene insists, frowning stubbornly before looking sideways at Antwon. "Did you see yours? I can't really remember what I saw, I figured it was just a weird dream."

"I can share mine." Caelum stiffens up slightly as he pushes up to sit proper from the desk, a little straighter. Every sign of the fell omen not weighing him is seen in how languidly lax he remains while casting another glance about. "I'm curious about what sort of premonition is given to others, and its all about give and take, right?"

"..." She doesn't answer but gazes down at her notes and writes quietly. "The poetry is fine, but the end is a bit...generic. We die, right?" Meridith shrugs indifferently, clearly a big down by the whole class, but staying focused on it.

Gabriella has just a tiny shrug to show for her activity as Antwon makes his round of glances, letting him know she doesn't know who the Oogieman is either.

Caelum keeps a reserved, but a little disbelieving look at the gaggle of students that have never watched Kung Fu Panda. It makes him shake his head, maybe lose faith in humanity, a little.

"Kung-Fu Panda. The tortoise martial arts master," Alexandra says to Antwon before shrugging her shoulders. Sure, not a great resource for academic stuff, but this is not entirely academic. She gives Caelum a knowing smirk and says, "At least someone here has lived in the last decade or so. If you want to share, now is the time."

Sienna quietly folds her arms beneath her lowered head, expression one of pensive regard as she listens to the discussion unfolding. Her gaze sweeps over briefly toward Antwon, staring at the back of his head before she reaches for a pen and pulls out a course book for another class, setting to work.

Viktorin blinks confusedly Charlene, gesturing lightly with his hand, "I mean, arguably any one of us would say that our own deaths aren't fair, but fairness isn't exactly how life works. Nothin's ever been fair." His eyes flicker back towards Caelum quietly, as he gives them his utter attention.

"I thought that was dragon ball" Gabriella mutters in her seat, as a tortoise martial arts master is mentioned.

Viktorin blinks confusedly at Charlene, gesturing lightly with his hand, "I mean, arguably any one of us would say that our own deaths aren't fair, but fairness isn't exactly how life works. Nothin's ever been fair." His eyes flicker back towards Caelum quietly, as he gives them his utter attention. (REVIS)

"Wouldn't fairness in death be that all of us will die?" Alexandra asks of the class as a whole, trying to keep some rails on the discussion to keep it at least in bounds for the topic in question. "Let's listen to Mister Cross's doom prophecy, and then if anyone else wants to share, they may," she says, motioning to Caelum.

Caleb wears a natural expression with that name that pops up - either he's heard of it, or just simply doesn't think its that weird. He does shrug at the sharing aspect of the class, having nothing to add in that respect. Still, his gaze moves to whoever is speaking before nodding in agreement to Viktorin. "Fairness is often in short supply. Life goes bad, have to make the best of it, whatever hand you got." Still he seems more than willing to listen to others burdens, in this respect, focusing more on Caelum when he's now on the spot.

"I just..." Meridith exhales. "Don't trust these forces." She gestures to Alexandra. "Fair...doesn't mean equitable," she insists.

"I'm saying it's unfair if we get told when we're gonna die and then we don't even get a chance to do anything about it," Charlene complains.

Caelum offers a slight shrug of one shoulder, then tilts his head back. His eyes are closed for the moment of recollection, brows knit while he ponders the words he's about to speak. Then he does, albeit low, but enough to beheard still; "Beware, Caelum Cross, the phantom of Haven," and he tries to give every bit the ominous gypsy giving premonition aura by deepening his voice; evidently still humored, "for the shadows of your fate tighten around you! In the heart of winter's deepest chill, when the moon shines fullest, a beast of the night shall claim your soul. Within hallowed walls of the Holy Cross, your blood shall stain the snow, your spirit becoming one with the cold, eternal night." Then, he opens his eyes, casts a now somewhat pensive look down at his desk. Voice even lower, at his own truer voice, which is quite a bit lighter, "Trust not the whispers of the wind, for they herald your impending doom."

Caelum glances aside, not really looking at anyone, there. "That's what I was told, anyway."

Gabriella snorts a bit as Caelum is called the 'phantom of Haven'. "My question to you is", she then asks, once Caelum ends up his tale, "who was that gypsy, where did you meet her, why did she tell you this, did you pay her? who did?" Obviously, she has more than one question, but they all lead to the same thing.

"Thank you, Mister Cross. You have our sympathies and thanks for sharing," Alexandra says, glancing across at the others present. She sighs when Gabriella goes right into questioning Caelum. "Miss Savoy. Let's start with expressing some form of empathy first and foremost. Mister Cross shared something that makes him quite vulnerable. That should be recognized for the bravery it requires," she tells Gabriella before making a rewind gesture with her hand. "Let's try that a little more sympathetically," she states with a stern nod.

"I don't think it was a gypsy." Caelum shoots at Gabriella, brows still knit, "I mean - I think it was, but was, and I think I was sleeping, but I was in my place, and she was there on a chair at the foot of my bed. It was awkward. I realized I wasn't actually sleeping when I blinked and she was gone - worse, it clicked when I remembered I don't sleep." Though, his attention is spared to Alexandra not very long after, with one hand lifting in open palm to wave the notion away. "It's alright, Ms. Williams. I'm not beat up about it.. It's just, the location is a bit personal, is all.."

"Why - empathy?" Gabriella seems surprised, and then defends herself by claiming "you were the one who started a class by saying that we're all going to die. What good is empathy, if we all need to feel empathy to every other?"

Gabriella nods towards someone as he replies, but after the exchange with Alexandra, she decides to keep any followup questions to herself.

"...Hrm..." Meridith gazes at Caelum closely for a moment. Studying his expressions, sympathetic gaze. She turns back to Gabriella. "Because we have time before misery strikes, and we shouldn't make it worse if it's true. And consider, the stain on your soul for whatever comes next."

Gabriella nods towards Caelum as he replies, but after the exchange with Alexandra, she decides to keep any followup questions to herself.

Caleb tilts his head a bit when Caelum starts to share his story, bit confused and a little incredulous about certain aspects of his words. Still he manages to hide that expression in the end. "That sounds pretty rough." He manages some level of sympathy. "You...got a date or something? How are you feeling about it?" A furrow of his brow when he hears more from Caelum, and nodding in understanding. A glance back over to Sienna. "I mean, part of the human experience is sharing and understanding each other. Don't need to be totally horrible about it if we all have to go through something similar."

"Who decides these things, anyway? Like is there a committee?" Charlene asks, raising her eyebrows dubiously. "Because I know someone who's pretty powerful and I bet he could change your fate if you do his bidding a bit. Just saying."

Viktorin makes an easy rebuttal, glancing towards Gabriella, "I don't want to sound all sappy and shit, but like, empathy is arguably one of the greatest parts of humanity. Without empathy, we slowly lose ourselves to something horrible within." He rolls his shoulders, with a nod of agreement towards Caleb and Meridith. He does however, give Charlene a squint, twisting his lips in disapproval.

"You don't know that," Charlene remarks quietly to Meridith. "It's better than just waiting around for your doom or whatever, if you ask me."

"I specifically put in the notes for this class that anyone not being supportive, understanding, and sympathetic during the discussion would find themselves in the clinic, Miss Savoy. Since your family has had a hand in helping you avoid that fate, don't push for something worse," Alexandra says to Gabriella, lifting a hand with a finger raised. She then looks around at the rest of the classroom and asks, "Now that we all know what one sounds like and that we all have one similar, what do we do about it?" She motions toward Charlene and says, "Some of us want to fight it." She gestures then toward Viktorin, "Some of us want to avoid it."

She puts her hand onto her own chest and says, "I choose to embrace it. If it is the will of God that I die on that date, then I choose to live my life to the fullest, getting as much joy from the time I have left as I can." She looks around slowly then and asks, "What other ways can you think of to react to your personal prophecy? Besides ignoring it and pretending it isn't a thing."

Caelum raises his hand, to make a half-joked attempt. "Depression"

Alexandra gives Caelum a small smirk and a nod. "Hopefully not one that leads to drug addiction and rehab or cutting," she says in a more serious response to his joke.

"Something I've been struggling with," Meridith begins. "Is why we think God is so...small? Why would He give us direct prophecy? Our deaths? The end of the world?" Meridith shakes her head. "I don't think this is the will of God. God doesn't run around meddling with our world, He hasn't for millenia, unless we believe he likes to show up burned into toast."

Caleb shifts is gaze over towards Charlene, considering that woman, but with a glance over towards Alexandra as she starts talking, whatever he might have wanted to say is lost. "Its more about options, I think. If there are reasonable ways to thwart it or stop it, yes? But if there isn't, then your approach seems like a good one myself." The boy confesses but then does add, "Course, even if this doom stuff is true, does that mean you live that long for real? Or couldn't you die tomorrow anyway? I feel like there's still that....you never exactly know whats going to happen sort of thing going on." And he's ruffling his hair as he really thinks that one out and he glances over towards someone. "Anxiety disorders and rage too." That one is a bit more joking too. "I guess you could always go full nihilist. What does it matter? Have fun."

Caleb shifts is gaze over towards Charlene, considering that woman, but with a glance over towards Alexandra as she starts talking, whatever he might have wanted to say is lost. "Its more about options, I think. If there are reasonable ways to thwart it or stop it, yes? But if there isn't, then your approach seems like a good one myself." The boy confesses but then does add, "Course, even if this doom stuff is true, does that mean you live that long for real? Or couldn't you die tomorrow anyway? I feel like there's still that....you never exactly know whats going to happen sort of thing going on." And he's ruffling his hair as he really thinks that one out and he glances over towards Caelum. "Anxiety disorders and rage too." That one is a bit more joking too. "I guess you could always go full nihilist. What does it matter? Have fun."

Viktorin snorts and giggles at Caelum's words. His lips twist as he eventually trails his attention back towards Alexandra. With trepidation, he rolls his shoulders, "I dunno, might be a case-by-case basis. I think I had an option to avoid my fate... but I shirked it... didn't think it was gonna pan out. I'm hoping I can try and rush the appointment, try and trap... maybe imprison the thing that's out for my hide. Need a lot of know how for that though... so it might not be a realistic option." Viridian-green eyes traipse it's way towards Meridith, watching her for a moment, the Czech mulling over her words. He nods slightly towards Caleb's words as well, acknowledging them but making no remarks or comments.

"As I see it," Meridith argues. "If it is the will of God, it is immutable. Then, opposing it is harmless. If it is not the will of God, it must be opposed, for surely it's the work of the adversary."

"I still think you should come meet Mister Inigo sometime," Charlene mentions quietly to Meridith. "I bet he can explain it all real well."

"I mean," Antwon says, counter-pointing Meridith. "Ain't God just some dude with a beard who was like a wizard or something back in Babylon?" he says. "Like I was hunting once I ended up in one of those other worlds, and I mean it just seemed like it was one of them Ren Faire things."

"No, many men have claimed to be Gods, such things are impressive and wonderful acts of power, but they did not create the world. They did not create existence. All of creation is owed to God, everything else is merely those working with the tools He gave them," Meridith explains to Antwon.

"Amen." Caelum nods, firmly. In total and vehement agreement with Meridith on the omnipotence of God, in that. "God is good." It's difficult to tell whether he's joking or not - given his expression is serious about it.

"Who says it is a small thing, Miss Walker?" Alexandra asks of Meridith with a tilt of her head. "Calling home his most faithful and sending his biggest detractors to hell on a time line seems perfectly in line with what God might do. And perhaps there is a reason for it. Ineffible plans and all that," she says with a small shrug, though she does not go full on Bible preaching mode like some of the other faculty. Maybe because she comes from a very different background. She finally nods toward Meridith and says, "A valid way of looking at it."

"Full nihilist is one way to go, but really, I see that as being the same as ignoring it," she says toward Caleb, shrugging her shoulders. She is about to address Viktorin when Antwon speaks up. She sighs and looks back at Antwon for a moment. She then gestures toward Meridith and nods slowly. "I think God God is orders of magnitude above gods, fae, and demons. Which is both comforting and terrifying," she says with a small shrug to show her stance between those two extremes.

"Do you think that those of the God, Fae, and Hell realms have also received these sort of damning prophecies that their lives will come to an end? From what I heard on Network 666, not even the ancients like long-lived vampires are escaping these prophecies of their perceived dates of perish here in Haven. Is it something intrinsically unique about the gate magic that's being utilized to do this?" Sienna's idle musings drift from the back of the classroom, not quite fully engaged with the discussions unfolding.

Meridith looks upon Sienna with interest. Finding that line of discussion interesting. "True...if it is not the will of God, such broad sweeping...pronouncements are...surely the work of something incredible," Meridith admits.

"I reckon it's prolly just something that happens here in town," Charlene opines, twisting around in her seat to look at Sienna. "If it was everywhere, why would there be so many old people? There are hardly any old people in Haven. It all makes sense, right? Like math."

"Where do you think Heaven is, Miss Swann?" Alexandra asks Sienna, directly. "I ask, because physically, I doubt it is on Earth. Or even this galaxy. So one would imagine it is on another plane, right? A different world? Perhaps very far removed, from the Other and the Wilds. Perhaps with the faintest, thinnest of links back to Earth through those gates," she offers as an explanation that fits well with her religious views. "That may be the conduit through which God works," she offers as the explanation for the visions and link to God through the gates.

Caleb nods over towards Viktorin. "The date probably offers a sense of urgency, right? But its important to be mindful about how to react to it, I'd think." The strawberry blond offers, then his eyes flicker over towards Meridith. "And I can't really argue with that much either on the surface. If you can't stop it, then trying to stop it is just about the journey and struggle than anything." And he cannot help but bob his head towards Alexandra in agreement. "God would be beyond our understanding, I imagine. At least not beyond the surface." Then there is a shrug. "Nihilism is a sort of way of ignoring it, though its also a sort of life choice that people make all the time, regardless of the information. An idea that there is not an inherent meaning, so you have to make one." Then a glance over to Charlene. "Maybe its more just a new phenonemon in general?"

Meridith takes notes from what Alexandra shares. It's clear she can recognize the idea there. There is no shortage of religious themes of rapture. But it's clear she has her doubts. "It would be nice, and I hope God won't fault me for fearing this end may be one of many twisted things which act in His image and know that I remain His faithful." She humms and leans back in her chair. She nods towards Caleb. "To know not to sell out our morals for fear..." She mumbles.

"Ain't Heaven that spot at the end of Badwater Quay?" Antwon asks.

Meridith breaks into a peel of laughter at Antwon's joke.

Well, Meridith thinks it's a joke anyway

Sienna tongues lightly at her cheek's interior while she listens to the resounding responses to her own opinions, only for Charlene to receive a bewildered look. "There's plenty of old people in town, Charlie. Family members and people I know are well above thirty, most in their fifties and sixties. We're a college town though, so it attracts a lot of younger demographics, or so one would think anyway." She puffs out a breath, eyes routing back over toward Alexandra with a slow lift of her brows. "Whatever version of Heaven you describe to can probably be found with a compass and utilizing the gate magic to cross over into the Godrealms. Abrahamic Gods probably have some very close version of what you think Heaven should be in their realms of spheres. I don't even want to talk about the possibility of how many "Gods" there are created from wide-spread ideologies, since that would be technically diving into the conversation of Eidolons and that's not at all what we're here for."

Viktorin peers towards Sienna, and then towards Antwon, crooking his lips faintly in wry amusement.

Alexandra listens to Sienna attentively for her part of that discussion, then nods and says, "I think we can call it here then. Thank you everyone for coming. And thank you again, Mister Cross for sharing." She lifts her tablet from the lectern and grabs up her coffee, which has probably gotten cold by now. She takes a sip anyways and then says, "Class dismissed. Feel free to continue discussing in here if you like though." She slips the tablet into her leg bag and then motions toward Viktorin to follow. "I believe you have a test to get done," she tells him as she steps away from the lectern.

"I'm definitely gonna talk to some people about it. I mean, it's a pretty big deal," Charlene tells Alexandra earnestly and gets up from her seat. "And I'll find a way to stop mine from happening. Just wait and see."

Meridith considers Sienna's words and does not seem to agree but finds no issue with what she says. She waves to Alexandra. "Speaking of tests...I heard there is a way of um...finding out...what...you are?" She seems a bit sheepish bringing it up

"Any time." Caelum offers, briefly lifts his hand too, to wave. "Thanks for the lecture, Ms. Williams." It doesn't take long before he tilts his head, glances at those near his seat, in briefly quiet conversation that he listens to.

"That's the test we are doing with Mister Teptic. So come along then, Miss Walker," Alexandra says to Meridith, starting toward the door to let the students continue the discussion amongst themselves.

Caleb flits his eyes back towards someone, to listen to what she has to say, but before there is much more to share from him, Alexandra is suggesting the end of the class. "I'll keep it in mind, and think about things." There is a sort of promise. "Thanks."

Caleb flits his eyes back towards Sienna, to listen to what she has to say, but before there is much more to share from him, Alexandra is suggesting the end of the class. "I'll keep it in mind, and think about things." There is a sort of promise. "Thanks."

A nod is given towards Alexandra, with the Czech hoisting his backpack over one shoulder, letting it dangle loosely. Viktorin gives a friendly smile towards Caleb, twisting his lips in amusement, "Wanna meet back at the house after I'm through?"

"Caelum! I wanna fight you later!" Meridith announces as she follows Alexandra out.

"Let's hang out later," Charlene remarks to Antwon and wiggles her fingers at him. "I gotta tidy up in my room so Sam doesn't throw a fit."

"7107693 if anyone wants to chat!" Meridith declares

Meridith drops a backpack which jangles...suspiciously.

Viktorin glances back towards Meridith as he seats himself, squinting knowingly. His eyes however, return towards Alexandra, decidedly giving her his undivided attention.

Alexandra leads Meridith and Viktorin all the way back to her office. There might have been some casual conversation along the way between Viktorin and Meridith, but the teacher stays quiet. When she gets to the office, she closes the door and steps around behind her desk. She opens a drawer and draws out a box labeled 'Caution: Radioactive Materials' on it. She sets the box on the desk, then sits down in her chair.

Meridith says "Should I um, wait outside Vik? I can-"
Meridith flinches instinctively away from the box.

Alexandra puts on some hefty-looking, lead-lined lab gloves and then opens the box. She looks over at the pair for a moment, then produces a silver letter opener from the box. She holds it out to the pair of students and says, "First, we start with the ones I doubt it is. This is silver. Werewolves dislike silver. You'd both probably know if you were a werewolf. But go ahead and touch it, and see if you feel any discomfort."

Meridith hesitates, and reaches forward to touch it.

Meridith says "Awooo...? "
Viktorin nervously peers Alexandra. Hooded eyes flicker and widen owlishly at the box, and then the entire process with the gloves, and the man nearly gags. His chest heaves in fear and dread, huffing quietly, "Guess I'm getting cancer or radioactive burns... ugh..." However, he grumbles and slowly stands from his seat, wandering forth and not-so-gently slapping his hand upon the letter opener, gripping it a moment before withdrawing his hands.

"You wanted the gentle version. This is the gentle version," Alexandra says to Viktorin with a small shrug, tucking the knife back into the box. She produces a smoothed, tempered piece of wood and says, "This is treated to be terribly uncomfortable for vampires. Not all respond to it. And again, I don't think either of you are a vampire, but to get it out of the way." She holds the piece of wood out in her heavily gloved hand for them to look at. "If it was seriously that radioactive, I would not just leave it in my desk in an unlocked room on this campus," she points out to Viktorin with a small eye roll. "My future husband thought it was a good joke," she explains regarding the warning on the box.

Viktorin grumbles, "Yeah, Mister Harris can be funny. Spent a bit telling me that calling the Stag the 'Black God' would get me canceled." He mutters, deciding to keep himself standing before slapping his hand again, against the piece of wood, before shrugging. "Don't feel anything." His eyes shift warily, still unsure of the box.

Meridith taps the wood and shrugs. "Yep, no blood sucking. That's more a test for you to find than us, I think. Though I did get bit by a werewoof recently..."

Alexandra produces a sharp piece of obsidian from the box next and says, "Angelborn were created with a weakness to obsidian." She holds the shard out toward the pair of students with her gloved hands. "Careful, it is sharp," she points out thoughtfully. "You might not be a werewolf yet, Miss Walker," she says simply regarding the bite, not seeming too concerned about it if she isn't.

Meridith pokes, winces, then obviously it's because she touched a sharp spot. "Nada," she insists.

Viktorin carelessly and inattentively grasps the obsidian for a moment, nicking himself in the process. With a sigh, he grumbles at the small cut upon his index finger, before jabbing it impolitely into his own mouth, sucking away the small beads of blood that form. Muffled words escape past his lips, "mm-mm."

Meridith was not cut, or if she was, the injury has tended itself without much notice.

"I warned you both," Alexandra says with a shake of her head, putting the obsidian shard back into the box. Next, she pulls out its opposite, a chunk of quartz. "Demonborn and quartz do not get along," she explains to the pair, holding the crystal out to them in the palm of her gloved hand.

Viktorin slaps the quartz in Alexandra's hand, dully glancing at it with some level of boredom. "Mm-mm," he resounds, just as he pops his finger out of his mouth, inspecting it with care. "Gross." With a squint, he flickers his eyes towards Alexandra, shrugging, "I can't help it. Maybe my skin is like... thin or something."

Meridith flicks her tongue out and hisses at the quartz.

Meridith then giggles and touches it carelessly.

Viktorin says "What's next... ferromagnetic iron... and... -actual- radioactive materials?"
Alexandra tucks the quartz away and says, "That leaves the two I was actually expecting to use on Mister Teptic." She then pulls out all of the parts for what looks like a potent, it little, electromagnet. She assembles the pieces in relatively short order, then connects the batter to the wires. A quiet hum fills the office as the magnet turns on. Thankfully, most modern electronics are shielded pretty well against magnetic forces, unlike the old days of floppy disks and hard disk drives that could be magnetized by a solar flare, at least if you had admin privileges and your users did not wrap them in tin foil as instructed. She gestures at the magnet and says, "Give it a touch. It should not hurt in the slightest." The area she points to is not at all covered by electrical wires and is just a metal tip.

Viktorin slaps the magnet too, though without any force to mess with it too much. Another shrug, his eyes flickering towards the box. "Mm... hope it's not tritium."

Meridith pokes it. "What is...uhm...this bad agai?"

Meridith says "Against, sorry"
Viktorin turns his eyes towards Meridith, informing her as he pops his finger back into his mouth, once again lapping at stray beads of crimson, "Faeborn."

Meridith says "Ah! "
Alexandra holds out the sharp shard of thorium in the gloved hand. "Also sharp," she points out, shaking her head slowly.

Meridith looks ill. Gazing away. "I don't...please put it away..." She looks terrified of radiation maybe?

Viktorin quirks his lips faintly as he gives the thorium a little tap with the fingers of his opposite, uncut hand. Then he gags, his chest heaving slightly, and he winces, cringing at Alexandra and her shard. "Ugh... that's... fucking hot. Ow..." He steps back, warily watching the shard, wrinkling his nose in disgust, before popping his other finger in his mouth, lapping away the beads of blood that form from his hasty prodding.

Alexandra nods toward Viktorin and then holds the shard out to Meridith. "If you don't touch, we can't really call the test complete. That means needles, drawing blood, and other such fun in the clinic," she says from the perspective of the person that would be using the needles, not the perspective of the person being stabbed by the needles.

Meridith says "...Needles me...I don't want to touch it..."
Meridith grimaces and then reaches out and pokes it hesitatnly, she does not enjoy the experience.

Viktorin squints at Meridith, muttering, "Oh come on, it's not that bad, feels like you stuffed your hand in an air fryer."

Meridith nods and pulls her hand back

Meridith wipes her finger off on her pants.

Alexandra tucks everything away back into the box, then doffs her gloves and tucks them into her leg bag. "Seems like you both could be demigods," she announces joyfully, lifting her hands up in the air a little. "Now you get to go read up on what type of demigod you might be. What lineage you might be derived from. All that sorts of fun stuff. I'm not about to tell you what you come from. Not really my realm of expertise," she explains, pointing up and slightly north. "The library is the place to start," she says, standing up from her desk and putting the box away again into the desk.