\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Calendarlogs/Jacks White Oak Seminar Possession Evening Track 240320

Jacks White Oak Seminar Possession Evening Track 240320

At White Oak Seminar, the Latin Classroom transformed into a ground for learning about possession under the guidance of Father Jack Francis. The class, consisting of Robert Harris, Aristotle, Viktorin, Lilah McFadden, and others, engaged in a session filled with intrigue and discomfort as they delved into the complexities of supernatural forces. As Jack initiated the conversation, the participants shared their familiarity or lack thereof with such forces, setting the stage for what was to become a practical and somewhat unsettling experience. Lilah, having endured possessions herself, shared her harrowing experiences, painting a vivid picture of the violation and helplessness that comes from being controlled by another entity.

The seminar took a dramatic turn as Jack proceeded with the practical demonstration of possession. Viktorin and later Aristotle became unwilling hosts, illustrating the invasive and terrifying nature of being possessed. The class watched in mixed horror and fascination as Jack, through magic, briefly took over Viktorin and then Aristotle, showcasing the disturbing ease with which entities can control individuals. Through these examples, the seminar not only illuminated the mechanics of possession but also underscored the inherent dangers and ethical dilemmas associated with such supernatural phenomena. The ordeal left the participants and observers with a deeper understanding of the dark corners of the magical world, highlighting the necessity of White Oak’s mission to prepare them for the unseen and unknown forces that lurk within Haven and beyond.
(Jack's [White Oak] Seminar: Possession (Evening Track))

[Tue Mar 19 2024]

In the Latin Classroom of the Spender Arts and Wellness Center at White Oak
Aged, leather-bound tomes and meticulously annotated manuscripts line the sturdy, oak bookshelves. The soft, filtered sunlight seeps through the stained glass windows, casting a colorful, ethereal glow that dances across the weathered, wooden desks and the intricate, Latin inscriptions adorning the walls. The faint scent of antiquity lingers in the air and the distant murmur of students poring over ancient texts can just barely be heard in the distance.
It is about 50F(10C) degrees.

Jack clear his throat. "There we are," he says, turning to look at the class. There's a smile, before he scans curiously to Robert. "Good evening," he says to him, glancing over Julia, Lilah, Aristotle, Viktorin and Konami as well. "I am Father Jack Francis," he introduces himself. "You are a student here?"

Robert once again lifts that meaty mitt, to Lilah this time, "Robert." he rumbles out in a bassy, gravel-strewn drawl. Aristotle receives a brief little upnod, and no one else gets anything at all as his perpetual mean-mug stays aimed at Jack otherwise, just waiting.

Viktorin crinkles his eyes fondly towards Aristotle, greeting them warmly, "Always good to see you, Ari."

"Sure am." Robert rumbles eloquently in response to Jack, if he feels out of place for any of the few reasons he might, he doesn't show it a bit, though he's also apparently neglected to bring even a single school supply with him, just a cowboy hat sitting on the desk in front of him. His voice carries no emotion, and his face doesn't help a bit.

Julia keeps her gaze focused on her own desk, though she lifts her ink-pen and sets it down once Jack greets the class.

"Have a name, son?" Jack asks Robert. "Have you gotten the Venetian basics? This is a class only for those students who have gotten some of that information," he shares. He's asking Robert is he is Aware; if he is, he'll answer yes. If he's not, there will be some confusion in his answer.

Robert grunts softly at that, "Robert." he offers, then rolls a shoulder, "Got th'Uncle Sam basics, prolly missin' a few bits, ol' Sam does that, but I'm good enough, reckon." he offers a probable yes.

"Oh, Father before class starts, can I get Professor Harris's number?" Lilah asks, looking to Jack with a little lift of her eyebrows, hopefully. "And hi, Robert. Welcome to the chaos," she says, easing herself down a little in her chair to take some of the strain off her torso. She's not sitting up nicely, today.

There's a long, somewhat blank look at Robert. "Do you have a last name?" Jack asks the man. "And is that a 'yes'?" he asks. "Tell me what you think sets White Oak apart from other schools," he says, probing the big fellow to see if he can confirm that he does, in fact, belong in this class. He glances at Lilah. "710-7471, Miss McFadden."

"Good meet you, Robert." Aristotle says, lifting his hand to wave at him, as a brief interruption to Jack's grilling. He falls silent shortly after, leaning back comfortably in his seat as he waits.

"Thanks, Father," Lilah says. She takes just a moment to pull out her phone, program in the number, and then send a quick text, before she puts her phone away again to focus on the lesson.

Viktorin flicks his viridian gaze back towards Jack, never procuring paper, never procuring a writing utensil. Instead, he simply listens.

Robert does, in fact, have emotions, it would seem; some annoyance crossing his features. "Harris." comes the rumbles response, the emotion not making it to his voice, at least, "Reckon it's a yes." he offers up more succinctly, just staring straight into Jack, "Ya teach supernatural folks supernatural things." he offers another succinct answer, "Ghosts'n'goblins n'all."

Jack turns to look at the class as a whole once Robert confirms that this is the sort of course for him. He offers the man a smile. "Welcome to White Oak, Mr. Harris. You and I can sit down for an intake evaluation in the next few days." He clears his throat, beginning to teach in earnest.

"Now, students," the defrocked priest says. "This a seminar on possession," he says. "We'll have a little lecture, and then some practical work, also. I anticipate we will finish by midnight," he shares. "Now -- I will caveat, as always, that the world is a complicated place, Haven more than any. So I will tell you some -ordinary truths-," he says. "But be aware that any description of the ordinary truth even of our demimonde covers at best eighty percent of the things that happen here. There are always, always outliers." He pauses. "I see a few of you attended the morning session, so don't cheat on your notes: but of the newcomers, what do you think of when we discuss possession by outside entities?" He looks around. "Can someone tell me what they I mean by that?"

Julia zips up her leather jacket, pulling the cuffs of her top from under the hide. She shoots a look over to Robert as he speaks, though she does not seem to be judgmental one way or the other. Neutrality reigns in her expression. Returning to eying her paper, and the date at the top, she looks contemplatively to the cot in the center of the desk as Jack speaks. She raises an index finger.

Viktorin gazes at Jack, attempting to come up with an answer. Without raising his hand, he speaks, "I believe an entity latches on to you and can seize control or manipulate you for a little bit? I honestly haven't witnessed it, but I'm going to go with that, for the moment."

Holding her peace, Lilah listens quietly as Jack starts the lecture. Her notebook is out, ready to add to the notes of the last class - the heading and some notes already in place. She nods thoughtfully at the answers given, adding something to what was already there.

"I'd agree with both of them, too." Aristotle says, nodding his head as he gestures to both Julia and Viktorin. "You get highjacked by some ghost or demon, like how they show in the movies." He says. "I'm sure it's probably slightly different in the real world, though."

"Miss Nolan," Jack says, nodding to Julia -- recognizing her. "All of those things can possess you, that's true," he says. Then he turns to Viktorin. "Mr. Teptic -- don't worry," he says. "You'll witness it soon." His eyes are dark for a moment, and there's something unsettling in the priest's smile, acknowledging Aristotle's answer as well.

"There are in fact entities that can seize control of someone's body, though the circumstances can be different when it happens. There are three broad categories of things that can possess you," Jack says. "Who can name one of the three sorts of entities that can possess a person?"

Julia inclines her head to Aristotle, and plants her heads down on her desk.

Considering she was one of those that was in the morning session of this seminar, Konami doesn't speak up to give an answer to the opening question, and lets the ones who haven't already been through it, come up with answers. She flips a screen on her phone, and uses it to start taking down some notes as Viktorin and Aristotle, both speak up.

Viktorin lists easily, "I assume, ghosts, Eidolons, and... mmm. Perhaps arcanists?"

Julia says "Ghosts, Eidolons, aberrants?"
Viktorin asks Julia, "What's an abberant? I don't think I've encountered that before."

Robert sits there, arms folded, watching and listening. Resting-scowl-face defused with small nods to show he's listening, even if he's not taking notes. He watches each speaker as they offer up their answers with same, dull gaze, then flicks back to someone to await his responses each time. He's participating, in the sense that he's here and trying to soak it in, at least.

"Oh. I think I've seen an Eidolon do that before... So, that one," Aristotle says, nodding at Viktorin and Julia both. "And probably a ghost, too. I can't think of a third."

Robert sits there, arms folded, watching and listening. Resting-scowl-face defused with small nods to show he's listening, even if he's not taking notes. He watches each speaker as they offer up their answers with same, dull gaze, then flicks back to Jack to await his responses each time. He's participating, in the sense that he's here and trying to soak it in, at least.

"I'm pretty sure that abberant means something that's not natural, not normal. Demons and things of that nature," Lilah says thoughtfully, before shrugging. "I'm not one hundred percent on that though."

"It means it has demons in the category," Julia clarifies quietly, as her eyes skim to Lilah, Aristotle, and Robert.

"Ghosts are one," Jack agrees with the class generally. "And Mr. Teptic is right, too -- there are sorcerers who can project themselves into a form very much like a ghost." He pauses. "And the third is, in fact, eidolons, which is an extremely broad category. Eidolons may deserve a class of their own, but in general they are bodiless spirits from a wide variety of sources and origins," he says. "We group them together because they have similar powers, but that is a matter of function -- birds, bats, and bees all fly, but they are not necessarily the same sort of thing at all." He pauses. "Still: for our purposes, ghosts, ghost-walking arcanists, and bodiless eidolons are the three most common sorts of possession you will encounter. Hopefully you do not encounter any, however." He looks around. "Has anyone here been possessed?" he asks.

Konami listens quietly for the moment, putting more notes in her phone, as she listens to the other students giving their answers, and nodding occasionally at the comments.

Lilah crinkles her nose at Jack's question, shudders faintly, and raises her hand just a little. Her elbow remains on the desk. "More than once," she offers. "It's strange, at best. Entirely awful at worst."

Viktorin shakes his head admitting, "I don't think so. Would I even know?" A pause.

Julia looks stiff-lipped, her visage scanning aside over to Lilah -- this might have most presume she is listening.

Of the question, Aristotle is silent. He looks over to Lilah, though, brows lifting in a bit of surprise at her admission. "Really? What was awful about it?" He curiously wonders.

"I think it depends on if they try to control you, on whether you'd notice or not, usually." Konami remarks to Viktorin with a slight shrug. "Or if you can see ghosts normally, you might be able to tell."

"Mr. Wilson has a good question," Jack tells Lilah. "Why don't you tell the class how it felt -- what was awful about it, and how it left you afterwards?" He turns to look at the red-haired girl, which of course brings the attention of the entire class to her, too.

Drawing in a breath, the redhead nods. "It feels like you're basically a puppet," Lilah tells Aristotle, and the others, after Jack suggests she speak up. "Your own mind is still in there, you're fully aware, but something else is using your body for its own purposes. Moving you. Making you talk. Making you do things you might otherwise never do - or even if you would, it's still forced. It's - to me, it's a serious violation. But yes. Sometimes there's... nothing at all, no way to know, because they're just along for the ride like a parasite," she says softly. "I think some people can actually detect them inside of you, like a secondary aura but... not me."

Lilah says, thoughtfully, "I don't think it can make you do something that Sanctuary would prohibit, if you have it, at least. But it's still... creepy."
"Sounds torturous." Aristotle concludes of Lilah's words, crinkling his nose a bit. "Odd. It seems like a lot of these powers that people have are just... inherently invasive, huh?"

Viktorin says "I mean, I can give you the good ol' ick touch. That's not invasive. Just painful."
"And sounds more like a fungus than what it is, when you say it like that," Lilah teases in a low voice, aside to Viktorin.

"Miss McFadden's experience is not atypical," Jack tells the class after Lilah's description. "Possessing entities can -- control you, exactly as she says" he says, and he follows up the statement with a motion of his hands like making a marionette dance. There's a look between Aristotle, Viktorin, Julia, Konami and Robert. "But it is not as if they shunt you out of your body entirely: they see through your eyes, but it is as if you are in some constant battle for control. They may take you over, control your motions, but as soon as their will is exerted you are there again, even with them inside you."

At Aristotle's comment, Jack nods. "Magic is inherently corrupt," he says -- says as one of the more powerful magicians in Haven. "Your instinct that it seems evil is correct."

OOC: Ghosts and ghost-like entities possessing a character can use the force command to make them take actions, but the possessed character also can take actions and emote as normal.

Julia inclines her head slightly, picking up her pen and darting down a few notes.

Viktorin wiggles his fingers over in Aristotle's directions, quirking his lips amusedly. His viridian gaze doesn't linger for long, because it's back towards Jack, asking them, "How do you stop them? How do I beat up a ghost? Every time I try to punch one, my fists go through them."

Julia says "You can't. Unless you want to bargain with them."
"Well. Exorcisms, right? Or ghost banishments or... burning sage?" Aristotle wonders, brows lifted as he looks over at Viktorin. "That'd probably work, right? Better than punching them, anyway."

Robert sucks thoughtfully on his teeth with this new information, a slow, slight shake of his head evidence of his evident displeasure at the notion, eventually, with further information, he even develops a small frown.

Viktorin quizzically regards Julia, blinking. "I can bargain to punch them? Why would they even bargain for that?"

Aristotle can't help but chuckle at Viktorin's words. "Fair." He supplies.

Julia stares back at someone blankly. "No," she replies simply. "That's not what I'm meaning at all. Unless there's banishment or exorcism involved."

Julia stares back at Viktorin blankly. "No," she replies simply. "That's not what I'm meaning at all. Unless there's banishment or exorcism involved."

Jack nods to Viktorin. "Good question. There are few rituals -- they have the advantage of being exceedingly quick, just a few words of power, but they can be extremely draining. If you're hurt, using the most powerful of them could kill you." He pauses. "No, there are ways, Miss Nolan." A pause. "The first of these rituals binds a ghost or similar entity to a location," he says. "It can't leave unless some other arcanist releases the binding. The second banishes a ghost to the graveyard for a long time, or can nearly kill a ghost-walking sorcerer." He pauses. "However -- these rituals are less effective against more powerful bodiless spirits. They work, but the eidolon can usually escape them with some effort."

OOC: The banish and binding rituals in 'help ghost rituals' work on ghosts and ghost-walkers as described. They will bind or banish an eidolon, but the eidolon can use their powers to escape the binding or banishing. When I play an eidolon, I choose to be temporarily affected by such rituals since they cost a lot of LF, to give some credit to the RP and resource expenditure of the person who used the ritual, but there is nothing written down that requires that.

Konami snickers softly at some of the banter between the students, putting down some more notes into her phone, while listening to Jack when he speaks up again.

Viktorin blinks and gives off a laugh. "You're telling me, I can send the goat bastard to the graveyard as a little time-out? That's hilarious."

Jack shoots Konami a look at her snicker. "Miss Matsui," he says. "Just because you are here for the second time doesn't mean that you can laugh your way through class."

OOC: The banish and binding rituals fire instantly with no warning, which can be quite surprising to a ghost or ghost-walker. Consider under the circumstances of the scene how much RP wind-up you want before firing the command. Also, you will continue casting the ritual even after it fires. I recommend stopping casting before it completes, because it may charge your LF twice otherwise.

"Good to know for next time," Lilah says a bit too sweetly, as she makes some notes in her notebook. "I didn't catch that part, last class."

After a moment, Jack continues. "If there's any saving grace, it is that ghosts and ghost-walking sorcerers cannot sense what is happening inside you. You really are a marionette -- they don't see your feelings, and they may not even notice things directed your way subtly. Eidolons, however? Their possession is more limited but it is also more total. We'll talk about the circumstances under which you can be possessed in a moment, but when they are inside you they can very often hear your thoughts and sense what is happening within."

OOC: Ghosts (including ghostwalkers) can't see thinks, feels, or internals, and in fact can't see privates directed at you, though the last may just be an unintentional code limitation. Eidolons, however, have semi-SR powers, so very often they can see thinks, feels, and internals. Note that because they can't see privates, you may sometimes have strange interactions with a possessing ghost that will take some work to make IC sense.

"Sounds like you're about to plot some poor ghosts' second demise." Aristotle says, grinning in a touch of amusement as he glances over to Lilah.

Meridith stumbles in, looking a bit dazed, she hurriedly takes a seat.

"Maybe, if someone dares again," Lilah assures Aristotle mildly, but with a small smile. "I had no idea that it was fast enough to not be... caught doing it."

"Now," Jack asks. "Anyone know what the circumstances are where a ghost can possess you? A ghost-walking sorcerer? A bodiless spirit like an eidolon?"

Meridith is silent, diligently taking notes, eyes on her paper.

"If you're unlucky enough to just kinda... be wherever one is?" Aristotle asks, uncertain.

"Mr. Wilson is right," Jack tells Viktorin, glancing at Meridith as she walks in. "Ghosts and ghost-walkers just -can- possess you," he says. "And there's little to nothing you can do about it." He nods to Aristotle gravely. "You're right, generally. All of these powers are invasive and awful."

Viktorin shrugs, "Well... if they do such, just break them. Banish them. Hurt me, I shall hurt you. The dead, the dead should be respected and honored, but trespasses should be unacceptable."

Meridith nods somewhat absently to the conversation, writing notes.

Julia pulls her hair aside to one shoulder, leaning back in her seat as she eyes the discussion.

"Bodiless entities like eidolons are more complicated," Jack tells Viktorin. "They can possess you only if you have some link to them," he says, glancing around the room. "But that link can be for good or ill. It is like Sanctuary -- emotional connections to such a creature can give them a way into you," he says. "So can being in a place of power and being vulnerable."

OOC: Ghosts and ghost-walkers can possess anyone. Eidolons can possess members of associated cults and sects, as well as anyone helpless in their domain. There's a weird behavior where if you are transported into an eidolon's domain via shadowwalk or some other means you won't be able to be possessed unless you move a room first.

"Ugh" Viktorin mutters, wrinkling his nose. "How charming. Glad to know if I hate some horrible creature, they can pop up into my body and puppet it around."

"Yeah, it's not fun," Meridith muses aloud.

Robert's chair creaks ominously as he shifts his bulk a bit, arms falling onto the desk now as he leans forward instead of back. He's still quiet, just watching and listening. His attention does flick interestedly at some of the reactions, Lilah, Julia and Meridith especially, though Viktorin and Aristotle get a glance or two with their banter from time to time.

Glancing at the clock, Jack says, "We're going to start the practical part of the class, now, because I promised we'd be done by midnight." He steps into the circle, straightening the cot. "Does anyone have questions before we start -- the next part of this lesson?"

Meridith says "Yeah, is this like a 5 on the Institute Danger Scale or?"
Lilah smirks over at Viktorin and muses, "Yeah. It's lovely..." That's sarcasm, obviously. She then looks to Jack and says, "It hurts like hell right now, Father. But if you'd rather not subject someone else to it... I'll consent. Of course, maybe they want to see it for themselves."

Meridith looks over at Lilah and shakes her head. "Come on, you look like you've endured enough," she muses.

Jack tells Viktorin, his eyes dark. "I'm doing it with magic, Mr. Teptic." He glances at Meridith. "The Institute has your best interests in mind, Miss Walker. I promise -- we won't hurt you."

Viktorin mutters towards Lilah, "It's horrid. And I begin to hate these infernal creatures even more. Despicable."

Meridith smiles weakly at Jack, it cracks into a sincere grin, "Of course, Father."

"It's not going to be that bad," Lilah assures Viktorin, smiling over at Meridith with her supportive claim. There's a quiet, "Thanks," to her, as well, and then the injured redhead leans back again, content to let others take the fore.

Jack begins to lie back on the cot, chanting low under his breath -- some invocation in Latin, though it does not seem like a prayer. After a moment, he goes still.

Lilah squeaks. "Crap. I saw that," she blurts, shifting in her seat to look at Viktorin.

Aristotle has been silent for some time once the practical portion started, though still quite alert. It's notable that he seemed to relax a bit once Viktorin volunteered as tribute for this portion, and it's that man that gets his attention once their preacher goes stiff. Lilah's squeaking gets his attention, though, and he wonders. "Saw what? Is he doing the thing?"

Viktorin says "Thanks Father, nothing like feeling something slither inside you. You feel like a gecko."
Robert finally speaks, with that remark from Viktorin, just staring absently into the other man with, "Th'fuck ya know what havin' a gecko in ya feels like for?". It's a fair question, to be fair, but he glances at the sleeping figure of someone, offering, "Pardonin' m'French."

Robert finally speaks, with that remark from Viktorin, just staring absently into the other man with, "Th'fuck ya know what havin' a gecko in ya feels like for?". It's a fair question, to be fair, but he glances at the sleeping figure of the preacher, offering, "Pardonin' m'French."

Despite his rather lax tone, Viktorin is utterly uncomfortable, shifting here and there in his seat. Anxious. Terror slipping over his face.

Viktorin speaks, but his voice sounds off, and there's a sudden jerkiness to his motions. "Of course, Mr. Teptic. Does anyone have questions for Mr. Teptic?" he asks. The young man begins to stand, and it's clear that something isn't right about how he moves.

"Are you flirting with Ari?" Lilah asks of Viktorin, tone cheeky and a smirk on her lips. Not the sort of question that someone was looking for, clearly, but asked all the same.

"Are you flirting with Ari?" Lilah asks of Viktorin, tone cheeky and a smirk on her lips. Not the sort of question that the priest was looking for, clearly, but asked all the same.

Meridith exhales softly, she's pretty comfortable with this, it seems. She makes some notes. "Least you'll know what it's like when it happens," she muses to Viktorin, giving him a grimace

Konami frowns a bit as she watches the demonstration, putting down a few quick notes, but otherwise observing, and giving a slight smirk at Lilah's question.

"Oh? It's already started." Aristotle says, brows lifting as he watches Viktorin begin to rise likely not willingly. "That doesn't hurt, does it?" He wonders, eying Viktorin still.

Julia scoffs lightly, her eyes on Viktorin.

Meridith says "...It's the fucking worst"
Meridith gazes at Aristotle. Then down and shakes her head.

Viktorin gives Aristotle a smile, but it's wrong. It's like a rictus, like a clown's smile, too wide. "I will show you, Mr. Wilson."

Viktorin attempts to wrestle with his own body, slamming his arms and legs down forcefully. "No," he snarls towards Lilah, fear glimmering in his eyes. A grunt emanates within his throat as he tries to fight away the fashion his lips move, clearly in discomfort. Towards Aristotle, he tells them, "Not... yes. No. A little."

Lilah watches a moment longer, then very gingerly rises from her seat. "You'll hurt yourself like that," she warns Viktorin, but bends to pick up her backpack and murmurs, "Best to just ride it out, honestly. From experience. Fighting makes it worse, not better. You can't regain control that way." And then, with a little wave, she limps away from the class and down the hall.

Robert's question goes woefully unanswered, and he's forced to just eye Viktorin like he might be a lunatic, both because of that unanswered question and the way he suddenly becomes a big ol'

Meridith nods to Viktorin. "You remain calm, don't let them feed on your fear, or anxiety."

Robert's question goes woefully unanswered, and he's forced to just eye Viktorin like he might be a lunatic, both because of that unanswered question and the way he suddenly becomes a big ol' meat puppet, which is woeful on its own. He shakes his head again, another succinct summary of his take on the whole ordeal. (hit enter by accident)

"Jeez. That's so... violating." Aristotle says, furrowing his brow as he watches Viktorin try and resist the possession. His nose crinkles a bit, and as he opens his mouth to speak he suddenly shudders. "Oh it just got really cold..." He notes, glancing down at himself with an expression a bit perturbed.

Julia says "If you feel a draft, it may be the Father sinking in."
There's a long moment, and then Aristotle reaches up to run fingers through his hair. Something about his motions seem wrong. "There is a fascinating texture," he says, and the voice isn't his at all.

Meridith says "...Can you be banished when you're in someone like that, Father?"
Viktorin twists his face to glance over his shoulder. "Lilah-." And then he sighs, muttering softly, fuck. But he has control again once more. And he's slipping to his phone, clicking rapidly.

Aristotle turns to reply to Meridith, and it's not his voice still. "I can, and it will nearly kill me. This power is dangerous for the user as well as those possessed."

Aristotle jerks his head away from Meridith, that crease in his brow deepening as he shudders. "Get out," he says, clearly speaking to that unwanted bodily visitor. "Ugh this feels wrong..." he says, trying to keep control of himself.

"Does it cause a constant strain on you as the user?" Julia inquires.

Viktorin turns his eyes towards Meridith, "Yeah. Plus if you send him back, it'll fuck him up, I think."

Meridith gazes at Aristotle. "I think it has been demonstrated, father," she says with a polite tip of her head.

Viktorin rises, slipping his backpack over his shoulder. "I need to pardon myself," the Czech murmurs apologetically.

Julia tilts her head, and her voice now sounds off. "Miss Nolan," he says. "It causes me strain to step out of my body, but as I am now? It takes some willpower, which drains slowly."

Julia cants her head in the opposite direction, as if a string were pulled in resistance. "Then, why is it dangerous?" The inquiry spoken, to whatever is within herself.

Konami says "I think he means the risk of being banished is dangerous."
Jack sits up, then, to answer in his normal voice. "Miss Matsui is right," he says.

Robert grimaces wildly as he watches Aristotle, then Julia in turn, "That just ain't right..." he rumbles quietly, eyes ticking to Jack as he wakes up like that, adding, "Ain't right at all."

Aristotle rubs a hand to his chest as he shudders a bit more, as if trying to settle himself back into his own body. "...That was... unsettling." He quietly notes, brow still furrowed in his discomfort. But, he's himself, it seems, Jack propping back up into his own form.

"Nothing about this is right," Jack tells Robert. "Everything about this is corrupt and evil. That's why White Oak exists," he shares. "To expose you to it before it is used against you."

Meridith rubs the back of her head and grimaces.

Robert nods his head lazily along with Jack's words, "Reckon that's true." he allows, "Seems like if ya ain't got magic ya just sorta out of luck, though." he considers.

"That's about as much as I've gathered from it, too." Aristotle says, nodding to Robert at his observation.