\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Calendarlogs/Janettes Summer Solstice Party 240622

Janettes Summer Solstice Party 240622

Janette's Summer Solstice party was a vibrant and festive gathering in a wide grassy area that had been transformed into a celebration hub, complete with a maypole, colorful lanterns, and the scent of summertime blooms and delicious foods in the air. Guests mingled, laughed, and indulged in cheeky banter, with Calista teasing Jayanth with a flower crown and Jill sharing a vague hint at an adventurous venture into a cellar. Gabriella and Olivia shared drinks and mused over the concept of fairy godmothers and godparents, blending humor with a dash of folklore and cultural reflections.

The conversation flowed from playful teasing about pole dancing to a deeper discussion led by Janette, who shared insights into the origins of fairy godmothers, godparents, and how these traditions intertwined with Christian and pagan practices. Calista and Jill playfully considered the aesthetics of wearing dresses made of flowers, while Gabriella and Olivia speculated on taking sewing classes to elevate their fashion game. Despite the levity, there was an undercurrent of genuine curiosity about cultural practices and the blending of ancient traditions into modern celebrations. As the party unfolded, the guests' interactions highlighted a community coming together to revel in the joy of the solstice while exploring the rich tapestry of folklore and friendship.
(Janette's Summer Solstice party)

[Fri Jun 21 2024]

At a wide grassy area surrounded by trees
Despite the evidence of some larger project judging by the recent landscaping, this wide grassy space has been transformed into a vibrant celebration of the solstice. The area is a flurry of activity, a tall maypole adorned with colorful ribbons taking center stage. Strings of colorful lanterns and fresh flower garlands hanging high and bright from outstretched tree limbs create a cheerful, festive atmosphere, adding their own radiance to the exuberant surroundings. The scents of summertime blooms and delicious foods fill the air, creating an inviting ambiance that beckons revelers to join in the fun.

It is afternoon, about 86F(30C) degrees, and there are a few thin white clouds in the sky.

Calista moves over closer to Jayanth after nabbing a flower crown from the table by a tall, lithe-limbed young man dressed in colourful garb and holds it over his head on her tip-toes, giving him an assessing look. "Yes... this might be just what you're missing."

Waggling his eyebrows at Janette, Viktorin hums softly, "Well, we could always take Trevor's suggestion and I can just dance you around. Though, it might not be very fun for you..."

Jill snorts a laugh at Calista as she tries to hold herself together, "I mean there's a huge bed down there... And lots of other kinds of interesting furniture," she elaborates so vaguely it can barely be considered elaboration, "Comfy cellar!" she shakes her head quickly at Gabriella and laughs, "I'm definitely not a werewolf... The cellar was to keep the beasties out. But I might have a fairy Godmother," she adds still with no further elaboration.

Calista glances to Janette from where she is accessorizing Jayanth. "Ahaaa I thought you might have not been let out under full, legal paperwork." A little grin is offered then with a shrug. "Just make sure Vik takes you back to be checked over after he's done dancing you around."

Olivia accepts the drink and makes a belated toast in turn to Gabriella, turning to spot the werewolf. She studies the basement-escapee and shakes her head at Gabriella as if to decline. "There's plenty of people that should be locked in a basement some nights. Usually more masculine sorts," she snickers as she turns back to Jayanth with a timely wink and asks, "Do you think you could get us a glass of the black rapture too? We're almost through the tasting, and Gabby and I don't -mind- sharing so much, but you know."

"Put that on me and we'll see how fast I can powder a forgetmenot," Jayanth muses to Calista with a sly smirk. He notices the 2 other girls sharing a drink and turns to them with a curious tilt of his head. "Did you think we poured an entire bush in that thing?" he asks sarcastically, "why are you sharing it? There's plenty more."

"Oh?" Gabriella asks Jill, a bit surprised as the blue drink returns to her hand, but smiling and bumping her hip against Olivia's as it does. "what did she give you this past easter?"

"Well, they don't sell -me- any of it" Gabriella complains to Jayanth, adding "I blame you - you invited me to this party an didn't tell them I should have a free pass on the drinks... but if you're going to correct it now, and get me one for myself, I'll have the other one, the..." she looks at the options. "rapture!"

"Oh, how dare they not risk getting fired and fined," Jayanth chuckles, but obliges Gabriella anyway strolling back to the drinks' table for a second glass of the stuff. "Careful witht his one, it's stronger than the other wines."

Viktorin says "What sort of freaky shit are you talking about?"
Calista pouts out her lower lip at Jayanth, though the glint in her eye shows she's not actually put out by the man's abhorrance to the flower crown. "Tut tut, no eye for fashion," she chides playfully.

Calista replaces the crown from where she got it, giving the man selling them a silently mouthed 'thank you'.

Jill beams a smile in Jayanth's direction, "I for one love the drinks and supporting local businesses," she says to draw further attention away from her cellar adventure. "Love the flower crown!"

Jayanth gestures to the slender brunette dressed in emerald green with a shrug. "None of them were really my idea," he admits a bit begrudgingly. "I just made sure it came together. Gotta say I love the names though. Very...festive."

Gabriella returns Olivia's drink to collect her new drink from Jayanth with a pleased smile - even if her other hand is still busy with a not quite finished drink. "Thanks!" she tells Jayanth, and sips it without paying much attention to the warning. Then, to Viktorin, she asks, "what's freakish about godmothers? Mine gave me an amazon gift card... pretty cool, considering she probably had to pay someone to go online to get it for her..."

"This is a police-free party. Summer celebrations are safe places," Olivia opines to Jayanth before he departs to fetch the new drink, and she flashes Gabriella a congratulatory hand gesture as the man makes his purchase. "Speaking of supporting local," she tells Gabriella, "Have you been--" She lets herself be pulled into the conversation and joins the questioning on Viktorin. "Godmothers are the shit. It's the step-mothers that are all wicked. What are we talking about?"

"Are godmothers even still a thing?" Calista wonders aloud, tipping the glass back to her mouth. She looks between Jill and Olivia. "I know about yours Jill so maybe I just mean more like... broadly. I don't get it. It was a religious thing wasn't it?"

Jill giggles in a fit at Gabriella and Olivia, "My fairy godmother has a seamstress that sews me the most wonderful outfits," she beams then shrugs at Calista, "I mean I don't think anyone worships her..." she taps her chin, thinking it over.

"Unless you count yourself?" Calista teases Jill a bit now. "I need to see one of these outfits! Should have worn it here!"

"What - you thought they had all died or something?" Gabriella asks Calista, looking at her oddly. "I mean, at least in my family - but I suppose all christan families too? - it's like... if you're going to get a baby, you invite a guy and a gal to be the godfather and godmother, no?" She looks around to make sure if it's the same for others. But then what Jill says makes her add "but, well, mine isn't a fairy..."

Calista shrugs at Gabriella. "My family is technically Christian and we definitely didn't name any godparents. I think it's a Catholic thing actually."

"The fairy part is also not... probably not a religious thing," Calista adds with some amusement.

"I think not?" Gabriella first says, but shrugs and adds to Calista "I don't really know - it's not like we're even... well - I don't really care about that stuff, and the most religious thig I ever saw my dad do was to send me to nunschool here", she claims with a roll of eyes, but none of the bitterness she had at first when she was sent here to Haven and White Oak.

Jill gasps at Calista and bops her own forehead, "You're right! It's so lovely! Made of flower petals and vines!" she beams a dreamy smile, "I think it would be silly for me to be the object of worship," she snorts a laugh, "I just want to wear a pretty dress and dance in it."

"Probably, but hey--any chance your godmother is looking to bequeath more custom fits?" Olivia asks from Gabriella's side, casting a little grin and flutter of eyelashes back at Jill. "So jealous."

"Um yeah!" Calista tells Jill with a mimed knock at her forehead as well. "That would have been perfect for this!"

"But yoou're right, I think the fae are actually druids... or is it the other way around?" Gabriella wonders, then looks between Jill and Olivia, and suggests "maybe Jill can ask her godmother if her seamstress is taking any apprentices or something? Or!, better- maybe she can give classes at White Oak!"

"Oh, dibs on that class," Olivia chimes in on Gabriella's suggestion with evident excitement. Her free hand gestures about as she says, "I have been wanting to up my sewing game, and weaving flowers into a dress would be so sick."

Jill taps her chin and squints in thought at Gabriella's suggestion, "Maybe! I think more likely she would instruct me on how to teach everyone else. She seems a bit mysteriously private, and a public lesson is a little high profile. But I would adore that. We could all wear flower dresses and dance around a maypole!"

Gabriella sighs and looks down at herself, before self-deprecatingly claiming "I should have come to the party wearing a dress, shouldn't I? Oh, well..."

"Those decorative detailing pieces like beads, flowers, lace..." Calista begins to say, agreeing with Olivia. "They're the fun part. But it's so much harder than it looks."

"Wouldn't the druids technically have done it naked or perhaps just a light robe?" Calista wonders at Janette.

"The idea of fary godmothers actually originated in Germany I think," Janette supplies helpfully, adding her own voice to the conversation. "Old, old lore back in... at least the mid to late 1700s? You'll find plenty of references to them in the old folktales of the brothers Grim. What we now know as Disney stories because they just have to ruine everything," she tags on with a drammatic sigh. To Gabriella she says, more conversationally, "The fae as, the fae are... well the Celts had the closest idea to them, yes. Druids were, mostly human or of human dissent, in part. But anyone can be a druid, really. It's a practice, not a race of people. They just happened to be Celts, the druids we think of at least. There've been other versions, what were the native americans if not a kind of druid in their own right?"

"It isn't a rule," Janette smirks, gesturing in the vague direction of said dancing pole. "Well. Traditionally, at least. The HSD might have other ideas..."

"Well, you cann all poledance naked, I'll stay here and stream it!" Gabriella suggests with a grin, stepping closer to the table to fingerpick a slice of iberian ham. "Yeah", she then replies to Janette, adding a "but- the question here is... are godmothers a thing of the fae or a thing of the christians, since, hm, well- if the fae are druids or celts then they aren't christian, right?"

"Godparents are, like many other things Christianity has subsumed into their hipocritical practices, a stolen tradition from old pagan beliefs," Janette says matter-of-factly to the group at large. "Just like Christmas is stolen from things like Yewl and the winter solstice, all hallows eave is stolen from Samhain, easter, like they couldn't make it more obvious, is the name of a pagan goddess. For whom the holiday was actually celebrated..."

Jill nods a long with Janette in deep thought, "I don't see any reason to get the HSD involved in this... Well unless we got Jeanine really REALLY drunk."

Calista nods her head slowly, listening to Janette's factual relay to the group with a small, interested smile. "Sounds about accurate to me," she goes on to say. "Not that it changes my life any really." She gives a look to Jill. "I don't have one showing up to take my measurements every now and then after all."

Gabriella lets the ham melt on her mouth, and only after swallowing is when she asks Jayanth "oh, so the godmothers were a thing from that Easter goddess'.. cult?" she tries to make things out, assuming way too many things in the process. "I bet that's one Goddess that must be really pissed off, now everyone says her name but no one knows she exists..."

"Jesus really was born in the spring," Janette adds to further emphesise her point. "Some time around April seventeenth, if we want to narrow it down. The only reason Christmas is celebrated in late December is because the church wanted to eraticate a common pagan holiday at the time while bringing more people into their flock of bleeting sheep."

Olivia tries to snag a pinch of Gabriella's snacks as she chats with Calista and promises her, "You'll totally set a trend. Go ahead and get the skydance started," she encourages with a mischievious twinkle in her eye, "I need to see a master at work."

Listening curiously, Viktorin stays quiet, merely standing beside Janette whilst he peers around.

"I think she was saying earlier on that there are at least two needed for a pole dance..." Gabriella tells Olivia, then mischieviously looks at Viktorin, and adds, "I suppose we need a naked guy there with her."

Calista snorts a surprised laugh then, holding up her hands in feigned innocence. "Noooot me," she replies, glancing down at her chest in her sundress. "Even if my parts aren't really all that prone to busting out of anything."

Jayanth gives a helpless shrug at Gabriella's question, indicating Janette with a toss of his head. "I'm no theology expert, or a historical one for that matter. Specially not of any western culture."

"I'll need to be sitting at my desk for work again relatively shortly unfortunately too," Calista admits with a wistful sigh.

"ha!" Gabriella says and points one of her glasses to Calista, saying "you're just trying to worm out of dancing for us!"

"Boo," Olivia returns to cali, capping off her wistful sigh with an airy laugh and shake of her head. "You're going to disappoint Gabby and her stream viewers. At least we have Vicky volunteering?"

Viktorin says "I didn't volunteer for anything."
Jill gives a gentle push behind Calista, playfully ignoring her work comment, "Right behind ya babe, always wanted to try pole dancing," she snorts a laugh then gapes at Viktorin, "Ohh but I would pay to see that!"

"Didn't you?" Calista asks Viktorin, in the picture of surprised innocence. "I could have sworn you told us all to buckle up for the great 'rotator' move you were going to show us."

"What if I don't stream?" Gabriella wonders, reaching for some more ham.

"Sorry ladies," Janette coos in feigned sympathy while slipping an arm around Viktorin's waist. "This one's mine alone."

"While I'm quite comfortable with my body, I'm not displaying it for you," Viktorin haughtily remarks, lifting his chin. "And my ancestors did not do such things."

Olivia makes an amused snort at the antics of those assembled and shakes her head. "Absolute silliness. Sorry Gabby--I know you were looking for the helicopter move. Who knows, maybe Konnie will show up and we can convince him."

Calista gets given a little shove towards the maypole and sends a playful scoff at Jill. "You know I DID ask him to come out her eons ago. It sounded like he would!" she calls over to Olivia.

"I think he finally got his Gee-Pee-Ess working, actually," Calista muses as she looks off towards the road.

Jayanth says "everyone swears up and down they can't find this place. It's literally a straight road from behind the apartment building. How do you people get lost on a one-way street."
"I mean, I can't say," Olivia admits to Jayanth with a hapless shrug, "But I think he was waiting on a delivery. Like a new car delivery," she clarifies to the assembled. "So yeah, he could be joyriding, but--Oh!" she says, turning at Calista's direction and waving a low wave toward Konstantin and Rachel. "There he is--and Rachel too. Hey Rach!"

"Well, that helicopter move - I know that /that/ is, but I think it's... a bit too much for me, actually, I never saw it done and I don't think I'd care to see" Gabriella admits to Olivia, bumping her hip on hers and then saying "besides, I don't think he'd be able to do that while pole dancing, right?"

"Hi," Rachel greets Olivia belatedly. To the room at large, she nods.

"You guys understand that's not really what a maypole is for, right?" Janette giggles, supporting herself on a crutch to take some of her weight off of Viktorin's arm.

Konstantin raises a hand in greeting to Calista and Olivia, striding over to join them. He looks over towards the maypole, then looks to Calista. "Very nice, Calista. Celebrating Solstice? Good excuse for a little party."

"I still have your sunglasses," Jayanth says to Rachel by way of greeting. "you left it at the pub weeks ago."

"Well, I asked you where it was because I didn't know its name, but one I knew where it was... I mean, I don't even know why did you insist to come from campus till here by car, it's litterally a two minutes walk!" Gabriella claims to Jayanth, after having pleasingly accepted a ride here instead of walking, herself.

"Well, we're still waiting on the demonstration Jan," Calista tells Janette playfully, resting one hand on her hip in an expectant form. "Glad to see you finally dragged your butt out here to come be a fairy," Calista tells Konstantin then when her gaze finally comes to rest on him and his companion, Rachel. "This is Jan's excuse for a little party, and I for one will take it."

"I mean," Olivia tells Janette over her shoulder, "You never know. A pole is a pole is a pole," she tells the other woman with a low grin. She's off balance a touch after a bump from Gabriella, then returns the favor with a nudge of her own shoulder. She tells Rachel, "Love the dress," while Konstantin earns a sympathetic expression. "You are going to soak in all the heat in all black!"

Rachel had been about to follow after Konstantin - she walks a few paces forward - when Jayanth summons her attention. "Oh," she says. Again, after she recognizes Jayanth - "Oh. That's great. I've been looking for that. Honestly thought it was gone forever."