\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Calendarlogs/Mikhaels The Masquerade 240602

Mikhaels The Masquerade 240602

In the climactic moments of the masquerade at Siren, a dance floor filled with energy and movement became the stage for a spectacular sequence of events. As characters mingled, danced, and basked in the ambiance created by changing lights and rhythmic beats, several key interactions unfolded. Deacon, caught in a lively exchange involving secret revelations with Elanora, navigated the intricate dance of conversation with grace. Elanora's wit shined through as she engaged others, weaving a tapestry of playful banter and teasing inquiries about "dirty secrets," while Rainy's infectious enthusiasm and candid nature added a layer of cheerfulness to the atmosphere.

The dance floor witnessed a cascade of dramatic entrances and partnerships forming for a dance competition announced by Elanora, where couples were to showcase their most acrobatic and gravity-defying moves to the upbeat tempo of Sophie Ellis-Bextor's "Murder on the Dancefloor." Among the standout performances were Trevor and Calista's daring lift, Harriet showcasing remarkable strength in lifting Konstantin into an aerial spin, and Mikhael and Elanora's sensual, coordinated movements that blended seamlessly with the music. As the song approached its end, everyone's efforts culminated in a breathtaking spectacle of twirls, spins, and lifts, earning cheers and applause from onlookers.

The competition's conclusion led to an awards ceremony, where anticipation filled the air. However, before the winners could be unveiled, Trevor and Calista announced their need to depart, thanking Elanora for the unforgettable evening and expressing their appreciation for the joy and camaraderie the event fostered. The party, a brilliant display of creativity, skill, and friendship, promised to be a cherished memory for all attendees, leaving them with stories of laughter, awe, and the warmth of shared experiences under the glow of Siren's dance floor lights.
(Mikhael's The Masquerade)

[Sat Jun 1 2024]

On the Dance Floor at Siren
The dance floor of 'Siren' is a pulsing heart of frenetic energy. A sleek,
polished surface reflects the vivid, ever-changing lights that cascade down
from the array of sophisticated fixtures above, often bathing the dance floor
in an aquatic blue-green glow or switching to blacklights to make the dancer's
white clothes glow with luminescent ultraviolet. The area buzzes with the
rhythmic beat of the latest dance music, the sound system fills the space with
a clear, immersive sound while the thrumming base compels the body to move.

The eastern expanse features grand sliding doors that stand ready to connect
the indoors with the natural beauty of the beach. On balmy summer nights, the
transition from dance floor to sandy shore is seamless, allowing the salty
breeze of the ocean to intermingle with the fragrance of luxury perfumes and
warm skin.

Occupying the northeastern corner, a stage rises. It's a professional setup
where DJs or live acts engage with the audience, their presence elevated above
the dance floor to command the spaces. The stage is a focal point, equipped
with state-of-the-art lighting rigs that add to the dynamic aesthetic,
creating an experience that is both visceral and visual, heightening the
senses and elevating the night into an unforgettable spectacle.

It is night, about 84F(28C) degrees, There is a waning crescent moon.

Deacon also gives a brief bow toward Jill at her mention of his outfit. "it's a repeat, but I didn't have the time to throw together something new. Still ... it suits."

Elanora smiles over at Rainy as someone else also drapes themselves over her shoulder, they're forming a line of triple women hugging each other infront of Deacon. "Why on earth would your dirty secret be something someone else likes to eat?" She asks with widened eyes at Deacon, "Is it an actual kindof food?" She tags on, her topaz eyes narrowing, "This is Rainy by the way, Rainy Deacon if you guys haven't met. I just met Rainy myself..."

Rainy calls over to Selina, right into poor Jill's ear, too, "Oooooh, what do you do? Sing? Dance?" she wonders, then smiles at Jill, "Hey!" she cheers before looking at Elanora and blurting, "Towels!"

Elanora shakes her head at Rainy, "Nope my secret is not my deep love for towels I'm afraid.."

Rainy isn't done jabbering, either, having thoroughly enmeshed herself in drifting conversations, she does depart from Jill's shoulder so that the next shout isn't directly in to the woman's ear, though, aimed at Sara, "Nope! I do cry at movies, though." she admits, "Sometimes...mostly anime ones." she just marches on with unasked for explanations, "For some reason live action sad things just aren't as sad..." she muses.

Trevor has apparently found new prey, or well, possibly new prey. For all he knows he's the one walking into a lion's den. It's Harriet. Trevor wanders over to the winged-woman, and with as much grace as the tall man can muster - which isn't a lot in fact - slides right over to her. "Let's talk about cards, Miss?" The last word is said with a question, an offering to exchange greetings, but Trevor has left it up to her, if she wishes to keep her name a secret.

"It's not about a specific food, naw" Deacon remarks before nodding toward Autumn and turning his gaze away quickly! "Well I'm wondering how off the color we gotta get. Is it something you keep in nightstand drawer?" He can't help but grin faintly there himself before he turns his gaze off toward Konstantin and back again with a quickly averted gaze.

Jill gasps at Deacon and then glances at Elanora, "Oh... I think I know," she giggles maniacally before regaining her posture, "Sir Deacon... Do you think your luxuries outweighs the necessity? Sometimes you buy a fabulous car and realize you make one or two stops on a commute. Sometimes just the grocery store! Then the car feels like a silly expense. Has this ever happened to you?" she asks very theatrically.

There is a little wave of Vincent hand with the flute of champagne as they mummer upwards at Konstantin a slight 'tsking' also coming from underneath the venetian mask; with its gold wavering lines, before Vincent then lifts and clicks down the cane as if making a point while whispering along.

"Well, there is two kinds of eating I know," Autumn says, walking towards the crowd at the corner. "Eating food and eating out. And there are many things on nightstands."

Harriet is quite tall and statuesque, but still much shorter than Mikhael. She offers up a nod, considering her position in this game. "I see. Will do." Her reply is still drawled out, even with that neutral, boring accent involved. "Perhaps a shot at victory, perhaps the one to get all of the weird looks, too, however, if someone does ask me questions," she admits wryly. "You smoke a lot." It's not a comment. The Valkyrie is simply pointing out the obvious. "Thank you for holding this event tonight. You have a wonderful turn out." And then, Trevor is headed over and she clears her throat lightly. "Let us talk about cards," she replies to Trevor.

Sara grins, overhearing Autumn.

Elanora grins at Deacon, "It's not something like you have a foot fetish and you ilke to eat toes do you?" Her head turns, the red velvet hood sliding around her face as she meets someone' eyes, "Yes I was telling Deacon my fake secret is not so fake after all. And yes I certainly have a few items of it in the nightstand." She giggles, "They don't allll fit in the nightstand though." Her topaz eyes winks at someone.

Elanora grins at Deacon, "It's not something like you have a foot fetish and you ilke to eat toes do you?" Her head turns, the red velvet hood sliding around her face as she meets someone' eyes, "Yes I was telling Deacon my fake secret is not so fake after all. And yes I certainly have a few items of it in the nightstand." She giggles, "They don't allll fit in the nightstand though." Her topaz eyes winks at Autumn.

Elanora grins at Deacon, "It's not something like you have a foot fetish and you ilke to eat toes do you?" Her head turns, the red velvet hood sliding around her face as she meets Autumn's eyes, "Yes I was telling Deacon my fake secret is not so fake after all. And yes I certainly have a few items of it in the nightstand." She giggles, "They don't allll fit in the nightstand though." Her topaz eyes winks at Autumn.

Selina continues to snag bits of food floating around her to nibble as she fields questions and queries about her card. She does not seem interested in attacking others for their cards though. She looks around at some of the others, trying to catch what bits she can from whispers and mixed voices around her. How successful she is is immeasurable behind her mask.

Sara wanders about, plucking up another glass of champagne before her eyes catch Calista. She wanders over with a smile.

"Sometimes" Deacon says to Jill agreeably, but his hand lifts to raise a figner. "But often when it comes to excess, the point is the satisfaction of knowing that you're enjoying something you absolutely do not need." He grins before turning his attention back to Elanora, "No! Nothing like that, it IS about food, stick to that train of thought you'll sleep better!" He grins broadly beneath his mask. "Your secret is you have an unnecesarily large collection of lingerie or undergarments?"

"I got two, you got one," Trevor states, also pointing out the obvious as if that is going to work. "I'd like to have three," that's an easy admission, and there's a gleam to his eye at the fact. Maybe he's a card collector, or a wannabe Pokemon master, trying to catch 'em all or something like that.

Trevor inspects the wings, then the rest of that statuesqueness curiously, "How do I go about getting yours?"

Rainy clucks her tongue at Elanora, "I kinda wanna say toys, but it also kinda feels like you're really -wanting- someone to say toys."

Calista gives Sara a returning smile as the other woman approaches. "Hey you, you're looking lovely," she says to Sara with a warm demeanour. "If you're looking for my card though, it's already been won in a most excellent trade in my favour." She points at Trevor. "To that guy, of course."

Rainy hums softly, "I still haven't got any..." she reveals to...just everyone, for no real reason, "I was living at Miles' place and it felt weird to keep any there." she muses

"Oh, thank you!" Sara says, glancing at Trevor thoughtfully.

Konstantin chortles, issuing a single laugh at whatever Vincent whispers to him. He reaches out to give Vincent a good-natured clap on the arm. "Vinnie!", he declares amicably, before leaning closer.

Sara pulls Meridith in for a whisper in her ear.

"Miles needs all the toys he can get to try to dislodge the stick from his posterior," Selina observes casually to Rainy after hearing her comment through the din.

Elanora takes a peek at her card and shakes her head at sadly at both Deacon and Rainy, "Noooott quite I'm afraid." She replies with a tragic look on her face, "Close but not quite." Her topaz eyes flick back to Deacon, "You're just playing me now!" She tells him at his response, "And I wouldn't care if you liked to suck toes. I'm sure there's more than one person in this room who does." She cackles softly before adding, "You like to... gorge on food?" She asks with a squint.

"So if it's not about eating food, then it must be about eating sweets," Autumn sats to Deacon, snapping her fingers. "They are things that are not needed and can be indulged, is it not?"

Bereft of a card, now, Mikhael offers a half-bow towards Harriet in her departure. The smirk he holds, trailing past smoke and the scent of his ash, hides nothing like the mask had. It does grow wan eventually, disappears while his attention travels elsewhere in search. A pause during which he chugs the flute he still held, and it is deposited on one of the passing trays in exchange for a piece of food, whatever happened to be passing by. It disappears in instant, whatever transpired not for mortal ken, but for now, he waits, perusing every mask as if trying to choose which one to dine on next.

Abby snaps her gloved fingers, "drat." as she ponders some more, leaning over to Rainy after glancing down at her phone, "A compelling offer, indeed. But I may need a little something more.."

"Could just be a vice of some kind," Sara offers, overhearing the conversation going on about food.

Rainy blinks at Selina several times, "he has a stick in his posterior?" she wonders, "He didn't used to..." she complains, "He was super fun."

Meridith offers a sharp laugh and a "Yeah, you young women he wanted to fuck," he tells Rainy.

Deacon laughs more loudly, an easy and bold sound. "I cannot spell it out entire, but you will likely kick yourself if you get it. My secret is enjoying other's enjoyment, less so my own" he adds, with a helpless shrug as the game continues. "Hrm, close but not quite. Cuffs. Restraints?"

Meridith ahem SHE

Jill snorts in the direction of Vincent and someone, "I love those two... They get along so well!"

Trevor blinks suddenly, his head cocking to a side. "Oh, you're *that* Rainy," the man lets out, not at what Meridith said, but at some own thought churning in his brain.

Rainy blinks over at Elanora, "Mmmm....is it -tools-?" she wonders, then blinks at Trevor, "Huh? What Rainy?" she wonders, pouting a little, "Did he say something rude about me?"

Harriet looks over at *that* someone as Trevor mentions such words.

Jill snorts in the direction of Vincent and someone, "I love those two... They get along so well!"

Jill snorts in the direction of Vincent and Konstantin, "I love those two... They get along so well!"

Sara turns towards Deacon. "I think I know," she says.

Deacon nods in Sara's direction.

"No, nothing rude," the man replies, quickly. Realizing whatever Trevor said could be misconstrued. "It's nothing insulting! Promise."

There is a little dip from Vincent as they go to save their drink from spilling before letting out a louder tsk at Konstantin before then standing back up straight before then brushing off where Konstantin clapped him on the arm. Before letting out a light hiss. "I was trying to keep that secret." Vincent complains slightly while lifting the cane to tap the head of it against Konstantin chest.

Calista remains quietly observant of the many conversations happening as the others bargain for secrets. She sips at her flute of champagne at her ease, a small smile of amusement flickering here and there on her features as perhaps inappropriate comments and remarks are made.

"Basically like voyeurism or something," Autumn replies as she hums. "That or suffering, which can be enjoyable to some."

"Super fun to shoot at, perhaps," Selina allows toward Rainy regarding Miles, then rolls one shoulder. She looks around and asks, "Who else would like a shot at my card then?" She keeps her face pointed toward Rainy after the query though.

Elanora smiles and leans back, tapping at her neck where her choker glitters in the lights of the ballroom, "My card will go to the first person who says the phrase that starts with B... that emcompasses all that..."

Harriet replies to Trevor, "You have two, do you? Are you a thief of some sort?" She wonders this, head tilting ever so slightly to the right as she looks down at the two cards in her own hand, like she's trying to make up her mind about something.

Rainy says "bondage! "
Elanora shakes her head at Rainy.

Meridith says "I just assume these are allll...Elanora's secrets?"
Jill blinks and snorts at Rainy.

Meridith hmms.

Deacon says "Well .. BDSM, but bondage would be close enough if it were that I guess?"
Meridith says "Oh I see."
Meridith nods.

Sara snaps her fingers.

Rainy just belts out the word with sunshiney enthusiasm, then pouts when Elanora shakes her head, "Aww..." she emits. Her attention then flicking to Trevor again, "He better not! I'll tell Tabby he sent me sexy texts or something." she reveals her deceit just, out loud and in public, which might kind of ruin it a bit. Then it's Selina's turn, "Hmmm...I haven't heard any of what other people were guessing with you." she admits, "Can I get a hint?"

Konstantin leans back a touch, as if recoiling from Vincent in fear just a little as he is tapped with the cane admonishingly. "Very sorry. I forgot", he offers before looking around with eyes narrowed in a theatrically threatening leer; "No one listen. This is private conversation." He pauses, at the end of his act, hearing someone call out 'Bondage' at a lul in the noise, briefly trying to figure out where it came from before giving up.

Autumn says "Buying? "
Sara glances over Meridith.

"Hrm, that is also close, though not as close as Riding Hood has been" Deacon says to Sara in a more normal tone. "You might say you have one half the secret, and she has had the other, dancing around the desert."

"You could say that," Trevor says with a slight nod towards Harriet. "A thief, maybe. Or just -" he looks down, only now just realizing the two cards. "Oh, you also have two," and he's pondering something now too. "We do something and give each other two for two?" It's a simple enough ask, a game, of sorts, but nothing decide yet.

Deacon watches Meridith drink her champagne with an avid look for a moment.

Meridith snags another flute, downing it. She doesn't look all that intoxicated. She returns to Sara's side with a warm smile.

Completely unassuming, if that can be possible by him, Mikhael pretends that he is not the one who wrote it all that as he takes another drag of his cigarette and looks away, really, focusing on elsewhere after Elanora's mention of him.

"Hmmm...it's a heavy burden!" Rainy offers to Selina after a moment of thought, a mischievous gleam in her eye.

Konstantin tsks quietly, leaning in to whisper to someone again, resting a palm on the shorter man's shoulder.

Elanora grins at Deacon and nods her head, offering the man her card, "Yup. Bondage is not all of BDSM. Neither is toys. Nor lingerie. But theyr'e all part of it. So I'm afraid Bondage doesn't quite match." She grins over at Rainy, "Ill let you guess his though." She jerks her head towards Deacon.

Sara has a puzzled look, thinking as she sips champagne.

"I did not receive this card in a fair manner, so it cannot be played," Harriet explains to Trevor, rubbing the pad of a thumb against the second, small rectangular piece of black paper product in her left hand. "If not a thief, then what?" As she poses this question at Trevor, her head tilts to the other side -- only barely. "And what is this 'something' that you suggest?" She seems game.

Deacon says "Aha! "
Konstantin tsks quietly, leaning in to whisper to someone again, resting a palm on the shorter man's shoulder.

Konstantin tsks quietly, leaning in to whisper to Vincent again, resting a palm on the shorter man's shoulder.

Rainy blinks up at Selina, laughing brightly, "My secret actually doesn't have anything to do with me really." she confesses, "And they're not -that- big." she adds a bit defensively, she laughs brightly at Deacon, too, "Nope! Suuuuuper cold on that one!"

Pointing at Sara, "You have part of it. But it's not a partner thing!" Deacon says with a nod, "And they were dancing around it a bunch with their guesses about food."

Sara wraps an arm around Meridith.

Rainy tilts her head a little at Selina, "Huh, actually, boob pain -is- kinda related, though."

Elanora makes a "oooh." towards Sara then shrugs as Deacon refutes it, "I have nooooo idea what his is so please guess!" She shakes her head, bowing out from Deacon before heading over to someone, wrapping an arm around the other woman's shoulders. "Hello! What was your deep dark secret you've given up so easily?" She asks happily.

Trevor just shrugs, "You know," he offers up rather easily at the fact. "Didn't think about the something." Thumbing over his shoulder, "Elanora said it was a negotation of sorts," then he's lowering his thumb, sort of - awkwardly trying to figure out what to do with them, eventually they interlock atop his stomach.

"Nah, you're good Rainy. Nothing bad, you don't gotta go getting him in trouble."

Then his attention his back on Harriet, trying to size up the woman again. "I now offer you a turn to negotiate."

Elanora makes a "oooh." towards Sara then shrugs as Deacon refutes it, "I have nooooo idea what his is so please guess!" She shakes her head, bowing out from Deacon before heading over to Calista, wrapping an arm around the other woman's shoulders. "Hello! What was your deep dark secret you've given up so easily?" She asks happily.

Meridith tightly squeezes Sara to her, giving a firm hug.

Deacon grins faintly, but he smiply rolls the other black card over his knuckles a moment before tucking it into the inner pocket of his topcoat to join his own.

Rainy maintains a staunch refusal to be stealthy, though a shot of vodka and a steady stream of champagne may be involved with that decision, too, "Mmmm...it would definitely -cause- that." she offers to Selina.

Calista leans into Elanora's one-armed hug with a soft sigh of contented relaxation. "Oh, it was rather boring to call it a deep dark secret," she allows. "But I can't tell you now, can I or else I'm forfeiting one of Trevor's cards." She gives Elanora a sidelong smile. "And he won it fair and square."

"It is entirely possible I missed hearing the rules. After all, it is very crowded in here," Harriet states as she stands before Trevor. "Would you be so kind as to explain the negotiation process? I was under the impression we had to guess what terrible or boring thing each other's cards were emblazoned with." A glance is given to the cards in her hand. "Mikhael offered up a different card for me to talk, but I'm sticking with the original."

Rainy points at Deacon, "You like to eat food off of people!" she challenges, as though it were a genuine accusation.

Rainy squints at Selina, "I'm sort of sensing a theme here..." she teases in a near sing-song, "That's colder, though! I guess it -would- make them bigger...but it would be all natural!"

Sara ponders another guess, though it's not one she would say out loud.

"Hrmm ... Ah!" With a flourish, Deacon reaches into his topcoat, and reveals two black cards which he now passes along to Sara. "That is definitely close enough! The card says I have a fetish for watching others eat food" he admits.

Elanora smiles as she leans her head against Calista's, "I'm not sure they're allowed to play cards they won.." She admits softly but shrugs, "I didn't read the rule book though. As long as people are having fun." She hugs Calista harder, "Thank you for all the work for the food. They all taste fantastic. Have you tried the mandarin chocolate? Oh I love chocolate."

Sara claps her hands.

Jill blinks and snorts at Rainy again as her eyes pass over Deacon curiously.

Selina crosses her arms as she studies Rainy from behind her mask. She leans in to whisper once more to Rainy.

"Can do, Miss," Trevor replies, and the way he says it is - polite. If his accent wasn't so obviously not southern, he might be considered one of those nice southern folk in the Americas. "Though, honestly, I don't really know myself. I think we just.. negotiate. We can guess, we can apparently tickle it out of each other."

There's a nod over towards Elanora as she speaks now, "Apparently not many rules, were's just supposed to be having fun."

"Which I will re-iterate now, is not a thing I knew was a thing until about half an hour ago." Deacon adds, before giving another chuckle and retreating to his corner.

"I'd have to be a little crazy if I made you food I never tried myself," Calista laughs softly with Elanora. "That's some deep confidence right there... but yes, I thought it turned out pretty lovely after all."

Rainy raises her brows at Selina, then grins, downright predatory, this time she leans in in return.

Sara laughs softly. "Me either, really," she calls to Deacon.

It appers Mikhael has finally come to a decision when his cigarette is done, and flicked away to a distant corner of the dance floor. Another flute of champagne is picked up from a passing waiter, chugged before being returned, and he both starts to walk and affix his mask in place once more. Mikhael intrudes upon Selina and Rainy from the side, regards them both, though mostly Selina "I hope you two are having fun?"

Deacon says "If she can't that's alright! I jus' figured I'd pass along the winnings. As y'all please."
Pushing the dove head of that ivory cane on top of Konstantin's hand in response at that placed palm, Vincent hisses out in a whisper towards the man as Vincent taps that cane lightly on top of that hand.

Elanora nods at Calista, "True you probably tasted everything 10 times over. Still I love chocolate. Trevie brought me some... chocolate covered strawberries though, we'll have to share it sometime! I begged him to buy them from the big city." She snags another piece of mandarin chocolate from another server. "Do you like the ingrediants? I had to pull alot of connections to get all this premium stuff."

Jill sighs with Deacon's card taken she peers around the room, slowly sauntering toward Rainy and Selina

Selina snorts behind her mask at what Rainy replies back but shakes her head. She whispers a response back to her before looking over at Mikhael. She gives a slight nod and says, "I am starting to find the spirit of it."

"If you tickle me, you die," Harriet informs Trevor rather matter-of-factly, even if her words are still drawn out very carefully, making great effort to produce the most neutral accent known to mankind. "So, hands off, unless we are dancing," she tells Trevor this before beginning the negotiation portion of this card game. "I would love to know what card you originally drew." So very honest. "Is this deep, dark secret of yours something related to sex?"

Sara tilts her head at Meridith.

"Wow, these foods are amazing," Autumn comments after she eats. "It is unlike anything I have tasted before, from here or back in my home world."

Jill snorts in Trevor's direction, "How goes the negotiations?"

"I'll admit it forced me to be very creative," Calista tells Elanora with a begrudging smile. "But now that it's all done, I'm quite happy."

As the party gets on in full swing, Deacon smiles to himself and lets everyone else mill about. He takes the opportunity to slip himself out the door when he has the chance and off into the night to let the rest of the masked folks find the enjoyment that remains in their evening.

Konstantin lifts a hand to gently pat Vincent's cheek good naturedly, if a touch overbearing, a twinkle in his eye perhaps marking the latter as his intent. He then moves on, looking out towards the crowd at large as he remembers the card in his hand with a glance down to it.

Rainy giggles brightly at Selina, "It kinda does." she supposes, "But not, like, directly."

Red eyes behind the veil of a totally obsfuscated expression pas between someone and Rainy now as Mikhael adjusts, sets a shoulder to the wall behind them. "I'm glad. Have you lost your cards yet? If they're starting to dwindle, we might as well call for the winner, soon."

Red eyes behind the veil of a totally obsfuscated expression pas between Selina and Rainy now as Mikhael adjusts, sets a shoulder to the wall behind them. "I'm glad. Have you lost your cards yet? If they're starting to dwindle, we might as well call for the winner, soon."

Elanora claps her hands together, "Alright. Everyone you have 15 minutes to collect the rest of the cards that you can. Then we'll have a big dance and give out the awards after. There'll be more dancing after the awards but just incase people need to start heading off.." Her voice trails off as she smiles, "Happy carding."

"Gonna be honest with you, Miss," Trevor says simply, easily. "You wouldn't be the only person in this room to kill me if I started tickling you," and for good safety measure, Trevor tucks his hands in his pockets. Hands off. "No tickling, promise. No touching of any other sort. Unless we're dancing." That's an honest statement, and the feature of his face that aren't hidden by mask really nail that point home. "I think the dancing is something we're supposed to after winning a card or something like that?" Trevor turns lightly glancing over to where Calista and Elanora stand, hoping Elanora can confirm from across the room.

"And no, not related to sex, not really."

Elanora claps her hands together, "Alright. Everyone you have 15 minutes to collect the rest of the cards that you can. Then we'll have a big dance and give out the awards after. There'll be more dancing after the awards but just incase people need to start heading off.." Her voice trails off as she smiles, "Happy carding." (repost)

Rainy absolutely -cackles- at Selina, "Sometimes, but that's not on the card!" she challenges

Sara nods to Meridith.

Scanning the crowd around him briefly, Konstantin searches for someone to engage in the card game with. He spots Autumn and pauses to consider her before moving over, the corded muscle of his thigh peaking out from the flouncy number of a dress he is wearing. He steps somewhat unsteadily but managed to arrive untoppled. "You seem fun. I have a card; You maybe have a card. How do we decide who will keep both, eh?", he enquires in his flatly-intoned accent, "Bet? A riddle? A trade?"

Meridith nods to Sara

"I may not be able to guess yours fast enough. I can offer another hint at mine if you give me another for yours," Selina offers to Rainy with a casual nod. She glances aside to Mikhael and says, "I still have mine, but..." Then she sees Sara handing over multiple cards to Meridith and says, "I doubt I will win even if I finally get one..."

Harriet repeats, "Not really," veeeerrrry slowly after Trevor finally responds to her question about his card. "Interesting." That's all she says about that, and then gazes at Trevor through the eye holes of her golden mask. "Are you supposed to ask something of me now, then, or...?"

Elanora smiles as she watches Jayanth walk over, gesturing him towards the northwestern corner of the dance floor where everyone has congrugated.

Sara purses her lips in thought.

Looking at her card, Autumn says, "Well, this is something I do not know or heard of before." She notices Jayanth's arrival and lifts her hand to wave at him.

Rainy giggles brightly at Selina, "Let's see...my secret can haunt you for a -lifetime-." she enthuses.

Meridith leans over to Autumn to whiper something.

"I take it," Trevor says, nodding slowly. "But, doesn't seem like I'm going to have the time to guess." There's the slighest twinkle in his eye, "We might need to sort this any other way," but Trevor does offer up a question regardless, "Yours is somewhat boring? Does it have anything to do with eating?"

After done speaking or more like whispering with Konstantin there is a slight turn as Vincent looks back into the crowd with the card face pressed down with a silk-gloved hand into his tailcoat, as that golden mask of Vincent scans around the room before walking over to Jill with a slight tilt of their head. "Still have a card?" They inquire.

Jill nods to Konstantin, "Yep! I guess I can give it up for a really good favor!" she giggles.

"Don't sell yourself short, I'm sure you can use your feminine charms to get it out of the rest." Mikhael offers someone, lighthearted perhaps, muffled beneath his mask. But now that the conclusion of the game draws very near, he excuses himself silently - and steps away from the whispering duo. He actually cuts through the whole crowd, and seems to be leaving?

Elanora looks down at her phone and nods at Selina, "The votes will be for best costume, best couple combination and zaniest mask/attire. Please text me your votes if you have any! Everyone should have my number! If not it's 7108033!"

Rainy clucks her tongue a few times, "My secret is easily avoidable!" she enthuses to Selina next.

"Don't sell yourself short, I'm sure you can use your feminine charms to get it out of the rest." Mikhael offers Selina lighthearted perhaps, muffled beneath his mask. But now that the conclusion of the game draws very near, he excuses himself silently - and steps away from the whispering duo. He actually cuts through the whole crowd, and seems to be leaving?

Harriet expresses to Trevor, "It does have something to do with eating," in an assuring tone, nodding her head very gently as those crystals shimmer brilliantly that decorate her gold mask.

"Something to do with eating," Trevor ponders that, leaving it up to Harriet to ask a question if she wants.

Sara tilts her head at Meridith.

Elanora smiles as she looks over the crowd, first meeting Selina's eyes, "Zany means amusing. And me and Mikhael are not part of the competition because we are not the host! Please do not vote for us thank you!"

"Mmmhmm," Harriet hums out softly as she nods a little more to Trevor. "Does yours have something to do with a hobby?"

Meridith gazes curiously at Sara.

Konstantin shifts his gaze from Autumn to Jill, and he steps over to address her but finally comes a-cropper in his unevenly cut-down high-heels. He wobbles dramatically in the dress, calling out; "Bozhe moi!" before dropping his flute with a clatter of glass, managing to regain his footing.

Elanora smiles as she looks over the crowd, first meeting Selina's eyes, "Zany means amusing. And me and Mikhael are not part of the competition because we are the hosts*! Please do not vote for us thank you!"

"Sort of?" Trevor replies, tilting his head. "It's something you can get, and people could do it as a hobby."

Selina watches the host leaving for a moment, then looks around at the idea he has given her. She considers it for a moment. "I doubt my feminine wiles will earn many cards in the time remaining," she observes casually before nodding toward Elanora.

"Do you have hobby of eating?" Autumn wonders of Trevor. "Or for pleasure?"

Konstantin makes a swift recovery, clearing his throat and stepping past the glass to stand by Jill. "Alright, what will it be?", he asks. He's evidently a little soused, predrinks and champagne on deck most likely.

"Please also do not vote for yourself." Elanora adds, grinning at her phone, "That's hardly fair." She holds out a hand towards Mikhael as he walks back towards them. "That's alright, it'll be dance time soon." She tells Selina, grinning slightly as she turns to face Selina, "Do you know any dances from our world?"

Sara purses her lips in thought.

Rainy pouts ferociously at Selina

Harriet mentions to Trevor about his card, "But it isn't related to sex -- not really." She makes sure to tack on that last part again, trying not to laugh. "Is it a thing that you can buy at the store, or does it require special order?"

Returning, Mikhael is simply hoisting up a massive pedestal with three distinct podiums that elevate trophies suspended on them. It is left on the corner of the dancefloor, and a snap of his fingers sends a few of the servants running around to take attend it, fix it into position and everything necessary. Back in the corner where everyone is gathered, Mikhael slips his hands into Elanora's own to stand by her, maybe even seek to pull her in slightly and wrap that arm around her waist, instead.

Selina snickers quietly behind her mask toward Rainy but then looks back to Elanora. "I have watched dances. Meri and I danced at the club once. But I doubt this will be the same type of dancing," she observes aloud for most everyone. She looks back toward Rainy and says, "Getting closer."

Jill fans herself with her card, "The tension is palpable, I think I might faint," she giggles at Konstantin, "Hmmmm... What can you offer?"

"It's far from sex," Trevor tries to explain, "Though I guess some people could find it sexual?" And then he's tilting his head, "It's special ordered at a store."

"Does yours involve eating meat of some kind?"

Elanora tucks herself in against someone as he wraps his arm around her waist and she tilts her head up to smile up at him for a moment, getting on her tip toes to press a kiss to his jaw. She looks back at the crowd infront of them, smiling as she wraps her own around Mikhael's waist from behind, "Ballroom dancing. But anything goes Selina honestly. Just swing people around and watch all the nice silk skirts spin."

Calista wanders over to inspect the podiums containing trophies - taking stock while tapping a finger against the glass of her champagne. She taps against the floor in her heels, making thoughtfully slow steps as she observes and drifts apart from the frantic card collection game.

Elanora tucks herself in against Mikhael as he wraps his arm around her waist and she tilts her head up to smile up at him for a moment, getting on her tip toes to press a kiss to his jaw. She looks back at the crowd infront of them, smiling as she wraps her own around Mikhael's waist from behind, "Ballroom dancing. But anything goes Selina honestly. Just swing people around and watch all the nice silk skirts spin."

"Do you like to lounge around on furniture while practicing this hobby?" Harriet wonders of Trevor next. "There is no eating of meat involved. Not even a little."

"Please send me your votes! I've gotten about half fo them!" Elanora announces, "And please enjoy the food and drink!" She nods towards Jayanth.

Rainy blinks over at Elanora, "Oh oh, what was the number again?"

Meridith nods gently to Sara.

Konstantin sucks his teeth thoughtfully, eyes on Jill. A card-exchange game standoff. "I can.. do a dance with you.. at your risk.. or ah.. deliver message for you to another person. You have any idea?"

"Nope," Trevor says to Autumn and Harriet both. Neither of them are correct in their guesses. "Can yours be a sex thing?"

Rainy blinks at her phone, then giggles uproariously, waving at Jill, "Come here!" she enthuses

Those gold lacquered lips form a frown when Trevor denies Harriet's guess of furniture being involved. "Is it a physical activity?" she wonders of Trevor. "Mine is not a sex thing."

"Unless you are freak and likes to hump it, not really," Autumn shakes her head at Trevor.

Jill looks to butch and then blushes as she makes her way to Rainy, "Sorry... what is it?"

Trevor blinks underneath his mask, and lifts two fingers. "Eating, but not sexual," then a third finger. "And it's not meat." He frowns, "Does it involve just gorging yourself until you vomit?"

"And no, mine is not a physical activity."

Elanora claps her hands together as she stands next to Mikhael, "2 minutes until the end of the secret guessing competition!! Please finish negotiations!" She calls out, her voice loud and clear over the crowd.

Their is a slight shake of Vincent head as they comment aloud. "Why is always about something crude with people." They comment aloud towards general direction of Trevor in midst of the conversation with Autumn and Harriet before then lifting up their golden mask to have a drink.

Sara grins at Meridith.

Rainy beams broadly at Jill, "You asked for iiit." she reminds in a sing-songs, draping her arms theatrically over Jill's shoulders and leaning in to press her lips to Jill's with a loud, theatrical, "Muuuuaaaah." of noise and a playful wrinkle of her nose as she pulls away.

MikhaelElanora earns a lean-down to help her kiss him, but he's content in that for the moment before his attention drifts once more after a few brief words to his phone. Opposed to his red riding hood, those red eyes blaze a trail while passing through each mask and costume again, eventually settling on Selina to stay. "Our dance is going to be simple. A classical ball dance, but with a twist. Everyone, I hope you're light on your feet - or else you risk getting singed or getting caught on fire." He gestures to the braziers with an open palm, some wicked mirth no doubt increases the glow of his eyes in the sockets of that wolfen visage. "Normally that would be a thing only for men, but, we seem to lack that, men."

Elanora earns a lean-down to help her kiss Mikhael, but he's content in that for the moment before his attention drifts once more after a few brief words to his phone. Opposed to his red riding hood, those red eyes blaze a trail while passing through each mask and costume again, eventually settling on Selina to stay. "Our dance is going to be simple. A classical ball dance, but with a twist. Everyone, I hope you're light on your feet - or else you risk getting singed or getting caught on fire." He gestures to the braziers with an open palm, some wicked mirth no doubt increases the glow of his eyes in the sockets of that wolfen visage. "Normally that would be a thing only for men, but, we seem to lack that, men." (fix)

Konstantin tsks as Jill moves away, lifting an arm to flex a bicep with a russle of his angelic wings. "Reasonable. Angel cannot be matched on floor." Then he spots Rainy kissing Jill and nods with lips pursed. "Fair", he remarks, mostly to himself before turning to listen to the announcements.

Jill blinks at first as she flutters her eyes at Rainy, cheeks red as she slowly presents the card to her, "H-here you go!" she says and giggles, "As promised!"

"There is no vomitorium around for me to partake in such an act, I fear," Harriet replies to Trevor amusedly. "Ive always found it easy to disconnect from others, and to disconnect things from others... and things... from things..." she hints, oddly. "Surely, there are more things to eat than meat and..." Her voice lowers to say, "Pussy. Right, Trevor?" She clearly knows this man, but keeps her measured tone and that neutral accent going. "Do you spend your time playing with a drone?"

Rainy's solemn mission accomplished with Jill she aims a beam of a smile at Selina, "I hereby agree to be your hand-maiden for a single night of your choosing if you give me you super secret card." she boldly announces

Elanora claps her hands together again, drawing everyone's attention, "Alright! That's it for the secrets game I'm afraid!! Please tally up how many cards you have! And would the winner with the most cards please step forward to claim their preferred partner for the dance!" She gestures towards the center of the stage, "As Mikhael mentioned... The dance floor in the middle is surrounded by flames. Please ladies and gentleman who are swinging your partners.. Please do not set them on fire as you dance. The person who does the swinging of their partner needs to be aware of how close people are to the flames!"

Meridith moves to take Sara by the hands, leading her to the floor. "Always." She smiles.

Sara leans up and presses her lips to Meridith's cheek.

Calista stops her idle wandering to watch the others as they tally their cards. Her curiosity is piqued while waiting for the winner to be announced.

Selina passes over her card to Rainy with a dip of her head, then dips into a slight bow toward her. "Good luck with getting the dance," she offers in a parting as Elanora starts to round up for the game. She clasps her hands together in front of her to hear the bit about the fire on the dance floor, but her mask conceals whatever expression she might have about that.

"I'm definitely cool around fire, but okay," Autumn replies with a nod of her head while she holds up her one and only card. "I wouldn't want to ruin this pretty dress."

Meridith says "I have four cards"
Meridith says "Does anyone beat me?"
Rainy beams at Jill, flashing a quick wink as she reaches for Jill's card, "This game's -easy-." she proclaims.

Trevor was about to speak, but he stares at Harriet, slack-jawed. She apparently knows him, his name, and.. that's not actually in his thought. He wasn't really thinking about pussy, but, regardless. The game is up, and neither of them won each other's card. Either they are the best negotiators in the world, or the worst, that's undecided. "And no, I don't spend time playing a drone." That's the last answer he gives before standing up, sliding two cards out of his pocket and frowning down at them, "Only two here."

Meridith smiles warmly at Sara, and does a sweet little flourishing curtsy

Elanora says "Does anyone have more than 4 cards?"
"Hmph!" Sara says to Meridith, a grin tugging at her lips.

Rainy says "Oh, uuhh...I think I -have- four cards. "
Harriet stares right back at Trevor, quietly. She nods to him, and then her golden lips purse before their outer corners quirk up into a smile as she litens to the whisper Trevor provides one of her ears. "You have excellent taste."

Rainy says, giggling, "I also can't dance to save my life, though."
"Let the other person lead then," Selina offers as advise to Rainy before diverting her attention back toward the hosts.

Elanora smiles over at Rainy and someone, "Alright, both of you get to pick your dance partner out first then." She announces, raising an elegant hand. Her bracelet on her wrist glitters in the light, "Please go pick out your partner and go to the dance floor and then please everyone else take a partner!"

Elanora smiles over at Rainy and Meridith, "Alright, both of you get to pick your dance partner out first then." She announces, raising an elegant hand. Her bracelet on her wrist glitters in the light, "Please go pick out your partner and go to the dance floor and then please everyone else take a partner!"

Trevor smiles back at someone, a non-golden one, due to the lack of lipstick. "As do you."

Trevor smiles back at Harriet, a non-golden one, due to the lack of lipstick. "As do you."

Jill's card meant for Rainy falls out of her hand as she blushes and stands a little star-struck from the kiss.

Elanora walks over to Harriet for a moment, leaning up to whisper in her ear.

Meridith nods toward Elanora. She smiles. "My choice is simple. The most enchanting, the most beautiful, and most deserving is none other than..." She gestures toward Sara, as if to provoke her own introduction.

Rainy blinks and scurries along, laughingly pointing at Jill's discarded card, "That's my fourth one! Don't get mad at me when I only have three in my hand!" she enthuses, then, when she's next to Meridith, she surveys the crowd, pointing at a few choice individuals and blatantly mouthing, "eenie...meenie...minie..." the entire assembly eventually landing on Abby, "Abby!" she enthuses, "Come let me break your toes!"

"Agreed," Harriet replies to Trevor, still absolutely careful with the way that she pronounces each word that has escaped her gold-lipped mouth this evening. She looks over at Elanora and she pulls her mask up from her face, if just for a moment to reveal herself.

Elanora gestures for Meridith to take Sara onto the dance floor in the center that is lit merrily by the torches.

Elanora says "Ahh! I should've guessed "
Calista smiles at Meridith as she claims Sara as her partner for the dancefloor and introduces her with such flourish. "Hear, hear!" she calls out in cheery recognition for the pair.

Sara smiles, removing her mask for a moment to reveal herself.

Elanora grins up at Harriet and claps her hands together reaching over to give the other woman a hug, "You look absolutely spectacular!" She tells the other woman before nodding at Abby and Rainy, gesturing for them to all please head into the middle of the dance floor. She moves back over to Mikhael's side to claim her own dance partner. "Please everyone else take a partner! Same sex partners are totally A-ok!"

Jill gasps once she finally awakens from her kiss induced trance and blinks at Selina "She's gonna be your hand-maiden? I would've given up my card for that too! Wait..." she blinks.

The neutral accent is now tossed aside, and Harriet speaks with her normal, posh British accent that is flaunting clipped tones, "Thank you so much, dear Elanora," to someone with a bow of her head towards her.

Elanora leads someone over to the center of the dance floor which, despite the man's words has plenty of space without needing to hug a brazier. Her crimson dress drapes over the floor as she reminds everyone to use announces for big movements like crossing the dance floor so that everyone else can see.

Elanora leads Mikhael over to the center of the dance floor which, despite the man's words has plenty of space without needing to hug a brazier. Her crimson dress drapes over the floor as she reminds everyone to use announces for big movements like crossing the dance floor so that everyone else can see.

Meridith pulls Sara on to the dance floor.

The neutral accent is now tossed aside, and Harriet speaks with her normal, posh British accent that is flaunting clipped tones, "Thank you so much, dear Elanora," to Elanora with a bow of her head towards her.

Konstantin smacks his lips twice before sipping from his glass again. Oblivious to any attention he attracts in his ill-fitting dress. Just straight vibing and enjoying the atmosphere as he drains flutes of champagne. He notes Harriet, giving her outfit a once over, appreciation from one winged belle to another.

Abby quickly strides over to Rainy with a giggle as she's called out, picking up her dress with one hand as she takes Rainy's with the other as they walk out onto the dance floor.

The neutral accent is now tossed aside, and Harriet speaks with her normal, posh British accent that is flaunting clipped tones, "Thank you so much, dear Elanora," to Elanora with a bow of her head towards her.

Trevor moves from his spot next to Harriet, and finds Calista among the crowd, wrapping an arm around her waist and tugging the woman against her, leaning slightly to murmur something some softly into one of her ears.

Sara slips her mask back over her face, linking hands with Meridith.

"It is a simple request for a game, nothing more," Selina mentions to Jill with a roll of one of her shoulders. She does not seem to be intent on going to find a partner for the dance though.

Harriet flashes a golden hued smile over Konstantin's way, and she bows her head with the utmost respect towards the fellow winged one.

Rainy giggles brightly at Harriet, "I -knew- that was you!" she boldly claims, even as she's escorted to the dance floor by the stunning visage of Abby, "And the jokes on her, " she adds of her impending hand-maidenness, "I'm -awful- at chores." she reveals her deception with glee, though her demeanor is instantly more demure as she prepares to dance with Abby, more meekly noting, "I really -am- super bad at this..."

Harriet blows a kiss to Rainy and she asks, "Did you? Clever girl," in a coo. "It's quite nice to see you out and about more often, Rainy."

Elanora gestures for people to join her and someone in the center of the dance floor. "Please grab a partner and come over!" She calls out happily.

"You most certainly have this dance," Calista tells Trevor with a brighter smile now - the games aside and her partner returned to her side. She follows Trevor's lead to the dance floor and then turns in his arms to assume a position for ball room dance.

"Hand maidens aren't simple servants. I can get those if I want them. Hand maidens are much more specialized," Selina explains aside to Rainy regarding her future service to her.

Elanora gestures for people to join her and Mikhael in the center of the dance floor. "Please grab a partner and come over!" She calls out happily as she twirls in a circle, her silken gown swishing against the ground.

In some silence, Mikhael beckons a servant closer. While some people unmask, dare the reveal, Harriet earns a lingering look from afar. He whispers something even as he's claimed by Elanora, dragged away almost a little too fast. Behind them, while Mikhael conforms to someone' demand, captures her waist with one hand and hold one of her hands within his, palm-up, the staff appears to fuss over by the trophies, spit-shining, something or another. "I'm surprised no one chose you, away." He tell his partner with a more amused tone. "But I'm more surprised Harriet fooled me right under my nose, right now."

In some silence, Mikhael beckons a servant closer. While some people unmask, dare the reveal, Harriet earns a lingering look from afar. He whispers something even as he's claimed by Elanora, dragged away almost a little too fast. Behind them, while Mikhael conforms to Elanora's demand, captures her waist with one hand and hold one of her hands within his, palm-up, the staff appears to fuss over by the trophies, spit-shining, something or another. "I'm surprised no one chose you, away." He tell his partner with a more amused tone. "But I'm more surprised Harriet fooled me right under my nose, right now."

Rainy grins at Harriet, "I mean, full valkyrie costume with functioning wings? That's peak Harry." she insists with a mirthful wrinkle of her nose, though it falls a bit when she blinks at Selina, tilting her head, "Oh." she emits, "Well, it'll probably be okay."

"Wow!" Autumn's mouth opens in awe as she looks at Harriet. "I never thought it's actually you!" Turning to watch the dance floor, she then grins before she sips from her flute.

Trevor marches beside Calista to the center of the dance floor - one hand around her waist, the other, meeting one of her own. It's clumsy, not well practiced, but, it's probably good enough. And he can blame it on all he had to drink, the two glasses of champagne that clearly did a number on him (definitely not the case).

"You'll be fine," Calista tells Trevor in a warm sort of amusement, letting her hand settle against the broadness of his shoulder and the other in his large palm. "Don't think too hard about it."

Meridith steps gently, about Sara, moving with her in slow turns. She is simply easing her partner into movements, every single one of hers is precise and fluid. She glides.

Harriet peers over at Autumn, and then she asks, "Who did you think it would be?" curiously. She sets aside her cards and then smooths her palms down the hips of the skirt of her ombre gown, and she's simply happy to move to the dance floor and dance by herself in her girlfriend's club.

Elanora smiles as she sets her hand in Mikhael's ontop of his, ballroom dance style, "Come on Abby! You're rainy's partner! Get her to the floor!" She calls out, "Jill! Drag someone! Please everyone come onto the floor!" She gestures towards the remaining stragglers.

"Someone I have not known before," Autumn replies to Harriet before she waltz towards the dance floor.

Jayanth's attention is mostly claimed by whatever text conversation he's having on his phone that's only darkening his features by the minute, the expression clearing a little when he looks up to watch the couples getting ready to dance, content to observe the activity on his part.

Abby smiles down at Rainy as she sets a hands on her lower back and entwines her fingers with Rainy's with the other, "You do just fine, I'm sure. I'm honestly just copying what I see in the movies, myself."

Harriet nods to Autumn in understanding. "Fair enough," she replies with that gold coloured smile.

Konstantin looks about the others still in his corner of the room, smiling a cheerful uneven smile. He clucks his tongue, before asking with a raises brow, eyes flitting from Jill, to Vincent. "Hey, anyone dance like angel, here?" He then looks to the dancefloor, about to move off solo.

Jill giggles as her eyes drift from Rainy Abby over to Trevor and Calista, she makes her way to the dance floor. She grabs Vincent by the wrist, "C'mon you!"

Sara smiles softly, following Meridith's lead in her movements, eyes gazing into Meridith's through her mask.

"Just so you know," Mikhael informs Elanora with a lean in that places the wolfen mask near her. Each word a rumble, still amused, spilling smoke from the cracks and seams of the iron on his face. "When we do classical, I'm switching you for Konstantin." He wants a piece of that angelic belle, apparently.

Seemly Vincent stands their alone by himself seemly lifting up his mask slightly to have another drink of the flute of champagne, really sad like all alone before then getting dragged over by Jill.

Seemly Vincent stands their alone by himself seemly lifting up his mask slightly to have another drink of the flute of champagne, really sad like all their alone before then getting dragged over by Jill.

Rainy beams at Abby, leaning her head against Abby's shoulder, "Okay...but you can't get mad at me if I step on your feet." she informs rather than requests, mirth in her tone as she tries to follow Abby, who unfortunately may find just how genuine of a warning that was.

Elanora smirks up at Mikhael and nods her head, "But I get my song first. Then we can do award and you can let Konnie there step on your feet." She leaves Mikhael's side for a moment to grab Konstantin's hand and lead him over to Harriet who is also dancing alone before leading back to Mikhael. "Alright. Since I won.... I get my music choice for this song. Please everyone enjoy..." She calls out as music starts to take over the classical music.

Jill grins down at Vincent, "Done this before? Do you want me to lead?" she asks holding out a hand for him to take.

Jill grins down at Vincent, "Done this before? Do you want me to lead?" she asks holding out a hand for him to take.

Jill grins down at Vincent, "Done this before? Do you want me to lead?" she asks holding out a hand for him to take.

Jill grins down at Vincent, "Done this before? Do you want me to lead?" she asks holding out a hand for him to take.

Jill blinks

Meridith leads Sara delicately, from step to step, flowing about with the music like slipping through the very air her perfumed sent suggests, lingering in her wake. She slides around in slow one, two, three step then twirls Sara. Every move is carefully telegraphed, leaving someone only to follow at her lead.

Meridith leads Sara delicately, from step to step, flowing about with the music like slipping through the very air her perfumed sent suggests, lingering in her wake. She slides around in slow one, two, three step then twirls Sara. Every move is carefully telegraphed, leaving Sara only to follow at her lead.

Elanora returns to Mikhael's side, giving him her hand again and setting her other hand on his opposite shoulder. The classical music gives way to the poppy tones of Sophie Ellie Bextor's Murder on the Dancefloor https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hAx6mYeC6pY

Selina watches the dance floor for a few long moments after everyone has moved on toward it. But then she pulls up her hood and turns to leave silently.

Harriet blinks a bit as Elanora is dragging Konstantin over towards her. "I think she desires for us to dance together," she utters out, squinting through the eye cut-outs of her mask after Elanora before her attention returns to Konstantin.

Konstantin shuffles over to the dance floor solo, setting down his flute of champagne aside on a table in passing as he starts to wiggle his hips. He's feeling the groove. Surprised by Elanora leading him over. He keeps his footing and greets Harriet with a warm smile and an offered hand, palm up. "Fine by me. Just watch your toes, and if we do lift; you pick -me- up. Don't want any injuries."

And then Trevor begins, it's not classical, not what he was expecting for this sort of dance, but he doesn't seem to care. Beginning to lead Calista to the song easily, carefully. It's not flowing, it's not elegant like any of the others, it's just pure unadultered Mikhael.

And then Trevor begins, it's not classical, not what he was expecting for this sort of dance, but he doesn't seem to care. Beginning to lead Calista to the song easily, carefully. It's not flowing, it's not elegant like any of the others, it's just pure unadultered Trevor. (fix)

"I would be almost ironic if I dance like one," Autumn muses to Konstantin once she drinks the rest of her champagne. She starts to slowly dance, her long hair and dress flowing as she twirls around.

After being dragged into the dance floor Vincent looks up at Jill shrugging slightly as he reaches his hand forward to take the offered hand. "Be my guest." Is the response given as Vincent glances towards a passing servant with a full glass of champagne on a silver tray.

Harriet accepts the offered hand from Konstantin and she responds by saying, "I shall take that as a dare, I am warning you," in regards to the picking him up. "If you do not think I am capable of such a dance move, then it will only entice me into desiring to doing it even more so," she insists to him, smiling helplessly as her wings flutter magnficently behind her, and she looks at Konstantin's costume a bit more.

Sara follows Meridith's movements easily, the skirts of her gowns swishing gently against the dance floor as Meridith twirls her about.

Jill grabs Vincent and twirls him by the hand to get his attention, "Good! Because I'm taller than you in these heels," she giggles before pulling him in and doing a magnificent chasse to the rhythm of the music, leading him along the dance floor in a flashy twirl of her peacock dress that fans out as she picks up the pace.

Despite his attention being mostly on the dance floor, it's clear enough that the silver-masked stranger's leaving doesn't go unnoticed by Jayanth when he slips his phone in the pocket of his sportscoat and waiting another minute or so while everyone's contentedly distracted with their revelry before silently taking his leave as well.

Abby perks up at the change in music and leads Rainy into a groove with the snappy song, not particularly elegantly but certainly a good time indeed.

There is a humored shake of Mikhael's head - just that. There is no way it could be anything else when the orchestra switches in gradient tones from classical to pop and the a far more appropriate song to the normal Siren begins to cascade down from the surround system. The overhead lighting swings, the spotlight shifts in hue with every beat of gradual increase. When Elanora is in his grasp again, he holds her by the waist once more, and takes her hand to guide her in to himself. The fire surrounding them appears to blaze and dance with the music, ever burning while he steps forward, that oppressive, crimson-gaze locked only upon someone to chase the beat.

There is a humored shake of Mikhael's head - just that. There is no way it could be anything else when the orchestra switches in gradient tones from classical to pop and the a far more appropriate song to the normal Siren begins to cascade down from the surround system. The overhead lighting swings, the spotlight shifts in hue with every beat of gradual increase. When Elanora is in his grasp again, he holds her by the waist once more, and takes her hand to guide her in to himself. The fire surrounding them appears to blaze and dance with the music, ever burning while he steps forward, that oppressive, crimson-gaze locked only upon Elanora to chase the beat.

Calista just lets the beat of the peppy song enter her and the lead of Trevor show her where to go. The bulky skirt of her gown only inhibits her movements slightly, the swish of it satisfyingly moving with her legs and hips when she throws her own flourishes to the music. Her experession is cheerful and she wiggles her fingers at her friends Elanora and Jill when they come close and catch eyes.

Meridith shifts her dancing at the music change, a brief bit of surprise but she shrugs. She's not professionally trained, but she leads someone along in some easy moves, and expanding upon it by dancing around her now, energetic and cheerful

The back of Elanora's dress drapes across the floor as she moves elegantly with Mikhael, the knee high cut at the front of the dress restricting no movement whatever so ever, allowing feet to gracefully step around the floor in her stilettos. The straps going up her calve glitter with the sparkle of crystals embeded in the black leather as she wraps her knee around Mikhael's waist in a move that has her arching backwards in his arms in a low dip. Another move and she's twirled out from him in a spin of skirts that flow about her, looking much like the flames behind her. Her hood falls down, revealing her waist length blood red hair and she reaches up halfway through one dance to the clasp of it, throwing it outside of the ring. She smiles at Calista as they spin past each other, "More spins Trevie! Lets have a competition!" She calls out happily as her feet move elegantly over the dance floor.

Meridith shifts her dancing at the music change, a brief bit of surprise but she shrugs. She's not professionally trained, but she leads Sara along in some easy moves, and expanding upon it by dancing around her now, energetic and cheerful

Chortles a jolly burst of laughter at Harriet, socially supple and soused on the fizz he's been having. "Just don't let go. These wings; they are not real." Konstantin actually has to look up at her a little, despite wearing ever-suffering heels of his own. His leg pokes out of his dress a little more as he prepares to join in the gyration, stark black inks tattooed across the limb, especially the thigh and his knee, where an eight pointed star spreads across its front. He seems unphased by the possibility of the lift, or simply doesn't believe it might happen. Either way, he's here for a good time.

Rainy giggles brightly as the song shifts to something a bit faster, something about that relieving, and her face stops being hidden against Abby's shoulder. She nods to Abby at whatever is whispered to her, beaming brightly and becoming more comfortable in the motions, endangering poor Abby's feet at least slightly less

Sara twirls about in front of Meridith, skirts swishing softly. She slides up to her and places a hand on Meridith's waist, her other on her back, dipping her backwards momentarily before bringing her back up with a giggle.

Calista looks at Trevor a little dubiously, but then she cracks a small smile and nods her head at whatever was said to her in her ear.

Jill looks starry eyed as she pulls and throws Vincent around confidently, not worrying so much about his footing, just giving him a good work-out. She beams a grinning gaze at Calista, "How're you doing?" she asks her dance partner.

"Truly, you jest -- they are not real angel wings?" Harriet is gasping as if in utter disbelief, although it is also quite clear -- or should be, at least -- that she is entirely sarcastic in that claim slash question given to Konstantin. She is quite tall in general, but even a little taller today in those metallic leather heels, and since she is the winner in the contest of height at this moment, she's insisting she takes the lead in their dancing. Her dance moves emphasize her hips with fluid, but pronounced, movements -- those very fundamental actions that add sensuality and expressiveness. She moves gracefully with him, smiling helplessly before asking him, "Real quickly -- are you afraid of heights?" as she continues to showcase her prowess on the dance floor.

Meridith laughs and accepts the dip but slips from Sara's grasp, falling backwards suddenly! ...only she catches herself on her fingers and turns the momentum into a daring backflip, twirling corkscrew on to her feet to which she takes Sara's hand and twirls her

With Vincent gaze pulled away from the passing drink by the Jill suddenly twirling him, leading him to pull his cane close in order not to become a deadly leg-hitting spinner, the colorful feathers of a majestic red, a radiant yellow, and a deep blue on the top of his tricorn bobbing back and forth by the spinning movement before then catching himself attempt to maintain the speed that Jill is dancing in. "Your going fast." Vincent comments the obvious attempting to keep pace.

More spins? Elanora wants more spins? Trevor will eagerly, and happily provide more than just a spin. Leading Calista along to the beat, whatever lumbering Orc was there is now replaced. There's confidence, perhaps it's the smile from Calista, or competitiveness taking over, but in one move, Trevor twirls Calista out, across the dance floor, away from the others, then he drops to a knee. Patting his knee - it's a hidden suggestion. 'Run, jump, and be lifted.' It's up to Calista now though, should she agree to that suggestion, and it really depends on the trust.

Dancing alone, Autumn follows the rhythm with gyrating hips and mildly suggestive moves. Her jewelry jingles and gleams with every movement in the light.

The fire trapping the center of the dance floor erupts higher from their respective braziers, ever-swaying. It comes close to a few in the midst of their spin, spitting embers, crushed coal across the floor underneath them all. Maybe he takes Elanora's goading of Trevor more personally, because she's the one that gets spun by Mikhael again and again and again in a trail of crimson locks adrift midair after he's collected her up in his arms from her backward lean with a pull. Another step, and another, they circle around the crowd as if Mikhael intends to keep the flame towards his back. He keeps much of his own movements scarce, favors his left side a lot more in every effort to dance along Elanora as opposed to making any grand motions on his own.

Elanora is a whirl of colour in Mikhael's arms, often their hand the only point of connection as he draws her around his body, her skirts billowing out about her, lifted off the ground from pure movement as Mikhael spins her again and again. She laughs as they make their way over to Calista and Trevor again as Trevor goes down on one knee and she catches Calista's eye, grining the other one a big wink and a thumbs up even as she spins back into Mikhael's arms, her back against him while her hips sway and move. Both their eyes are on the acrobats about to be presented it seems.

Jill grins down at Vincent, "You better not give-out on me!" she commands as she spins him fast and faster. Her ballerina training coming in full force as spins him around like a top before suddenly coming to a stop and dipping him low to the floor. "You can tap out anytime!" she giggles. "But momma came to dance!"

Elanora is a whirl of colour in Mikhael's arms, often their hand the only point of connection as he draws her around his body, her skirts billowing out about her, lifted off the ground from pure movement as Mikhael spins her again and again. She laughs as they make their way over to Calista and Trevor again as Trevor goes down on one knee and she catches Calista's eye, giving the other woman a big wink and a thumbs up even as she spins back into Mikhael's arms, her back against him while her hips sway and move. Both their eyes are on the acrobatics about to be presented it seems.

Another chortle. Konstantin enjoys Harriet's levity, the crooked smile taking on warmth again as he lays a palm on her hip and gets to work. He does follow Harriet's lead, deferring to her demonstrably greater skill while also relying on her to bear his weight somewhat as he twists about on the heels. Perhaps cutting them down has put him at a disadvantage more than anything; the angles of their bottoms now off and the rough plastic surface without grip. He isn't entirely without grace, however, managing to comport himself on the floor quite well, matching Harriet more than adequately. Despite his outfit, his dance is more on the masculine side. His eyes light with amusement as she poses the question. "Only of my mother. Let's go!". He lifts his elbows, baring his sides, bending his knees slightly to prepare for launch!

And all of a sudden, Calista is in some sort of competition that she was unwittingly made a part of. She takes the twirls gracefully, the bell of her skirt twisting and swirling around her as she is swung out once more. But then she's being signalled to do something really crazy, and in high stilletto heels no less. She quirks an eyebrow at the man, but with a small turn of her head to the side she seems to make the decision to just go for it. She makes the strides towards Trevor and is already bracing herself to be nimble and hope to all gods that her core aids her when she gives her literal and metaphorical leap of faith at Trevor.

Sara sways her hips along with the music, beckoning Meridith to her.

Meridith dances closer to Sara, smiling.

Seconds after their embrace, both of Mikhael's arms come around Elanora to trap her where she is locked under the circle of his limbs. Trevor and Calista are both in sight, trained by half-narrow red eyes peering through the sockets in what could've passed for amusement if not for the intimidating nature of his perpetual presence. It is a standstill at the height of the blaring pop music, and some clever aid, a servant or another, has trained a separate spotlight on the two about to display a very precarious show of acrobacy.

Meridith frowns plainly

Sara gives a wink to Meridith, reaching her hand out.

rainy As they both grow more comfortable while moving to the tempo, Abby twirls Rainy around and ends up behind her. She wraps her arms around her waist as they sway to the beat

Elanora flashes her fangs towards Jill as Jill spins Vincent around like a top and her body is moving with the beat back against someone' as his arms lock around her. Her leans her head back against someone' shoudler, her hands trapped in his as her hips sway back of forth. She gives out a loud whoop as Calista goes to make her move, shouting encouragement as she also wonderings how exactly Trevor is going to deal with the killer stiletto heels.

Elanora flashes her fangs towards Jill as Jill spins Vincent around like a top and her body is moving with the beat back against Mikhael's as his arms lock around her. Her leans her head back against someone' shoudler, her hands trapped in his as her hips sway back of forth. She gives out a loud whoop as Calista goes to make her move, shouting encouragement as she also wonderings how exactly Trevor is going to deal with the killer stiletto heels.

Elanora flashes her fangs towards Jill as Jill spins Vincent around like a top and her body is moving with the beat back against Mikhael's as his arms lock around her. Her leans her head back against Mikhael's shoudler, her hands trapped in his as her hips sway back of forth. She gives out a loud whoop as Calista goes to make her move, shouting encouragement as she also wonderings how exactly Trevor is going to deal with the killer stiletto heels.

Meridith blinks and nods slowly to Sara. She smiles and begins to spirit her away out of the dance floor

Is Vincent dancing with Jill or being inflicted with some sort of spinning torture that surely should be against the Geneva Convention, if not already? "I.. am.. fine..." This is the response given by Vincent in heavy breaths coming from under the rose gold leaf-covered mask before then being dipped by Jill though seemly looking to have almost fallen if not supported by Jill, perhaps all that spinning scrambled him slightly as the larger feathers on his hat brush against the floor.

Harriet very much intends to perform that breathtaking and emblematic dance move from the movie 'Dirty Dancing.' "I admire your bravery," she says, despite the fact that Konstantin has just revealed his is fearful of his mum. Standing face to face with her dance partner, close enough to maintain that good balance and coordination that couple's dancing requires, the Valkyrie has a stable base with her core engaged. Her hands are then placed upon Konstantin's hips, exerting control and force, and as if on cue, or perhaps to a specific beat that she's listening for in this current song, she lifts him upwards! Long arms straighten as she lifts him up above her head, adjusting her hands to ensure a firm, steady grip. "Stretch out your arms! Straighten your legs!" Using casual footwork, she spins him and herself around once.

Rainy squeals in delight at the twirl, features set in mirthful enjoyment. She reaches back theatrically, making a show of caressing delicate fingertips along Abby's cheek as her hips sway to the rhythm, grinding against Abby a bit, a fact that seems to further tickle her.

Trevor waits, patiently on his knee as Calista, the poor woman, in her heels dashes across the floor towards him.

There's that moment when Calista leaps where time seems to stop - at least for Trevor, he's watching her form glide through the air.


Then, with pure strength, and less.. elegance, Trevor catches her. Someone better trained might make the maneuver look cleaner or nicer perhaps, but, Trevor doesn't have much of that, but he does have strength.

His hands find parts of her, one on her stomach, right underneath, and the other catching her knees. Up, up she's lifted, as Trevor steps to the side, moving with the momentum of the flying woman. Then she's lifted - above his head, and his arms fully extend holding her up and doing the smallest of turns.

It was a successful endeavour, if not, the least graceful.

"It's murder on the dance floor!" Elanora sings out laughing with the music as Trevor and Calista finally make their move. There's giggles as Calista is lifted up in the air and her topaz eyes are distracted by Harriet and Konstantin's work as well. She makes another loud, shrill cheer at the amount of people in the air and turns her head to meet Mikhael's, raising an eyebrow.

Autumn blows a kiss towards the air and turns to spin. The gems on her sparkle as the woman raises her left hand up towards the ceiling. She glances at the flames of the braziers and her crimson lips curl into a smile while she basks in the heat and music.

Jill giggles and slowly brings Vincent back up for another spin, taking his cane and tossing it to a nearby waiter with open hands, "Good..." she grins and begins to swing him around, facing Elanora so she can wink at her behind the mask. She looks at Trevor and squints a little Jealously wishing that she had the strength to lift the her captured brit into the sky so high. She instead focuses on making Vincent the star of the dance, lifting him up in little lifts so that he can pose in the air like a prima ballerina.

Calista is vaulted into the air by the strong arms of her partner, and aided surely by the fact that beneath the big ball gown is a fairly small and lithe woman. While up, and being brandished like the Stanley Cup, Calista has to give her fellow airborne angel a huge grin before she is tipping her body down to slide back into Trevor's arms and the safety of the floor beneath her feet. Her cheeks are tinged a noticeable red at this point, however.

Calista is vaulted into the air by the strong arms of her partner, and aided surely by the fact that beneath the big ball gown is a fairly small and lithe woman. While up, and being brandished like the Stanley Cup, Calista has to give her fellow airborne angel Konstantin a huge grin before she is tipping her body down to slide back into Trevor's arms and the safety of the floor beneath her feet. Her cheeks are tinged a noticeable red at this point, however. (fix)

Snapping a quick appreciative nod to Harriet, Konstantin replies; "Spasibo." A moment later, he takes flight. It doesn't -really- set in that what is about to happen is about to happen.. until it does, and he soars! Oh how he soars, crying out a helpless "Blyat!" but keeping his nerve well. He laughs loudly, uncaring for the reaction of others as he levels out and begins to spin, following Harriet's instructions. He has to make his own adjustments, however, as his dress slides up his legs; the post-tailoring split cut into them letting the skirts fall away. He quickly crosses his legs, preventing anyone from losing an eye or seeing too much, but a flash of his lower buttocks is visible momentarily until the spin concludes and he can reach back to snatch the skirts back up from where they pool around his waist, for some modesty. He laughs again, one of the heels dangling from his foot as the over-stretched straps give out behind the heel.

Trevor shifts as Calista begins to slide down, moving hands along her body to make the process easier and safer. Once she's landed, and firmly back on solid ground, he beams at her from underneath his mask, then pulls her into a hug, murmuring something soft into her ear.

Calista allows herself to be pulled in tight to Trevor and sort of moves them both off to the side and away from swirling skirts as she listens to him whisper and she holds him in that hug, not really dancing anymore.

Calista gives a short little nod to Trevor with an encouraging smile.

Abby watches on as the other dancers show off their moves and giggles at the caresses from Rainy and grinding against her in turn before spinning her back around so they see eye-to-eye, despite the darkened lenses hiding hers. She holds Rainy close with wide grin as the dance goes on.

It appears everyone, from Harriet to Trevor, seem to be lifting their partners up into the air. Mikhael's fingers within Elanora's own turn, and he motions her forward, a half-spin to lead her back to facing him. A swift release leaves her suspended on her heels for only a second, and he sinks down on knee in front of her. The upward tilt of his face, the crimson of his eyes can only mean that he intends not to be outdone, and his fingers hovering on either side of Elanora's waist waits expectantly for her to simply throw herself, to let him do the rest before the song ends.

A rather strong woman, Harriet is spinning Konstantin around with absolute ease. Such a modest angel the man up in the air is, or at least attempts to be -- te audience getting a bit of a mooning. Once she's successfully executed that impressive lift and spin, she carefully lowers Konstantin back to the dance floor with both grace and precision, careful of that foot that is losing a heel. She cannot help but to join in on the laughter, as the joy, more than the fear, is infectious in the air. Her golden smile broadens and she steps back slightly, giving the angel man some room to adjust his attire properly. "Well done!" she exclaims out her approval. "Are you sure those wings are not real? I dare say you just flew!" Her energy remains high, and it does not seam like that dance move took much effort from her at all.

someone at Calista, and without really leaving their spot from outside the dance floor, Trevor lifts a hand toward the party-goers. Then he's pausing, watching Elanora and Mikhael perform their trick.

Trevor nods at Calista, and without really leaving their spot from outside the dance floor, Trevor lifts a hand toward the party-goers. Then he's pausing, watching Elanora and Mikhael perform their trick.

Calista casts a small grin to Trevor as she nods once more in agreement before her eyes are back on Elanora and Mikhael on the dance floor - the next to join the... 7ft high club.

Shakes her head and grins at Mikhael, letting him lift her into the air, her blood red hair flowing about her as she arches her back, one knee bent and the other straight, trailing her hair and dresses underneath her. There is a flash of red between her thighs as well but not much before she's twirled back down to slide her way down Mikhael's body.

The music winds down as everyone in the air is eventually placed back within the confines of gravity and Elanora laughs as she claps her hands together, "Thank you everyone! Next dance we'll have a ... Most acrobatic and highest lifted and thrown category I think! Alright now for the awards before everyone gets too tired from the party! Thank you all for attending today by the way!" She calls out, leading the way towards the pedestrals where the trophies await.

Calista chuckles quietly at Trevor.

Jill blinks as she does a double take in Konstantin and Harriet's direction, in awe of their display as she snaps Vincent out in a direction like he's a whip.

Rainy looks just a bit star-struck herself up at Abby as she's turned back about, "I don't think I can throw -or- catch you." she warns with another small giggle, draping herself against Abby with obvious affection as she continues trying to only minimally endanger Abby's feet, truly about the peak of her dancing prowess. Hey, a girl get far with some grinding and minimal foot stomping, right?

"Oh.. not again." Vincent mummers aloud before then getting another spin by Jill the poor Brit placing much if not all focus into maintaining his feet to the ground, in order to ensure it's not his head meeting it next. With another spin that golden swirled mask looks over towards Elanora and for a moment his silk-gloved hand stretches in a grabbing 'save me motion' but alas... Elanora is not facing the direction of Vincent during that moment now being tossed slightly into the air some might think the outstretched arms hands apart of little dance... or just perhaps panicked scrambling from being in the air without booted feet on the ground.

Calista takes Trevor's hand as she follows Elanora to where she moves by the pedestals. "Ells, I'm really sorry to just butt in," she begins in a soft apologetic tone. "But Trevor and I, we, need to head out now." She glances over to Trevor next to her. "This night was such fun... thank you for putting in the effort to throw the party."