\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Calendarlogs/Rems Performance At The Succubus 240331

Rems Performance At The Succubus 240331

In the elegant yet subdued ambience of The Succubus Club's Front Bar and Lounge, an intimate gathering unfolds as Rem, a performer with years of experience under her belt, shares a moment of vulnerability with her small audience. The conversation lightly dances around her craft, which she describes as an integral part of her life, evoking admiration from Viktorin for her beautiful voice. As the night draws to a close, Rem, amidst a sweet giggle and a wearied sigh, announces her impending departure, not just from the club but presumably from the city itself. She expresses her heartfelt wishes for the future endeavors of her companions, Silas, Viktorin, Autumn, and Harriet, highlighting a poignant moment of farewell among newfound friends.

The narrative takes a tender turn as Viktorin, intrigued and possibly enchanted, inquires if there might be a chance to spend a few last moments with Rem before she embarks on her journey away from this chapter of her life. Rem, touched by the gesture, invites Viktorin for a walk, prompting him to politely excuse himself from the company. This simple yet emotionally charged interaction is encapsulated by warm farewells and well-wishes from the group; Silas notably raises a toast to future meetings and performances, alluding to the transient yet impactful nature of their acquaintance. As Viktorin and Rem depart for their walk under the cloak of the night, the scene fades with Autumn and Harriet’s voices echoing goodbyes, leaving a lingering sense of bittersweet departure and the fragile beauty of connections formed in the fleeting moments of artistic rendezvous.
(Rem's Performance at the Succubus)

[Sat Mar 30 2024]

At the Front Bar and Lounge of The Succubus Club
Though the thrum of club music greets visitors fresh in the door, the
sound is muted in this front partition bar, granting space for
conversational drinks and a place to request bottle service. The building
itself is a converted club warehouse, design sleek with the flash of modern
club setting and new renovation. Floating shelves with LED accent lighting
and a lit glass back drop lays scene for a multitude of liquor bottles
behind the bar, ranging from well club swills and beer displays to premium
bottles with prettier and pricier labels. The bar itself is long and topped
with smoked, sheened glass on the top surface, space for standing lounge
available toward the ends, past the available line of seating. A few pieces
of lounge furniture is on the other side of the room for more intimate
gathering away from the music and a smoking patio is visible through the
front doors when they open.

The bar area extends into a wide open dance floor ahead with waitress
service and wall lounge seating, the energy of the dance and trap music
compelling movement.

It is about 50F(10C) degrees.

"Oh! Years and years, my whole live really. I feel it's become a part of me," Rem admits to Silas.

Viktorin gazes interestedly at Rem, listening to them. "You've got a beautiful voice," he tells them. A pause. "Where will you go when you leave?"

Rem giggles sweetly. "Ah, people, such pleasant things," she murmurs. "The eve comes to an end. I must depart soon," she lets out a wearied sigh to Silas, then gazes at Viktorin, Autumn and Harriet in time. "I wish you all the best of luck in the weeks ahead," she says cheerily.

Viktorin glances towards Rem, "Will I have time to partake of your company, before you are back off, to your home?"

Rem says "Ah, tonight is my last night I think. Suppose you wouldn't mind walking with me for a time?"
Viktorin inclines his head and rises, murmuring softly to the others, "Please, pardon me."

"Enjoy your walk, Vik, you can share some poetry some day and it was nice to meet you, Rem," Silas says to Rem, waving to the two of them as he lifts his drink to take another sip from it, "Wish you good luck in your future performances."

Rem says "I hope I will have you in my audience again soon, Silas. A pleasure"
Rem says "And you, Autumn, and Harry."
Autumn says "Enjoy, Vik. You too Rem. Good night."