\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Crayon/WIP Wiki

WIP Wiki

Name:Dallas Meeks
Affiliation:The Temple
Hometown:Mayfield, Kentucky

The Meeks clan is known throughout the American midwest and south for being a family of hunters with strong ties to the Temple. Though a black sheep of the family, Dallas Meeks has been steeped in the family business for most of his life, and has been a blunt instrument in the Temple's arsenal for most of the last decade, in which he has always been paired with a handler. With personal data completely expunged, Dallas Meeks is, for all intents and purposes, a ghost.

“Replace this text with your comment.”

- Your Character?

“Replace this text with your comment.”

- Your Character?

“Replace this text with your comment.”

- Your Character?

“Replace this text with your comment.”

- Your Character?

“Replace this text with your comment.”

- Your Character?