\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Encounterlogs/Autumns Odd Encounter Sr Legion 240726

Autumns Odd Encounter Sr Legion 240726

One evening at The Hometown Diner, Autumn finds herself joined by Astrid, a somewhat timid woman she had previously befriended, and a cunning, pale-skinned woman named Diamond, who reveals herself to be a part-time dancer from a club both Autumn frequents and Astrid has heard of. Diamond, projecting a sultry confidence, made her approach with an ulterior motive, initially engaging in small talk before subtly aiming to isolate Astrid by suggesting they go out for food, specifically targeting Astrid with an offer to grab pizza, which seems innocent enough but is laced with an insidious intent to lure her away from the safety of her acquaintance.

The narrative quickly turns as Astrid, though visibly shaken by Diamond's intense demeanor, asserts her wish to not be separated from Autumn, suggesting instead that all three of them could enjoy a night out together. Diamond's persistent attempt to single Astrid out raises suspicion, her motives becoming more transparent as the conversation unfolds. With Autumn's protective stance, showcasing a mix of caring and caution, and Astrid's growing unease leading her to firmly decline Diamond's invasive requests, the situation peaks. Diamond, frustrated by her failed attempts to manipulate the situation, exits the scene with a veiled threat, leaving an unsettling air but also a deepened bond between Autumn and Astrid. Their refusal to succumb to Diamond's tactics painted a picture of resilience and the protective power of newfound friendship against predatory behavior in an urban setting.
(Autumn's odd encounter(SRLegion):SRLegion)

[Thu Jul 25 2024]

In The Hometown Diner's Dining Room
This room is both cozy and fairly modern in style, with oak panelling along the bottom half of the walls, while the top has been painted a rich, bright shade of white. Open windows on the eastern wall look out over the diner's pergola and firepit, offering a gorgeous view past that of the horizon to diners. The tables are spread out around the room so that the waitstaff can easily make their way to all diners, and the smell of home cooking fills the air at all hours of the day.

It is night, about 86F(30C) degrees, There is a waning gibbous moon.

(Your target is propositioned by a sex worker of some description who uses supernatural abilities to snare them, charming them, hypnotising them or manipulating their emotions. However their plan is in fact just to lure the target into a vulnerable location before robbing them of money, or valuables, or blood or something else of value.
Sitting alone at a booth, Autumn is eating chicken after a night at the Nymph. Her eyes are on her phone while she moves one free hand to grab her glass of lemonade for a drink.

Autumn is eating, perhaps -- a late night evening at the diner -- when a lithe young woman enters. She has that pale skin and twitch of someone who is a little bit of a junkie. Autumn, for her part, might recognize her, a part-time dancer at the Nymph's Rest, and if Astrid haunts the same establishment she might make the same connection.

Noticing some movement, Autumn looks up from her phone and smiles at Astrid. "Evening, Astrid," she greets before she turns her hazel gaze at the lithe young woman. "Hmm, I think I have seen you before at club?"

Astrid slips her sunglasses on while she's on her way in the door. Only people who were already looking that way would have caught it, her eyes, and even then only for a flash. Just long enough for most people to figure the light tricked their eyes. She smiles at a couple waitresses on the way in, but neither looks pleased that she brought a cappuccino in, which she sheepishly leaves with the main hostess once she notices. "S-Sorry," she says, turning to find Autumn looking at her. She waves, about to greet her, and then realizes that it's not her, but the paler skinned woman who came in just before that is being recognized. "Oh uh..." She follows along for a few steps and waves at Autumn anyway. "Hey there! I'm Astrid, handing out white roses in the White Oak lobby..."

The pale, lithe woman seems to be headed in Autumn's direction, but she pauses when she sees Astrid. What's her name -- Diamond? Diamond, maybe, who offers a pretty smile. "Hey," she says to Autumn. "I've seen you around the club before." She looks at Astrid, offering some level of sultry gaze. "And who's your friend?"

(re) The pale, lithe woman seems to be headed in Autumn's direction, but she pauses when she sees Astrid. What's her name -- Diamond? Diamond, maybe, who offers a pretty smile. "Hey," she says to Autumn. "I've seen you around the club before." She looks at Astrid, offering some level of sultry gaze. "And who's your friend?"

Astrid blushes at the pale, lithe woman, timidly clearing her throat. "Um, I mean I... I'm Astrid. A-Astrid Blight. I haven't exactly been to whatever club you two are talking about, but I... I go to college at White Oak now." she explains to the woman, gesturing at Autumn with a smile. "Autumn... she's the only reason I'm even okay right now. I was so lost and she... she got me there." She looks at Autumn and step closer to the booth, clasping her hands together. "Thank you for that. I don't know what I'd do if White Oak weren't there for me right now."

"That is Astrid," Autumn answers the woman possibly named Diamond with a small gesture towards Astrid. "Her and I met before here. And yeah, I have occasionally been in club while in mood." The dusky woman reveals a grin before she bites into her chicken. "I did suggested campus for her, otherwise she would have been more lost here."

The pale woman introduces herself. "Diamond," Diamond says to Astrid. "Aren't you a cutie." There's something calculating in her expression as she looks between someone and Astrid, before she asks Autumn, "I know you like to party at the club. Does your friend like to party, too?" she wonders.

The pale woman introduces herself. "Diamond," Diamond says to Astrid. "Aren't you a cutie." There's something calculating in her expression as she looks between Autumn and Astrid, before she asks Autumn, "I know you like to party at the club. Does your friend like to party, too?" she wonders.

"I am not sure," Autumn tells Diamond with a small shrug of her shoulders. "I have not seen anyone else I know going there."

Turning to look at Astrid, then, the pale woman cocks her hip. "So what is it? Do you like to party?"

Astrid blushes even more and waves her hands in front of her chest. "O-Oh no I don't go, like, all out drinking and partying it up or anything. I like sort of a tame scene where I know random people won't be grabbing my ass out of nowhere. That just..." She crinkles her nose a little and turns slightly away. "Um I think I prefer a pizza party at the arcade."

"Pizza party does sound good sometime," Autumn says with a giggle towards Astrid. "I can see most people like tame. Others, like me, like to go bold when it comes to strip clubs like Nymph's." Turning back to her food, she continues to eat while she looks between the two other women.

Now the lithe woman steps closer to Astrid. "I can find some pizza," she suggests. "Everyone likes to eat, yes?"

Astrid blushes all over again at the mention of strip clubs and the Nymph specifically. She takes a look at Autumn and blushes slightly brighter. Then her eyes quickly find Diamond's and her blush intensifies again. "I... l-like authentic S-Sicilian!" she blurts out, taking a step backward. "U-Um, sorry... I'm kind of a c-culinary enthusiast."

With a lingering gaze on Diamond, Autumn turns to Astrid and nods her head. "I am sure we can find something that will fit to your taste, Astrid," she speaks with a smile, cleaning a chicken bone off its meat. "Besides, there's plenty of delicious food in town."

"I also love food," Diamond tells Astrid. She's almost ignoring Autumn, now. "Want to get out here?" she says to the uncertain girl. "I know a great pizza joint. I don't know about you," she says. "I'm really, really, really hungry."

Put on the spot, Astrid almost instinctively seeks out Autumn with quick glances. She keeps looking between her and Diamond and takes another step back, wrapping her arms around herself. "I-I'd love to but, Autumn can come too right? We can totally have a girls night, the three of us!" She smiles timidly at Autumn and nods a while. "And she'd keep me grounded because I'm still a little nervous about Haven and well you know," she ticks her gaze to Diamond and hesitates, but then admits, "W-Well you're really intense and it's a little um... w- I'm kind of easy to scare right now."

"Say, if you know pizza, do you know taste of it?" Autumn wonders of Diamond as she finishes her dinner. "It's best to know which one has really good taste." Rising from her seat, she sets the plate down on the table for a waitstaff to retrieve and walks to stand next to Astrid.

Diamond shoots Autumn with a long, suspicious look. "Of course," she says to Autumn defensively. "That's why I'm going to take your friend Astrid out right now."

"So you're not taking me along then?" Autumn tells Diamond, putting one hand on her wide hip. "I know places around town, and I want to make sure Astrid is safe while she have fun."

Astrid sticks fairly close to Autumn, even though she does smile at Diamond. "But see with three of us that's totally fifty percent more fun!" She grins after reasoning that out, made slightly more nervous by Diamond's insistence and defensiveness.

"I think some meals are better enjoyed ... just the two of us." Diamond turns to look at Astrid. "You don't want to go out with me?" the pale woman asks. "I mean, I get it if you want to hang with Autumn... maybe I get your number?"

"Diamond, girl. You suggested party for both of us and then you decided to take only Astrid?" Autumn raises a brow while she speaks. "That doesn't seem fair, isn't it? It's not even party if it's only two. What you're talking about is date and that seems too quick if you two never even met before."

"W-Well I'm not trying to cut either of you out of it, Diamond, not like a choice thing, I want to hang out with both of you." Astrid replies, showing Diamond her timid smile again. "I-I'm real sure that you're a nice person, but um... yeah, like, Autumn pretty much nailed it. I b-barely know you, and you're really intense like I said, besides. I just... really think going out as a trio of friends is the best thing."

There's a look, Diamond's plan foiled, perhaps: "Just a number, then," she wheedles from Astrid, shooting some dirty look to Autumn. "Give me a number, and I'll stop bothering you."

Astrid crinkles her nose a little at Diamond and steps slightly in front of Autumn, crossing her arms and shaking her head. "Um... no? You... heard what I said when I introduced myself, about how Autumn is the only reason I'm even okay right now? And you look at her like that? No. She's basically the first friend I ever met in this town and by far done a lot for me just by hooking me up with White Oak, so if you're going to be disrespecting someone who's done all that for me just out of the goodness of her heart, you're not the kind of person I'd like having my number."

"What she said," Autumn says with a nod of her head, turning to face Diamond. "I may have sexy body and get in mood sometimes, but I still have heart and consideration unlike you, Diamond. You don't deserve her number and if you try to do anything against us, you're most likely going to have trouble."

Diamond's face darkens at that. She doesn't like that answer at all, and with a look between Autumn and Astrid she just frowns. "Well," she says, stepping back. "I'll find you both again, then -- sometime soon." It sounds threatening, even as she starts to sweep out of the diner.

Astrid scoffs and stares at Diamond the whole way, shaking her head. "I'd really rather you didn't, Diamond. I don't know who hurt you or how or why, but it had to be something bad. We were trying to be friendly but... you're, like, maybe a little too intense." She plops down on the bench across from Autumn, peering across the table at her with a slight slough in her posture. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be mean to one of your co-workers or... or like work acquaintance or whatever um... I-I'm sorry."

"Well, she seems like trouble," Autumn murmurs as she watches Diamond. Turning to Astrid, she glances at her phone before she tells her, "She isn't one of mine. Only seen her once."