\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Encounterlogs/Calistas Odd Encounter Sr Trevor 240713

Calistas Odd Encounter Sr Trevor 240713

Calista's evening takes a turn from tranquility to terror when an angry spirit invades her home, and eventually, her body. After dismissing the oddities occurring around her as nothing more than pesky spirits, she quickly realizes that this entity is far more hostile as it begins hurling objects in her library and slamming doors. Despite her initial resistance, she is unable to fend off its possession, marking the beginning of a chilling ordeal. The spirit, driven by a misunderstood concept of power and conquest, forces Calista to engage in various physical tests, evidently seeking to understand and harness her physical capabilities for its own objectives. It expresses a bizarre ambition to construct an empire, showcasing not only its malevolence but also its disconnection from the realities of the modern world.

The situation escalates as the spirit fixates on a memory of a man significant to Calista, mistakenly believing he possesses the strength it seeks. Calista, in a desperate attempt to protect him and dissuade the spirit, argues for the power of other formidable individuals she knows. Displaying remarkable mental resilience, she convinces the spirit of the potential utility of other, more physically dominant bodies it might possess. In a climactic confrontation filled with both physical and emotional torment, she fervently protects her cherished memories of the man, ultimately persuading the spirit to seek its ambitions elsewhere. Freed but deeply shaken, Calista immediately reaches out to Trevor, the person entwined with the memories she so fiercely guarded, highlighting their profound connection amidst the supernatural strife that engulfs Haven.
(Calista's odd encounter(SRTrevor):SRTrevor)

[Fri Jul 12 2024]

In a brick and wood-paneled living area with a skylight
A warm beige colors the walls in this living room, trimmed at the top and the bottom by dark oak. A pair of broad windows dominate the northeastern and southeastern walls, flanking the eastern archway and providing clear views of the garden. The floors of this simple, tastefully decorated living room are immaculate, hypoallergenic hardwood with a matte, natural stain applied. The skylight above brightens the room with natural light when the sun is out. In the evening, recessed floor lights in each corner of the room keep the living room gently illuminated.

Dominating the centre of the living space is a very large rug in a deep shade of blue and an overstuffed cream sectional. A low coffee table in a gorgeous rosewood is arranged in the middle. The only other thing of note in the room is a great deal of greenery. Small and large, potted or hanging, there are ferns, palms and ivy plants placed all over the space as a form of decoration.

It is dusk, about 96F(35C) degrees, and there are a few wispy white clouds in the sky.

(Your target is possessed by an angry spirit that is forcing them to act out and putting themselves and/or others at risk. They must either defeat it or find a way to calm it down.
Calista has just said goodbye to her partner - the door closing shut and letting in a waft of warm air into the house for not too long after. In the quiet of the evening, the brunette is just sitting in the corner spot of their sectional sofa, reading a new acquisition on her Kindle app on her phone. She is silent, fairly still, and already pretty involved as she dives back into the chapter she is reading.

For the last little while Haven has been disgustingly hot. Some of the townsfolk are saying this is just normal Haven summer weather, and some other's might not believe that, not really. Perhaps it's something causing it. Perhaps it's not. Regardless, it's one of those days right now. Even inside, with that distant hum of the air conditioning unit, it still might not be enough to fully keep cool. Luckily though, there's the cool, ocean waters just outside about five feet away for the owners to take a little dip, should the heat become unbearable at points. Luckily, or unluckily it doesn't seem to too bad for Calista, who's relaxing on her sectional, reading the early evening away.

All seems relatively calm, for Haven standards. There's no howling wolves at least, nothing that's audible to Calista's ears. All things considered, it's relaxing for Calista.

A moment goes by, then another, and still Calista reads, absorbed deeply into that Kindle app. All's still calm. That is, until, that gentle hum of the air conditioning rattles off. If Calista was paying attention, she'd notice it soon after. That, and the fact the coolness seems to slowly being replaced by the heat.


Something falls to the floor from Calista's office. THUD. Another. THUD. Then another. THUDTHUDTHUD. Soon, it's a quick repitition of things being knocked to the floor. Poor Calista, that's some cleaning she might have to do, judging by the sounds it seems to be books in her library. THUD.

And then.. all is quiet again, her library seemingly a mess.

SLAM. The door to the library slams closed and Calista, might be able to feel a presence in the room. The lights are on in the place, and the presence isn't obviously visible at first - it's not her partner, that part is obvious - the room doesn't smell like him. This must be something else entirely.

Beat. That presence still lingers, like it's waiting for something. Or, perhaps it's just standing there menacingly.

Those moments might feel like an eternity to Calista what with that pain of not knowing what's going. Is it gone? Has it decided to just destroy her library for fun? Maybe it's a mischievous sort of spirit, or entity. At least it's not all that hos-

A cackling sound breaks the silence, and Calista, might feel that presence move. It crosses the distance from the door to the library, to her in an instant, and then morphs inside of her - possessing her. It turns out, it was hostile afterall, and now it's Calista's problem. No more quiet reading for her. This is Haven, and things like quiet? It's not really a word that's in the dictionary of the small town.

The heat rising does not much to alert Calista who seems to be a little used to being boiled by the temperatures in Haven, but the first thud certainly has her attention. She looks up from her book, waiting to see if she imagined the sound. Another thud. Nope, not imagined then. Angrily she stands up, stuffing her cell phone in her pocket. "That better not be you again, messing with my books!" Calista basically YELLS at her library door. Apparently, she's pretty used to being tormented by malcontent spirits lately. What she isn't used to, however, is that cackling noise that isn't the gravelly voice of a red dragon and the cold prickling feeling that accompanies the movement of the spirit inside her. "What..- NO!" is all she is able to get out in a strangled voice before her consciousness recognizes that the helpless cry was too little too late.

She pats her hands down her body, as if checking for any physical damage in the immediate aftermath. It doesn't seem to feel different? What is different then?

There would be no physical damage, as for what's different? Calista would feel a sudden rush of vertigo. A sudden bout of dizziness hits Calista, and hits her hard. Thankfully, there's a soft, plush sofa to fall onto. Calista was standing just a moment ago, and suddenly, she's back on the couch? There's an almost.. lapse of memory there. What was she doing? What was going on?

Right. A thud, her library. As the realization dawns on her, Calista might try to stand but her body doesn't work. It holds her in place, forcing her to sit.

"NO," a voice says, a rumbling voice that seems to rattle around inside her skull. "STAY THERE." The voice commands, and Calista, clearly doesn't have a lot of control over her body right now - the only things that seem movable are her fingers, toes, and the ability to blink and talk, everything else is entirely locked down.

That ghastly voice is quiet and soon Calista can feel something else happening deep inside. It's like something is rifling through the file cabinets of Calista's mind. Tossing things aside, making an utter mess of memories and thoughts.

"Oh," the voice suddenly says, the word bouncing around again. "I see," the searching, at least, has stopped for the moment. "You could be very, very, useful." The tone sounds eager - but there's some desperation in it. It NEEDS something from Calista. "A shop owner," it states, listing off things. "Social, lists of numbers, friends," and still the listing comes.

"STAND!" The voice commands, and Calista is forced to her feet. "I need to-" it quiets again, thinking. "Test this form. Find the rest of it's strengths, it's weaknesses. Are you gonna help me?" It asks, "Or do I need to run my own tests? You may speak."

For her part, Calista to an outsider would just look like she's desperately trying to remember if she left the stove on - the way her wide eyes are searching and confused, bouncing back and forth as if she's trying to recall something. Inside her head it all sounds so loud, so busy. From the outside, there's just the distant sound of waves and the humming of her dual icebox and mini fridge in the kitchen.

She is forced to her feet like an awkward fembot and she tries her mouth at answering the voice in her head. "What exactly do you want to do?" Her voice sounds like her annoyed business clip, but there's obvious evidence of trepidation and fear laced in the undertones. "I can... I can help you," she adds then in a more coaxing voice. "Just tell me, what it is you feel is so important."

"Rule, of course," the spirit replies - it's voice sinister. "I want to build an empire." This is the modern world. There are in fact, not a lot of emperors left around. Especially, an emperor in America, or even this small, small town. Based off that response, this spirit is clearly lacking some knowledge here - either how the modern world works, or how Calista, a five foot, four, regular human woman is going to help in building a lasting empire, especially from the comfort of her home.

Calista is forced to pad around the room, walking circles around the sofa. This spirit, doesn't seem entirely sure of how to actually control Calista, it was using verbal commands earlier, and now it looks to be trying to make her walk by itself. The movements are weird and robotic like. One leg forward, an arm follows, then a pause, and then the next leg, then the arm, and it repeats. In those excruciatingly slow laps around the couch as this ghost tries to figure out how to pilot a human.

"You're slow," it complains. "I thought you'd be faster!"

Eventually, it seems to figure it out, and the movements become smooth, more human-like, and more Calista even. It dug deep into her brain, her core to find out to understand the woman, understand how she moves, and how she walks. "What else.." the voice says then, the complaint no longer sounding in its tone, and instead it's been replaced with an intense curiousity. Calista is forced to jump, hopping in place, the jumps start out low, and eventually it reaches the max height that Calista can pull off with those leg muscles of hers. "You're not tall," it states, "You can't even seem to fly!" It tries to keep annoyance out of its tone, but since Calista can literally hear it inside it's head, she's able to tell that it's annoyed.

It marches Calista out of the room, and towards the humming sound.

Once in the kitchen, the Calista-controlled-spirit, marches right up, and over towards a fridge, and pulls out a few different drinks. It lifts each one, inspecting them all in turn. One drink is chugged, then another, then a third, without even a single care of making a mess. Liquid dribbles from Calista's lips, dribbling down her chin. "You need this to live?" It asks later, "Why do you feel weird after drinking so much of it then?" Questions, questions, that Calista doesn't even have time to answer, and the spirit is forcing her along again. Right over to a fridge of food, thankfully, though, it passes right by it, and turns, marching back out of the kitchen and back into the room Calista was just walking laps around.

"You can't fly, you feel weird after drinking a lot of something that apparently keeps you alive.. What CAN you even offer me? Why shouldn't I just walk you off a building?" It pauses after that, then adds. "You may answer me now. I expect a good answer as to WHAT you can do for me."

"You want to rule?" Calista asks the voice before she starts getting marched around. She makes a frustrated face at all the movements she is forced to make - a strange dichotomy of body and expression. She seems so purposeful and yet - so annoyed with herself for it. "You want to fly?" she asks after she gets insulted once more. And then she's chugging drinks and grimacing. Her poor bladder is going to be screaming at her sooner rather than later. "Listen. I know people who can do that. Who can fly. Who have subordinates. Who have... power." She lowers her voice to sound covert, as if her great connections are what supplies her this information. She takes back control of her body momentarily, somehow, showing a feat of mental strength as she uses it only to pace back and forth behind her sofa. "Look in my memories. You'll see. I have connections. Friends in some high places. I was once offered a highly coveted position..." she pauses, waiting for those memories to be recalled for the spirit within her before she continues.

"But I've been at the receiving end of less pleasantries too... you see? This body is weak. But my spirit was strong and my mind sharp. You don't need a sharp mind. You have your own. What you need is a sharp body." Another memory flashes through the brunette's mind now - showing off a select reel for the inhabitant within her. "Search for this man or this woman. Imagine the kind of strength you could command if you inhabited one of them?"

"Mm," the spirit hums from within. As it sees the memories, "Mmmm," it hums again. "Yes," it says then, "Yes. Power. That's what I need," The spirit seems thoughtful now as it debates internally, no longer making its thoughts obvious to Calista. Calista's though, are free for the spirit to view. "The.. Hand.." the voice is soft, almost like it's a distant. Is it gone? Is it going away? Calista might feel like that, she can feel it.. The spirit almost slipping away, and going to search.

"NO." The spirit says then, the voice slamming inside her skull. "YOU GIVE GOOD REASONS," it says. "POWER. YOU'RE RIGHT." The voice is practically screaming, and Calista might definitely feel a budding headache at some point soon, if it keeps this up.

A memory is pulled out of Calista's brain, it's fuzzy at first, and soon the person is painted into her mind. It's one of a strong, tall man - there's a big, warm grin on his face. "WHAT ABOUT HIM?" It says. "I CAN SEE IT. YOU HAVE MANY MEMORIES OF THIS ONE." The scene changes in a flash in Calista's mind, that same familiar face - but he's leaning against a door now, hair slightly damp. "You didn't show me HIM," the voice screams, and practically THROWS Calista across the room in a rage - the force slamming her back against the sofa where she hits it, slumping to the floor beside it. "Those others seem strong, yes. But, you give them up so easily. YOU LIE." Something twists inside Calista, her stomach practically flopping onto its side - and it takes all of the willpower she has not to throw up whatever it is she's ate today. "POWER IS GOOD," the voice continues with it's almost scream inside her skull. "TELL ME WHERE TO FIND HIM."

Calista is suddenly forced onto her back, her eyes up at the skylight, but the rest of her body is stiff. No free will to move.

"No, no, no!" Calista says out loud almost involuntarily as she tries to draw the shutters down on her memories, on the images shown to her of this familiar face that takes up - let's face it - MOST of the real estate in her mind and body. "What about him?" she gasps out desperately, sucking air in with an audible sound from the force of being slammed into the sofa back. She claps a hand over her mouth, trying to keep the contents of her innards at bay even as she is sent to lay back, her eyes on her beloved starry sky above.

"He can't fly," she croaks out to the spirit - little beads of moisture forming at the outer corners of her eyes. "I gave you my memory of the strongest adversary I've met. I know where they live... I- of course I give them up easily. I have no personal vestment in their comfort or happiness." She groans, unable to move her body, but all her torso aching with the abuse. Again, she tries to clamp down on those memories of that grinning face. Banishing the warmth those images conjure. Banishing the relief he brings. "Dig. Go ahead I dare you. Dig and find out just how stubborn I am. You CANNOT have him. Walk me off a cliff and I will drag what's left of your measly little existence down with me. TRY ME." She grits her teeth now as her only real show of mettle from her prone position on the floor.

There's quiet. All sound seems taken from Calista's ears. That hum of the fridges gone, the waves lapping outside. Gone. Her sight is still there, staring up at that starry sky.

Eventually, the voice comes back, the only thing Calista can seemingly hear. "He can't fly?" It asks then, "And you want to fight for him?" Curiousity is back in its voice. "You would fight me over him? Over that?" Calista is tossed onto her side, those beloved stars stripped from her view again. There's feeling again, and it seems Calista could start crawling, if she wanted to. Not that she can really get away from something possessing her. "I don't.." it's confused now, "You would not give me him? You would die before giving him up to me?" Love. It doesn't seem like love is a concept understandable to this spirit. "What is it with you?" The voice asks again, "You can save yourself, by giving up one other. You tried to hide him, so I thought he'd be stronger than the others."

Something hits Calista again - like a kick hit into her chest - throwing her, once again, across the floor. It's not a physical kick, there'd be no bruising, no physical wounds at least. "These others," it says after a while. "You're sure they're more powerful?" Of course, this spirit can tap into Calista's emotions, it should be able to tell if she's lying. It releases it's hold on her, at least most of it. Calista once again has free will, she can move, act of her own free will. But yet, the spirit lingers, like its waiting for something.

Calista can only brace herself in what tiny physical capacity she has, and internally, for that throw across the floor. She may be mentally strong, but it hurts, and she's not above making a cry of pain at this point in response to it. Another audible gasp in as the air rushes back into her lungs. "He is not yours to take," she says simply. Sternly. Her jaw setting with conviction even as her treacherous body coils up like a fearful rabbit. She lets her brain run free with reels of thoughts regarding the powers of those she showed to the spirit before. Of conversations held between her and the man she tries to protect, in regards to their unique sort of terrorism on Haven. "They're powerful. They have power over many," she croaks out in a tired sounding and hoarse voice. "Him? He just has power over me..."

"I see," the voice says again, almost thoughtful as it listens to Calista's response. If she was in pain, it barely even seems to care, or notice. She was just a thing for it to control, to try to build an empire with. "Okay," it says shortly after. "I can tell you're not lying." Another spirit kick to her chest, this one lighter, but more of a warning. "I'll leave you then." And with that being said, the spirit releases its hold on Calista, disappearing from inside and hearing comes back. It slips out, the presence lingering above her. That cackle sounds throughout the room, and that sinking feeling is gone. Calista is free, for now, free to live her own life, holding onto her memories, and to the love she has.

The humming of the air conditioning comes back on, filling the room once again with it's cool air.

Calista sits up, almost immediately following the spirit vacating her person - her hands coming to her chest to apply a counter pressure to the pain she feels blossoming inside from those phantom kicks. At least... she won't be black and blue from this treatment? With everything just clicking back into place and the world resuming as if nothing ever happened, she attempts to stand, grasping the back of the sofa as a brace and taking a second to recollect herself. She showed mettle, maybe, but now she takes some quickened, emotion filled breaths as she fights back the tears that for some reason threaten the corners of her eyes. But no, she doesn't cry. She stands straight - pressing the backs of her hands into her sockets and clears her throat. It seems she has at least one more day still on this earth. And as she fishes out her cell phone from her back pocket - it's likely no surprise to any lingering spirit that the contact she pulls up, ready to hit 'call', is labelled, 'Trevor'.