\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Encounterlogs/Calistas Odd Encounter Sr Trevor 240727

Calistas Odd Encounter Sr Trevor 240727

On a seemingly peaceful morning at Haven Bay, Calista finds her serene moment disturbed by an unexpected and chilling encounter. While enjoying the early sunlight and the soothing waters off Sidney Beach, her tranquility is broken by mysterious ripples and a brief, unnerving touch from something unseen beneath the waves. The intrigue quickly turns into a bone-chilling experience when a voice, seemingly emanating from the ocean itself, beckons her to play. Despite her attempts to dismiss the encounter and withdraw to the safety of her seaside cabin, Calista finds herself persistently pursued by this strange entity, which reveals a capacity to communicate telepathically and a desire to lure her deeper into the water. Her initial nonchalance rapidly transforms into alarm as this sea creature, manifesting with a human-like appearance yet clearly otherworldly in nature, demonstrates both its fascination with and sinister intentions towards her.

In a desperate bid for escape, Calista's situation escalates further as the creature physically tries to restrain her, prompting her to unleash a frantic physical rebuttal followed by an ingenious use of her magical abilities to create a diversion. This quick thinking enables her to make a narrow escape back to the apparent safety of her cabin, but not without a harrowing chase that tests her limits. The creature's persistence, marked by a menacing pressing against her cabin's glass door and its frustrated declarations, underlines the peril she narrowly avoided. Calista's eventual safety, as she collapses into a bundle of frayed nerves on her kitchen floor, offers a stark reminder of the unpredictable dangers that lurk even in the most serene of settings, forever altering her perception of the tranquil waters that had initially offered her solace on that fateful morning.
(Calista's odd encounter(SRTrevor):SRTrevor)

[Fri Jul 26 2024]

At Haven Bay

It is morning, about 90F(32C) degrees,

(Your target is abducted by a sea creature that's somehow crossed over into our world, it is up to them to survive for long enough that their allies can come help.
Calista is currently standing in waist deep water on Haven's coast line off Sidney Beach. The sun is just rising over the water and the heat that already beats down is probably what brought the small brunette out here in the first place. The large windows of her seaside cabin can be seen behind her while she trails her hands lazily along the surface of the water, watching the ripplies in a meditatively relaxed fashion.

It's an early morning in Haven, especially just off the coast where Calista is. The sun is beginning to rise, just cresting the waters in the horizon - and yet, it's already hot. The sun already starting to lay claim to its domain of the earth - beginning to turn the cool night into a hotter day. It's one of those mornings in Haven, quiet, calm - but anyone in Haven knows that usually doesn't last for long.

A wave ripples somewhere off to Calista's right - a small little disturbance in the relatively calm waves. If that small brunette was to look, she'd see nothing out of the ordinary.

There's a caw from above her, a seagull taking to the air as it passes just overhead. That seagull makes a small circle in the air, it's wings flapping as it looks for whatever it can to munch on.

That ripple is back, causing another disturbance in the waves. But now, it's like a dark shadow, that seems to be making its way to shore. No. It's not towards shore, it's towards Calista, that small brunette who just wants to enjoy a nice cool dip in the ocean. That shadow gets closer, and closer still. Until..

It disappears under the waves, diving underneath. There's that moment of quiet nothingness again, perhaps it was just a trick of the light?

That shadow is back, this time brushing against Calista's foot. The feeling is weird, scales brushing against her foot. It circles, once, twice and then swims back away. So far, it doesn't SEEM dangerous, whatever the thing is.

"Hello," a voice seems to say, almost like it's speaking directly into Calista's mind. It comes from the ocean around her, vibrating through the waves.

Calista is only paying half attention to the water around her, as one does when they are lost in thought. The odd ripple does nothing to spark any alarm. But the passing of a shadow so close to her has her eyes focusing in a little and she stops with her side to side hand motions in the water, drawing them up to gather at her ribs just under her breasts while she peers into the waters.

When the feeling of scales hits her foot, she makes the sound just about any sane person would - a complaintive screech and a quick step backward while an embarassed look is given to her left and right. What kind of Havenite is she after all if she freaks out about a fish or two in the waters. Still... she backs up a few paces in the water, the firm sands only giving way slightly under her feet. She doesn't get very far however, before the voices sounds.

She makes that sound again, a squeaked surprised as she reflexively puts a hand to her ear. Now, she's trying to turn in the water towards shore, sloshing in a slow way - trying not to make too much of a splashing disturbance to draw attention to herself. "Who's there?" she hisses out to the air. It does seem like she's a little used to the occasional voice showing up in her head.

As Calista sloshes her way to shore, she'd hear another sound. This time, it isn't any words. It's the sound of laughter, a giggle in fact. Taunting, teasing. Happy to have scared the poor woman out of the waters. Eventually, though, it speaks up. "Who's there?" It asks, repeating the words to Calista. "Why, it's just me!" It says - like that's an actual explanation for whoever it is. There's movement again, from the corner of Calista's eye. A ripple - something shiny, shimmering and scaly graces her vision. "Where are you going?" The voice says. "Come back in! We can play." It'd be hard to distinguish where exactly the voice is coming from. It seems to be everywhere and nowhere at once, though, it does sound almost distinctively male. A lower, playful tone.

Calista doesn't seem to be fast enough to make it out of the water before SOMETHING tugs on her ankle. It's not hard, it doesn't cause the woman to fall, but it would give most people pause. The hand feels like a human though. Fingers tapping against the skin of her ankle as it pulls. Clearly, it doesn't want her to leave the water. "We can have a lot of fun!" It says, continuing on. "Turn around, walk into the water." Now, any sane person would immediately start running but there's something in the tone of the voice. It's relaxing, soothing, a hidden command as it speaks and yet, it seems almost sinister. Going into the water is definitely a bad idea. That much should be obviously clear.

Unfortunately for Calista, there's not a lot of choices. The beach, at least the spot she's decided to enjoy her morning at is empty, save for herself and the few seagulls dotting the beach. Her cabin is there, safety? The glass windows reflecting the ocean back at her.

With her heart beat picking up with the necessary amount of fear Calista is beginning to feel, she tries to remain calm in feature and movement. Even in her voice as she swallows thickly. "Who's me?" she asks, as if entertaining a child who is playing a game with her. She keeps trying to take those steps towards the shore, slow and steady as if she were just deciding to head back in out of her own volition - no panic just yet.

The hand at her ankle causes her skin to crawl, a ripple of shuddering flesh from leg up to neck. "Playing sounds fun, but I've no time left. My partner is back from his run and we're having breakfast together you see? So I'm terribly sorry but- I simply can't." She's conversational almost. Polite as usual. She keeps glancing towards the cabin and its deck. Still, always, she keeps trying to get shallower in the water to the beach, tugging gently against the hand on her ankle as if to just kindly say 'let go of me please'.

"Your partner?" The voice asks, then. "Invite them! We can all play together!" It either ignored Calista's first question about more information, or the creature is simple in what it wants. And that seems to really want to draw Calista into the water - to the ocean. The hand around Calista's ankle seems strong, strong enough to be able to pull the woman over and drag into the depths but for now, it seems perfectly content to keep a loose steady grip. Tugging ever so gently on her ankle.

Calista walks, and walks, against that light tugging gesture until eventually she seems to make it onto land. The waves just lapping at her feet now.

FREEDOM! The cabin, the deck. It's all right in front of her. All she'd have to do is start run-

Calista didn't catch what happened, but something seems to have changed behind her. There'd be a feeling now, like she's being watched - and, of course, she is.

SLOSH. SLOSH. SLOSH. The waves churn behind her - the sound, similiar to that of the one Calista just made, someone walking towards the shore - except, this figure doesn't care about being heard. It's making purposeful steps, directly towards Calista. Then, there's silence again. Except for the waves lapping against the sands, the sound of seagulls cawing. A cool breeze blows along the sands, chilling Calista a moment.

"I said," the voice is whispered right against Calista's right ear, "Come into the water, and play." A firm hand grabs Calista on the shoulder - beginning to slowly turn the woman around. This time though, this grip doesn't seem to want to let go of her so easily.

Calista is right freaked out by the whole thing, as she should be, and is so very close to getting away from the whole ordeal - from being able to ignore the plaintive voice in the waters until that hand comes to grip her shoulder.

Like any good girl who has been training her self defense, Calista springs into reflexive action. If there's a solid body to go with the hand on her shoulder, she goes for it in the taught combination that stands out in her mind. 'Just remember to S.I.N.G.'! First an elbow to the solar plexus, next a step backward to try and stomp on a foot, then a fist to the nose (if there's a face), and a punch to the groin (same deal).

Thud. Calista's elbow hits the creature right in the solar plexus, apparently not at all expecting this small brunette woman to fight back. Why would he? He just wanted to play! "Ugh," Calista's foot meets human foot. The last two, the creature was ready for now, and it reacts by dodging, in only ways that a supernatural being can. "Really?" It asks, making a small 'tsk' from the back of its throat. The first two hits, seem to have done some damage though, and it dropped its grip from Calista's shoulder. There's speed now, as the figure comes into view, right in front of the woman - and now, she'd see for the first time what it is she's actually up against.

It's.. a human. Or, well, it looks like a human. Of course, things that look like humans, especially in Haven doesn't really mean anything in the grand scheme of things. The creature stands at about six feet tall, it's got chiseled facial features, and, all in all, it's attractive. Anyone with eyes would be able to tell that this creature, that stands before Calista is attractive. Full of confidence, or perhaps a lack of caring, the humanish creature stands completely nude, swaggering up to Calista to get right in her face. "Well," it says, its voice low, "That was rather rude!" It rubs its chest idly, as if Calista really did some damage to it. His seagreen eyes roam the woman, in a predatory sort of way - leering as his eyes continue to roam her figure. "But," he says then, "I can forgive you. Such a gorgeous woman like yourself?" It steps back, giving Calista SOME space. Not a lot, but some.

Adrenaline coursing, Calista breathes quickly as she regards the 'creature' in front of her. She doesn't have long to make up her mind on what she wants to do. Her element of surprise in physical combat is broken, and too easily competed against. She darts a quick glance up to the cabin still teasing her with its proximity and yet - how far away it seems. There's no one busting through those doors to save her so - she needs a plan.

Attempt number two comes in the form of Calista very suddenly lifting her arms in the air and then letting them fall in a quick and decisive chopping movement almost at an angle to herself. The musk of magic fills the air for a split second when a brief, potent gust of wind blows a blast of sand into the creatures face.

Calista doesn't even wait to watch it happen before she is already turning tail to run as fast as her legs will take her up the beach towards her cabin.

A gust of wind comes almost out of nowhere, blasting the human-like creature in the face with sand. Now, some people might like sand, but there's almost nobody who likes sand directly in their face, and their eyes. Fortunately for Calista, this being is one of those, who does not enjoy sand in its face. The sand smashes against it, getting into its mouth, its nose and its eyes. There's a sputtering sound from it, coughing, hacking as it attempts to dislodge the sand.

Eventually, the creature begins to follow, sprinting after Calista. It's faster than her, but she's got a solid head start on it.

The sun beats down on the two of them, Calista sprinting to the safety of her cabin, the creature chasing after her with an eagerness. Footfall after footfall the two of them go. Calista's got a few steps to go. Three, two, ONE. She makes it, flinging the door open and shutting it behind her. The creature, a moment later skids into the door. The door holds, not breaking as it pushes its face up against the glass. "WE CAN PLAY!" It yells, angrily - apparently being defeated by a door. For whatever reason, it can't seem to figure it out. There's a time when the creature just keeps its face smushed against the door, seething in rage at Calista being able to escape it.

It seems like hours, when in reality it's only a few moments of this. The creature, eventually turns around, stalking off back towards the water. Calista is safe. Though, her relaxing morning's been ruined. What a town this is. Can't even enjoy a nice, calm day at the water.

Calista is a fairly confident person, she'd like to think, but this chase has stripped her of her dignity and she just SCREAMS as she runs. Her body's only release of the rising panic of the creature following at her heels.

When the door slams on the creature behind her, she falls back on herself, legs giving out as she braces her hands on the floor behind her to stare at the face smushed against her patio door. She can barely contain her breathing, gasping after giving that run her all.

They remain frozen like this, in a tableau of 'what ifs' before finally, perhaps drying out from the punishing sun too long, the creature turns to leave. She remains there, damp on the kitchen floor and just draws her knees to her chest to hug them, still staring at the beach outside as if afraid to turn her back once again to the windows.