\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Encounterlogs/Fayads Odd Encounter Sr Trevor 240702

Fayads Odd Encounter Sr Trevor 240702

On a quiet night in Haven, Fayad finds himself inexplicably drawn back to the library after a psych appointment, acting under the influence of an angry spirit that has possessed him. Despite his initial intentions to head home, he ends up rummaging through a desk in the librarian's office, searching for something yet unknown to him. Jacqueline, observing his strange behavior, decides to intervene. She follows Fayad into the office and attempts to communicate with the spirit inside him, offering her help to find what it's looking like, suggesting herself as a more knowledgeable host for the spirit's needs. However, the spirit mocks her attempts and expresses its desire to stay within Fayad, who seems to have accepted its presence as a form of rebellion against the loss and manipulation he's experienced in his life.

As the confrontation continues, Fayad reveals the cause of his distress—a mysterious dagger he woke up with one day, which has since then haunted him. Despite Jacqueline's initial uncertainty about the artifact, she deduces that it's connected to a mercenary group named the Golden Shadow, hinting at its possible significance and danger. Her knowledge about such obscure matters convinces the spirit to leave Fayad, allowing him some respite from its control. However, the experience leaves him wary and exhausted, albeit somewhat relieved that the spirit has departed. Jacqueline, seizing the moment of calm, persuades Fayad to seek further assistance with her contacts, who might be able to help him understand and deal with the dagger and its implications properly. In the end, Fayad, though hesitant, agrees to follow Jacqueline in search of answers, marking the beginning of a tentative trust between them as they aim to unravel the mysteries behind the dagger and the spirit's interest in it.
(Fayad's odd encounter(SRTrevor):SRTrevor)

[Mon Jul 1 2024]

In the librarian's desk
A broad and sturdy desk of darkly stained wood flares out in a semi-circle from the western wall, the massive structure blocking off and guarding access to the office door to the southwest. No permanent structures are left on the surface which seems to be almost obsessively polished, and it's routinely cleared of anything upon it at the end of the night. During the day, it's often spotted with books that are yet to be re-shelved. The underside is opaque from the front and blocked by a similar, if slightly less glossy wood; on the curve, however, it's pocketed with nooks and crannies and ample storage space for all sizes.

It is night, about 78F(25C) degrees, There is a waning crescent moon.

(Your target is possessed by an angry spirit that is forcing them to act out and putting themselves and/or others at risk. They must either defeat it or find a way to calm it down.
Fayad is headed home after a psych appointment, picking up some otc sleeping pills to try to fix how tired he's felt lately. He lives in the apt 104 Elm St after his parents died, alone, and has been too lazy to furnish it with much but a bed... but he really wants to sleep.

Jaqueline walks through the library and closer to the librarian's desk, drawn closer by something going on over there. She peeks around others along the way and keeps a distance at first, observing from the nearest of the stacks.

Fayad is emerging from the librarians office looking flustered, carrying a Black Rose Bookshop tote with him, dark bags under his eyes.

It's a relatively quiet night in Haven. It's warm, not too hot, though that could depend entirely on someone's perspective of what 'hot' would be. Fayad is just leaving his appointment, when there's a strange sensation that passes through him - it feels like he walked through something - almost like a mist, but, it's a clear night. It's not misty, it's not foggy. Nothing, at the moment seems to come of it.

Though, something pulls on Fayad, deep within him - he had plans, of course. He seems tired, exhausted even, but soon, he's turning around and marching right back into that office he left. Perhaps he forgot something? The door clicks shut again, right behind Fayad, and there's a methodical marching of the man, directly over to the desk pausing in front of it. Something, seems to be pulling the man, the desk seems like a super, interesting spot to inspect now doesn't it?

Fayad quietly puts his bag down and moves around to the seat of the desk, idly opening drawers, scanning their contents.

Jaqueline found that to be suspicious to begin with, but what's more is that she might have an idea what's going on. When she sees Fayad turn back to go back to the office, she takes off after him at a brisk walk, not about to let this go without investigating. Glancing around the library, she's cautious on her way into the office, and she takes a deep breath before the confrontation.

It feels like Fayad hasn't even noticed Jaqueline, and he seems entirely focused on the desk in front of him. Searching, searching, searching for.. something.

No. It's not here. And Fayad is seemingly pulled away from the desk, his head tilting upwards - towards the cei-. Oh. There's a person there.

So, Fayad's head is sort of pulled back downwards, to meet the gaze of this person.

Fayad looks slightly upwards at Jaqueline due to the difference in height, sighing. "I think the hospital part is somewhere else if you're here for your cast", he softly greets in a dull tone.

"Um... Hello, sir." Jaqueline begins, smiling at Fayad and approaching another few feet. She waves slowly with her right hand, looking deep into his eyes. "What's your name, sir, if you don't mind my asking?", she inquires, slightly lifting her left arm with a wince. "Thanks for your concern, but I've another week at least, I think? Well, I'm Jaqueline Murphy."

Fayad frowns and looks down at the floor. "It's Fayad," he quietly replies, an exotic lilt to his foreign name. "But I don't want to....waste your time, so what do you want...? I know people don't talk to me unless they need something, " he bitterly murmurs.

A slow blink comes from Fayad as he speaks, his lips curling into a frown. Then, suddenly he's almost flung across the room, though he manages to keep himself upright, grabbing onto the corner of the desk. Thank everything that it was there, otherwise, poor Fayad, he would have been flung across the room.

Fayad looks ill, staggering as he leans against the desk, faint confusion on his features.

Jaqueline gasps and rushes a few steps forward, reaching out toward Fayad. "W-Woah! Hey now, there's no need for that. I wasn't just talking to Fayad," she says, terrible with the name, "I want to know your name too. I'd also like to know why you've chosen to hitch hike him, and yes, I can see you in there." She says all this staring into Fayad's eyes, which can't possibly be any easier on him than the rest of it. "Fayad?" she says again, and once again horrible on pronouncing it, "I'm gonna need you to stay calm okay? You've got... a spirit inside you. I can see it in there, and you're just going to have to trust me on that, sir." She upnods slightly and clears her throat. "Okay, now... nice and easy, let Fayad know what it is that you actually want... a-and let him... relay it to me... fair?"

Fayad stiffens suddenly, as if his entire body has been snapped shut. The only visible movement is the slow blink that follows the action, and the slow rise and fall of Fayad's chest.

It feels like an eternity as Fayad is locked in place, no response, no.. nothing.

"I don't need to tell you anything," the words are spewed from Fayad's mouth after a moment or so. Though Fayad's lips move, it doesn't sound like the same man who was speaking to Jaqueline a little bit earlier. "But, if you really must know, I was bored? Seemed like a.. fun.." The voice trails off there a moment, "What did you call it? Hitch hike? Yeah, whatever that is."

Jaqueline's eyes widen as the spirit fully takes over. She keeps her right hand out toward Fayad and steps very slowly toward him. "Easy now," she says to the entity, gulping then. "You're right, you don't need to tell me anything... but... if I don't know what you're looking for, I can't help you find it... I just want to help, and then you can... be satisfied a-and on your way, yes? And Fayad can have his body back?"

Fayad's head snaps towards the woman, 'his' face twisting into an angry grimace. "Leave," the voice states, annoyance filling the tone. "Turn around, and walk out. There's NOTHING, you can do to help." Then that grimace twists, pulling into a grin. "That's how you can help. You be on your way, and," the voice pulls Fayad's body now, and Fayad's arm goes up, pointing at himself, "We'll figure things out on our own."

Jaqueline grits her teeth and looks slightly to the side, then shaking her head. She's still on the slow approach and she insists, "NO... no... I can't do that. You're occupying a man's body right now, and I've got to ensure that he's given control of it back, please, negotiate with me." Bringing her right hand to her chest, she slightly bows and adds, "I just want to make sure everyone turns out okay, okay? Let me help you. Please."

"Why?" Not-Fayad asks the woman, "There's nothing you can do for me, that.. this man can't do already." The words are like venom now, there was annoyance and now there's anger - a fury. "You think you know what I want? You think YOU, can help?" A laugh comes bubbling out of Fayad, "Just leave us be."

Then there's silence. A momentary silence, and Fayad's stiffness seems to disappear a moment. Almost like... he's back to himself?

Fayad's face suddenly contorts into a nauseous rictus of fear and confusion. "By Allah, what's happening to me?", he groans, suddenly lurching to lean against the desk again, wary of someone approach.

Fayad's face suddenly contorts into a nauseous rictus of fear and confusion. "By Allah, what's happening to me?", he groans, suddenly lurching to lean against the desk again, wary of someone' approach.

"Wh? No, I don't think I know that, that's why I'm asking." Jaqueline sighs and shakes her head, stepping up the rest of the way to Fayad. SHe puts her hand gently on his left shoulder, and as she gives a very soft squeeze, she asks, "A-are you okay? Do you know what it wants?"

Fayad's face suddenly contorts into a nauseous rictus of fear and confusion. "By Allah, what's happening to me?", he groans, suddenly lurching to lean against the desk again, wary of Jaqueline's approach.

Fayad is over-taken again, though, it's less stiff. He seems to have some control over himself this time. The voice comes back, "I've thought about it," it says, using Fayad to speak. "We could negotitate, maybe, what can you offer?"

Fayad says "There's something... in the librarians office? I- I don't - I need to find it- possesssed? Ghosts aren't real-ergh-"
"Shhh, shh, shh, Fayad," Jaqueline says softly, coming closer to half-hug him with her right arm. She whispers into his ear, "Hold on to me, Fayad, and focus on holding on to me, okay? I'm going to speak to the spirit again." She sighs softly and gives Fayad a gentle squeeze with her right arm, trying to stifle her wince when she has to move her cast-bound left. "For one, I'm fairly sure I know more about the kinds of thing you're after than he does. Can you not feel it in there? He's rattled right now, this isn't a kind of thing he's used to. I... I understand the appeal of a joy ride but, you know you'd be better off possessing me, at least long enough to find what you want, alright? You don't have to leave the library just yet, just let him go, and seep into me, and we'll get you what you came for. Alright?"

"Shhh, shh, shh, Fayad," Jaqueline says softly, coming closer to half-hug him with her right arm. She whispers into his ear, "Hold on to me, Fayad, and focus on holding on to me, okay? I'm going to speak to the spirit again." She sighs softly and gives Fayad a gentle squeeze with her right arm, trying to stifle her wince when she has to move her cast-bound left. "For one, I'm fairly sure I know more about the kinds of thing you're after than he does. Can you not feel it in there? He's rattled right now, this isn't a kind of thing he's used to. I... I understand the appeal of a joy ride but, you know you'd be better off possessing me, at least long enough to find what you want, alright? You don't have to leave the library just yet, just let him go, and seep into me, and we'll get you what you came for. Alright?" (Re for Fayad

Fayad winces, but permits the embrace, due to a lack of anywhere else to go, cornered between someone and the desk. "Why are you here?", he asks, with sudden aggravation. "To take it from me? I- whenever I do get anything it gets taken, so - so I just don't bother getting- ", he incoherently rambles, trying to lean away.

Fayad winces, but permits the embrace, due to a lack of anywhere else to go, cornered between Jaqueline and the desk. "Why are you here?", he asks, with sudden aggravation. "To take it from me? I- whenever I do get anything it gets taken, so - so I just don't bother getting- ", he incoherently rambles, trying to lean away.

In that second one, the one that's not Fayad, it continues. "You see? He likes me, and I'm rather fond of him, too." Using Fayad, the spirit, lifts both hands and high-fives himself. "So," it adds on, "I think I'm going to stay, and get my work done."

Fayad says "And you DO? You'd want a ghost in you? I don't believe you. I- I just - no one does anything just because it's good. I was trying to figure out what you were- why you- cared. It must be that."
Jaqueline blinks several times, a little bewildered by the results here between these two. But she eases her right arm off of someone, and though she squints a little bit as she look him in the eyes, she backs off a few feet. But she hangs around and keeps watching from there. "W-Well um... okay I can honestly say I could never expect this. You see, I'm with the Temple, and protecting people, helping them. That's what I'm all about, Fayed." She nods, grinning at him after it. "So yeah, as much as you may not want to believe it, there are people who just want to do some good in this world, and I'm one of them. I don't... particularly want a ghost in me either but, it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make to free you from its influence... unless you... want it to stay in there."

Jaqueline blinks several times, a little bewildered by the results here between these two. But she eases her right arm off of Fayad, and though she squints a little bit as she look him in the eyes, she backs off a few feet. But she hangs around and keeps watching from there. "W-Well um... okay I can honestly say I could never expect this. You see, I'm with the Temple, and protecting people, helping them. That's what I'm all about, Fayed." She nods, grinning at him after it. "So yeah, as much as you may not want to believe it, there are people who just want to do some good in this world, and I'm one of them. I don't... particularly want a ghost in me either but, it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make to free you from its influence... unless you... want it to stay in there."

Fayad responds, baffled, "I'm muslim. After 9/11 my mom told me to stay away from the temples. I've read about what you've done to people who look like me. You call that protecting people?"

Jaqueline blinks several more times before the miscommunication finally dawns on her. She snickers a little bit and shakes her head. "No, no, no, that's an entirely different kind of Temple, it... oh man um..." She sighs and bites on her bottom lip, glancing around. "Look we are... way not on the same page here, I'm... not from a religious group."

Fayad gets kind of angry. "You're laughing at me."

Jaqueline gasps and takes a sudden step backward from Fayad. "What? Hey, no! I didn't mean it like that, sir, please calm down!"

There's a cackle from Fayad, one that doesn't sound like it's really from Fayad. But, Fayad hasn't gone stiff, hasn't gone rigid since the beginning, and it would seem, Fayad is in control at the moment. Though, the spirit hasn't left him, an astute observer, Jaqueline would be able to see that. It's still there - buried itself inside.

Fayad puts his hand briefly over his mouth, surprised, and then exhales quietly. "Look," he says, in a dull tone. "I'm...more mistrustful of pretty women trying to help me than I am of GHOSTS, apparantly. I've lost way too much money to that before," he adds, bitterly. "I came here about the dreams and the psychiatrist tried to get me to buy her nudes. ... She's the most gorgeous woman I've ever seen, but still, that's - it's - she just wants my money. Said the clinic pays her so appointments would be free." His fists clench at his sides, the short man fuming. "It's really hard to be calm when I know you all just want to take advantage of me. If I'm going to be a tool I might as well be a tool of something INTERESTING for once."

"That's not what I want!" Jaqueline shouts, taking a deep breath after. She lets it out a little fast and takes a step closer to Fayad. Putting her right hand out in front of her, with her palm faced to Fayad, she shakes her head. "I don't want your money, I don't want your dick, I don't want anything from you, but a little bit of time. Just.. l-let me help you. Let me help you, and let me take you to a man to talk to about all of this. Okay? Please just... stop assuming things, sir."

That spirit, the one buried inside Fayad seems perfectly content to let Fayad take control. Maybe the spirit is influencing him, maybe it's not. But, it's definitely not speaking at the moment. It's.. in hiding - maybe. It's found a great host, one that seems to want it inside of him, want it influencing. Or, this ghost is much stronger than anyone thought it'd be. Pulling on Fayad's emotions, the anger of those temples and what was done to his people.

Fayad rolls his eyes. "No one's ever wanted my dick," he crassly remarks. "You want to help me, fine, you can tell me what this is if you 'know so much.'" He reaches for the tote bag he'd dropped by the desk and takes out - a dagger, the hilt shining gold in the light!

Jaqueline takes another sudden step backward, her eyes even wider than before once the blade is brought out. Even with a dull edge, the tip could still be good for stabbing, and she doesn't exactly know that it's dull quite yet. She raises her right hand higher, stepping back more and more, until her back finds a wall. "Fayad! Put that away, please! You don't need that!"

Fayad says "One day I woke up in bed with this in my hands and I've felt like shit ever since. What is it?"
Fayad holds it up to the light, displaying it.

There's a moment as Fayad holds the knife up, and a mist sort of escapes from Fayad. If Jaqueline looked around, if she paid attention she'd be able to see a spirit hovering there, close to Fayad, almost like their friends. It's a friendly sort of posture, but, there's a twisting of it's form, like it's waiting. And it seems entirely focused on Jaqueline now. Waiting for her reply.

Staring at that dagger now, and finally realizing that Fayad wasn't about to try to shank her with it, Jaqueline takes a few more deep breaths. "Well, at a closer look it... looks like it's meant to be in a display case... but more importantly is..." she points to the inscriptions etched into it, glancing around the room with a slight flinch. "...that I-" Suddenly her eyes get wide again and she stiffens, failing to get any actual words out for a few seconds before she gets started up again. "That I... h-have no idea what those etchings a-are for. So if there's anything funky going on with that thing I-I'd have to have someone who knows about that kind of stuff take a look!" She glances near Fayad and gulps, closing her eyes. "O-Oh god...."

That figure of a spirit lingers close to Fayad, watching still, waiting. It seems to be curious, though, Fayad, probably can't see it, and it seems like only Jaqueline can. Fayad might be able to feel it's presence though.

Fayad sighs and tosses it back into the bag. "So you can't help me either," he mutters, turning to the side, heedless of the spectre.

Fayad's eyes look up towards the roof. "That sounds like a lot of *effort*," he complains.

Jaqueline sighs and steps closer to Fayad. "Hey now, come on, that's not exactly true. I can take you to someone, and he has resources, we can look into things for you. Fayad... There's a lot more going on here than you could ever imagine, but you have to trust me." She glances at SRTrevor again and shudders. "It... It's some kind of strange heirloom associated with an organization called the Golden Shadow. You see the design of this blade? Well their organization's symbol is of a blade that looks like this, plunged through a shadowy... looking... earth... figure. They're mercenaries, and lining their pockets with the wars of the worlds, among other jobs they take on, anyway." After she blurts that all out she shudders and paces, taking a few more deep breaths. "But with an organization like that, and w-well a potential relic like that... I'd need to have my boss get in touch with specialists, because I can't tell if it's cursed or not, or anything else about it really... You're lucky I'm a part-time bookworm or I wouldn't even know that much."

Fayad's attention is suddenly very much on Jaqueline as she attempts to elaborate upon the strange athame-dagger-knife-thing. "So you do know?!", he blurts out rapidly. "I - I'm so tired," he suddenly wheezes. "I haven't slept in two days," he mutters, leaning hard against the desk. "Was going to buy pills at the pharmacy on my way home.."

That spirit that was there, seems to creep closer towards Jaqueline, it's form shimmering brightly as it moves closer, and closer still. This might not have the smartest decision from Jaqueline, to involve herself in a spirits taking over of a body. Because, now, it seems like she's going to find herself without any control.

If there's anything up her sleeve - oh there is, she's pulled out an explanation.

The room drops a few degrees, the lights flicker on and off, and then, there's quiet. Everything settles back to normal, back to place.

Whatever was here, seems to have drifted off, perhaps with Jaqueline's answer she passed some sort of test, and nothing happened. And, Fayad Well, the spirit seems to not have found what it was looking for inside of him. Not yet, and possibly not ever. Maybe something will come back, maybe not. But, for now, the spirit's been defeated and Fayad can go home, get his pills and go to sleep.

Fayad uneasily glances up at the flickering lights. "What the fuck," he mutters.

[OOC: That's about it! Feel free to send off another emote or two, and then send me a tell if you want a summon somewhere!]

"I know basics, and not very much of them." Jaqueline admits, coming closer to Fayad again. "But what I can say is that the spirit left, so... my guess is that it was here to get you to look up information on the Golden Shadow. Come on... come with me. We'll get you in touch with Gabriel, and get you some help with that dagger."

Fayad flinches back a little bit, eyes still narrowed and suspicious, but then finally acquieses with a soft "alright."