\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Encounterlogs/Gabriels Odd Encounter Sr Miranda 240626

Gabriels Odd Encounter Sr Miranda 240626

In the grand yet currently deserted Audience Chamber of the Spender Arts and Wellness Center at White Oak, Gabriel finds himself amidst an odd encounter that swiftly spirals into a bewildering situation. The tranquility of the afternoon is shattered when Gabriel, examining the whispers behind a row of desks, meets a blue-haired elfin-like teen girl who exudes a playful yet unnerving vibe. Without much of a warning, she casts a spell on Gabriel, transforming him into a rat and effectively flipping his world upside down. Stripped of his ability to speak and now viewing the world from an alarmingly different perspective, Gabriel is presented with an ultimatum by the girl: become her pet or complete a mischievous task by running into the girls' change room to scare everyone.

Opting for escape over compliance, Gabriel, now in his new rat form, makes a break for it, his tiny heart racing as he scrambles away from the scene of his transformation. His flight incites chaos among students he crosses paths with, leading to screams and a missed attack with a book bag. Despite the frenzied escape, he hits a roadblock at the closed door of the faculty lounge. With the blue-haired girl's laughter echoing in the halls behind him, urging him toward the gymnasium's change rooms for the fulfillment of her condition, Gabriel finds himself cornerapters in a situation far from the normal college experience he might have anticipated. Whether by manipulation or sheer panic-driven instinct, he seems to be inching towards the task that could possibly restore his human form, propelled by the hope of finding someone within the faculty who can reverse his curse.
(Gabriel's odd encounter(SRMiranda):SRMiranda)

[Tue Jun 25 2024]

In The Audience Chamber of the Spender Arts and Wellness Center at White Oak
The grand, sweeping stage commands attention here, adorned with rich velvet curtains and intricate woodwork that exudes a sense of artistic opulence and cultural sophistication. Rows of plush, upholstered seats fan out from the stage, their rich crimson hues contrasting with the polished, dark wood of the flooring, creating an atmosphere of refined elegance and aesthetic grandeur within the expansive hall. The soft, ambient lighting bathes the space in a warm, inviting glow, highlighting the ornate architectural details and the intricate acoustics.
It is afternoon, about 99F(37C) degrees,

(Your target has been hexed and transformed into an animal against their will. Unable to turn back they need to try to find allies who can understand their problem and find a way to undo the curse.
Gabriel loiters in the audience chamber at the spender arts and wellness center. It's been emptied out of any other students or faculty as there isn't currently an ongoing class. But just because no one else is here, doesn't mean something interesting wont happen.

Gabriel might as well think they are alone at first, till they hear some whispering coming from behind a row of desk. It's an odd murmering, not english, maybe Latin? It wouldn't even be noticable if the room wasn't otherwise a ghost town.

Poking her head up from behind the desk a blue haired elfin-like teen girl peers at Gabriel with manic eyes and a playful grin. Though playful, something is totally off about her. "Lets have some fun new-guy" she says then begins to chant some nonsensical words in his face.

Before Gabriel can really react or do anything but say maybe a final sentence, his muscles begin to twitch and his voice becomes quickly squeaky. The world around his perspective seems to grow rapidly, the desk getting taller, the ceiling getting higher. But in truth, its actually Gabriel getting smaller, and smaller, to the size of a child, but then continuing on..

Gabriel raises his brows. "I really don't think this is-" He blinks as the magic hits him. He's not unaware. He knows what it means to be hexed even if his experience is quite limited. He lets out a deep breath. He knew he was stepping into the weird when he showed up to White Oak, it was a step he took willingly, but he grimaces, grasping at the deck. "W-what did you...!"

There is a manic cackling that emanates from the childlike blue-haired girl. She watches in both amazement and excitement as Gabriel sheds his clothing, the desk he grabs for topples over as he gets to small to reach it. Finally Gabriel reaches not only his final size, but form..A rat.

Sitting on a pile of his own clothes, rat-Gabriel is forced to look at the world through beaty little eyes. The ability to speak is lost, the world looks massive around him.

"SO cute!" the blue haired girl gushes at her creation, while Gabriel has to figure out how to operate his new body, thankfully, it seems to instinctually obey his mental desires if he chooses to move it.

Gabriel squeaks. He blinks once or twice in a ratlike way. He twists about, spotting his tail spotting the stuff on the floor he missed. Then his clothes. Then he tries to remember anything in the handboot but this. He gazes up at her for a moment, little rat eyes narrow.

Coming to loom over Gabriel the blue-haired girl grins down at Gabriel and as if she can read his mind she tells him, "You could be my pet forever! But if you don't like that..I want you to play a prank for me." she giggles then and continues to offer her terms to Gabriel, "I want you to run into the girls change room and scare everyone in there!" just mentioning this seems absolutely hilarious to the bluenette and she can't help but laugh at the mere thought of Gabriel doing it, even though he hasn't gone to do it at all.

Gabriel studies the girl for a little bit, perhaps he's considering it? Then, he races forward, with rat scurrying body in full tilt! He tries to scurry past his little prankster. Deciding that she is perhaps not the one who is going to help him out of this mess he bolts! Trying to make it out of the auditorium.

It's possible the girl doesn't know Gabriel isn't complying, or she doesn't care. She does seem to want to follow far behind Gabriel to snoop on what he's doing since it is entertaining to her. As Gabriel makes it into the hall he crosses paths with two girls carrying their book bags from a finished class likely back towards the sorority hall. One spots Gabriel and lets out a shrill scream which draws the attention of the second who does the same, "Rat!"

Both girls are quite loud and the blue haired girl watches from the doorway, staying out of sight with a giggle being suppressed.

Gabriel gazes back at the girl, he tries to squeak perhaps some protest or complaint. But his little squeaks do little to dissuade matters. He simply races off toward faculty. Surely, they would have dealt with something like this before.

In the panic of one of the girls she chucks her book bag at Gabriel but ends up missing. Screams continue even though the threat of the rat is running away. Eventually Gabriel leaves the screening behind, he's quite quick as a rat and no one seems to notice him till he arrives at the front door of the faculty lounge to find it closed.

Following him, a blue haired elfin-like teen girl keeps her distance from Gabriel, watching and snickering down the hall to see how Gabriel might go about his new situation.

Gabriel scurries past the book bag and groans. He races forward across the hall, little paws racing, heart hammering. He winces, feeling his little rat body afflicted by the same illness as his real one. It's becoming increasingly worrying as he tries to keep on moving.

Stuck at a insurmountable barrier Gabriel is forced to keep moving. The world is strange as it's so large and somewhat out of focus with his beady little rat eyes. Sometimes it seems like Gabriel is just moving somewhere on instinct without much of a thought, by chance, or..by design Gabriel finds himself at the gymnasium and it's change rooms.

Cackling by the blue haired girl down the hall indicates she's been manipulating his trip and she says, "Go on, scare them and I'll let you go!"