\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Encounterlogs/Harriets Odd Encounter Sr Aristotle 240521

Harriets Odd Encounter Sr Aristotle 240521

In the quiet town of Haven on a seemingly normal afternoon, Harriet, after observing all the pedestrian rules, encounters a mysterious scent of blood as she approaches her car parked on Hart Avenue. Following her instincts, she discovers a brutally murdered corpse in an alley, marked by a trail of bloody paw prints leading to a distressed, nude man sobbing uncontrollably over the remains. Despite revealing her desire to help, the man reacts with fear and anticipation of harm, warning Harriet to keep her distance. His distress spirals into an involuntary transformation into a werewolf, initiated by his overwhelming emotions. Harriet, determined to defuse the situation, prepares herself for confrontation.

As the werewolf prepares to attack, Harriet expertly uses her taser, managing to fend off the beast with a combination of electricity and sheer willpower. Despite her attempts to soothe the creature with words, it flees into the surrounding forest, leading Harriet on a high-stakes chase. She calls for backup, persistently tracking the werewolf into the woods where, weakened, it starts reverting to human form amidst a clearing. With the arrival of her backup, Harriet oversees the werewolf's capture, ensuring he's given medical attention before facing the consequences of his actions. Alongside, she coordinates the cleanup of the crime scene and the care for the victim, all the while maintaining her composure and reminding all of her pragmatic approach to the supernatural elements of Haven.
(Harriet's odd encounter(SRAristotle):SRAristotle)

[Mon May 20 2024]

On Hart Avenue

It is afternoon, about 77F(25C) degrees,

(Your target and their allies discover a series of mysterious and brutal animal attacks in the town. Through investigation, they identify the culprit as a werewolf who has lost control of their transformations. The team must find a way to calm the beast and prevent it from causing further harm.)
OOC: Thank you for accepting! Go ahead and emote what you were doing, and we'll get this show on the road!

Having just exited the Lodge and looking quite well rested, Harriet is crossing the street to head to her parked Aston Martin after having looking both ways and ensured she's followed all of the pedestrian rules of the road. She unlocks the vehicle, opens the driver's side door, and then slides into the seat.

It's a quiet afternoon on Hart, just outside the Lodge. There's no traffic on the road at the moment, but it doesn't stop Harriet from exemplifying the proper citizen, following the pedestrian rules en route to her car. There would be nothing otherwise to stop her from entering her vehicle and making her way towards where she needs to go, but as she slides into the driver's seat, just before closing the door there's the hint of a scent that would give her pause, picked up immediately by her senses that would go unnoticed by anyone else. Whatever it is is metallic - like rust or iron. Very distinctive, even if otherwise an olfactory illusion. Blood lingers in the air. Fresh.

Harriet cares much for upholding most of the laws within Haven, although she is known to do a few questionable things here and there -- of course, it is always for the greater good. Plus, there was that recent murder investigation going on against her, but ... here she is, not behind bars, at least. Her nostrils flare lightly as she inhales and catches scent of blood. She does not close the door, and instead exits the vehicle almost as soon as she had entered it. Looking up and down the street, she then attempts to follow the acrid tang.

Once someone steps out of the car, the scent seems to strengthen, now no longer blocked by the car and its interior. There's nothing visually that someone can see as she looks down the road, but the acrid tang of that iron, metallic blood scent in the air guides her attention towards the alley to the north. Her heels, as she walks, makes subtle clicks against the pavement as she follows her nose, and as she eventually finds herself standing before the darkness of the alleyway, the scent of that blood increases tenfold. Despite the time of day, the way the sun hangs in the sky basks the alley with darkness, its light blocked by the buildings that flank either side. From deeper within, soft whimpers can be heard. Someone, likely deeper in, distraught.

Once Harriet steps out of the car, the scent seems to strengthen, now no longer blocked by the car and its interior. There's nothing visually that someone can see as she looks down the road, but the acrid tang of that iron, metallic blood scent in the air guides her attention towards the alley to the north. Her heels, as she walks, makes subtle clicks against the pavement as she follows her nose, and as she eventually finds herself standing before the darkness of the alleyway, the scent of that blood increases tenfold. Despite the time of day, the way the sun hangs in the sky basks the alley with darkness, its light blocked by the buildings that flank either side. From deeper within, soft whimpers can be heard. Someone, likely deeper in, distraught.

Once Harriet steps out of the car, the scent seems to strengthen, now no longer blocked by the car and its interior. There's nothing visually that Harriet can see as she looks down the road, but the acrid tang of that iron, metallic blood scent in the air guides her attention towards the alley to the north. Her heels, as she walks, makes subtle clicks against the pavement as she follows her nose, and as she eventually finds herself standing before the darkness of the alleyway, the scent of that blood increases tenfold. Despite the time of day, the way the sun hangs in the sky basks the alley with darkness, its light blocked by the buildings that flank either side. From deeper within, soft whimpers can be heard. Someone, likely deeper in, distraught.

Purposefully, Harriet's strides are measured but sure, navigating along the sidewalk and heading towards the alley. Acutely tuned to the environment surrounding her here, her nose keeps up its deep inhales and smaller sniffs, and the subtle undercurrent of the city's myriad of aromas -- from exhaust, restaurant food, and the trace of people in general -- doesn't seem to distract her from her efforts. That sharp, unmistakable scent of blood fills her nostrils. She hears the whimpers, and her pace quickens.

Stepping into the darkness of the alley, her eyes adjust very, very quickly. Hastened by those whimpers, as she enters deeper into the alleyway, the scene presents itself for her. Towards the back wall, before the alley curves to the left or right, is a pool of blood and splatter. The amount of blood alone is... unfathomable. No one would be considered ridiculous for thinking perhaps that someone might've... burst. The whimpers grow louder the closer Harriet gets to the scene, and it's revealed moments later to be quiet sobs. There are prints in the blood that start to make up more of a trail. Footsteps, paw prints, likely someone's pet, footsteps and dragged smears. They lead towards a dumpster, and it seems the sobs are coming from behind it. Perhaps someone involved in the scene tried to put things out of view.

Harriet's approach becomes more callou as the scene unfolds before her in the dimly lit alley. The excessive pool of blood suggests quite a dire situation, and her concern deepens with each step. She takes note of the bloody paw prints, and her mind begins to race to try and piece things together. The sobs have her attention, though, and she begins to try and find the source of those cries.

Each step would make it harder to avoid stepping in blood and leaving tracks of her own. But, concern is quite the motivator. Harriet nears the dumpster and rounds it to where the crux of the scene is. First is a corpse - torn open, and largely unrecognizable as human considering how everything is just... spread. Flesh torn, bitten, pulled, stretched, splattered - it's /everywhere/. Over the remains is someone blood splattered, hunched down in quiet sobs. They're nude, male, stuck in such a state of distress that they don't even notice Harriet has entered, but they're aware enough to try to keep their despair quiet so as to not attract attention. They didn't account for Harriet's acute senses, though.

This isn't the first gruesome scene Harriet has seen. It isn't even the third gorey encounter she's had this week alone -- it is, in face, the fourth, and as she's moved around the dumpster quietly, with those Versac boots marking her own trail in blood, she takes in the very grisly scene before her. Such a brutal attack has her pausing, still unnoticed by the nude man, and the brunette assesses the situation some before she takes a hesitant step closer. "Sir," she addresses the stranger who is sobbing. "I am here to help."

The way this man is startled by Harriet's words, one would think he'd prone to a heart attack. "GET BACK!" He screams out, arm outstretched in such a way that sends a little fleck of blood over Harriet's way, as he possessively hovers over the remains of the body. "Please, I... I don't want to hurt you..." He says. And then, his eyes dart back to the remains, and they linger. He finds himself in tears again, and echoing again, and again, and again, a single plea of, "No..."

Both of Harriet's hazel eyes widen a bit as the man screams at her, but she retains her sense of calm, and she raises both of her slender arms. They get held up, palms out, as if in surrender, and declaring that she is not armed. At least not at the moment. Retaining her sense of composure, she recognises the man's intense distress and the danger of the situation at hand, so she takes a cautious step backwards now. Her voice remains steady, and she attempts to speak in as soothing of a tone that she can muster. "I am not here to harm you," gets reassured, keeping those hands visible and non-threatening. "I understand you are in pain, and that you are afraid, but I want to help you. I do not want to make this harder. You're not alone in this."

This man's echoing plea of, "No..." repeats ever still, again and again. He starts to stim, rocking himself back and forth as though he tries to calm himself, but it's obvious it's a failing, futile gesture. He's aware enough to regard Harriet's words, though, and there's something in her statement that seems to trigger him. He looks back to the remains, eyes widening, "No, you're just... gonna get hurt too..." He says. It's the only thing he says, a clear warning to Harriet before his stimming increases. Sobs then start to turn to grunts of despair, to growls of depressed anger. The stimming ceases, and his body starts to contort. A bit of fear flashes in his eyes for a moment - it's clear whatever is happening is not voluntary, and that flash of fear is all he was able to exert of himself before his awareness retreats into the beast. Fur begins to sprout. His face begins to morph, his bones begin to crack. He starts to shift, triggered by an increasingly heightened emotion.

As the man responds in a negative fashion to Harriet's offer -- refusing her assistance, the tall brunette's lips have their outer corners shifting to form a frown. Despite the rising tension, she's still keeping her cool, and truly does try to prevent any further violence. She maintains that 'safe' distance from the nude man, and as he begins to transform, she frowns a bit deeper. This isn't what she wanted at all, but there isn't much choice for her now. Her eyes never leave him, focused on his face even as it mutates into something else entirely. Stance wise, she is poised and ready, reaching into her handbag to retrieve her taser. "Stand down," is said firmly, knowing full well it will likely do nothing at all.

What was once man, has now become wolf. A beats. It rises to it's full height, just a few inches below Harriet. It blinks, slowly, wide, human blue eyes looking at her. If there is comprehension in its eyes based on that firm command, it isn't shown. First, it rears its head back and howls. Then, it shakes its fur out, as if removing from its strands the moisture of that lingering blood for its own comfort. When it's shaking is done, eyes look back to Harriet. Ears go back, hackles start to rise up, and it very slowly starts to hunch. It's own stance has gone to that of the hunter prepping itself to pounce. And then, it simply does. It leaps for her, attempting to press her to the ground with the fullness of its few hundred pound weight.

Harriet watches as the werewolf fully shifts into wolf form. Her lips thin and she has her nostrils flaring some as the animal howls into the alley. She braces herself for the launch that takes place. Rather strong, a few hundred pounds is still a few hundred pounds, but certainly not what it would be towards most. There is no attempt to dodge, she simply lets the feral-like beast pounce her, and she's zapping the heck out of its neck as soon as the wolf is in reach. Thankfully, shocks provided through stun guns do not conduct from one being to another, and the localised jolts and bolts of electricity are focused only on the attacker.

The wind is knocked from Harriet as she's pounced on, but there's a gripping sensation from the electrical current from the taser into the werewolf. It happened right in the nick of time, it seems, because this beast's teeth were geared and primed for tearing into the softness of Harriet's neck. It yelps - either from surprise or pain from being subject to the electrical shock. Perhaps Harriet has the benefit of this creature being recently post transformation, because it jerks itself off of Harriet as it then tries to recover quickly enough to tear into her.

Harriet narrows her eyes, and she's moving to get back up on her face as quickly as she can after she's tried to replenish her lungs with air. The taser is still held out in front of her, and she lets out a loud, fierce sounding scream at the wolf that comes out like, "AHHHHHHHHHHHH!" to try and get it to back down.

The slightest flinch occurs when the wolf is screamed at, and it responds in kind with a low, angry growl. It doesn't look perhaps like it had the most amount of time to recover, but it charges at Harriet. Or rather, charges through Harriet - it's evident in how mid-charge its gaze flickers away from her and out of the alleyway. It seems intent on making a retreat, and shoulder checking Harriet in the process.

Harriet maintains her stance, ready for whatever the wolf is about to throw her way, or charge her way. She seeks to avoid a confrontation here in the alleway, intent on calling in backup to herd the wolf and get him someplace safe, like the clinic. Attemtping to move out of his way, she tries to step to the right, but that taser is still held ready.

Harriet is able to sidestep the wolf, and it doesn't seem the wolf is intent on doubling back to slay her. It continues to make its charge down the alleyway and out, intent on avoiding both an encounter with Harriet as well as finding sustenance elsewhere, to the chagrin of someone else who encounters this beast. If it escapes, it may be very unfortunate for someone else, but the evidence left behind would at least make it possible for someone or a group of them to ultimately track this wolf down and apprehend him, whether in human form or beast form.

Harriet turns so that she is facing the wolf the entire time, looking after him as he flees. She begins to run after the animal, tossing her taser back in her purse and retrieving her phone instead. Making a call, she says into the receiver of the smartphone, "Yes, I need backup on Hart Avenue. There is a werewolf on the loose. A cropse in the alley beside Rosie's Diner. We must capture the wolf and get him into custody." Now, taking off at a sprint, she's trying to keep up with the beast.

There's a response from her smart phone illuminating the fact that her message was heard, and that it was responded to. Backup is on the way - and given that wolf was mentioned, it will quickly arrive, they say. Harriet is able to keep up with the wolf surprisingly well given her capabilities, and she speeds off after it. It's some distance away, but it never seems to leave her eyesight as it starts to take off south beyond the lodge into the forest. It seems that was the closest point of escape for it that wasn't overwhelmed with a populace.

Harriet books it. As quickly as she can possibly move, the tall brunette is sprinting along, avoiding pedestrians carefully despite the urgency. When crossing streets, she's bolting around the vehicles, intent on not losing sight of the wolf. The GPS on her phone should be alerting the Orderites of her location.

It's rather fortunate that Haven isn't too big of a city in terms of other cars (or backup) navigating to where they need to go. As she books it, she sees along the road an orderite marked vehicle approaching down Hart. She could probably flag one down if she wishes on her pursuit, but as the wolf books it into the forest, presumably, so does Harriet. There's a howl that resounds from the woods, but given how loud it is, it's not terribly deep. The wolf might've stopped just beyond the threshold somewhere out of the enchantment border of the Lodge.

The Orderites will have to relay on the tracking on Harriet's phone, and she is still running as quickly as her long legs will take her. She rushes through the forest, jumping over underbrush and winding around trees to try and stay on the wolf's trail. Her hazel eyes are narrowed, trying to keep sight of the animal.

As Harriet steps into the forest, the Orderite backups park just across from the lodge, but it seems it takes them a bit of time to gather their things to exit. It doesn't take Harriet too long to find the wolf, though - it's hunched aside a tree, body starting to convulse. With how it snarls, it seems like the beast is reluctant for whatever it's body is about to go through. It seems perhaps the steam that sparked the transition is starting to wane, and beast is giving way to man again as both parties seem cursed by uncontrollable transformations. The fur starts to fall from its frame in clumps as it's body ungulates. It doesn't seem unaware of Harriet's arrival as she closes the gap, and it growls further as if trying to let that rage continue to fuel it's stay in it's current shape.

Harriet makes a careful approach once she sees that the wolf is no longer racing along. Her hand reaches once more into her handbag, and she pulls out her revolver, holding it up and taking aim at the tree as she heads over towards the hollow where the transformation is trying to happen. "Hey..." she says in a gentle tone, trying to keep a sense of security, or try to find one, for the wolf-man. "It's just me... my friends are coming. We want to help you. It'll be okay." Maybe not 'okay' per say... He did murder someone, after all, but he will be safe, and so will the rest of the population if she has any say in the matter.

Her words are met with a snapping snarl, but the Wolf is rapidly losing steam as its transformation starts to put the monstrosity into the recesses of the human's mind. Fur falls, bones shift and crack, and soon there's just a reluctant howl of a wolf that turns into the agonizing wail of a man as he finds himself reverted to a human again. He's panting, fetal on the ground as his wide, blue eyes find themselves weary and disoriented, and still... grief-stricken. He doesn't reply, panting ever still as his awareness very slowly starts to return to the present. It isn't long before additional backup arrives some steps behind Harriet. "Warden, sorry for the delay." One says. There's a group of three, each donned in combat-ready gear that, once they see the scene, seem relieved it might not be necessary.

Harriet keeps her revolver trained on the wolf. She does not falter, staying focused and intent on ending things here, rather than continuing on in violence or running around town after the thing. "There you go..." she says softly as he turns once again into a human. "It'll be all right," comes her reassurance. As the backup arrives, she looks over and says, "Thank you so much for coming. We need to get him to the clinic first and then turn him over to the proper authorities who know how to handle him on a psychological level before his trial and treatments, and get the corpse out of the alley... and a clean up. It is quite messy," gets shared.

"Understood, Warden." One of the Orderites say. He nods over at the second member, whom approaches the 'wolf' and begins to help him up to his feet. Handcuffs are an option, and it seems this Orderite considers it, but... handcuffs won't really go a long way if he shifts. "C'mon, lets get you up." The man doesn't respond, but he's malleable enough that he's able to be maneuvered as needed. When he's to his feet, he leans on the orderite for support as he sobs bitterly. He speaks, but it's incoherent. The only thing that can be heard is something about his wife, who it seems he grieves for. He's escorted out, while the other two state, "We'll take care of the scene and get proper authorities involved to clean it up, too."

A bow of Harriet's head is given to the group, and she expresses her thanks to the fellow Orderites, "I appreciate you all a great deal. Let me know if you come against any trouble." After a deep inhale, she puts away her revolver, slipping it safely inside of her handbag with all of its various little gadgets hidden away in there. "Goodness," she utters out when she catches something about the killer's wife.

The Orderites that remain nod at Harriet's words as they depart to the crime scene, and soon she's left alone. Her revolver tucked away, the situation seems dealt with as she's free to return to the rest of her day.

Harriet exhales heavily, and then she looks down at herself. "Well, now that my boots have blood on them..." she murmurs to no one at all, and then heads back through the woods to walk around the Lodge and head back to her vehicle.

OOC: Thank you for spending this time with me! Lemme know if you need a summons anywhere :)