\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Encounterlogs/Karinas Odd Encounter Sr Sara 240707

Karinas Odd Encounter Sr Sara 240707

Karina's otherwise mundane journey across Franklin Bridge turns extraordinary and terrifying as she encounters a mysterious sea creature straight out of the depths of another world. Trouble begins with a sudden wrap of a scaly tail around her feet, followed by an abrupt hoisting into the air, leaving the rainbow-haired local face to face with the creature's menacing maws. Despite her attempts to communicate and her uncontrollable burst of laughter due to her Pseudobulbar Affect, the creature, which introduces itself with no names but later humorously dubbed "Chad" and "Lefty" by Karina, decides to make her its temporary captive. The creature expresses its displeasure with its new surroundings, clearly out of place and hungry, making Karina an unwilling negotiator for its return home.

In a mix of fear and quick thinking, Karina proposes a solution despite her precarious situation, ensnared by the creature’s coil and at risk of becoming its meal. She suggests finding a group of people specializing in such peculiar incidents, believing in her ability to get the attention of those who can help the creature return to its world. Skepticism and hunger make the creature impatient with her, yet it eventually agrees to give her a chance. Suddenly, Karina is returned to the bridge as if nothing had happened, left standing amongst a mysterious puddle of water as the only evidence of her incredible encounter. This moment marks not just an end but a beginning of a potential quest for Karina, leaving her unharmed but burdened with the task of finding a resolution for these out-of-place visitors.
(Karina's odd encounter(SRSara):SRSara)

[Sat Jul 6 2024]

On Franklin Bridge
The rickety old steel truss bridge runs north and south and affords its
travellers a view of scenic Haven through its rusty black supports. A
walkway runs on one side of the narrow two-lane bridge, five feet wide,
wooden planked and railed with a chest-high railing. To the north, the town
seems crowded and dense, while the south seems more sparse and quaint.

It is morning, about 84F(28C) degrees, and there are a few wispy white clouds in the sky.

(Your target is abducted by a sea creature that's somehow crossed over into our world, it is up to them to survive for long enough that their allies can come help.
Karina has been walking north across Franklin Bridge, and she's at the end of one of her laughing fits. It lasted longer than most of them do, and it also has her in tears. Pseudobulbar Affect is a difficult condition to live with. She's been living with it for the past 6 years. Trying to remember when it all started, the rainbow haired local sighs and stops to lean on the rail. "Ohhh god why can't I just... not laugh?"

As Karina stops to lean on the rail, a tail slides up from underneath the bridge. It is large yet silent, and comprised of gleaming black scales. It silently winds around her feet, perhaps waiting. There is a distinct feeling that Karina is being watched.

Well, for someone who'd looking down at the water far beneath her feet, seeing a scaly tail slide from under the bridge and wrap around her ankles is unsettling to say the least. But Karina is no simple natural, she's been aware since she was twelve, and this puts her into a controlled sort of fear. Her wide eyes still on that tail, she does her best not to tense her legs or make any sudden movements. She wraps her left arm over the top rail and puts her right palm onto the next rail down to brace, taking deep breaths.

A hissing sound comes from underneath the bridge, sounding both annoyed and ominous. All at once, that tail wraps tightly around Karina's legs and she finds herself lifted off the bridge abruptly. She is swung haphazardly in the air for what seems like an eternity, before she finds herself being held before the maws of two heads on a quite large creature that clearly does not belong here. "Who...are...you...." it hisses, one head whipping closer to her, tongue flicking out - inspecting. Rows of razor sharp teeth can be seen within its mouth.

Karina takes a tense breath in at the sudden constrict, and the sudden lift. Clearly this creature is strong, and it's all she can do to let go of the rails and guard her head. Then the dragon speaks, and she pops her eyes open and open wide, staring back at the creature. She flinches back a little when one head whips closer, probably tasting her on that tongue flick for all she knows, and she keeps her arms out to the sides, hung like a Tarot card before the creature. You know the card. She quickly blurts out, "I'm Karina Lockley, I'm no threat to you, I just stopped to look at the bay!!"

And then it happens. Bargain bin Harley Quinn here cracks up. She stares wide eyed in terror at the beast while peals of laughter flutter out of her into the air. She quickly camps both hands over her mouth, trying to quell her cackling. The worst possible time for her to have an episode.

The snapping of teeth meets Karina's laughter, much too close to her. The creature slithers partially into the bay, keeping Karina just out of the water, but also out of sight. Coils tighten around her. "Karina....Lock-ley," it breathes, another snapping of teeth to follow as the creature's second head opens its maw wide and then clamps it shut just shy of piercing the woman with its teeth. "Here you will stay," it decides, and the coils tighten to an uncomfortable point. It doesn't take long for Karina to realize she's been abducted from the bridge, and in the daytime no less.

Karina squeaks and flinches with each of the two snaps, but those don't stop her giggling, they make her cry at the same time. Thankfully the episode is one of the ones that only lasts seconds. Unfortunately right after she stops she feels the tail constrict enough to start straining her breathing. "Uh-hhuh! Oh my gosh! W-Where are we going? I-I've never actually flown this way before! W- you haven't even told me your names..."

"We have no names," both heads snap in unison. The tail holding Karina is brought upward, leveling her with the large serpent's gaze. Spines can be seen running along it's back, and something behind both heads resembling gills. "We were only in our own world, in our own water." Karina is spun around, both heads of the creature suddenly behind her, hissing. "Was it YOU who brought us here?" they inquire, angrily. Then, one more spin and she's facing those teeth again. "No matter. You'll either get us back where we belong, or you'll be food in the meantime," it decides. Then comes a grin. A sinister, tooth bearing grin.

"Okay but I need a way to tell you apart, so I'm mostly partial to Chad and Lefty at this point."@me blurts out, squirming a little bit, but she seems to stop that once she gets the constricted muscle worked around a little, more comfortable to be held in. "I... I promise I'll try y best, but please don't eat me. I won't be useful to you if you start to eat me..."

"Useful!" one head snorts. "How could you be useful to us?" The second head swings close to Karina, flicking its forked tongue, barely touching her. "Would anyone even care," it hisses low, "Would anyone come for you?" Then both heads are together drawing closer to Karina, eyes narrowing. The beast is out of place, and apparently angry. A sense of dread fills the air. Karina may be running out of time.

Karina looks to the first head, tilting hers as she softly says, "Chaaaad." Then she looks quickly to the one on the beast's left, the one that came closer to taste her. "Leftyyy!" She gulps softly and tilts her head back, baring her throat to the sea serpent in a show of submission. "You w-want me alive because I'm from here. If... if I can't get you home, I... I can find someone who can!"

Confusion crosses the features of both faces of the creature, and it squints at Karina, very slightly loosening its grip. It stops shy of swallowing her whole, and draws back. "We have never had names," they tell her in unison. "How would you get us home then, Karina Lock-ley?" they hiss, unconvinced. Coils begin to wrap around her further and further, until they reach her neck.

Karina squeaks softly, not at all enjoying being stuffed in Lefty's mouth. Or perhaps Chad's. It all happened so fast. When she's drawn back out, she stares wide eyed at Chad, the head on the creature's right, trembling and covered in serpent saliva. She stares for several seconds before her reply. "Please don't do that. I... I need to see where you.. got... here at..."

"There is no where," the creature intones. "We were there, now we are here." The serpent seems reluctant to believe that Karina will deliver on her promise to try to find a way to get it back to where it belongs. "We are hungry, Karina Lock-ley," they hiss. "We do not like this world." A spin of it's upper body is made to rotate around Karina, though she remains exactly where she is. "How will you find a way?" they hiss in unison, voices harsh, like sandpaper.

Karina gasps quite a bit with the sudden positioning shift, sharing down at the water now. "There's... there's always a where. The first place you saw when you found out that you were here." She shudders,wide eyes ticking around frantically along the water's surface. "And there are groups of people who specialize i-in things like this! I know a way to get their attention, and they have people who can definitely get you there."

"We smell fear on you, Karina Lock-ley," they hiss ominously. A long moment is spent staring at Karina, snapping teeth as the heads sway. Eventually they speak again in unison. "Find these people. Get us back where we belong." In an instant, one head is up close to Karina's face, "Or the next time, you will be food, as will every other that crosses this bridge." A whirl and a flick, and Karina finds herself standing on the bridge exactly where she was pondering before, as though nothing happened. At her feet, a puddle of water remains, leaving the woman unharmed..for now.