\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Encounterlogs/Konstantins Odd Encounter Sr Elanora 240527

Konstantins Odd Encounter Sr Elanora 240527

In the dimly lit ambience of The Succubus Club’s front bar, amidst a mélange of patrons seeking refuge from the pulsating beats of the dancefloor, a peculiar ordeal unfolds. Konstantin, a stoic patron with a grasp of English that’s functional at best, finds himself ensnared in a bizarre encounter with an overly excited young woman convinced she has witnessed a vampire attack. She bursts into the club, phone in hand, loudly proclaiming her eagerness to embrace the supernatural, her voice slicing through the relative calm. This declaration catches the attention of both Konstantin and Avriel, another clubgoer, setting the stage for an odd camaraderie amidst confusion and disbelief.

The woman's fascination with vampires, fuelled by a blend of naivety and intoxication, propels her to seek validation for her fantastical claims, first from Konstantin and then Avriel, with whom she mistakenly identifies a potential kinship in the supernatural obsession. As the situation escalates, Avriel, driven more by discomfort than conviction, attempts to play along with her delusions, culminating in an awkward and farcical "vampire bite" that serves more as a reality check than the affirmation she seeks. Humiliated and disillusioned, the woman retreats, her grandiose fantasies dissolving into the morning air, leaving behind a bewildered yet entertained audience in Konstantin and Avriel, who've inadvertently navigated the night's oddity with a blend of sarcasm and reluctant participation.
(Konstantin's odd encounter(SRElanora):SRElanora)

[Sun May 26 2024]

At the Front Bar and Lounge of The Succubus Club
Though the thrum of club music greets visitors fresh in the door, the
sound is muted in this front partition bar, granting space for
conversational drinks and a place to request bottle service. The building
itself is a converted club warehouse, design sleek with the flash of modern
club setting and new renovation. Floating shelves with LED accent lighting
and a lit glass back drop lays scene for a multitude of liquor bottles
behind the bar, ranging from well club swills and beer displays to premium
bottles with prettier and pricier labels. The bar itself is long and topped
with smoked, sheened glass on the top surface, space for standing lounge
available toward the ends, past the available line of seating. A few pieces
of lounge furniture is on the other side of the room for more intimate
gathering away from the music and a smoking patio is visible through the
front doors when they open.

The bar area extends into a wide open dance floor ahead with waitress
service and wall lounge seating, the energy of the dance and trap music
compelling movement.

It is night, about 58F(14C) degrees, There is a waning gibbous moon.

(Someone in Haven has found out about the supernatural and is freaking out about it. They're at risk of exposing the secret, hurting themselves, or hurting others. Your target and their allies are tasked with containing the situation.
Konstantin tips back a glass of whiskey, taking a sip. He doesn't return the smile, and speaks flatly, but doesn't seem outwardly intentionally rude. "Yes. My friends are left." His english isn't terrible, but not particularly good.

Saturday night is a popular time at the club and the Succubus is pumping. Music is pouring from the speakers while people gyrate on the dancefloor. Sweaty bodies press up against each other and there is more than just a bit of skin on show. Glasses clink as people laugh and toss back their drinks, eyes flutter from the lounges set at the back of the dancefloor from all the people inebriated from either drugs or alcohol. A few predators peruse the dance floor, singling out the occasional guy or young guy as they try to lure them home.

The bar portion of the nightclub is quieter, having been deserted by many patrons with the smell of cigarette smoke wafting in the air. The No smoking sign had been carelessly vandalized, lying on the ground near the door and there seems to be a strange amount of ash on the floor, especially near one of the intimate lounges. Mayhaps even the intimate lounge that Konstantin is sitting upon. Still, the air in the bar seems to be settling now that there are no more smoke stacks contributing to polluting the air and an few irrate bartenders turn on some fans in the corner, leaving the front door open to better air out the space.

The door guy outside had just wondered off to the side to deal with a patron when a young girls darts through the door. Tussled short blonde hair leads down to a pair of pretty blue eyes which are wide eyed and excited. She's dressed in a clubbing dress, short, black and covering her body only from chest to the bottom of her butt. "OH MY GOD!!!" She shrieks into her latest generation Iphone as soon as she enters the bar. "I SWEAR THAT WAS A VAMPIRE. HE WAS BITING AT HER NECK AND EVERYTHING. AAAAAAA!!!!" She shouts into the phone, "YOU HAVE TO GET HERE BETTY!! OH MY GOD THEY'RE REAL!!" She seems more excited than scared at that point, screaming a shrill girl scream into the phone, "I'm at a bar! Yeah yeah something called the Succubus! Oh my god do you think if I go back out and ask him he'll bite me????" More giggles as she makes her way to the bar, making no attempt to lower her voice whatsoever.

Konstantin looked away from Avriel after offering some flat response to a previous question, craning his neck as he hears the shrill voice piercing the din of the crowd, catching the latter portion of her phonecall. His brow sets, slightly, and he looks around to see if anyone reacts with any immediacy. His glace shifts to the entrance of the club, then, and he slides a phone out from his pocket before pausing.. and slipping it back in. He starts to push himself from his seat, inconspicuously listening in as much as he can.

Having only just entered the club before the squealing young woman who'd watched too much True Blood, Avriel gets halfway through lifting his eyebrows at Konstantin's blunt, flat reply before twisting around to look at just what the commotion is. "God damn," he murmurs, trying not to laugh. "Look at her go." He glances from the scarred man to the bartender, who he appears to know more personally, leaning in to murmur some greetings before receiving some soda water-based drink without seeming to pay for it - he's probably an employee. "You sound like you're Old Country, man," he continues, taking a sip as he turns to eyeball the young woman. "You reckon Edward Cullen is going to swing by and fulfill all her wildest dreams?"

The young girl makes her way to the bar, still chatting animatedly into her phone at a voice that is not really designated to be a indoor voice. Through the loud music, Konstantin and Avriel can hear still hear snippits of her conversation. "Yeah!! Vampire!! Do you think they sparkle????? Oh my goooodddd I'm so excited!!!" She bounces up and down on a stool and in the not so populated part of the bar that had all fled due to the previous smokers fumigation. There's only a drunk sitting in the corner and someone else off to the side who seems just as deep his cups. "Yeah I wore that blood perfume! Do you think that'll attract him?" High pitched giggling and squealing comes from her, earning disgruntled looks from the bartender and she makes a guilty face before ducking her head to make her way over to the lounge seats. She plops down at the next table from Konstantin, "Yeahh Yeahhh how many times do you think they feed a night?? Oh my god do you think he'll bite my inner thigh??? That'll be so wicked!!" She seems not aware of her surroundings at all,.

The young girl makes her way to the bar, still chatting animatedly into her phone at a voice that is not really designated to be a indoor voice. Through the loud music, Konstantin and Avriel can hear still hear snippits of her conversation. "Yeah!! Vampire!! Do you think they sparkle????? Oh my goooodddd I'm so excited!!!" She bounces up and down on a stool and in the not so populated part of the bar that had all fled due to the previous smokers fumigation. There's only a drunk sitting in the corner and someone else off to the side who seems just as deep his cups. "Yeah I wore that blood perfume! Do you think that'll attract him?" High pitched giggling and squealing comes from her, earning disgruntled looks from the bartender and she makes a guilty face before ducking her head to make her way over to the lounge seats. She plops down at the next table from Konstantin, "Yeahh Yeahhh how many times do you think they feed a night?? Oh my god do you think he'll bite my inner thigh??? That'll be so wicked!!" She seems not aware of her surroundings at all. (fix)

Konstantin grunts in response to the initial observation regarding himself, in affirmation perhaps, before shifting his cold gaze back towards Avriel. His intonation remains flat, but it takes on an edge of exasperation as he regards the woman, speaking aside to Avriel. "Edward Cullen?" he begins, confusedly, before brushing it aside to continue; "Perhaps if she is 'making a scene'.. someone could help her go outside and identify this sumasshedshiy."

Konstantin hitches his shoulders slightly. He shifts back in his seat a little, sitting down fully again as he notes the people around her don't seem to be paying much attention to her squawking at the moment

"Oh my god you know what? I should tell Jill from the newspaper!!! I'm sure they'll want to do a special on this!! Or maybe I should wait til I'm instagram famous for posting about it first.. Oh my god Betty what should I do?" She giggles into the phone again, lowering it to scroll through her contacts, seeming trying to find something before she sends off a text. After that she lifts the phone to her ear again, "Okay!! I texted Jill! To call me in like 5 minutes because I have realllyyy big news!!" She giggles harder, "And then I'll tell her... and go get bitten... and with some teeth marks on my neck no one can deny they exist!! It'll be so amazing!!! Yeah yeah you should tell the others to come! I told them that this place was rumoured to actually have the real deal!! Turns out that one insta guy with like 2 followers was right all along!! I only had to visit like ... 2 clubs too to find one! The last one was realllyyy seedy though ewww topless waitresses? I suppose it was moooore likely for the vamp to be hanging out there.." She starts bouncing up and down on her seat now.

Not quite so brave as to keep talking shit when the young woman in question drifts so close, Avriel gives Konstantin a nonverbal nod of the head. He might not have caught that last bit - he's as American as they come, and only speaks the one language. Still, he believes in the power of Edward Cullen, and his hair does kind of stick up all Pattinson-like, so the teenager leans back against the bar and tries to look kinda cool. The guitar on his back might help - or might make it seem like he's trying too hard.

"Hey girl," he calls, not very sexily. "You're into that goth shit? Les Enfants du Sang?" He waggles his eyebrows. "I've played a bit of VTM myself. I could vibe with you."

Blue eyes blink over to look at Avriel as he seems to talk to her, "Hey wait a moment some doofus is trying to talk to me." She lowers her phone to blink at Avriel. Her face is fairly attractive as is her body and it seems she isn't not used to men hitting on her. "Eh? Was that in english?" She asks, squinting at Avriel.

hearing all the talk of social media and suchlike, Konstantin grips the table's edge infront of him and goes to shove himself up out of his seat but pauses when Avriel starts to make his move and lay it down. Opting to let him cook, Konstantin sits back in his seat again, lifting his whiskey to his lips to take a slow sip, observing surreptitiously from the corner of his eye.

Avriel's face falls a little with his pop-culture references falling quite flat indeed. Alas; teenage charm did not quite work in a club nominally intended for those over the age of twenty one. Forget cooking - kick this kid out the kitchen. "Oh, um," he says, that initial confidence flushed straight down the toilet, "I was making, uh, a vampire joke. Sorry. Get back to your call, I guess. But you're the one on your phone in the middle of the club!" He sniffs defensively, then leans back into his seat, drinking his undoubtedly non-alcoholic beverage. His eyes do flicker nervously towards the door, though - as if expecting the young woman's brash declaration of her intentions to bring some real predators around. He glances uneasily at Konstantin, then, trying to gauge whether the man with the awesome but imposing facial scars and obvious injuries might have some clue as to how shit really works in Haven. Probably, he thinks... but there's no telling for sure.

The young woman's head tilts to the side as her blue eyes study Avriel and her brows raise slightly at his reaction. "Sorry! Edward Cullen's the only kindof vampire I know! I'm a vampire groupie you know! There's a real vampire out there! I watched as they... sucked on someone in a dark alley! Oh my gooddd it was sexy..." She looks back down at her phone as Avriel tells her to go back to her call and picks the phone back up, "Ya uh huh uh huh. Oh no it was just some other dude that wanted to talk vampires.. I suppose I should go learn more things about them... So I can tell Jill when she calls.. Shit when's that? In like 3 minutes? I better learn fast!! Bye Betty! I'll call you back after talking to Jill!! Are you driving down???? What if they're only come out on the full moon and you miss them???? Oh my god do you think werewolves are real too? Holy shit we might get a two for one deal! Okay okay catch up soon love you!!" She says into the phone before hanging up. She smiles to herself, her blue eyes excited as she turns back to the table with Avriel and Konstantin, "Soo.... There alot of vamps around town?" She asks all casual like as if it was totally a thing everyone knew existed.

Konstantin inhales a heavy breath through his nose in an inward sigh at Avriel's powerful flop, glancing at the girl again before giving the lad a meaningful glance for a few moments. He seems uneasy, similarly, but mostly out of annoyance than worry. Rubbing the table's edge with his thumb, he gives it a few seconds, before clearing his throat loudly and giving the girl an upnod as he calls out; "Some addi-" he is cut off as she addresses the pair of them. "This is a lie. Stories for scaring children. Probably some addict, no?". The left corner of his lips curls in a faint smile, making a point of appealing personable now, far more than was offered when he spoke more genuinely to Avriel prior. He gives cursory effort to dismissing the sighting outright, first.

Konstantin was Appearing personable*

"They do say that one of the Moores is a total feral," Avriel grins, shrugging his shoulders at the suggestion that the neckbiter outside might be some form of junkie. "We shouldn't stigmatise drug addiction, man. It's twenty twenty thre - er, twenty four. But, like... that doesn't rule out rabies." He snorts at his own joke, then turns his attention back to the young woman. "Are you new to town? We do have a larp group in the Barcade every couple weeks. And some psychos... So, uh, just make sure you're dealing with column A and not column B before you start showing off that swanlike neck, yeah?"

The girl turns more towards them, her feet moving crablike on the ground as she swings from the front of the lounge seat to the side of the lounge seat. Bright blue eyes blink at Konstantin as he denies the existance of the thing she had been shrilly shouting about for the last 10 minutes. "Addicts drink blood.. human blood in Haven?" She asks, seemingly exceedingly non convinced, "Are you saying you have addicts in Haven who drink human blood? Who are ... not vampires? Are they like.. Vampire wannabees or something? Aren't they worried about HIV if they're not vampires? I donno.... I know what I saw... I even took a photo!" She waves her phone in her hand before hugging it to her chest like something precious before turning back to Avriel, "What's a moore?" She asks confusedly, "And yeah I'm just passing through!! I heard there might be cooooooll things that happen in this town on the full moon and lo and behold!!" She starts bouncing up and down on her lounge seat again, her ample breasts bouncing in the nightclub dress she's wearing.

Konstantin head yoyos a little with the bouncing as he tries to keep his focus on the matter at hand. The man lifts a hand to rub at the inside of his nose with the tip of a thumb, just by his tearduct, for a moment. "Drug addict. Pervert, hurting some woman. Come, we can go help, yes? You will show me who." he stats, already starting to rise from his seat. The tone and the commencement of his journey make it a little more of an instruction than an offer, though he does pause to try and dangle what he thinks might be the kind of carrot that'd get her on board; "You take picture, for instagram, yes?"

"The Moores are one of the big families in town," Avriel explains, flicking a hand through the air as if to impugn the good Moores' social reputation. "They own the caravan park and Westhaven, just off Franklin Bridge. They're, um..." He racks his brain for a politically correct way to refer to trailer trash, then shrugs his shoulders. "They're... rough." He nods his head at Konstantin's suggestion and voices his agreement: "Probably better to check she's actually okay, yeah." He wasn't so concerned about photos leaking to social media - they'd probably be wiped for breach of TOS, and decried as fake or bullshit before then. "If it's one of the improv guys, you could totally ask to take a photo with them. I can take a good photo!"

smiles at someone with a mouthful of perfect teeth, "Oh he's already gone! I watched the wholeee thing. The way his throat swallowed after he bit down.... Oh my god... It was.... perfect." She waves her hand at the man, "The person he fed on didn't seem to mindddd at all. She just walked off after like nothing happened! I would've been swooooninggg." Her blue eyes dart back to Avriel, "Oh yeah... people who own caravan parks ewww. I don't want to associate with people like them. I followed her here! She's uh..." Her head swivels as she looks towards the crowded dance floor which was just a moshpit of gyrating bodies at this point. "Probably somewhere in there.. I'm sure she's finnneee no vampire would leave their victim helpless righttt? That's not romantic! I'm happy to grab some pictures if you think it was your friend and he wants to come back though??" She beams at Avriel, "Do you think he'll bite me??"

smiles at someone with a mouthful of perfect teeth, "Oh he's already gone! I watched the wholeee thing. The way his throat swallowed after he bit down.... Oh my god... It was.... perfect." She waves her hand at the man, "The person he fed on didn't seem to mindddd at all. She just walked off after like nothing happened! I would've been swooooninggg." Her blue eyes dart back to Avriel, "Oh yeah... people who own caravan parks ewww. I don't want to associate with people like them. I followed her here! She's uh..." Her head swivels as she looks towards the crowded dance floor which was just a moshpit of gyrating bodies at this point. "Probably somewhere in there.. I'm sure she's finnneee no vampire would leave their victim helpless righttt? That's not romantic! I'm happy to grab some pictures if you think it was your friend and he wants to come back though??" She beams at Avriel, "Do you think he'll bite me??"

smiles at Konstantin with a mouthful of perfect teeth, "Oh he's already gone! I watched the wholeee thing. The way his throat swallowed after he bit down.... Oh my god... It was.... perfect." She waves her hand at the man, "The person he fed on didn't seem to mindddd at all. She just walked off after like nothing happened! I would've been swooooninggg." Her blue eyes dart back to Avriel, "Oh yeah... people who own caravan parks ewww. I don't want to associate with people like them. I followed her here! She's uh..." Her head swivels as she looks towards the crowded dance floor which was just a moshpit of gyrating bodies at this point. "Probably somewhere in there.. I'm sure she's finnneee no vampire would leave their victim helpless righttt? That's not romantic! I'm happy to grab some pictures if you think it was your friend and he wants to come back though??" She beams at Avriel, "Do you think he'll bite me??"

The blue eyed girl smiles at Konstantin with a mouthful of perfect teeth, "Oh he's already gone! I watched the wholeee thing. The way his throat swallowed after he bit down.... Oh my god... It was.... perfect." She waves her hand at the man, "The person he fed on didn't seem to mindddd at all. She just walked off after like nothing happened! I would've been swooooninggg." Her blue eyes dart back to Avriel, "Oh yeah... people who own caravan parks ewww. I don't want to associate with people like them. I followed her here! She's uh..." Her head swivels as she looks towards the crowded dance floor which was just a moshpit of gyrating bodies at this point. "Probably somewhere in there.. I'm sure she's finnneee no vampire would leave their victim helpless righttt? That's not romantic! I'm happy to grab some pictures if you think it was your friend and he wants to come back though??" She beams at Avriel, "Do you think he'll bite me??"

Konstantin looks aside to Avriel now, prompting, the younger man seeming to have the strongest lead at this point. He does briefly interject to ask a quick question though; "Did you take picture of vampire?"

If a vampire /did/ chance upon the blue-eyed beauty, they would probably be able to mess with her memories of the night pretty well while they were at it... But covering up the existence of the supernatural wasn't actually Avriel's job, nor was he particularly interested in involving himself in those politics. He just didn't want people - particularly himself - to get hurt. So he trades an uneasy glance with Konstantin, then shrugs at the young woman. "I dunno, I'm not really involved in that group. I got kicked out of theater class in high school for goofing off all the time. So, um - yeah, did you get that picture?" He quietens down - Konstantin's probably more involved in this stuff than himself. Let him take the heat for it. That worked for him.

The girl nods excitedly at someone' question and makes the leap from her lounge to join the lounge seat that Konstantin was sitting on. "Oh yes! Do you want to see? I only got oneee picture right at the end because I was so distracted watchinnng." She starts digging through her phone, pulling up the gallery. She flicks past a few pictures of her cleavage right up close in some selfies to get to..... A picture of what looks like a blur in a dark alley. There are two shadows that could be people visible close next to each other but everything above their chest was a skin coloured blur. "Eh?" She says as she looks at the picture, holding her phone up to the ceiling as if that would change it. "That can't be right! I swear I took a good photo! These phones are supposed to be great at taking night pic. What the fuck!" She says showing a bit of frustration for once. "Oh well the story should be good enough for Jill.. I'm sure she's going to call any minute now." She beams a smile at Avriel and someone, "My friend Jill works for the new york times and Haven is so close I'm sure lots of people would be interested in the piece!!"

The girl nods excitedly at Konstantin's question and makes the leap from her lounge to join the lounge seat that Konstantin was sitting on. "Oh yes! Do you want to see? I only got oneee picture right at the end because I was so distracted watchinnng." She starts digging through her phone, pulling up the gallery. She flicks past a few pictures of her cleavage right up close in some selfies to get to..... A picture of what looks like a blur in a dark alley. There are two shadows that could be people visible close next to each other but everything above their chest was a skin coloured blur. "Eh?" She says as she looks at the picture, holding her phone up to the ceiling as if that would change it. "That can't be right! I swear I took a good photo! These phones are supposed to be great at taking night pic. What the fuck!" She says showing a bit of frustration for once. "Oh well the story should be good enough for Jill.. I'm sure she's going to call any minute now." She beams a smile at Avriel and someone, "My friend Jill works for the new york times and Haven is so close I'm sure lots of people would be interested in the piece!!"

The girl nods excitedly at Konstantin's question and makes the leap from her lounge to join the lounge seat that Konstantin was sitting on. "Oh yes! Do you want to see? I only got oneee picture right at the end because I was so distracted watchinnng." She starts digging through her phone, pulling up the gallery. She flicks past a few pictures of her cleavage right up close in some selfies to get to..... A picture of what looks like a blur in a dark alley. There are two shadows that could be people visible close next to each other but everything above their chest was a skin coloured blur. "Eh?" She says as she looks at the picture, holding her phone up to the ceiling as if that would change it. "That can't be right! I swear I took a good photo! These phones are supposed to be great at taking night pic. What the fuck!" She says showing a bit of frustration for once. "Oh well the story should be good enough for Jill.. I'm sure she's going to call any minute now." She beams a smile at Avriel and someone, "My friend Jill works for the new york times and Haven is so close I'm sure lots of people would be interested in the piece!!"

The girl nods excitedly at Konstantin's question and makes the leap from her lounge to join the lounge seat that Konstantin was sitting on. "Oh yes! Do you want to see? I only got oneee picture right at the end because I was so distracted watchinnng." She starts digging through her phone, pulling up the gallery. She flicks past a few pictures of her cleavage right up close in some selfies to get to..... A picture of what looks like a blur in a dark alley. There are two shadows that could be people visible close next to each other but everything above their chest was a skin coloured blur. "Eh?" She says as she looks at the picture, holding her phone up to the ceiling as if that would change it. "That can't be right! I swear I took a good photo! These phones are supposed to be great at taking night pic. What the fuck!" She says showing a bit of frustration for once. "Oh well the story should be good enough for Jill.. I'm sure she's going to call any minute now." She beams a smile at Avriel and Konstantin, "My friend Jill works for the new york times and Haven is so close I'm sure lots of people would be interested in the piece!!"

Konstantin visibly relaxes after twisting his neck to view the picture at a decent angle. He, once again, sits back down again as she mentions the friend in the New York Times, lifting his hand to give a minute dismissive wave to Avriel as he sits back and takes a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, starting to slide one out. "New York Times doesn't care about children's tale. You drink too much, girl. Go home or go and dance. Dura." He draws a cheap bic lighter from a pocket and sparks it, lighting his cigarette as he sits back and half-lids his eyes.

Of all the things here that's happened tonight, it's Konstantin tapping out a smoke which gets Avriel to back up just a bit, eyeing the big white NO-SMOKING sign before surreptitiously turning his attention away from the contraband. He simply does not know it is there, twirled between the European's fingers. "Yeah, um, you might not get much out of that one, lady... That just looks like porn... filmed on a potato." He offers up a twisting expression, somewhere between amused and sympathetic, then shrugs his shoulders. "I can get you the Barcade address, though, if this is something you're into..?"

shakes her head at Konstantin, "Hey are you even allowed smoke in here?" She asks, squinting at the man as she makes a slide away from him on the lounge chair as soon as the pillar of smoke comes out. She ends up next to Avriel, "God your friend is kindof rude." She tells him.

Lilac blue eyes glare balefully at the smoking man, "I may not have a picture.." She yells over towards the smoker, "But I still have what I saw! And that counts! I'm a influencer you know! Then new york times has to post it!" She huffs slightly as she turns back to Avriel, "No! I don't want people pretending to be vampires I want the realll dealll. Someone to suck on my inner upper thighhh while I feel estascy! That's what being bitten is like rightt?" She huffs quietly.

At the bar the bartender growls and glances over to the no smoking sign as well... Only to find it forlornly on the ground having been torn down by a certain someone earlier.

Konstantin answers Avriel's question with a simple "Yes" after exhaling his first drag. He sips from his drink between taking small drags from the cigarette; his little rewards for a job well done. "I'm sure 'my friend' here will bite you if you ask him nicely, girl", he offers, pointing the lit object of contention towards Avriel.

Konstantin shifts and unzips his jacket, the combined bodyheat of dancing club-goers proving perhaps a little too much for the wearing of a fastened leather jacket in the confines of the club.

Avriel's freckled little face whips towards Konstantin with an alarmed expression painted right across it before he turns back to the woman, cracking a moviestar rakish smirk... for about two seconds before his lips start to quiver. "Just so we're clear," he murmurs to the both of them, "I'm totally vegan. But, uh, I don't think biting people counts, so - yeah, I could totally bite you." He does not want to bite her in the slightest. He'd be much more likely to just bruise her throat all around than actually break any skin. Still... he already played along. Nothing to it but to embarrass himself and probably get fired, at this point.

At Konstantin's words, the girls blue eyes fix on Avriel, "Wait... Are you actually a vampire trying to pretend you're not a vampire??" She leans towards the teen and rests a hand on the lounge chair next to Avriel, practically pinning him to the lounge seat, "Oh my godd please please please please feed on me if you are!" Her lashes flutter over her eyes as she stares at Avriel and she reaches up to pull down the already low neckline of her dress lower. Her head turns as she offers her neck as well and her hand even helpfully sweeps her shoulder length blond hair out of the way. There's a faint metallic scent that rises up from her neck - roses mixed with the richness of iron. Blood flavoured perfume wasn't that what she had said on the phone earlier. She leans in.. just about to let him biteeee and then goes, "Wait!!!" She picks up her phone, desperately moving to selfie mode to fluff up her hair and then reoffers it as she holds out the phone in recording, nodding eagerly at Avriel, "Alright go for it!"

Konstantin chuckles quietly to himself, observing from his lazy slouch as he works his way through the cigarette leisurely-like. He looks on with a slight wry curling at the left corner of his lips, not particularly cruelly but certainly enjoying the lad's discomfort. He prompts, then, as the offer is made by the girl, with a nod to Avriel and a slight lifting of his whiskey. "Go on. Show the teeth." The peer pressure is on as he awaits the reaction.

bats her lashes at Avriel, shifting closer to him on the lounge while all the while making sure that her phone is held in the optimal angle for recording this so called vampire bite. Her blonde hair is held up by her other hand, tucked out of the way and her clubbing dress is pulled down so far it's a wonder no one can see any bits.

The girl bats her lashes at Avriel, shifting closer to him on the lounge while all the while making sure that her phone is held in the optimal angle for recording this so called vampire bite. Her blonde hair is held up by her other hand, tucked out of the way and her clubbing dress is pulled down so far it's a wonder no one can see any bits.

Avriel might not be a vampire, but he /could/ be some sort of half-chameleon hybrid. Why, he's changing colours right now! Watch the pale, freckled, skinny kid adopt the scarlet hues of a tomato and be amazed, onlookers - see how his breath comes fast and sharp with the effort of such supernatural prowess!

In reality, the kid's just trying not to freak out. He's a total virgin, and the woman damn near pinning him to the bar would be enough to make him nervous, but he's about to do something soooo fucking stupid and it's not even his god damn job to try and cover this stuff up!

Well - fuck it. He's too awkward to get his way out of this, so he cups the young woman's cheek with surprising tenderness, looks coyly into her oh-so-blue eyes, then leans in closer, until his lips drift softly against her neck, only mildly flavoured by errant makeup and nightclub sweat. Then, as the time for action strikes... he blows a huge, wet raspberry into her neck, hoping to simply embarrass both of them so badly that the ground opens up and swallows them forever.

Konstantin snorts and laughs deeply, lifting his whiskey glass to toast the display of vampiric predation before draining the rest of it. "There it is! The terrible vampir! Run little girl!" The dour man smiles brightly now, the bow of his lips somewhat lopsided where the scar cuts through them and pulls the right side of his face downwards a touch. "New york times, yes?", he asks the girl before finishing with somewhat nonsensical english, "You should buy him a drink for generousness"

The pretty blond's lashes continue to batter at Avriel as he turns vaguely the shade of a tomato although her flicked glances at her phone shows that maybe she was slightly concerned that this wasn't going to go as planned. Still.... There is a faint glimmer of hope right? Maybe some vampires turned red when having to be exhibitionists... Maybe he was still a young vampire.... She moans softly as he leans in on... his mouth open..... only to .... BLOW A RASPBERRY ON HER NECK? "What the fuck??" She yells at Avriel as he blows the raspberry, "That's not a bite! Dude are you not a vampire???" She yanks up her dress, glaring at the two men as Konstantin makes his comment, reality seems to dawn on her. "Oh my god you're just two... two jerks!! Aaaaa!!" She gets up abruptly from the lounge chair no longer pinning poor Avriel as she presses some button on her phone which turns out to be speed dial. "Oh my god I think I was just assaulted Betty!" She cries into her phone as she heads for the door, "No! They didn't turn out to be more vampires! Just a bunch of jerks! I don't even think they know what a vampire is!" Her voice fades as she makes her way out of the bar onto the street outside where the dawn light was just beginning to glimmer over the horizon.

Another day.. Another disaster adverted it seems, the girl by far too distracted by the slobbering to even remember what brought her into the bar...