\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Encounterlogs/Morgans Odd Encounter Sr Silas 240720

Morgans Odd Encounter Sr Silas 240720

In the tumultuous night of Haven, under the influence of the waxing gibbous moon and amidst the cacophony of chaos, Morgan, a centenarian werewolf finds herself embroiled in an unexpected confrontation. Amidst her attempts to maintain control due to her heightened state of inebriation, the escalating violence outside lures her into the open. Despite her better judgment, Morgan decides to investigate a nearby disturbance, which is signified by alarming noises and a fire, indicating potential havoc unleashed by a figure known as The Golden Shadow. This entity, hired to sow discord within the town by exploiting existing supernatural phenomena, forces Morgan out from the relative safety of her confines towards the source of turmoil. Upon her arrival, she encounters a half-bear, half-man creature, which seems intent on causing destruction, its sights set on breaching a local's home.

The subsequent clash between Morgan and the bear-man is fierce and primal, pitting Morgan’s lupine agility and experience against the brute force of her adversary. Despite the toll taken on her body, exacerbated by her initial reluctance to shift forms due to her aversion to reverting to her wolf state, Morgan engages the bear-man in a desperate bid to protect the town. The skirmish, marked by a ferocious exchange of might and mettle, ultimately concludes with the bear-man retreating into the darkness of the forest, leaving Morgan in a battered but defiant stance. This encounter underscores not only the physical toll of such spontaneous confrontations but also highlights Morgan's unwavering resolve to safeguard her town against threats, even if it means facing the very essence of what she fears becoming. With the bear-man's withdrawal, Morgan achieves a pyrrhic victory, her spirit undefeated but her body bearing the indelible scars of battle, a testament to her indomitable will and the unceasing turmoil that plagues Haven.
(Morgan's odd encounter(SRSilas):SRSilas)

[Fri Jul 19 2024]

In a dark and richly textured master bedroom
This master bedroom revels in a chiaroscuro theme, wrapped in the elegance of monochromatic sophistication. Deep, onyx walls form a striking backdrop, exuding a cocoon-like intimacy that defies the traditional palette of rest. A sculptural light fixture stretches across the ceiling like a modernist chandelier, its golden arms reaching out into the room, showering a constellation of ambient light across the space. Luxurious textures abound; a faux fur throw sprawls across the expansive bed, its tactile richness playing against the sleek, velvet sheen of the duvet.

Beside the stately bed, dark nightstands echo the room's noir ambiance, each crowned with a lamp whose lustrous finish reflects a soft luminescence. The bed itself, an opulent berth of comfort, boasts a commanding headboard in crushed velvet, while the plush cushions suggest an inviting play of comfort and style. Contrasting this are the bold, geometric patterns of the curtains, which frame the view with an architectonic precision, their crisp lines juxtaposing the rooms otherwise sensuous textures.

It is night, about 86F(30C) degrees, There is a waxing gibbous moon.

(Your target starts noticing signs of The Golden Shadow's involvement in Haven. These signs could be as subtle as a specific graffiti tag, or as overt as an increase in crime rate and violence. They find out that The Golden Shadow has been hired by an unknown entity to cause chaos and destruction in Haven, using the town's existing supernatural occurrences as a cover. Your target and their allies have to uncover the identity of this entity and stop The Golden Shadow's operations before the town spirals into chaos.)
Morgan is waiting in the living room of a friends apartment. She is a werewolf, and quite stoned. Like, extremely stoned. Being over a hundred grants her some familiarity with the effects of lunacy, but in civilized locations, she is quite wary about letting loose

The full moon wears on every wolf in Haven right now, and all over anywhere it touches, but as Morgan sits in that living room quite stoned, she might have some assistance with keeping herself under control, but not much. The rampant things happening in the distance, along with wolf howls are heard and while she enjoys the indoors, the sounds of chaos happen outside in the night. The sounds even seem to be coming closer, some yelling, screaming, wolf howls and a variety of other noises like gunshots echo out which is probably not uncommong for this area and this town.

Morgan isn't a complete shut in. This is unwarranted and stoned or not she is no fool. She slips on a simple dress and hurries her way outside toward the sounds. Ignoring the impulse to shift, for now. A human brain will suit her better

Those noises are closer to where Morgan was staying and now that she is outside, she can see a fire in the distance. It could just be a bonfire, or something worse, but the sounds of people shouting and then a shriek is heard, closer than it was before. The shriek is cut off soon, and in the distance, footsteps, running in her direction that sound heavy and loud.

Morgan lets out a low irritible growl. Fire in particular with one Eidolon floating around, really gets her heart racing and fury. She, in the midst of a town, and chaos, on a full moon? She hurries towards the noise.

The sounds of crashing trees nearby, and out from the forest line steps a very large man. He is breathing heavily, looking like he is half-beast, half-human. It isn't a wolf though, from the look of him it is a mixture of a bear and man. He lumbers out of the forest line and looks down towards the side of the road, spotting the house, and then, Morgan. There is a growl issued towards her and he crouches down before rising up, lifting his arms and showing those big mitts he has, claws and talons extending out from them as he tries to make himself menacing.

Morgan slows to a stop. The thrum of the chemicals in her blood soothe her, she uses them to keep her cool for the moment. She'll tear him apart, if she has to. She studies the man, giving him an icy look, amber eyes trying to search him. Wondering what the hell she has just stepped into.

There is certainly a menacing look from the bearman as it growls out in an issued challenger towards Morgan and it looks like it has plans to do more than just that in a few moments, depending on how Morgan behaves. He looks towards a nearby house and then begins to rush towards it, trying to smash into the doorway and frame to bust it open and down causing ripple of wood and flying splinters to cascade all around him as he bursts into whatever poor soul's home it might be on this night of carnage, creating his own, perhaps using the cover of wolves doing just this very thing tonight.

Morgan sees his intent clearly, eyes piercing and making a judgement on the mans soul. She lets out a mighty cry from her potent frame and surges forward towards the man, in a human form first she tries to grab and throw him aside. Bellowing out her challenge.

That smashed door is still smashed, but Morgan grabbing the man does send him thrown to the side. The bulk of him lands nearby as he rolls and lands on all fours, swiping towards her and issuing another challenge with a mighty, slobber spilling roar. Spittle flies from his mouth, his teeth large as he roars in that bearform of his and begins to rush towards her.

Morgan shifts. It's a practiced motion, honed by a literal century or more of experience of changing. Her body flinches, bulges, arms turned into legs, furred, muscled, potent. She's a powerful wolf, large, and fierce. She rushes towards the man without mercy, eager for this bloody conflict

That furred shifting just brings more of a challenge from the bearman as he lumbers to try and rush into the other animal in a clash of titans. He bulldozes against her massive form and strength, the two of them meeting in a swipe of his hands and talons, trying to slash against furred flesh and add to the potential scars Morgan(wolf) has achieved with distinction over the last century.

Morgan(wolf) lets out a deep and viscious growl. Her body is strong, scars cut so they can form new scars. Despite her battered frame making her less than she was, she still is. Poisoned magicians, shapeshifters without rules. She hates them, and on a full moon, that's all the reason she needs. THC is not match against the bellowing maddening power of the moons full stolen light. She howls deep and powerfully, tearing into this creature with an unsubdued frenzy. Howling her delight at battle, and perhaps a beckon too.

That unsubdued frenzy is matched by the bearman as he clashes with Morgan(wolf) on this fierce night of full moons and fur. The lashing out leaves wounds on both, scratches, bruises, marks, but it is all in the name of the fight it seems for the both of them. The chaos rendered by this creature tonight has met a match worth fighting and as he swipes at her and lashes out with teeth and talons, he takes a backing away step and rears up in another roar after the first round of that battle of beasts has happened.

Morgan(wolf) backs away, it isn't a retreat, a simple controlling of distance. She hunkers down, growling low, threatening. The beast before her is an enemy, not one she respects but only because of it's nature, she respects the strength and takes it seriously.

The hunkered down form of Morgan(wolf) and the recent battle is enough to give the bearman some pause as he roars at her in challenging bellow. He stands himself upright easily enough in that split form and stares her down some more before considering the options and one of those options is taken as he backs away, perhaps wanting to cause chaos and carnage somewhere without such a powerful opponent, a slow movement now, steps taking him towards the forest.

Morgan(wolf) is a different fighter now, her body is broken, long since past the point of expiration. If she weren't so powerful she'd be dead. That first round took a lot more out of her than she would care to admit. But with him retreating she growls, allowing it, and slowly following to ensure he causes no further harm

The backing away of that menacing foe doesn't quite know Morgan(wolf) might have a lot taken out of her, but he doesn't stop retreating, continuing on into the forest to perhaps fight another day, or full moon night, leaving Morgan(wolf) a stalemate sort of victory for tonight, but unfortunately, having had to shift once again into that form of the wolf.