\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Encounterlogs/Savannahs Odd Encounter Sr Kylia

Savannahs Odd Encounter Sr Kylia

In their tranquil stroll through the strangely paved campus, Savannah and Casey's mundane conversation is interrupted by an unsettling coldness and the odd opening of a door to a pitch-black room. Both women, ever-prepared, produce flashlights to investigate the darkness. Within, they discover a disturbing sight: a teenage boy hanging from the ceiling rope, appearing dead, yet unnaturally twitching as if reanimated. Savannah rushes to lift the boy as Casey hesitantly assists, only for both to realize the deception too late; the boy is a ghost and the rope, possessed, attacks, entwining itself around Casey's neck, drawing her to peril.

The ghostly encounter escalates as Savannah valiantly fights to cut the strangling rope with her knife, piercing through its supernatural resilience. The poltergeist's wrath unleashes a maelstrom within the office; inanimate objects levitate and zoom dangerously through the space. Despite being wounded by the projectile office supplies, Savannah prevails in freeing Casey from her noose-like bonds. Then, as the malevolent force accuses them as if they were the cause of its vengeance-driven anger, Casey's bleeding blood offering and forceful command finally pacify the poltergeist's fury. With the office now eerily silent save for the debris of their conflict, the two women emerge battered but alive, having survived an encounter that could have otherwise been their end.
(Savannah's odd encounter(SRKylia):SRKylia)

[Tue Dec 5 2023]

In a covered walkway
The white stone bricks that make up the path through campus are oddly shaped. Instead of typical interlocking cubes, many are elongated and impractically curved. They seem to entwine like vines or tentacles, but still form a perfectly flat surface, not unlike if the upper surface of a more rounded construct had been shaved down to a cross section.

It is about 50F(10C) degrees.

(A ghost with only fragments of memory that have driven them near insane is attacking your target. They must either defeat it or find a way to calm it down.
As the women linger in the covered walkway, a subtle unease tugs at the edges of their awareness, like a whisper of disquiet lingering in the air. The surroundings appear ordinary, yet an intangible sense of something amiss tugs at the corners of their perception.

"Have you ever seen my office?" Savannah asks Casey as she walks with the woman, brow raising. She nudges into her lightly and smiles, "I should show you sometime. That way you know where I'm sitting and doing all that paperwork I complain about sometimes..." She chuckles softly, but her eyes narrow, just a little bit as she glances to the side, a shiver rolling over her as she tucks her coat around herself.

Casey brings up her hand, rubbing at the side of her neck as she stretches it out. The student and the deputy. Casey lets her smile dance up on the corners of her lip as her pace slows, her eyes and attention going to Savannah. But her smile did not reach her eyes, there was something troubling her. Her arms tuck under her arms. "I don't think I have..." she says, going along with the conversation at hand as she shudders. "... I'm sorry, do you feel that?"

As the pair navigate the hushed hallway, a door swings open with a whispering creak, almost entirely unprompted. There's an eerie stillness in the air as the door yields to an unseen force, revealing the shadowed space beyond. Were the pair to try and examine the room - they'd find that it's pitch black. Perhaps there's a light switch near the entrance, or the pair may have some other way of illuminating the unnatural darkness, if they cared to.

Navigating the hushed hallway, a door swings open with a whispering creak, almost entirely unprompted. There's an eerie stillness in the air as the door yields to an unseen force, revealing the shadowed space beyond. Were the pair to try and examine the room - they'd find that it's pitch black. Perhaps there's a light switch near the entrance, or the pair may have some other way of illuminating the unnatural darkness, if they cared to.

Savannah says "showstat sensitive"
Savannah says "showstat sensitive"
Savannah lingers near Casey now, but nods her head, "I did feel that." She looks towards the slowly opening and creaking door, narrowing her eyes. She takes out a flashlight from her duty belt, compact, small, but does the job with good lumens, at least if this darkness can be pierced by mere mortal means. She nudges Casey now and says, "Do you see that?"

Luckily or not, Casey tended to carry a small flashlight on her at all times. In a place like this, one never knew when they'd have to deal with a gaping void. But luckily enough, Savannah did too. Trusting in Savannah's own light, Casey purses her lips as she glances into the inky darkness, her eyes slightly narrowed. "Or not see that, as the case may be."

Savannah and Casey illuminate the room with a casual flick of their lights. In the stark brightness, an office is revealed, but more disconcertingly, a teenage boy hangs from a rope, his lifeless form suspended from the ceiling. Suddenly, he starts to spasm, convulse and twitch, as if life courses through him despite the apparent unlikeliness of such a thing happening.

The Deputy and protector in Savannah springs into action as she says to Casey, quickly, "Help me!" She rushes forward, into that inky darkness with just her flashlight and the other woman's light guiding her. She bites into the flashlight to hold it, trying to use both hands to reach for that lifeless form, because the convulsion was enough to make her act. She tries to lift him upwards, as if to get the rope to slack.

Casey startles when she sees the macabre sight, but after a moment's consideration, she seems hesitant to come forward. "Always better to like... treat this kinda thing as real..." Casey crinkles her nose and rushes forward, delayed. There was a shudder to her shoulder though.

What Casey would try to do was to reach the other side of the hanging boy, to grasp his other leg and try to take some of the weight off too.

Even if she was mentally bracing herself for the worst.

That office door slams shut with a jarring finality behind the two women as they enter into the office. Savannah attempts to touch at the hanging teenager, but her hands phase seamlessly through, as if she were grasping at air. The air crackles with an unsettling energy as the teenage boy that should be dead grins malevolently, some ephemeral figure defying the laws of reality. Before their eyes, the boy evaporates into nothingness, leaving the room in a chilling stillness.

The only thing that does appear to be real is the rope that dangles from the ceiling. Without warning, the rope dangling from the ceiling comes to life, snaking with an unnatural malevolence, as it tightens around Casey's neck with a chilling intention, tightening, attempting to draw her into the air.

The yelp that Casey makes was ghastly. With her fashionable ankle boots skittering against the ground as she tries to delve away, Casey says, "Savann...!" in those moments before her cry was cut off by a sickening 'grk' as the rope tightens around her neck.

Her eyes tear.

She didn't have a knife or anything on her, but her wide eyes go to Savannah for help, her dark hair falling in her features as her hands instead go to the rope around her neck, trying to tug it for even the slightest room to breathe.

Savannah wraps her arms around nothing and then looks surprised, but that look of surprise turns to shock and fright once Casey has her neck wrapped in that terrible rope. She acts quickly, her eyes widening, moving towards the woman now to try and grasp her to keep her from being pulled away while one hand reaches for her belt and how comes a knife with a flick. She grasps with one arm and then leaps upwards, trying to slash at the rope above her head to try and cut and fray it. She has some skill with a knife, and the thing seems sharp, "Hold on! I got you! I got you, Casey!"

Savannah begins to sever the unnaturally durable rope that draws Casey further and further into the air. The fibrous resistance challenges her efforts, presenting a toughness that borders on the supernatural. Some invisible force takes hold within the office, sending objects into chaotic motion. Papers swirl in the air, pens clatter to the ground, and files are propelled with an unseen fury. Push pins in a pot, seemingly animated by an ethereal force, dart through the air, impaling the Savannah's side in a sinister attempt to halt her actions.

With determined slashes, Savannah finally succeeds, and as the rope gives way, though a sudden, furious scream echoes throughout the office. The poltergeist's wail reverberates with an otherworldly rage. Larger objects begin to levitate and if about to be flung. Objects that would be considerably more dangerous if they were to strike someone. A computer monitor. A desk. A chair.

With a sudden intake of air, Casey stumbles forward, her ankle twisting as she finds herself not held as aloft anymore.

What Casey wanted to do was stumble forward against Savannah, arms reaching out to her as if to clutch to her for strength. So she was caught in the midst of that motion, her hands reaching out towards Savannah - when she stops that impulse in the midst of it, her eyes instead to glance slowly around herself.

What stopped her the most? The scream of rage. And the way her eyes level on a floating desk. "/Stop/!" she calls out in demand.

Savannah cries out with the various items impaling against her side, smacking into her and causing her to almost stumble away, but with that determination, she gets Casey down, grasping at the woman to hold her closely as more objects begin to fly around the room. She tries to pull the woman from the center, towards one of the corners, less chances to get hit by the random violence of thrown objects, flicking her knife closed and placing it into a sheath once more while she calls out with Casey, "Yes, stop! What do you want?!"

In a tumult of spectral fury, the wooden behemoth of a wooden hurtles through the air, narrowly missing the women as they scrambles out of it's destructive path. As the oppressive presence of the furious poltergeist lingers in the room, a subtle shift occurs, perceptible to the pair of women. The once overwhelming force begins to falter, its spectral energy waning. The air, thick with tension, now bears the flicker of dissipating malevolence, as the call from beyond the veil begins to overpowered this anguished insatiable thirst for misplaced retribution, "You, the architects of my torment, bear the weight of my unjust hanging!" The ominous, reverberating echo of a voice accuses with a voice that resonates with ethereal bitterness. "To atone for this transgression, you shall embrace the same fate!"

In the waning echo of the poltergeist's furious presence, the storm of objects that danced with spectral malevolence gradually begin to subside. The once chaotic symphony of office supplies and swirling papers slowly but surely succumb to an eerie calm.

Casey pauses a few moments more as the spectral fury lashes around them, and Casey holds up her arms, warding - putting her back, less or more, towards Savannah's. "Really need to keep my gear with me, but a lot of it..." Casey pauses a moment more.

"Belief and will," she says.

"If you want to be heard, you cannot approach us this way!" she says, her tone of voice stark, sharp - colder, perhaps, than Savannah had ever seen. It was not a voice with any fear in it, even if Savannah could probably feel the shudder that runs through Casey, so close to her.

"Go back, and get out of this space - and only return when your spirit is clear and focused!" she says, bringing her hand out of her pocket, and her car keys. With a twist, she draws the sharp tip of the keys into one of her finger. She starts to bleed, and she flicks that blood on the ground in front of her. "Out now!" she says, her voice firm in a demand.

While Savannah is a Deputy, she springs into action often and handles a lot of various supernatural related events, but in this, she lets Casey take the lead. She keeps her back to the woman, trying to make sure big objects don't smash into either of them unawares, protecting the head and upper body with her arms. She listens to the woman speak, and then simply reinforces it herself, "Leave this place and return when you are clear, spirit!" She's helping! She does seem focused, intense, and glances over a shoulder to look towards Casey with an intense pair of eyes, brow lifted some at the woman's stark, sharpness in her tone, respect there, clearly.

Casey's sacrificial blood offering seems to resonate with that otherworldly energy, accelerating the banishment of the furious poltergeist, leaving the office in a serene stillness as the spectral energy recedes. If not for the scattered office supplies and overturned furniture, things would appear to be completly, but thankfully for them, that'll be some custodian's job to worry about. Savannah and Casey have successfully survived a poltergiest's ambush that might've killed someone else, had it been them that had sprung the trap instead of this duo.