\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Encounterlogs/Trevors Odd Encounter Sr Calista 240716

Trevors Odd Encounter Sr Calista 240716

In a quaint seaside cabin with a kitchen designed for the culinary enthusiast, Trevor finds his monotonous day interrupted by an unexpected visitor during a hailstorm. A woman, embodying every aspect of desire, seeks refuge at his door, claiming to have been abandoned on the beach after a date gone wrong. Trevor, despite his better judgment, allows her inside, only to find himself ensnared in her web of seduction. She requests simple aids – water and a phone to call her roommate – but her proximity and the intoxicating scent of her perfume make it clear she has more than just assistance on her mind. Trevor, sensing danger, keeps his distance and offers help without succumbing to her alluring trap.

The situation escalates when the woman, revealing her true nature as a powerful vampire, attacks Trevor with supernatural strength, intending to make him her prey. However, the commotion attracts Bella, known online as Hell's_Bells, who breaks into the cabin intending to steal but instead finds Trevor in peril. The vampire, faced with unexpected witnesses and resistance, decides Trevor isn't worth the trouble for now and leaves with a threat lingering in the air. Trevor, left to deal with the aftermath and the intrusion of Bella, stands firm, demanding both uninvited guests to leave his home. The encounter concludes with Trevor safe but wary, the calm of his seaside refuge shattered by the day's events, leaving open questions about future safety and intrusions.
(Trevor's odd encounter(SRCalista):SRCalista)

[Mon Jul 15 2024]

At a feminine bar and kitchen of a seaside cabin
With a wide archway that leaves the way open to the west, this kitchen is very open, and quite inviting. It is warm in design; minimal and simple but still holding the features to be an amateur chef's paradise. It features double ovens, stainless steel appliances, and an island in the center that holds the sink, and various snacks in the cabinets beneath. The aesthetic is cottage style, with wood flooring that provides an easy to clean area. Along the northern wall is a double height counter and bar, housing bar stools in front of it arranged in a line. The large window to the north shows the view of the garden, and to the east is a path that leads to the back deck patio that overlooks the ocean.

It is morning, about 83F(28C) degrees,

(A powerful vampire has taken an interest in your target, perhaps romantically, or maybe just as a plaything. They need to navigate the tricky social waters without getting sucked dry, or at least stay alive until their allies can come to their aid.)
Trevor had just finished up a little bit of a shared breakfast with his partner. She's left to go work, and Trevor is sitting on a stool, contemplating the rest of his day - which currently seems to be scrolling through his phone.

Nearly noon on a Monday and the hail is still falling outside the large windows from the kitchen eat-in area to the garden. It's pretty quiet in the room now, with the exception of the humming appliances and the rhythmic plinking of the hail against the roof. A pretty normal background noise for the residents of Haven by now.

Out on the fine sands of Sidney beach there is a figure of a woman. She would go unnoticed by Trevor at this time while he scrolls his phone, looking through the mundane, the cute, and the funny of what the internet has to offer. Maybe even the sexy. Who knows. Outside this female figure begins to walk up the sands closer and closer to the beach house, until finally there is a rap at the back patio door.

When Trevor looks to the sound, he would see what could really only best be described as a siren, framed by the glass of the door. This woman is built to be the desire of men, with curves and slopes in all the right places, flawless skin, a shining curtain of hair and features that are fox-like that scream 'come hither' regardless of what her mouth says. Which is nothing at the moment. Well, not nothing. She's mouthing something to Trevor while pointing at the door handle like she's gesturing to him to come attend to it. Despite all of these flawless looks, she does currently fit the bill of damsel in distress with hunks of hail pummelling that absolutely perfect skin and hair like a crime against nature. She's not in any shoes, or a hat, and it looks like the shoulder of her form fitting little black dress has been torn as well as the seam between the bodice and skirt - exposing just that littlest sliver of smooth skin beneath. What kind of trouble has she gotten herself into?

When Trevor would finally slip from his stool to open that door like the knight in shining armor that he is - he might just let her right on in. Or maybe, he only shoulders it open a crack. Either way, the woman with alabaster skin and dark chocolate waves that fall to caress her breasts has something to say. "Thank you, so much," she enthuses to him with an accent thick enough that it places her perhaps from some Slavic origin. "I tried the other house down the way there," she gestures northward towards another visible roof in the distance. "But there was no answer. Please, I- I think that my date at the diner last night put something in my drink and left me out here on the beach after..." She doesn't finish the sentence but she paints the picture pretty clearly of her plight. Dark, fathomless eyes look up into Trevor's from her slightly smaller stature though still fairly stately height. She truly looks like she stepped out of a romantic painting of feminine wiles incarnate. "I have no phone, nothing-" she gestures out with her palms up, showing herself as unaccessorized and unequipped. "Just you. I have you. I hope?" Just the way she says it makes a man want to stand up and be her everything - even if only for the moment. Truly intoxicating and... is that a whiff of perfume being blown in from the breeze outside through the open patio door. It smells natural and wild all at once - full of a sensuality that can truly scramble the good senses of a person.

Trevor probably shouldn't have opened the door at all, but, indeed he does open it just a little bit, enough to head the woman speak, but not quite enough for someone to really shove the door open, since he's also standing behind it, and peering out of the crack - using his weight as a sort of barring of the door. Though, someone probably supernaturally strong could most likely open the door with relative ease. His blue eyes dart behind the woman, trying to discern whether or not there's other people roaming the beach, JUST out of his sight. Not really finding anything, Trevor tosses a glance over his shoulder, a little frown forming on his lips.

In what's probably an internal debate in his brain, he eventually opens the door, "Alright, come in," he says, stepping back and letting the woman enter.

fluidly enters the room at Trevor's behest - slinking in like a beautiful black cat. When the door is shut behind her she slinks some more, right up close to Trevor's body so he can really get a good idea of how she smells, the curve of her neck as she tilts her face to look at him with rapt attention and of course a generous view of her breasts.

"I don't want to trouble you," she says now in her velvety coated voice. "Maybe just a glass of water and the use of your phone to call my roommate?" It all sounds innocent enough. She doesn't really want much from Trevor, even if she is standing intoxicatingly close and when she shifts her weight to her other bare, delicate foot, her breasts brush Trevor's arm slightly. Hard to concentrate really, with that going on. "Really... thank you," she implores again, her eyes swimming back and forth over his features and making that patented triangle betweens his eyes and mouth.

Unfortunately, Trevor can't help but sniff and he breathes in... a perfume? Of some sort? It's hard to tell, there's a lot of things going on, so suddenly. Trevor steps away from the woman, quickly, his gaze not even dipping for a moment. Perfectly level, in fact, there seems to be very interesting spot on the woman's forehead.

At the words, Trevor's' already beginning to move, but, well, then there's that whole arm thing that happens and Trevor grunts. "Hey," he says, "You can have the water and the use of a phone, but, I'm going to need you to not get so up close, please, Miss." He lifts a hand to fend off any words that may follow. "Just, take a seat, I'll grab the water." And he does, turning on his heel to grab a glass and beginning to fill it.

When Trevor brushes her off and moves away from her with those cold words, there's a flash of something wholly different in the woman's eyes. Quickly morphing from sultry and sweet, her annoyance at this one's rebuff comes through. The careful, suggestive nature of her stance when he turns his back on her becomes one of a predator, intent gaze on him while he fills a glass at the sink. It takes her no time at all to cross the space of the kitchen and to press herself up against his back - yanking back both of his arms as she does so to be held at the wrists by her inhumanly strong grip. The glass Trevor was filling would clatter back into the sink at the surprise attack.

"How dare you," she hisses to him while she pulls harder, forcing him to almost bow backwards to account for where his arms are going. "You would deny this? All of this?" Someone's got an ego.

Harder she pulls, the strain on Trevor's shoulder socket near excruciating. "We could have had our fun. Done it my way. You would have enjoyed me I promissse." The 's' sound she makes is almost like a snake's hiss, portraying the monster behind the maiden's mask. "But now, I think, I will only enjoy you. Over, and over, and over." Her voice is deep, sultry still, with a dangerous edge and dripping in passion for... probably not his sexual prowress but something else that flows through him. "Kneel for me," she practically purrs into his ear with an unwavering confidence that stems likely from never being denied her wishes with breasts and an ass like those.

The crash of the glass however, does something that the woman did not plan for. From the distance, a room or two away, a distinctly female voice with soft but articulate tones pipes up in concern, "Trevor? Was that you? Are you alright?"

BANG! Bella comes charging through the door of the seaside cabin, shoulder first in the full intent of bashing that thing open that hard. To those who check myhaven profiles, she'd be familiar as Hell's_Bells online, a person who's been causing problems with some more established personalities. In all actuality, she came here to steal from Trevor, expecting to find the cabin empty. When she finds the man there instead, she stops cold and gasps, tensing up.

Trevor grunts at the sudden of whatever the hell is going on, first the woman that's currently almost straining his arm out of it's socket with supernatural strength, then there's that other voice, and now Bella breaking into his house. "First of all," he says, gritting his teeth. "Let me the fuck go," his gaze scans across over to the other woman, "Second of all, get out of my house, both of you." Then, the most important one, "Yeah, it's me. There's a little bit of a situation out here, but, I'm dealing with it."

Well this is all too much publicity for whatever the dark and gorgeous siren had planned for Trevor, and not enough time to execute a good getaway. There are two more people at play here that she was not expecting and it obviously trips her up. More annoyance fires her features as her visions of a fun afternoon become more of a hassle than they're worth. "I'll come back for you," she tells Trevor darkly then - unable to leave him feeling like he's won. She even goes so far as to lick the base of his neck before she lets him go and, in a blink is by the broken patio door. "Watch your back you dirty mutt," she hisses to Bella before she's gone back into the beach and hail from whence she came like a creature of the sea if she weren't already a creature of the night.

"What?!?" the familiar voice calls from the library of the house. It can almost be heard that there is a rolling of a heavy chair now from that room as presumably the house's other owner is getting up to join the fray. With the original threat gone, Trevor is now left to deal with this home invader...

[OOC]: The main encounter is thwarted, do players want to take this back to the seaside cabin to continue the scene?