\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Encounterlogs/Trevors Odd Encounter Sr Carmine 240606

Trevors Odd Encounter Sr Carmine 240606

Trevor's serene afternoon with Calista is abruptly interrupted by a loud smash from the bathroom, prompting him to investigate while ensuring Calista remains undisturbed. Upon entering the bathroom with caution, Trevor encounters an eerie, unbroken condition of the room, contrary to the disruptive noise he heard. However, the mirror above the sink reveals a ghastly scene, showcasing a bloody and twisted version of Calista amidst a setting filled with violence and grotesqueness, visible only within the reflective surface. The spectral figure manipulates a shard of glass, signaling a terrifying connection between the mirror's world and Trevor's, marking the beginning of an ominous encounter dictated by the spirit's malevolent intentions.

As the interaction escalates, the mirror spirit coerces Trevor with a bloody demonstration, inflicting a phantom wound upon him that mirrors her self-harm but leaves no physical mark. Threats are exchanged, with the spirit demanding a blood sacrifice to spare Calista, leading Trevor to a crucial decision point. Rejecting the spirit's demand for self-harm, Trevor opts for direct confrontation, shattering the mirror with his fist. This act dispels the mirror's magic violently, eliminating the immediate threat but leaving Trevor to ponder the consequences of his actions and the potential lingering danger to Calista. The aftermath leaves him in a quiet, broken room, reflecting on the efficacy of violence as a solution and the uncertainty of whether the spirit's threat was ever real.
(Trevor's odd encounter(SRCarmine):SRCarmine)

[Wed Jun 5 2024]

In in an open concept main living area and kitchen
There is a bright and airy feel to this open concept living space. A small kitchenette houses compact, white appliances, white countertops, and white cupboards with glass fronts. A kitchen island or bar is what acts as a separater between the kitchen and living area. High stools with woven wicker seats are set along the one side for eating.

Off white walls and light hardwood floors furnish the rest of the living space, dominated mostly by a very large rug in a deep shade of blue and an overstuffed cream sectional. A low coffee table in a light wood is arranged in the middle. The only other thing of note in the apartment is a great deal of greenery. Small and large, potted or hanging, there are ferns, palms and ivy plants scattered all over the apartment as a form of decoration.

It is afternoon, about 83F(28C) degrees,

(Your target is singled out by some sort of spirit that can only attack them through mirrors, it is up to them to survive long enough by avoiding mirrors/their reflection until their allies can help them find a way to defeat the monster.
In the early afternoon Trevor relaxes on the sofa with an arm around a sleeping someone. It's a nice calm day in Haven, the weather is unusually nice for this usually damp and dark town. There is little to be concerned about on this carefree Wednesday, except of course for the loud smash of glass that emanates from the washroom. It's an unmistakable sound, and it should be loud enough to rouse a light sleeper, but Calista does not wake.

In the early afternoon Trevor relaxes on the sofa with an arm around a sleeping Calista. It's a nice calm day in Haven, the weather is unusually nice for this usually damp and dark town. There is little to be concerned about on this carefree Wednesday, except of course for the loud smash of glass that emanates from the washroom. It's an unmistakable sound, and it should be loud enough to rouse a light sleeper, but Calista does not wake.

Trevor had the TV on, nothing loud, and barely even audible for him. So, of course the loud smashing that comes from the bathroom is audible. Trevor looks up suddenly, his head on a swivel. And then carefully, he extracts himself from Calista, placing her comfortably against a pillow - considering she might need a new headrest. Then Trevor stands, first things first, get feet covering. Maneuvering to the door of the apartment he gathers up his boots and quickly and efficiently puts them on, then makes his way to the bathroom.

While Trevor extracts himself from his companion to wisely get boots on and head for the bathroom. The occasional cracking and crunching of glass can be heard coming from the bathroom as if someone was in there walking around on shattered glass.

Once Trevor reaches the bathroom to look inside he finds..nothing..no shattered glass, no intruders, the window is fine. But there is the sound of crunching glass in the room..coming from the mirror above the sink.

It'd probably help to turn the light on. So, Trevor does just that. Nothing? Still no glass? Of course not, why would a light help in this situation.

Whatever, the light stays on, at least it's a little bit of a comfort. Nothing can go wrong in the light, right? Once the light situation has been sorted, Trevor turns his attention to the sound of crunching glass, the mirror, he moves across the bathroom floor - to stand in front of the sink.

Like looking through a window, Trevor does not see himself in the mirror instead he sees a horrific scene. It's his bathroom, but it's painted in splatters of blood, the bathtub is filled with water that has been dyed crimson with blood, even the sink is full of blood. But the most stand out feature of this room is a familiar face.

Covered in blood from head to toe, sticking her hair to her face in clumps and dripping down her form is someone who looks like Calista, but isn't quite? Her face is somewhat distorted. The source of the crunching is evident, it's the woman's barefeet shifting on broken glass on the floor of the bathroom, further cutting into flesh which adds to the bloody mess. When Trevor sees her, the distressed woman turns to face him from her side of the mirror.

As if to read Trevor's mind, the woman steps, crunching glass under foot to approach the mirror. Whens he reaches the sink full of blood she brings a hand to the lip of the sink to touch a finger to a long shard of glass sitting on the edge of the sink. Then as if to signal to Trevor, she looks down to his side of the portal to his sink where that same piece of glass seems to have manifested itself on Trevor's side. It's long sharp, shaped like a blade with no handle.

The bathroom was fine. He saw it with his own eyes. There was no blood, there was nobody else in there. He's dreaming. He has to be -.

That face. He recognizes the face. Why does he..? From his angle, Trevor can peer out into the other room, trying to find his sleeping companion out there. But no, he closed the door? Why is the door suddenly closed? Shitshitshit.

The man breathes in but that calm doesn't seem to last long. The bloody woman doing.. something in the mirror.

A shard? What he's supposed to pick it up? Trevor may be kinda dumb, but he's not that dumb. "No," he growls out, it's a threatening sound. "I'm not touching that."

The woman picks up the shard when Trevor does not. Though over covered in blood from head to toe already 'Calista's look-a-like grips the knife shard hard enough to ooze blood from between her fingers, then she brings the sharp tip to her forearm on her otherside and begins to drag it it from wrist to elbow, opening a fresh, gushing wound. It's as she does this Trevor feels a wetness on his arm, no pain but distinct warm wetness where his jacket sleeve becomes covered in blood right where the bleeding woman is cutting.

Trevor watches the bloodied woman with horror. "Whoever you are, spirit," Trevor's voice is low, threatening still. "You fucking hurt her? I will spend the rest of my days figuring out how to rip you apart. If I can torture you, in some way, I will find out." It's probably not the most likely of threats made to... a mirror spirit, a mirror ghost. There's the distinct possibility that Trevor can't ever actually do anything to it. But still, he made it make it. Something compelled him.

Slowly, he feels that wetness creep along his arm, rolling up the sleeve of his jacket, as he reveals his arms, his gaze flicks down to it - growing wide with shock.

Begging internally to wake up does not appear to have the desired effect. Instead of Trevor waking up, a stinging sensation begins to creep up his arm where the woman had cut herself and somehow inflicted the same wound on Trevor. His sleeve is wet with blood but when Trevor pulls it up, there is no injury even where it burns like there should be one.

Finally the thing on the other side of the mirror speaks, dribbling a little blood from a her split lip as it tells Trevor with perfect clarity as if it was with him, and not seperated by a pane of glass. "Give me blood or I will take all of hers." then it's eyes flick down to the shard of glass it gave Trevor

Trevor grits his teeth at the burning phantom cut that bloodied his sleeve. Weirdly, he frowns at his arm, but inspects his sleeve. That part seemingly confusing him, for whatever reason. The weird bloodied woman in the mirror doesn't seem to confuse him, but the blood on his sleeve, but no cut on his arm, that one confuses him, freaks him out. He can't seem to rationalize how that one worked in his brain.

"Fuck you," Trevor spits venom back at the woman. "You live in the mirrors?" Trevor asks, though he probably won't get an answer - but an offering for an offering, Trevor lifts the shard of glass, holding it in the palm of his left hand. It's not a tight grip, but the glass seems to bite into his skin regardless.

The bite of the glass in his palm is real, and the cut hurts. But what hurts more is the phantom slice Trevor received, in tracks from wrist to elbow up his forearm in the same location the bloodied woman has cut, Her wound bleeds profusely, probably enough to seriously risk bleeding out if not tended to. But for Trevor, he's not actually bleeding yet.

There is no answer to his question but when he takes the blade she inclines her chin and watches as he seems willing to accept her offer. His arm already burns as if he cut it, so to go through with it is only to make the unjustified pain, justified. As if to indicate what she wants him to do next, she holds her own wounded arm over the sink to let the blood dribble into it.

Instead of cutting himself on the glass, Trevor does what might be one of the worst possible solutions.

It doesn't seem particularly smart to give blood up to this creature, at least at the moment it doesn't seem to be correct choice. There's always another option.

There's a saying 'Violence is never the answer', well Trevor probably didn't get told that one as a kid, because he rams his right fist directly into the mirror.

Exploding in a hail of glass while emitting a horrific scream in 'Calistas' voice, the mirror doesn't just shatter, it blast outward with arcane energies. most of the shards are harmless and small but some slice exposed skin like Trevor's face, the worst of the damage is naturally to his fist. The various small cuts are likely minor compared to the offering the creature had requested.

A silence descends, leaving Trevor alone in the bathroom with a wall where the mirror once was and a bunch of glass to clean up. With no more portal to the bloody mirror world, there is no more creature to contend with. Who knows if Calista was ever under threat, or if Trevor's choice will come back to bite him and her later. For now, the situation seems resolved.

It'll be a rough cleanup from Trevor, with a damaged hand, and hopefully not broken, but it seemed worth it. There was a threat to his lifestyle, to his peace. And violence seemingly *did* solve the situation he found himself in. Good riddance. Hopefully, he's unbothered by that awful creature again any time soon, and it thinks twice about messing around in his mirrors.