\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Factions/The Lantern 02182018

The Lantern 02182018

Rest In Peace, Bailey Simmons

Issue Date: 02/18/2018

Rest In Peace, Bailey Simmons by Olly Omani

Bailey Simmons(pictured above), is dead. Evidently the victim of a murder-suicide with her much older boyfriend, a Blackfield college professor who's name I am told was 'Ishtar'.

Why Bailey, Olly? People die and get murdered all the time. What makes her so special?


Nothing makes her special and that's the problem. When a woman's found dead, it's statistically highly likely that the person who killed her is the person who was fucking her.

Bailey was 22 years old. Still practically a kid. She worked at Biomechanical. I only talked with her a few times, but she was a sweet, reserved girl when I spoke with her. She had her whole life ahead of her. The exact motive is unknown, what is known is Bailey packed up, or someone made it look like Bailey packed up her shit. She knew she was in trouble, she tried to get away and she was killed. Her throat slit by her lover.

This is an all too common problem in the world. So if you see something, say something. Someone who seems to have an oppressive relationship with their partner (and I'm not talking dom/sub here, you know the relationship I mean). Someone who comes in with a shiner every so often because they tripped in the shower. Or bruised arms and forearms, bruises in general that they're evasive about. People who get screamed at by their partner and who's partners have sick tendencies toward them, like tracking their movements and borderline stalking them, punishing them when they talk to other people.

Bailey Simmons didn't need or deserve to die. The next person won't either. Friends don't let friends get beaten on by their partners.

Try to be better to each other, people. Life's meaningless, make it enjoyable.

Mahalo, Havenites.

Upcoming Events

Experience - Opening Day

Experience (the Gallery), opened on Saturday the 17th, February 2018 (yesterday).

Owned by Savina Louraigh, experience isn't a traditional art gallery. In fact, I went into it thinking it was a traditional art gallery and through that lens, I thought it was a garbage establishment, I really did.

It was overly white, lots of clear drinks because the owner didn't want to risk a mess. The drinks were good, but I was still bored. Then I spoke with the curator and she explained it to me.

"Experience isn't the sort of gallery where you come to look at drawings on the wall, ooh and ahh, and then go home. There are plenty of those. Experience is about the experience. The art is in your hands, or under your feet sometimes, if you've seen the other display. It's not about getting people to come and see, but rather to come and do." - Savina Louraigh

Once she told me this, it changed the lens on how I looked on it and I can safely say that it's one of the most original spots in Haven. Yes I realize they're advertising on my paper but I'm saying this with a clear conscience and without a gun to my head.

Stop by 62 Beech Street and check it out, it's honestly a pretty cool place.

...Of The Week

Offensive Joke of the Week: How many cops does it take to change a light bulb? Zero. The cops wouldn't change the bulb, they'd arrest it for being broke and beat the room for being black.

Punny Joke of the Week: I wanted to learn to drive a stick shift... but I couldn't find a manual.

Quote of the Week: A truly rich man is one who's children run into his arms when his hands are empty. - Unknown

Riddle of the Week: Alone I am 24th, with a friend I am 20. Another friend and I am unclean. What am I?

Last Week's Answer: Footsteps



Innovate your inner spaces with distinctive design.



[Inkcognito Tattoo Studio]

Inkcognito Tattoo Studio

Hayden Finn - Proprietor/Tattooist


112 Pub Road, Adjoining Hooligans Pub


Bailey Simmons, aged 22, survived by her parents, Joseph and Martha and four siblings, one of which was her brother Joe. See main article for more.

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Ask Olly
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I am not a certified therapist, psychiatrist or anything else, but if you have a question and want some unbiased, objective advice from a guy who doesn't know you, you've come to the right place!

Dear Mr. Omani,


I am having trouble keeping up with my peers. Suggestions?

-Jealous in Haven

Dear Jealous in Haven,

Dude this is extremely vague so my answer is going to be just as vague. The first step is to not compete with your peers, compete with yourself. Be better than you were the day before. I'm not sure who your peers are, but as an example, if you lifted 100 pounds last time you worked out, go for 110 this time, etc. Always try to beat your personal bests first.

If you thrive on competition though, then there's a few ways to do this. Peers to me implies that these people aren't competition or enemies, so maybe reach out to them. Learn what they do or did to earn your jealousy and then mimic what they did right and ignore what they did wrong. Do the same to the peers you've got trailing you, too. Even the losers sometimes have lessons you can learn from them.

In the end, it all comes down to hard work, dedication and sacrifice.

Good luck dude. Send me a more detailed question if this didn't help.


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The Grinning Knight
Donate To Keep The Lantern Lit

A Weekly Serial

by Olly Omani

On Hiatus

The Grinning Knight, Chapter 2, may continue at some point