\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Family/Angela Swann

Angela Swann

A n g e l a   S w a n n

Birthdate – December 16, 1988; Birthplace – Haven, MA; AssociationsThe Swanns?, CBS Channel 3; Occupation – Talk Show Host

The Skinny

Angela Swann isn't a super star, but she's a local celebrity. The locals of Haven generally love her. Unlike most talk show hosts, she tackles grim subjects, like death and sexuality, though she typically throws in a wit that many of her viewers love. She also tends to interview important locals and employees of the various organizations that's made Haven their home, like Green Horizons, Temple Steel, & the Grove. She also has a section at the end of a show that shows popular youtube clips, from the funny to the bizarre.

Deeper Investigation

    Angela Swann is successful, a huge hit with the locals, but she has fallen out of grace recently after having been found in her room at the Antlers overdosed on cocaine. While she's getting professional help, she's still trying to get back on the air.

    Unfortunately, with Angela's claim to fame, no matter how small, it leaves her private life compromised. She's found it hard to have any meaningful relationships, with the men she meets either looking for an in to her Family, or worse.

Being Us
    The name of her talk show is 'Being Us', Us referring to humanity as a whole, though most Havenites like to say that it's about those who live in the town. The show runs for an hour (that includes commercial time) and has viewers in Boston and Rhode Island.


“Where do you want me to sign?” – Angela Swann

“I liked your show, particularly the subjects about death. I hope it comes back on air soon.” – Kit?

“I'm just waiting for your show to return, Angie. What sorts of gossip will be spread. It sort of makes me giddy.” – JuJu?

“I was so relieved to hear you, Angela, the woman who judges everyone on your show, survived your overdose...” - Paulie?