\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Family/Romeo Inigo

Romeo Inigo


The firstborn son of Augustus, and a very feared member of the town's community, known for his vicious, sadistic streak of violence. One of Patricia Wilson's most loyal lieutenants, most locals know not to cross Romeo... or else.

Archetype: Mafioso
Birthdate: March 3, 1974 (43)
Birthplace: Haven, MA
Occupation: Assets Management
Associations: The Inigos?

“I believe the art of winning is through intimidation.”
Mark Spitz

Puzzle Pieces

Demonborn – Romeo has developed the Inigo's famous demonborn gene, though he is the only one of Augustus' children who has. This makes his love of violence all the more intimate, and Romeo is at his happiest when someone is in pain, physical or otherwise.

This Thing of Ours – Romeo is most certainly old-school when it comes to his role in Patricia Wilson's criminal empire. Cigars, expensive suits, fast cars, Romeo wants it all, and will stop at nothing to impress the boss lady and live the fast, hard and loose life.

Devil Spawn – Romeo has a lot of kids. Many of them are bastards, and the ones who aren't live with his ex-wife, a woman who was sick of the beatings and verbal assassinations. Romeo doesn't care, though. His real family is here in Haven, after all, Wilson and Inigo both.


“You talking to me?” – Romeo Inigo

“Thank you. I will be sure to fulfill my end of the deal. ” – Coral?

“Squirrels are animals too. Maybe you should drive a little slower and try to avoid them next time.” – Emmett Jane?

“Maybe we'll hook up next week. I'll get you that money tomorrow, though.” – Adriana