\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Gameplay/Attack


When used outside of combat the attack command used without an argument will start a fight, in fast combat all people will then be able to start moving or attacking as they wish, in an emote fight it will generate a turn order and start to work through them.

Typing attack skip will skip your turn in emote combat, in fast combat it won't have any real affect except that if all participants in a fight type attack skip the fight will end.

Possible syntaxes for attack are: Attack (person) When the command is used like this on a target in melee range it will pick your highest melee discipline to use, when used on a target at range it will pick the highest ranged disicpline to use. Note the highest ranged discipline might not always be the most effective discipline to use depending on the range of the target.

Attack (person) (discipline) This syntax allows you to pick the discipline you'd like to use for the attack.

Attack (person) (customname) This syntax allows you to use a custom attack, in fast combat your attack will use the message you've written for this attack instead of the default message. In both fast combat and emote combat it will attach any special affect you've set up on that custom to the attack.

Attack (person) knockout Used in melee range on someone who has run out of defence to knock them out to be captured.

Attack defend Skip your chance to attack to instead take 66% damage until your next turn to attack.

You can also use the shortcut of simply typing in (customname) (person)

You can also use tackle (target) to move your character instantly up to two rooms towards the target and immediately start a fight.