\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Characters/Tabitha Matheson

Tabitha Matheson

(redirected from Main.TabithaMatheson)

Tabitha (Tabby) Matheson

A picture is worth a thousand words.

Character Info

Gender Female
Birth Date February 4, 1998
Birth Place Haven, Massachussets
Description a blue-eyed redhead with a smattering of freckles
Archetype Gifted/Sensitive/Angelborn
Cult/Sect TBD


Having spent a few years living the pauper's life in New York, struggling here and there with the odd job, Tabitha has returned home. Initially, it was to care for her ailing parents. Since their passing, she's decided to stick around. There's no place like home, right? Time will tell if her decision was smart.

Born and raised in Haven, Tabby is no stranger to the secrets that Haven tries to keep. From a young age, she was plagued with visions of them. Where she fits in within this world? She is still relatively young and still finding her niche.

RP Hooks and Abilities

The Mundane
Visual Artist
Amateur photographer, and potter.
Returned to White Oaks for a BA; major undefined but with a proclivity to Supernatural studies

A Slice of the Supernatural
Susceptible to victimization
Though she can often easily forgive, she doesn't forget
Sensitive Nature
She often sees the things no one wants to see
Member of the Coven
Dark Arts Specialties (for righteous reasons?)
Seeking Teacher(s)



Then he leans in and lets slip the name of his crush, the breath breaking his lips such that it's clear to all who hear his ringing word that he's naught told this secret aloud, until now: "Tabitha."
"Comment." - Author?