\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Operationlogs/The Destined Hosts Operation In Sydney Australia 240720

The Destined Hosts Operation In Sydney Australia 240720

In the cold, stormy morning of Sydney, a chaotic battle unfolds as various factions clash over a potent relic tied to a forgotten demi-god. The relic, hidden within an unassuming antique store, draws factions into a vicious struggle, turning the city into a battlefield of magic and might. Among the chaos, individuals like Autumn, Freya—a hybrid wolf—Morgan, and Fayad emerge, each with their own allegiances and motives. An intense exchange ensues, with attacks dodged and parried amidst the freezing conditions that seemed alien to Sydney's usual climate. Freya, in her thick coat of fur, questions alliances, revealing the complexity of the conflict. Autumn, not fighting for Gonthorian as she claims, fades out early from the fight, while Dean, another wolf, engages fiercely but ultimately also fades from the nightmare.

The battle swirls around the acquisition of the relic, with its possession shifting rapidly amid violence. Morgan manages to seize it but is overwhelmed and fades out, handing over the chance of victory to others. The massive clay golem, commanded by Tabitha, becomes momentarily a focal point, holding the relic before also being taken out. Freya, now possessing the relic, fights valiantly against a horde of Destined Host soldiers, her form blending ferocity and desperation. Fayad, trying to support and rally, fails to manage a significant counter as the Destined Host soldiers rain down shots and stabs, wearing down the resistance. In a tragic turn, even as Freya snarls and rips into her enemies, the relentless assault overwhelms her. Fayad, last to stand, fires ineffectively, his shots missing their mark as he too fades from the nightmare. Against all odds, the Destined Host emerges victorious, claiming the powerful relic and casting a shadow over the city's future. The battle in Sydney ends not with the triumph of heroes, but with the somber victory of the Destined Host, marking a dark day in the ongoing struggle for power.
At Fri Jul 19 2024, in the city of Sydney, Australia

Mission: Intercept A forgotten demi-god’s potent relic and bring it back to the extraction point.

Located in the heart of Sydney, Australia, an unassuming antique store is known to host a selection of unusual, magical items including a potent relic tied to a forgotten demi-god. This relic, if harnessed correctly, could amplify the demonic energies that The Destined Host seeks, potentially escalating their operations and accelerating their sinister plans. While its current location is known, activating its power requires a very specific ritual. It’s a race against time as various groups vie to claim the relic, decipher the ritual, and utilize it for their own ends.

Sydney, Australia
It is morning, about -3F(-19C) degrees, and the sky is covered by dark grey stormclouds.

Autumn charges toward sedan.
Freya(hybrid wolf) says "This is so not Sydney sydney is never this cold"
Tabitha charges toward alley.
Morgan charges toward alley.
Fayad charges toward sedan.
Autumn says "To Sedan. And just so you know, I'm fighting for those I serve, not Gonthorian."
Dean charges toward sedan.
Freya charges toward Dean.
Autumn charges toward sedan.
Morgan charges toward alley.
Tabitha charges toward van.
Morgan steps sprightly across the battlefield, curious, bow in hand

Fayad says "S-so fucking cold..."
Autumn chants a few words and a puff of black smoke appears.

Dean charges toward sedan.
Fayad charges toward sedan.
Dean(wolf) launches a slashing rake attack at Autumn with his claws which is dodged by her.

Freya charges toward sedan.
Morgan charges toward van.
Morgan says "Why is that wolf attacking their ally?"
Freya(hybrid wolf) says "wait who do you serve autumn "
Freya(hybrid wolf) says "You serve so mnay people "
Freya(hybrid wolf) says "Are you order or damned"
growls at Freya(hybrid wolf), nods along to the sedan he's charging into -- until Autumn has the same idea, and Dean(wolf) snarl while barreling into her.

With the objective read, Tabitha begins to give chase toward it, pulling out a lump of clay and moulding it as she moves. Worse that texting and driving?

Fayad charges toward sedan.
Dean(wolf) growls at Freya(hybrid wolf), nods along to the sedan he's charging into -- until Autumn has the same idea, and Dean(wolf) snarl while barreling into her.

Dean(wolf) launches a slashing rake attack at Autumn with his claws which is dodged by her.

Autumn swings her weapon at Dean(wolf), it is dodged by him.

A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fires off a shot at Morgan which misses her.

A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fires off a shot at Morgan which misses her.

Fayad approaches the Sedan, shivering, his arms wrapped around himself. He digs into his bag and retrieves a small dungeons and dragons minifig, placing it on the ground.

Freya charges toward Dean.
Fayad places a small figurine onto the ground as the area around it begins to heat up. The figurine undergoes the process of arcane possession.

Morgan charges toward van.
Tabitha pulls a small lump of clay from her tote, forming it into a shape before setting it down and chanting something beneath her breath.

Fayad charges toward sedan.
Freya(hybrid wolf) says "Autumn? "
Dean(wolf) launches a slashing rake attack at Autumn with his claws which impacts against her vest covered in scales of darkly painted metal.

Autumn fades out of the nightmare.
Fayad says "L-looks like it d-doesn't matter n-now. Fucck....I'm freezing.."
Freya(hybrid wolf) says "That's true"
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fires off a shot at Morgan which misses her.

A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fires off a shot at Morgan which misses her.

Morgan charges toward van.
Morgan draws and quickly fires an arrow at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, it sparks off the ground near her feet.

Tabitha sets the lump of clay onto the ground and sluices her hand with her athame, letting her blood wet the mud.

Fayad says "Where is this- this fucking - stupid artifact?"
Freya(hybrid wolf) doesnt seem cold at all in her thick coat of fur, her wolf muzzle snaps as she licks at her chops. "Where's the enemy?"

Dean(wolf) snarls at Freya(hybrid wolf), while his claw rakes to the earth, severs what was once a dusky woman underpaw where she fades into mist and out of view.

Fayad says "T-Tabitha shooting Destined Host southeast."
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fires off a shot at Morgan which misses her.

A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fires off a shot at Morgan which sparks off the ground near her feet.

Fayad says "S-so let's head - for the alley?"
Dean(wolf) stays very close, pressed to the sedan, waiting in cover.

Freya(hybrid wolf) says "Is Tabitha our enemy?"
Morgan charges toward van.
Morgan draws and quickly fires an arrow at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, it misses her.

Tabitha charges toward a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry.
Fayad says "S-she's in the - the redemptionists."
Freya(hybrid wolf) says "Which one is that?"
Tabitha charges toward a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry.
Pop, pop! Tabitha fires off two .38 bullets at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, taking a small step backward with the small gun's surprising recoil. The bullets sparks off the ground near her feet.

Freya(hybrid wolf) shrugs, "Let's head for the alley."

Fayad says "W-with the Temple and the Knights."
Freya charges toward alley.
Morgan charges toward a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry.
Morgan launches a stab at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, it impacts against her armor.

a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
Morgan has A forgotten demi-god’s potent relic.

Fayad charges toward alley.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry launches a stab at Morgan, it is parried by her small bone knife.

Fayad says "Morgan has the thing!"
Fayad says "Get her!"
A single gunshot echoes as Tabitha pulls the trigger of the little snub-nosed pistol in her hand. she has the short, smoking barrel aimed at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry. The attack misses him.

Freya(hybrid wolf) says "I don't even know whose the enemy.."
Morgan launches a stab at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, it is parried by him.

Fayad says "Morgan has the Thing. We want the Thing. To bring it to the extraction point."
Fayad charges toward Morgan.
Freya charges toward a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry launches a stab at Morgan, it is parried by her small bone knife.

Freya(hybrid wolf) says "But she's not on our side?"
Fayad says "I don't know whose side she's on, so it's safest to just assume it's not ours."
Pop, pop! Tabitha fires off two .38 bullets at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, taking a small step backward with the small gun's surprising recoil. The bullets misses him.

Morgan launches a stab at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, it impacts against his armor.

a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
Morgan charges toward van.
Fayad charges toward Morgan.
Freya charges toward Dean.
Morgan says "Tabs, I'd rather not hold on to this thing, think you can make it to me?"
Dean charges toward alley.
Fayad charges toward Morgan.
Freya charges toward Dean.
Tabitha says "Why would you not?"
Morgan says "Slows me down."
Dean charges toward alley.
Morgan says "And if I change I doubt I can...?"
Fayad charges toward Morgan.
Freya charges toward alley.
Dean charges toward alley.
Fayad says "Y-you can't carry the Thing while you're a wolf, s-so I'll - I'll try and run it back if you - manage it."
Fayad charges toward Morgan.
Morgan draws and quickly fires an arrow at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, it sparks off the ground near her feet.

Morgan says "Send your pal at the host if you can."
Fayad says "Oh, shit, where'd everyone go?"
Freya charges toward Dean.
Freya(hybrid wolf) says "Head for the alley"
Dean(wolf) is buffeted by a sudden gust of wind.

Dean charges toward alley.
Fayad charges toward alley.
Fayad says "I don't, uh, where'd Morgan go, though???"
Morgan says "He really ought to not attack our cover..."
Tabitha remains situated where she is, considering her options as Morgan is beset upon by a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry. She waits, then with a call to the skies, she motions in the air, sending a massive clay golem to focus on the Host.

A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry launches a stab at Morgan, it is parried by her small bone knife.

A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry launches a stab at Morgan, it is parried by her small bone knife.

A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry launches a stab at Morgan, it is parried by her small bone knife.

Fayad charges toward alley.
Fayad says "Oh, shit, there she is. Okay."
Dean charges toward Tabitha.
Morgan launches a stab at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, it impacts against her armor.

a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
Freya charges toward Dean.
"Luckily I have more against Host." Tabitha mentions.

A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry launches a stab at Morgan, it is parried by her small bone knife.

A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry launches a stab at Morgan, it is parried by her small bone knife.

Morgan says "Focus on them, I am going to try to soften up our approaching friends"
Fayad charges toward alley.
Morgan launches a stab at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, it is parried by her.

Bounding from a wall near the alley, crushing a portion of it underpaw, Dean(wolf) starts to take on a sprint. He's ferocious in his approach, wildened eyes trained on Tabitha, slowly but surely.

Dean charges toward Tabitha.
Tabitha charges toward van.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry launches a stab at Morgan, it is parried by her small bone knife.

A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry launches a stab at Morgan, it is parried by her small bone knife.

Fayad fires off a shot at Tabitha which completely misses her.

a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
Fayad charges toward alley.
As Dean(wolf) approaches, Tabitha turns, and sprints away from the beast. She makes a gesture to her eyes, then points them at Dean(wolf).

Morgan draws and quickly fires an arrow at Dean(wolf), it misses him.

Dean(wolf)'s eyes suddenly look bloodshot.

A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry launches a stab at Morgan, it is parried by her small bone knife.

Fayad fires off a shot at Tabitha which completely misses her.

Dean charges toward Tabitha.
Tabitha charges toward van.
Freya charges toward Dean.
Morgan starts to sweat.

Tabitha peers northward and squints at someone.

Tabitha peers northward and squints at Fayad.

Fayad charges toward alley.
Morgan draws and quickly fires an arrow at Dean(wolf), it misses him.

A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry launches a stab at Morgan, it is parried by her small bone knife.

distracted, Dean(wolf) starts to rub his face with his pws.

Freya charges toward Morgan.
Tabitha charges toward van.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry's wounds seem to be bleeding a bit more freely all of a sudden.

Morgan says "If you would not mind protecting me a moment from the host..."
Dean charges toward Morgan.
Fayad taps the extremely fat, slowly waddling dragon on the shoulders and points at Dean(wolf). "Go bite what he's biting!," Fayad instructs the spirit.

Dean(wolf) leaps at Morgan.

Dean(wolf) launches a slashing rake attack at Morgan with his claws which is dodged by her.

Morgan(wolf) launches a slashing rake attack at Dean(wolf) with her claws which is dodged by him.

Fayad charges toward alley.
Fayad says "Destined Host has the thing!"
Fayad fires off a shot at Tabitha which completely misses her.

Freya charges toward Morgan.
A massive clay golem launches a slashing rake attack at Dean(wolf) with his claws which is dodged by him.

Dean(wolf) launches a slashing rake attack at Morgan(wolf) with his claws which ineffectually wounds her left leg.

Morgan(wolf) launches a slashing rake attack at Dean(wolf) with her claws which is dodged by him.

Dean(wolf)'s blades start to glow red with heat.

Fayad charges toward alley.
Morgan retreats from Dean.
A massive clay golem launches a slashing rake attack at Dean(wolf) with his claws which is dodged by him.

Dean charges toward Morgan.
Morgan(wolf) launches a slashing rake attack at Dean(wolf) with her claws which is dodged by him.

Freya charges toward a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry.
Tabitha takes out a piece of clay to fashion it into an anatomical heart. She squeeses it.

Freya(hybrid wolf) leaps at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry.

Dean(wolf) launches a slashing rake attack at Morgan(wolf) with his claws which ineffectually wounds her right leg.

Morgan fades out of the nightmare.
Dean(wolf) starts to move a bit slower.

Freya(hybrid wolf) launches a slashing rake attack at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry with her claws which impacts against her armor.

a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
Freya(hybrid wolf) has A forgotten demi-god’s potent relic.

Fayad charges toward alley.
Fayad fires off a shot at Tabitha which completely misses her.

Fayad says "Allah, I can't tell which wolf is which to aim at."
A massive clay golem launches a slashing rake attack at Dean(wolf) with his claws which ineffectually wounds his left arm.

Dean charges toward Tabitha.
Freya(hybrid wolf) says "All wolves are ours morg is out"
Freya charges toward a massive clay golem.
Fayad says "The clay golem has the thing"
Freya(hybrid wolf) launches a slashing rake attack at a massive clay golem with her claws which is dodged by him.

Fayad fires off a shot at a massive clay golem which completely misses him.

"Well... this is a bad turn of events.." Tabitha says, when her mass of mud now holds onto the relic.

A massive clay golem's armor blackens and burns.

A massive clay golem launches a slashing rake attack at Dean(wolf) with his claws which ineffectually wounds his forehead.

Dean(wolf) launches a slashing rake attack at Tabitha with his claws which is dodged by her.

Tabitha charges toward Fayad.
Freya charges toward Tabitha.
Dean charges toward Tabitha.
Freya(hybrid wolf) launches a slashing rake attack at Tabitha with her claws which is dodged by her.

Fayad charges toward alley.
A massive clay golem launches a slashing rake attack at Dean(wolf) with his claws which ineffectually wounds his right shoulder.

Freya(hybrid wolf) snarls as she tears into Tabitha. "No hard feelings.'"

Tabitha stumbles from behind the van when Dean(wolf) bounds up on her. She opens her mouth to chant at him. Blood seeps from her mouth.

Dean(wolf) launches a slashing rake attack at Tabitha with his claws which impacts against her a slim, figure hugging kevlar vest in urban grey camouflage.

Tabitha fades out of the nightmare.
Fayad charges toward alley.
Freya charges toward a massive clay golem.
Fayad fires off a shot at a massive clay golem which completely misses him.

Dean(wolf) leaps on a massive clay golem and forces him to the ground.

Dean retreats from a massive clay golem.
Freya(hybrid wolf) launches a slashing rake attack at a massive clay golem with her claws which ineffectually wounds his right arm.

a massive clay golem fades out of the nightmare.
Freya(hybrid wolf) has A forgotten demi-god’s potent relic.

Freya(hybrid wolf) says "Um... your minion has it"
Fayad says "Good! "
Freya(hybrid wolf) says "How do you make him drop it"
Fayad runs towards the extraction point.

an inhabited figurine of the dragon Themberchaud fades out of the nightmare.
a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry has A forgotten demi-god’s potent relic.

A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fires off a shot at Dean(wolf) which ineffectually wounds his chest.

A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fires off a shot at Dean(wolf) which ineffectually wounds his forehead.

Freya(hybrid wolf) says "... the relic?"
It appears like Dean(wolf) is on the last leg of his strength, worn down immensely, and he breathes hard and heavy with wounds all across. The last barrage of arrows has him snarl yet again, and start to retreat with a limp.

Freya charges toward Dean.
Fayad runs towards the extraction point.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fires off a shot at Dean(wolf) which ineffectually wounds his right leg.

Dean fades out of the nightmare.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fires off a shot at Dean(wolf) which mildly wounds his right leg.

A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fires off a shot at Freya(hybrid wolf) which sparks off the ground near her feet.

A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fires off a shot at Freya(hybrid wolf) which misses her.

Freya(hybrid wolf) says "Let me bandage you"
Fayad runs towards the extraction point.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fires off a shot at Freya(hybrid wolf) which misses her.

A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fires off a shot at Freya(hybrid wolf) which misses her.

A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fires off a shot at Freya(hybrid wolf) which misses her.

A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fires off a shot at Freya(hybrid wolf) which misses her.

Freya charges toward a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry.
Fayad runs towards the extraction point.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fires off a shot at Freya which misses her.

A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fires off a shot at Freya which misses her.

A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fires off a shot at Freya which misses her.

A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fires off a shot at Freya which misses her.

Fayad says "Somehow, the soldier reinforcements have it now? I was headed back towards the xtraction point.."
Fayad says "Is my spirit dead?"
Fayad charges toward alley.
Fayad says "Looks like it.."
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fires off a shot at Freya(hybrid wolf) which misses her.

A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fires off a shot at Freya(hybrid wolf) which misses her.

A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fires off a shot at Freya(hybrid wolf) which misses her.

A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fires off a shot at Freya(hybrid wolf) which misses her.

Freya charges toward a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry.
Fayad says "Well, thisi s a problem. We don't have anyone who can carry it."
Freya(hybrid wolf)'s blades start to glow red with heat.

Fayad charges toward a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fires off a shot at Freya(hybrid wolf) which misses her.

A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fires off a shot at Freya(hybrid wolf) which misses her.

A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fires off a shot at Freya(hybrid wolf) which misses her.

A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fires off a shot at Freya(hybrid wolf) which ineffectually wounds her forehead.

Fayad fires off a shot at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry which completely misses him.

Freya charges toward a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry starts to sweat.

Freya(hybrid wolf) launches a slashing rake attack at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry with her claws which is dodged by him.

A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fires off a shot at Freya(hybrid wolf) which ineffectually wounds her right shoulder.

A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fires off a shot at Freya(hybrid wolf) which ineffectually wounds her right shoulder.

A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fires off a shot at Freya(hybrid wolf) which ineffectually wounds her right arm.

A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fires off a shot at Freya(hybrid wolf) which ineffectually wounds her right leg.

Fayad whines, annoyed, trying to do his best to Mance but Freya is being surrounded...

Fayad charges toward a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry's armor blackens and burns.

Freya(hybrid wolf) fires off a shot at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry which completely misses him.

A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fires off a shot at Freya(hybrid wolf) which ineffectually wounds her left shoulder.

A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fires off a shot at Freya(hybrid wolf) which ineffectually wounds her right arm.

A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fires off a shot at Freya(hybrid wolf) which ineffectually wounds her left leg.

A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fires off a shot at Freya(hybrid wolf) which ineffectually wounds her left arm.

Freya(hybrid wolf) snarls as she rips into the hosts, her claws digging into them

Fayad charges toward a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry.
Freya charges toward a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry.
Freya(hybrid wolf) leaps on a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry and forces him to the ground.

Freya(hybrid wolf) launches a slashing rake attack at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry with her claws which is dodged by him.

a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
Freya(hybrid wolf) has A forgotten demi-god’s potent relic.

A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry launches a stab at Freya(hybrid wolf), it ineffectually wounds her right leg.

A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry launches a stab at Freya(hybrid wolf), it ineffectually wounds her stomach.

Freya fades out of the nightmare.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry launches a stab at Freya(hybrid wolf), it mildly wounds her left leg.

Fayad fires off a shot at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry which completely misses her.

Fayad charges toward a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fires off a shot at Fayad which misses him.

A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fires off a shot at Fayad which misses him.

A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fires off a shot at Fayad which misses him.

Fayad fires off a shot at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry which completely misses her.

Fayad charges toward a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fires off a shot at Fayad which misses him.

A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fires off a shot at Fayad which impacts against his armor.

A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fires off a shot at Fayad which strikes his armor with bruising force.

Fayad fires off a shot at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry which completely misses her.

Fayad charges toward a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry.

Fayad fades out of the nightmare.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fires off a shot at Fayad which mildly wounds his left arm.

The Destined Host has proved victorious.