\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Operationlogs/The Destined Hosts Operation In Ulaanbaatar Mongolia 240527

The Destined Hosts Operation In Ulaanbaatar Mongolia 240527

In the quiet village near Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, an operation unfolds under a partly clouded sky, leading to a conflict that would test the bonds and skills of its participants. The morning air, brisk and chilling, serves as the backdrop for a clash between the members of the Balanced Alliance and the elusive Destined Host soldiers. Autumn, with swift motions and hasty decisions, charges towards objectives and stalls, her resolve unwavering despite the chaos. Meanwhile, Harriet, momentarily distracted by a message on her phone, quickly adapts to the situation, her shots fired with precision yet missing their intended targets. Samantha, acknowledging her rusty skills, follows suit, her actions marked by determination and a hint of inexperience as she attempts to navigate the unknown terrain of Mongolia.

As the battle rages on, Meridith stands out with her composure and strategic thinking, engaging the Destined Host soldiers with elegance and a rapier that parries attacks with grace. The skirmish intensifies as soldiers fade in and out of the nightmare, their allegiance to either side marked by swift movements and relentless attacks. Amid the conflict, a sense of camaraderie emerges among the ranks of the Balanced Alliance, with members acknowledging each other's efforts and contributions despite the dire circumstances. The tension peaks as Meridith and Autumn collaborate closely, securing the area with a calculated and relentless defense against their foes. The operation concludes with Autumn's final effort to secure the designated site, her resolve unbroken by the skirmish that unfolded. The Balanced Alliance claims victory, not only over the Destined Host but also over the uncertainties and challenges that tested their unity and strength as a team.
At Sun May 26 2024, in a village near Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia

Mission: Get to the designated site and continue securing the area until the process is complete.

in a village near Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
It is morning, about 51F(10C) degrees, and the sky is partly covered by dark grey clouds.

Autumn charges toward wagon.
Harriet is still gawking after something she's just read on her phone's screen when she's suddenly in an operation.

Autumn chants a few words and a puff of black smoke appears.

Harriet charges toward stall.
Samantha charges toward stall.
Samantha draws a rune in the air with her fingertip, water vapor trailing behind her finger.

"I might be a little rusty." Samantha admits, "Where are we going?"

Harriet calls to Samantha, "I'll have to show you what he said," as she runs towads the stall.

Meridith nods to Autumn

A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fires off a shot at Meridith which misses her.

A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fires off a shot at Meridith which misses her.

Autumn charges toward wagon.
Autumn nods to Meridith as well while she runs for cover.

Samantha charges toward stall.
Harriet charges toward Samantha.
Autumn draws and quickly fires an arrow at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, it sparks off the ground near her feet.

Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, and sparks off the ground near his feet.

Samantha nods her head in agreement and dashes towards the stall.

Samantha goes down to one knee before firing off a three-round burst at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry with her M4, it sparks off the ground near his feet.

A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fires off a shot at Meridith which misses her.

A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fires off a shot at Meridith which misses her.

Autumn charges toward wagon.
Meridith says "They're going for the hut."
Samantha charges toward stall.
Meridith says "I'm going to close"
Harriet charges toward stall.
Autumn draws and quickly fires an arrow at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry, it misses her.

Harriet insists to Samantha, "We need to spar more often," as they reach the stall.

Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at Autumn, and sparks off the ground near her feet.

Samantha peers around her surroundings, "I've never been to Mongolia before, it's kinda nice..." She remarks before firing off a burst from her assault rifle.

Samantha goes down to one knee before firing off a three-round burst at Autumn with her M4, it misses her.

A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fires off a shot at Meridith which misses her.

A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fires off a shot at Meridith which misses her.

Autumn charges toward wagon.
Meridith fires a ranging shot at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry strikes the hut she's taking cover behind.

Meridith charges toward hut.
A nearby object suddenly flings itself into a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry.

Samantha says "She's behind that wagon now."
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry launches a stab at Meridith, it is parried by her an elegant rapier with a slender, straight blade and intricate hilt.

A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry launches a stab at Meridith, it is parried by her an elegant rapier with a slender, straight blade and intricate hilt.

Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at a silver-cloaked soldier with a dragon scale brooch, and misses him.

Samantha goes down to one knee before firing off a three-round burst at A glowing salamander with fiery wings with her M4, it sparks off the ground near his feet.

Meridith swings hard at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry is parried by her.

a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
Harriet nods to Samantha, "Here come the troops."

Meridith humms boredly as she fights off a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry. She looks like she could not care less about their involvement.

A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry launches a stab at Meridith, it is parried by her an elegant rapier with a slender, straight blade and intricate hilt.

Samantha says "Don't suppose you have a gas mask?"
Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at a silver-cloaked soldier with a dragon scale brooch, and misses him.

Samantha goes down to one knee before firing off a three-round burst at A glowing salamander with fiery wings with her M4, it sparks off the ground near his feet.

Meridith swings hard at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry is parried by him.

A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry launches a stab at Meridith, it is parried by her an elegant rapier with a slender, straight blade and intricate hilt.

Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at a silver-cloaked soldier with a dragon scale brooch, and sparks off the ground near his feet.

a silver-cloaked soldier with a dragon scale brooch fades out of the nightmare.
Samantha goes down to one knee before firing off a three-round burst at A glowing salamander with fiery wings with her M4, it ineffectually wounds his stomach.

A glowing salamander with fiery wings fades out of the nightmare.
Meridith swings hard at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry is parried by him.

a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
Harriet holds up her rifle, taking aim and firing off shot after shot at the incoming soldiers.

Meridith says "Hrmmm... "
Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at a silver-cloaked soldier with a dragon scale brooch, and sparks off the ground near his feet.

Samantha fires another burst into the salamander and drives it from the nightmare. "Hmm, we can probably take this many without tear gas, although you are pretty when you cry..."

Meridith says "I don't like playing waiting games with Harriet. She'll grow old here to win."
Samantha fires off a quick shot at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry with her M4, it misses him.

Autumn says "Oh. "
Meridith says "Well...older. "
Harriet snorts softly, arching her left eyebrow as she casts a glance Samantha's way.

Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at a silver-cloaked soldier with a dragon scale brooch, and misses him.

Samantha shoots a silver-cloaked soldier with a dragon scale brooch with a tranq dart.

A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry launches a stab at Samantha, it is parried by her pair of fighting tridents.

A silver-cloaked soldier with a dragon scale brooch launches a stab at Harriet, it is parried by her elegant platinum 150lbs Warhammer.

Samantha lashes out at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry with her spear, it is parried by him.

Harriet lifts her heavy warhammer effortlessly, fluidly swinging it in a wide arc at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry as its platinum surface gleams and impacts against his armor.

a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
Autumn charges toward stall.
Autumn draws and quickly fires an arrow at stall, it damages it.

a small, dark green baby crocodile fades out of the nightmare.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fires off a shot at Samantha which misses her.

Samantha charges toward stall.
Harriet charges toward Samantha.
Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at Meridith, and sparks off the ground near her feet.

Samantha blinks. "What... happened?"

Autumn draws and quickly fires an arrow at Samantha, it misses her.

Harriet says to Samantha, "Meri happened."

a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
Samantha is picked up by an invisible force..

Meridith fires a ranging shot at Samantha misses her.

Meridith charges toward stall.
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fires off a shot at Samantha which misses her.

Samantha goes down to one knee before firing off a three-round burst at a silver-cloaked soldier with a dragon scale brooch with her M4, it sparks off the ground near his feet.

Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at Meridith, and strikes the stall she's taking cover behind.

Harriet charges toward stall.
A silver-cloaked soldier with a dragon scale brooch fires off a shot at Samantha which misses her.

A silver-cloaked soldier with a dragon scale brooch launches a stab at Harriet, it is parried by her elegant platinum 150lbs Warhammer.

A silver-cloaked soldier with a dragon scale brooch launches a stab at Harriet, it is parried by her elegant platinum 150lbs Warhammer.

Autumn runs towards the objective.
Meridith smiles faintly. "Kind of you to say," she offers Harriet as she readies her blade

Meridith swings hard at Harriet is parried by her elegant platinum 150lbs Warhammer.

A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fires off a shot at Samantha which misses her.

Samantha charges toward stall.
Samantha goes down to one knee before firing off a three-round burst at Meridith with her M4, it misses her.

Harriet asks, "Am I wrong?" of Meridith as she swings her heavy warhammer at her.

A silver-cloaked soldier with a dragon scale brooch launches a stab at Samantha, it is parried by her pair of fighting tridents.

A silver-cloaked soldier with a dragon scale brooch launches a stab at Harriet, it is parried by her elegant platinum 150lbs Warhammer.

A silver-cloaked soldier with a dragon scale brooch launches a stab at Harriet, it is parried by her elegant platinum 150lbs Warhammer.

Meridith says "No, temporal shenanigans are teleporting us"
Autumn runs towards the objective.
Meridith charges toward stall.
Meridith fires a ranging shot at Harriet misses her.

Harriet lifts her heavy warhammer effortlessly, fluidly swinging it in a wide arc at a silver-cloaked soldier with a dragon scale brooch as its platinum surface gleams and is parried by him.

Samantha charges toward stall.
Samantha lashes out at a silver-cloaked soldier with a dragon scale brooch with her spear, it is parried by him.

Harriet ohs and then says, "You are less impressive than I thought, then," teasingly at Meridith.

A silver-cloaked soldier with a dragon scale brooch fires off a shot at Harriet which misses her.

A silver-cloaked soldier with a dragon scale brooch fires off a shot at Harriet which misses her.

Autumn runs towards the objective.
Meridith charges toward stall.
Meridith fires a fulldraw shot at Harriet ineffectually wounds her left arm.

Meridith says "A pity!"
Samantha goes down to one knee before firing off a three-round burst at Meridith with her M4, it sparks off the ground near her feet.

Meridith frowns as the stall provides no cover

Meridith charges toward Samantha.
A silver-cloaked soldier with a dragon scale brooch fires off a shot at Harriet which impacts against her concealable bulletproof vest.

A silver-cloaked soldier with a dragon scale brooch fires off a shot at Harriet which ineffectually wounds her forehead.

Meridith fires a ranging shot at Samantha misses her.

Samantha charges toward wagon.
Samantha is pulled towards Meridith by an invisible force.

Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at Meridith, and misses her.

Harriet retreats from a silver-cloaked soldier with a dragon scale brooch.
Samantha fires off a quick shot at Meridith with her M4, it misses her.

a silver-cloaked soldier with a dragon scale brooch fades out of the nightmare.
Autumn runs towards the objective.
Meridith charges toward Harriet.
A silver-cloaked soldier with a dragon scale brooch launches a stab at Samantha, it is parried by her pair of fighting tridents.

A silver-cloaked soldier with a dragon scale brooch launches a stab at Samantha, it is parried by her pair of fighting tridents.

Meridith swings hard at Harriet ineffectually wounds her chest.

Harriet fades out of the nightmare.
Samantha charges toward Meridith.
Samantha throws a tear gas grenade at Meridith.

Autumn runs towards the objective.
Meridith charges toward Samantha.
Samantha lashes out at Meridith with her spear, it is parried by her an elegant rapier with a slender, straight blade and intricate hilt.

Meridith swings hard at Samantha is parried by her pair of fighting tridents.

Autumn continues securing the area.

A small fire suddenly ignites on Samantha's clothes.

a silver-cloaked soldier with a dragon scale brooch fades out of the nightmare.
Samantha lashes out at Meridith with her spear, it ineffectually wounds her stomach.

Meridith swings hard at Samantha ineffectually wounds her right shoulder.

Samantha is pushed away from Meridith by an invisible force.

Samantha charges toward Meridith.
Meridith's gun looks like it suddenly jams.

Meridith does her best to fight through tear gas

a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
Samantha goes down to one knee before firing off a three-round burst at Meridith with her M4, it deflects off her armor.

Autumn continues securing the area.

Meridith fires a ranging shot at Samantha ineffectually wounds her right shoulder.

A silver-cloaked soldier with a dragon scale brooch fires off a shot at Samantha which ineffectually wounds her left arm.

Meridith coughs some and rubs her eyes, blinking free, keeping Samantha at a distance where her carbine won't be as effective as best she can

Autumn continues securing the area.

Meridith charges toward Samantha.
Meridith swings hard at Samantha ineffectually wounds her forehead.

Samantha fades out of the nightmare.
Meridith whistles sharp.

Meridith says "All clear Autumn"
Meridith's blades start to glow red with heat.

Autumn says "Already on it."
Meridith says "Good, heading over"
Autumn continues securing the area.

Autumn continues securing the area.

Autumn continues securing the area.

Meridith charges toward hut.
Meridith says "Resting up then I'll join"
Autumn continues securing the area.

A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fires off a shot at Autumn which misses her.

Autumn says "Got it."
Autumn continues securing the area.

A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry launches a stab at Autumn, it is parried by her steel khopesh.

Autumn continues securing the area.

Meridith charges toward a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry.
Meridith fires a ranging shot at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry sparks off the ground near her feet.

A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry is pulled towards Meridith by an invisible force.

A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry launches a stab at Autumn, it is parried by her steel khopesh.

Autumn continues securing the area.

Meridith charges toward a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry.
Meridith fires a fulldraw shot at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry misses her.

A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry launches a stab at Autumn, it is parried by her steel khopesh.

Autumn continues securing the area.

Meridith says "Retreat if you're struggling, otherwise, I'll pick him off soon"
Meridith charges toward a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry.
Meridith swings hard at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry is parried by her.

Autumn says "Alright. "
A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry is pushed away from Meridith by an invisible force.

A Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry launches a stab at Meridith, it is parried by her an elegant rapier with a slender, straight blade and intricate hilt.

Autumn continues securing the area.

Meridith swings hard at a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry impacts against her armor.

a Destined Host soldier with sigil-etched weaponry fades out of the nightmare.
Autumn continues securing the area.

Meridith moves protectively towards Autumn.
Autumn continues securing the area.

Autumn continues securing the area.

Autumn continues securing the area.

Meridith nods to Autumn. "Intruiging choice to steal the point. I think if I had fallen they would have taken you though." She laughs softly. "Sorry if I should have given more of a plan."

Autumn says "Yeah. I took opportunity while they were distracted."
The Balanced Alliance has proved victorious.