\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Operationlogs/The Golden Shadows Operation In Navvere 240324

The Golden Shadows Operation In Navvere 240324

In the shadowed expanse of a field near Navvere, under a waxing gibbous moon, the air taut with anticipation and the night warm at 85 degrees Fahrenheit, an audacious operation unfolded. Miles and Samantha, operatives with distinctive skills and steely determination, found themselves amidst the chaos of conflicting loyalties and the relentless pursuit of the fabled Ancient Naverrian treasure. Their mission: to intercept this priceless artifact and return it to their extraction point before drawing the watchful eyes of the Imperial Fleet. Amidst the looming threat of ruthless pirate lords and the hidden dangers of traps set to protect the treasure, the night was alight with the exchange of gunfire, the swift movements of tactical evasion, and the silent whispers of ancient magic.

The dance of combat against the Golden Shadow mercenaries, a formidable foe donned in sleek tactical gear, was a testament to the operatives' prowess and unyielding resolve. Miles, wielding a club-like baton with a heavy, weighted tip, engaged in a series of parries and strikes, each movement a calculated risk in the deadly ballet of warfare. Samantha, on the other hand, wielding her M4 with precision, unleashed a barrage of shots that kicked up soil and ricocheted off armor, her runes shimmering faintly in the moonlight - an echo of ancient power at her fingertips. In a dramatic climax, amidst the chaotic exchange, a small, dark green baby crocodile momentarily became the custodian of the coveted treasure, adding an almost mythical layer to the unfolding drama. Ultimately, it was Miles who secured the ancient artifact, his voice soft against the backdrop of the night, making a solemn Venetian oath to the log that had witnessed their tumultuous journey. Together, they navigated the perilous terrain, vanquishing foes with a blend of modern warfare and age-old tactics, until Samantha, in a daring move, ran towards the extraction point, marking their hard-fought victory. The Virtuous Extremists Alliance had emerged triumphant, clutching the Ancient Naverrian treasure close, a beacon of their indomitable spirit and the enigmatic allure of Navvere's buried secrets.
At Sat Mar 23 2024, in a field near Navvere

Mission: Intercept Ancient Naverrian treasure and bring it back to the extraction point.

The Golden Shadow targets the prime pirate den in Naverre, their goal is a rumored Ancient Naverrian treasure. Protected by the ruthless pirate lords and filled with traps, getting to it will be no easy task. Even though Naverre is known for its lawlessness, the area is dotted with secret Imperial look-outs. The operation aims to swiftly strike, secure the treasure, and disappear before the Imperial Fleet gets wind of their presence.

It is night, about 85F(29C) degrees, and there are a few thin white clouds in the sky. There is a waxing gibbous moon.

Miles charges toward log.
Samantha draws a rune in the air with her fingertip, water vapor trailing behind her finger.

Miles says "Well, that's one way to end a conversation. Uh, make sure I didn't bash my head in."
Samantha charges toward depression.
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Miles which misses him.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fires off a shot at Miles which misses him.

Samantha charges toward depression.
Miles charges toward log.
Samantha goes down to one knee before firing off a three-round burst at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear with her M4, it sends up a spray of soil near his feet.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear draws and quickly fires an arrow at Samantha, it misses her.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear draws and quickly fires an arrow at Samantha, it misses her.

Miles fires off a shot at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear which sends up a spray of soil near his feet.

Samantha charges toward depression.
Miles charges toward log.
Samantha goes down to one knee before firing off a three-round burst at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear with her M4, it misses him.

Miles shoots a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear with a tranq dart.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear draws and quickly fires an arrow at Samantha, it misses her.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear draws and quickly fires an arrow at Samantha, it sends up a spray of soil near her feet.

Samantha charges toward depression.
Miles fires off a shot at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear which misses him.

Samantha goes down to one knee before firing off a three-round burst at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear with her M4, it deflects off his armor.

a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fades out of the nightmare.
Samantha has Ancient Naverrian treasure.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear launches a stab at Miles, it is parried by his club-like baton with a heavy, weighted tip.

Miles swings his weapon at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear, it is parried by him.

Samantha goes down to one knee before firing off a three-round burst at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear with her M4, it misses him.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear launches a stab at Miles, it is parried by his club-like baton with a heavy, weighted tip.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear launches a stab at Miles, it is parried by his club-like baton with a heavy, weighted tip.

Miles swings his weapon at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear, it is parried by him.

Samantha fires off a quick shot at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear with her M4, it sends up a spray of soil near his feet.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear launches a stab at Miles, it is parried by his club-like baton with a heavy, weighted tip.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear launches a stab at Miles, it is parried by his club-like baton with a heavy, weighted tip.

Miles swings his weapon at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear, it strikes his armor with bruising force.

a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fades out of the nightmare.
Miles disarms a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear.

Samantha charges toward a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear.
Samantha lashes out at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear with her spear, it is parried by him.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear swings his weapon at Samantha, it is parried by her pair of fighting tridents.

a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fades out of the nightmare.
a small, dark green baby crocodile has Ancient Naverrian treasure.

Miles swings his weapon at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear, it is parried by him.

a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fades out of the nightmare.
Samantha charges toward depression.
With the immediate doomsday cult members dealt with for the time being Miles exhales a long breath, and waits for more of the bastards.

Miles charges toward a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear.
Miles charges toward a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear.
Miles fires off a shot at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear which sends up a spray of soil near his feet.

Miles charges toward a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear.
Miles fires off a shot at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear which sends up a spray of soil near his feet.

a small, dark green baby crocodile fades out of the nightmare.
a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear has Ancient Naverrian treasure.

Samantha lashes out at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear with her spear, it deflects off his armor.

Miles fires off a shot at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear which strikes his armor with bruising force.

a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fades out of the nightmare.
Miles has Ancient Naverrian treasure.

Miles charges toward log.
Miles charges toward log.
"..I thought I had the bloody thing." Miles admits, sheepishly, to the log. He raises a hand to rub at the back of his head, clearly embarassed. "It can remain a secret between us though, righto? Venetian oath." The man makes a deal with the piece of wood.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear draws and quickly fires an arrow at Samantha, it misses her.

Miles charges toward a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear.
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear draws and quickly fires an arrow at Samantha, it misses her.

Samantha fires off a quick shot at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear with her M4, it sends up a spray of soil near her feet.

Miles charges toward a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear.
Miles fires off a shot at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear which misses her.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear swings her weapon at Samantha, it is parried by her pair of fighting tridents.

Samantha lashes out at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear with her spear, it is parried by her.

Samantha disarms a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear.

Miles charges toward a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear.
Miles fires off a shot at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear which deflects off her armor.

Samantha lashes out at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear with her spear, it strikes her armor with bruising force.

a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fades out of the nightmare.
Miles fires off a shot at depression which damages it.

Miles charges toward log.
Miles charges toward log.
"Just me again." Miles calls over toward log as he jogs back over, "Another cultist down, and Sam is still sheltered behind her cover. There's usually a bigger wave of the bastards near the end. Let's see how close we can get to the wire before making a move."

Samantha charges toward depression.
A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear draws and quickly fires an arrow at Samantha, it misses her.

Miles charges toward depression.
Samantha goes down to one knee before firing off a three-round burst at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear with her M4, it misses him.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear draws and quickly fires an arrow at Samantha, it misses her.

Miles charges toward depression.
Miles draws a bead on depression, watching, waiting, anticipating.

Samantha fires off a quick shot at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear with her M4, it misses him.

A Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear swings his weapon at Samantha, it is parried by her pair of fighting tridents.

Miles charges toward depression.
Miles draws a bead on depression, watching, waiting, anticipating.

Miles launches a grenade at depression.

Samantha lashes out at a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear with her spear, it is parried by him.

Samantha disarms a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear.

Miles draws a bead on depression, watching, waiting, anticipating.

a Golden Shadow mercenary in sleek tactical gear fades out of the nightmare.
Samantha goes down to one knee before firing off a three-round burst at Miles with her M4, it misses him.

Miles draws a bead on depression, watching, waiting, anticipating.

Miles launches a tear gas grenade at depression.

Samantha goes down to one knee before firing off a three-round burst at Miles with her M4, it misses him.

Miles fires off a shot at depression which damages it.

Samantha goes down to one knee before firing off a three-round burst at Miles with her M4, it sends up a spray of soil near his feet.

Miles fires off a shot at depression which damages it.

Samantha goes down to one knee before firing off a three-round burst at Miles with her M4, it impacts against his armor.

Samantha runs towards the extraction point.
Samantha goes down to one knee before firing off a three-round burst at Miles with her M4, it impacts against his ceramic-plated vest.

Miles fades out of the nightmare.
Samantha runs towards the extraction point.
The Virtuous Extremists Alliance has proved victorious.