\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Operationlogs/The Knights Of The Silver Dragons Operation In Rhagost 240721

The Knights Of The Silver Dragons Operation In Rhagost 240721

In the rugged terrains near Rhagost, the air was rife with tension and anticipation as varied factions clashed over a ritual critical to their cause. Amongst the chaos, key figures emerged, their actions pivotal to the unfolding drama. Korina, with her adept archery, made desperate attempts to disrupt her foes, narrowly missing her targets but undeterred in her mission. Konstantin, harnessing the volatile elements of fire and smoke, sought to overpower the Order Swordbearers through sheer force, his spells casting a dangerous dance across the battlefield. The stakes escalated with Morgan's steadfast attempt to either perform or disrupt the ritual, her allegiance clear yet her success uncertain as the conflict intensified around her. As Selina focused on the ritual, an embodiment of determination and resilience, her comrades rallied to protect and support her endeavors against the opposing forces.

The battle crescended as Samantha and Harriet, alongside their allies, engaged in a relentless push towards the objective. Strategies unfolded with each maneuver, the air punctuated by the whistle of arrows and the crackle of magic. Despite the chaos, there existed moments of camaraderie and tactical brilliance, exemplified when Samantha identified and admitted allies amidst the fray. The conflict, while brutal, was not without its moments of humanity and humor, as warriors exchanged quips even as they dodged death. In the end, it was the Virtuous Moderates Alliance that emerged victorious, their success a testament to their unity and strategic acumen. The completion of the ritual by Selina marked not just a win in the skirmish but a significant advancement in their aspirations within the region. As the dust settled, the victors took stock of their triumph and its implications, ready to face the challenges that lay ahead in their unrelenting quest for dominance and survival in the harsh landscape of Rhagost.
At Sat Jul 20 2024, in mountains near Rhagost

Mission: Get to the designated site and continue to perform or disrupt the ritual until the process is complete.

Following a pitched battle in Rhagost, the Knights and Temple managed to press for a fair bit of influence in the region. Now they are pressing to push the Spears out. Whether they will take over the refugee camp or not remains a mystery, but given the strategic importance of the location where the camp is, they may have plans for it in the near future. For the moment, they are working on a ritual to divert people around the camp for a while to make it easier to build something more permanent in its location.

a mountain in the Rhagost region
It is afternoon, about 70F(21C) degrees, and the sky is partly covered by thin white clouds.

A full bodysuit of hooded, white leather with silver studs draws and quickly fires an arrow at Fayad, it misses him.

A full bodysuit of hooded, white leather with silver studs draws and quickly fires an arrow at Fayad, it misses him.

Order Swordbearer fires off a shot at Konstantin which misses him.

Order Swordbearer fires off a shot at Konstantin which misses him.

Order Swordbearer fires off a shot at Konstantin which misses him.

Order Swordbearer fires off a shot at Konstantin which misses him.

Autumn chants a few words and a puff of black smoke appears.

Samantha charges toward rise.
Korina says "Huh. "
Konstantin hurls a ball of roiling black and red flame at order Swordbearer, it sends up a spray of soil near his feet.

Korina says "That is good, suppose."
Autumn charges toward depression.
Morgan charges toward depression.
Fayad says "What do I do?"
Fayad places a small figurine onto the ground as the area around it begins to heat up. The figurine undergoes the process of arcane possession.

Korina says "Look for cover."
Nikolai says "Can you hear me?"
Korina says "I don't see any cover..."
Harriet murmurs, "That is a lot of soldiers," about the knights in the distance.

Fayad says "Yes "
Selina charges toward depression.
Fayad says "I'll have my spirit assist Korina?"
Samantha grins at the Order Swordbearers when they show up alongside her and Harriet. "Hey boys!" She cheers as she dashes towards the rise.

Samantha draws a rune in the air with her fingertip, water vapor trailing behind her finger.

Autumn says "Capture is near, but I'll be heading to depression."
Morgan says "Ma'am, the capture point is hidden"
Konstantin says "I see no cover"
Korina says "We will look around. Northeast"
Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at Korina, and misses her.

Fayad charges toward Korina.
Harriet charges toward Samantha.
Morgan says "Rush capture, ma'am"
Konstantin says "Let's avoid fighting the order if we can"
Wings appear on Nikolai's ankles

Konstantin says "Selina is the issue"
Order Swordbearer fires off a shot at Konstantin which misses him.

Order Swordbearer fires off a shot at Konstantin which misses him.

Konstantin says "their soldiers are cominga t us though"
Korina says "Northeast, President."
A full bodysuit of hooded, white leather with silver studs draws and quickly fires an arrow at Fayad, it misses him.

A full bodysuit of hooded, white leather with silver studs draws and quickly fires an arrow at Fayad, it misses him.

Order Swordbearer fires off a shot at Konstantin which ineffectually wounds his forehead.

Order Swordbearer fires off a shot at Konstantin which ineffectually wounds his stomach.

Autumn runs towards the objective.
Konstantin hurls a ball of roiling black and red flame at order Swordbearer, it sends up a spray of soil near his feet.

Konstantin makes a supernatural leap to Korina.
Order Swordbearer fires off a shot at Fayad which misses him.

Order Swordbearer fires off a shot at Fayad which misses him.

Nikolai runs towards the objective.
Fayad says "Ow, fuck, fuck, fuck!"
Selina says "Contact with Hand."
Selina shouts, "Raui-o Echor!" then points at Korina. A chilly ray blasts out toward her and misses her.

Fayad says "They're ALL on me!"
Korina charges toward Selina.
Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at Korina, and sends up a spray of soil near her feet.

Samantha goes down to one knee before firing off a three-round burst at Konstantin with her M4, it completely misses him.

Fayad charges toward Korina.
Loosely drawing back her bowstring, Korina takes aim at Selina and lets an arrow fly where it may; it misses her.

A full bodysuit of hooded, white leather with silver studs starts to sweat.

Korina says "To me, President."
Harriet raises her rifle and shoots it over at Korina in the distance.

Order Swordbearer fires off a shot at Fayad which sends up a spray of soil near his feet.

Order Swordbearer fires off a shot at Fayad which sends up a spray of soil near his feet.

an inhabited figurine of the dragon Themberchaud fades out of the nightmare.
Autumn charges toward depression.
Konstantin hurls a ball of roiling black and red flame at order Swordbearer, it sends up a spray of soil near his feet.

Order Swordbearer fires off a shot at Fayad which ineffectually wounds his left arm.

Order Swordbearer fires off a shot at Fayad which ineffectually wounds his left leg.

Fayad says "Well, that didn't last long"
Morgan runs towards the objective.
Selina says "Focus Korina."
Nikolai runs towards the objective.
Samantha charges toward rise.
Konstantin charges toward Korina.
Harriet charges toward Samantha.
Selina shouts, "Raui-o Echor!" then points at Korina. A chilly ray blasts out toward her and ineffectually wounds her left leg.

Morgan continues to perform or disrupt the ritual.

Samantha goes down to one knee before firing off a three-round burst at Korina with her M4, it ineffectually wounds her left shoulder.

The strength in her muscles is evident when Korina pulls her bowstring back with full force, the wood filled with tension before she lets go. The arrow whizzes through the air towards Selina and misses her.

Fayad charges toward Korina.
Selina suddenly freezes in place.

Order Swordbearer fires off a shot at Fayad which ineffectually wounds his stomach.

Order Swordbearer fires off a shot at Fayad which impacts against his armor.

A full bodysuit of hooded, white leather with silver studs swings his weapon at Fayad, it impacts against his snug black kevlar vest with the HSD logo.

Fayad fades out of the nightmare.
A full bodysuit of hooded, white leather with silver studs swings his weapon at Fayad, it mildly wounds his right shoulder.

a full bodysuit of hooded, white leather with silver studs fades out of the nightmare.
Autumn charges toward depression.
Konstantin hurls a ball of roiling black and red flame at order Swordbearer, it misses him.

Selina is moving slower today than before, but her magic still works just fine mostly. She keeps blasting icy chilly beams toward someone, but she also has ten knights behind her.

Nikolai runs towards the objective.
Selina is moving slower today than before, but her magic still works just fine mostly. She keeps blasting icy chilly beams toward the Hand enemies, but she also has ten knights behind her.

Morgan continues to perform or disrupt the ritual.

Autumn draws and quickly fires an arrow at Korina, it misses her.

Morgan does quiet little personal things somewhere.

Samantha charges toward rock.
Konstantin charges toward Korina.
Harriet sweeps her gaze about the area, and then runs after Samantha.

Harriet charges toward Samantha.
Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at Korina, and ineffectually wounds her right shoulder.

"Who're the guys in the camouflage?" Samantha asks as she points over towards the rock.

Korina charges toward depression.
Autumn charges toward depression.
Nikolai runs towards the objective.
Korina is buffeted by a sudden gust of wind.

Harriet says to Samantha, "I have no idea," honestly about the camo dudes.

Samantha goes down to one knee before firing off a three-round burst at a figure in maritime camouflage with her M4, it sends up a spray of soil near his feet.

Autumn draws and quickly fires an arrow at Korina, it misses her.

Konstantin charges toward Korina.
Loosely drawing back her bowstring, Korina takes aim at Autumn and lets an arrow fly where it may; it

Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at Korina, and misses her.

Selina runs towards the objective.
Korina moves protectively towards Konstantin.
Autumn charges toward depression.
Samantha goes down to one knee before firing off a three-round burst at a figure in maritime camouflage with her M4, it impacts against his armor.

Selina continues to perform or disrupt the ritual.

"Oh, I think they're my guys." Samantha admits, looking guilty.

Morgan moves protectively towards Samantha.
Autumn draws and quickly fires an arrow at Korina, it misses her.

Morgan draws and quickly fires an arrow at Korina, it misses her.

Konstantin charges toward Korina.
Steeling her gaze and perfecting her aim at a Knight in plate armor riding a large, silver-scaled lizard, Korina lets loose a flurry of arrows in rapid succession, all of them flying out one by one in a spray that

Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at Korina, and completely misses her.

Konstantin hurls a ball of roiling black and red flame at a Knight in plate armor riding a large, silver-scaled lizard, it sends up a spray of soil near his feet.

Harriet glances at Samantha and then flashes a quick grin. "Oops," she remarks.

Harriet charges toward rise.
Korina says "Bandage me. And then let's move the other way."
Konstantin says "tRYING "
Korina says "Moving to you, president."
Konstantin says "Yep "
Korina moves protectively towards Konstantin.
Selina says "Order has soldiers today."
Autumn charges toward depression.
Nikolai runs towards the objective.
Morgan says "Why are our soldiers not attacking Korina?"
Selina says "Fall back to the ritual site."
Autumn says "I do not know."
Samantha charges toward rock.
Selina continues to perform or disrupt the ritual.

Konstantin quickly applies a band aid to Korina's bulletholes, in contraversion of taylor swift's lyrics

Autumn draws and quickly fires an arrow at Korina, it misses her.

Morgan charges toward Korina.
Morgan draws and quickly fires an arrow at Korina, it ineffectually wounds her chest.

Samantha goes down to one knee before firing off a three-round burst at Morgan with her M4, it misses her.

Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at Korina, and completely misses her.

Harriet asks someone, "Do you have control of the soldiers?"

Konstantin says "Where we going?"
Selina says "Or keep pressure on Korina. She is really the only one that can stop us."
Konstantin says "going getting autumn?"
Morgan scowls at someone.

Harriet charges toward Samantha.
A figure in maritime camouflage fires off a shot at Harriet which misses her.

A figure in maritime camouflage fires off a shot at Harriet which misses her.

Korina says "Depression, maybe. I don't know who is there."
Konstantin says "Autumn "
Korina says "Oh. Yes, then."
Morgan says "Autumn, are you commanding them?"
Konstantin says "Let's go ger her in there, then"
Autumn says "I'm trying to get them to attack."
Harriet asks, "Do you have control of the soldiers?"

Selina continues to perform or disrupt the ritual.

Autumn draws and quickly fires an arrow at Korina, it misses her.

Selina is moving slowly, but with the ritual being the only thing for her to focus her attention on right now, she does not need to move a lot and can focus on enacting the ritual without the distractions of worrying about combat right this second.

A small fire suddenly ignites on Korina's clothes.

Konstantin makes a supernatural leap to depression.
Morgan charges toward Korina.
Morgan draws and quickly fires an arrow at Korina, it ineffectually wounds her right arm.

Loosely drawing back her bowstring, Korina takes aim at Morgan and lets an arrow fly where it may; it sends up a spray of soil near her feet.

Morgan winks

Konstantin hurls a ball of roiling black and red flame at Autumn, it strikes the depression she's taking cover behind.

Selina says "Incoming man in a mask."
Samantha goes down to one knee before firing off a three-round burst at a Knight in plate armor riding a large, silver-scaled lizard with her M4, it misses him.

Harriet charges toward Samantha.
A figure in maritime camouflage fires off a shot at Harriet which sends up a spray of soil near her feet.

A figure in maritime camouflage fires off a shot at Harriet which sends up a spray of soil near her feet.

Korina moves protectively towards Konstantin.
Selina continues to perform or disrupt the ritual.

A small amount of frost forms in the air around Korina.

Konstantin moves protectively towards Autumn.
Morgan retreats from Korina.
A glowing salamander with fiery wings hurls a small fireball at Konstantin, it ineffectually wounds his left shoulder.

A Knight in plate armor riding a large, silver-scaled lizard fires off a shot at Konstantin which ineffectually wounds his left shoulder.

A Knight in plate armor riding a large, silver-scaled lizard fires off a shot at Konstantin which ineffectually wounds his chest.

A Knight in plate armor riding a large, silver-scaled lizard fires off a shot at Konstantin which impacts against his armor.

Morgan draws and quickly fires an arrow at Korina, it ineffectually wounds her left leg.

Harriet blinks as the soldiers begin to attack her. "If you do have control of them, perhaps guide them to some place else?" she requests, holding up her warhammer and trying to scare them off as she talks to Samantha.

"Uh, not sure..." Samantha admits, pointing at the maritime soldiers and then jabbing to the east.

Konstantin hurls a ball of roiling black and red flame at Autumn, it completely misses her.

Autumn says "Our soldiers are not even attacking. What hell."
Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at a Knight in plate armor riding a large, silver-scaled lizard, and sends up a spray of soil near his feet.

Morgan says "Well they just did at least"
A figure in maritime camouflage launches a stab at Harriet, it is parried by her elegant platinum 150lbs Warhammer.

A figure in maritime camouflage launches a stab at Harriet, it is parried by her elegant platinum 150lbs Warhammer.

Morgan says "Perhaps they are hexed"
A Knight in plate armor riding a large, silver-scaled lizard fires off a shot at Konstantin which impacts against his armor.

A Knight in plate armor riding a large, silver-scaled lizard fires off a shot at Konstantin which impacts against his armor.

A Knight in plate armor riding a large, silver-scaled lizard fires off a shot at Konstantin which impacts against his armor.

A Knight in plate armor riding a large, silver-scaled lizard fires off a shot at Konstantin which impacts against his armor.

A Knight in plate armor riding a large, silver-scaled lizard fires off a shot at Konstantin which impacts against his armor.

A Knight in plate armor riding a large, silver-scaled lizard fires off a shot at Konstantin which impacts against his a sleek back mechanised harness.

A Knight in plate armor riding a large, silver-scaled lizard fires off a shot at Konstantin which impacts against his a sleek back mechanised harness.

"Don't think I have control of them..." Samantha admits.

Samantha disarms a figure in maritime camouflage.

Samantha goes down to one knee before firing off a three-round burst at a Knight in plate armor riding a large, silver-scaled lizard with her M4, it sends up a spray of soil near his feet.

Selina says "Korina is in the drink, that's why."
Autumn draws and quickly fires an arrow at Konstantin, it impacts against his armor.

Harriet scrunches her nose some as she keeps getting attacked by the naughty a figure in maritime camouflage.

Konstantin charges toward Autumn.
Morgan charges toward Autumn.
The strength in her muscles is evident when Korina pulls her bowstring back with full force, the wood filled with tension before she lets go. The arrow whizzes through the air towards Morgan and sends up a spray of soil near her feet.

Selina says "Focus the masked man."
Morgan draws and quickly fires an arrow at Korina, it impacts against her form-fitting suit of mechanised armour.

Korina fades out of the nightmare.
Konstantin launches a stab at Autumn, it is parried by her massive katana.

Konstantin leaps in, lashing out to try and slash at Autumn

Harriet lifts her heavy warhammer effortlessly, fluidly swinging it in a wide arc at a figure in maritime camouflage as its platinum surface gleams and strikes his armor with bruising force.

a figure in maritime camouflage fades out of the nightmare.
A figure in maritime camouflage launches a stab at Harriet, it is parried by her elegant platinum 150lbs Warhammer.

Morgan says "Order them to Korina"

Konstantin fades out of the nightmare.
A Knight in plate armor riding a large, silver-scaled lizard launches a stab at Konstantin, it mildly wounds his right arm.

Harriet blinks softly as she's struck at again, and she says, "Hey, that kind of hurts."

Selina says "Now for Korina."
Samantha says "Head back to the rise?"
Selina continues to perform or disrupt the ritual.

Samantha lashes out at a figure in maritime camouflage with her spear, it is parried by him.

Harriet gives a nod to Samantha.

Morgan charges toward Autumn.
A Knight in plate armor riding a large, silver-scaled lizard fires off a shot at Harriet which misses her.

Morgan says "Are those maritime soldiers not theirs?"
A Knight in plate armor riding a large, silver-scaled lizard fires off a shot at Samantha which misses her.

Selina says "Spears have no soldiers. Ever."
Harriet locks her gaze onto a figure in maritime camouflage before she channels all her strength and determination into one decisive motion with her warhammer and is parried by him.

a figure in maritime camouflage fades out of the nightmare.
A full bodysuit of hooded, white leather with silver studs swings her weapon at Selina, it is parried by her rapier.

Selina continues working the ritual as fast as she can, when the bodysuits find her. "Under attack!"

Morgan draws and quickly fires an arrow at a full bodysuit of hooded, white leather with silver studs, it sends up a spray of soil near her feet.

Morgan says "Catching my breath, need me in ASAP?"
Selina swings her weapon at a full bodysuit of hooded, white leather with silver studs, it is parried by her.

Selina says "Take your time."
Harriet leans in and kisses Samantha on the cheek. "Thank you," she says sweetly.

Morgan says "Autumn, look north east, fire upon the bodysuit, use magic if you have it"
Autumn draws and quickly fires an arrow at a full bodysuit of hooded, white leather with silver studs, it strikes her armor with bruising force.

a full bodysuit of hooded, white leather with silver studs fades out of the nightmare.
Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at a full bodysuit of hooded, white leather with silver studs, and sends up a spray of soil near his feet.

Selina lets out a huff behind her gas mask at having her ritual interrupted, then gets her rapier into the mix with the bodysuit before focusing for the next one.

Samantha grins at Harriet after she wraps a bandage around the other woman's upper arm and turns to fire at the lizard knights.

Morgan nods in approval, a low rumble, pleased.

Selina says "Thank you."
Nikolai swings his weapon at Nikolai, it is parried by his oversized steel hammer.

Morgan says "Rested up"
Autumn says "You're welcome."
Morgan charges toward Selina.
Selina continues to perform or disrupt the ritual.

Selina says "I do not see Korina any more."
Samantha goes down to one knee before firing off a three-round burst at a Knight in plate armor riding a large, silver-scaled lizard with her M4, it strikes his armor with bruising force.

a Knight in plate armor riding a large, silver-scaled lizard fades out of the nightmare.
Morgan says "I believe she was slain."
Autumn says "Me neither."
Morgan says "I had her quite wounded when she was charging."
Selina says "Then focus on the Swordbearers."
Morgan says "But perhaps she slipped away in the confusion."
Autumn says "Already got it."
Samantha charges toward rise.
Harriet charges toward Samantha.
Selina says "Incoming bodysuit."

a full bodysuit of hooded, white leather with silver studs fades out of the nightmare.
Nikolai's hammer flicks speedily towards Nikolai in an attempt to whittle down his defenses and is parried by his oversized steel hammer.

A sheathed broadsword appears on Nikolai's hip.

Harriet runs along behind Samantha, holding up her rifle and taking shots whenever she can at the enemy.

Morgan charges toward Selina.
A full bodysuit of hooded, white leather with silver studs draws and quickly fires an arrow at Morgan, it misses her.

Selina continues to perform or disrupt the ritual.

Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at a Knight in plate armor riding a large, silver-scaled lizard, and sends up a spray of soil near his feet.

Samantha goes down to one knee before firing off a three-round burst at a Knight in plate armor riding a large, silver-scaled lizard with her M4, it impacts against his armor.

Morgan draws and quickly fires an arrow at a full bodysuit of hooded, white leather with silver studs, it sends up a spray of soil near his feet.

Samantha charges toward a Knight in plate armor riding a large, silver-scaled lizard.

a Knight in plate armor riding a large, silver-scaled lizard fades out of the nightmare.
Harriet charges toward Samantha.
Nikolai swings his weapon at Nikolai, it is parried by his oversized steel hammer.

Selina focuses on the ritual and calling out enemy movements as best she can. "Sam and Harry may be making a move," she calls out for her team, still trying to get her ritual situated and finished.

Morgan moves protectively towards Selina.
A full bodysuit of hooded, white leather with silver studs draws and quickly fires an arrow at Morgan, it misses her.

Selina continues to perform or disrupt the ritual.

Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at a Knight in plate armor riding a large, silver-scaled lizard, and sends up a spray of soil near his feet.

Samantha goes down to one knee before firing off a three-round burst at a Knight in plate armor riding a large, silver-scaled lizard with her M4, it sends up a spray of soil near his feet.

Morgan draws and quickly fires an arrow at a full bodysuit of hooded, white leather with silver studs, it sends up a spray of soil near his feet.

Morgan takes a protective stance near Selina and nods, firing off at the a full bodysuit of hooded, white leather with silver studs

A full bodysuit of hooded, white leather with silver studs draws and quickly fires an arrow at Samantha, it misses her.

Autumn draws and quickly fires an arrow at a full bodysuit of hooded, white leather with silver studs, it deflects off his armor.

a Knight in plate armor riding a large, silver-scaled lizard fades out of the nightmare.

order Swordbearer fades out of the nightmare.
Gripping his hammer in both hands, Nikolai brings the massive weapon down upon Nikolai in a crushing blow that is parried by his oversized steel hammer.

Samantha charges toward a full bodysuit of hooded, white leather with silver studs.
A full bodysuit of hooded, white leather with silver studs draws and quickly fires an arrow at Morgan, it misses her.

Selina continues to perform or disrupt the ritual.

Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at a full bodysuit of hooded, white leather with silver studs, and sends up a spray of soil near her feet.

Harriet charges toward Samantha.
Samantha lashes out at a full bodysuit of hooded, white leather with silver studs with her spear, it is parried by her.

Morgan charges toward a full bodysuit of hooded, white leather with silver studs.
Morgan launches a stab at a full bodysuit of hooded, white leather with silver studs, it strikes his armor with bruising force.

a full bodysuit of hooded, white leather with silver studs fades out of the nightmare.
Morgan slips forth and twists about, jamming a bone knife into the figures body.

Autumn draws and quickly fires an arrow at a full bodysuit of hooded, white leather with silver studs, it misses him.

Nikolai's hammer flicks speedily towards Nikolai in an attempt to whittle down his defenses and ineffectually wounds his forehead.

a full bodysuit of hooded, white leather with silver studs fades out of the nightmare.
Samantha charges toward rise.

a full bodysuit of hooded, white leather with silver studs fades out of the nightmare.
Selina continues to perform or disrupt the ritual.

Harriet charges toward Samantha.
Morgan moves protectively towards Selina.
Autumn's blades start to glow red with heat.

Harriet frowns a bit as a mountain range blocks their view of Selina and the capture point.

Morgan draws and quickly fires an arrow at a full bodysuit of hooded, white leather with silver studs, it sends up a spray of soil near his feet.

"Well... so far this is going better." Samantha decides, "I like it more without the giant dogs."

Harriet nods in agreement with Samantha's assessment of today's battle.

Selina says "Just finishing up shortly... Hold for a little longer."
Morgan says "I've got you."
Morgan says "Let us complete this fight, finally."
Harriet remarks, "Even dogs go out of town on the weekends, it seems."

Gripping his hammer in both hands, Nikolai brings the massive weapon down upon Nikolai in a crushing blow that ineffectually wounds his left arm.

Selina says "Indeed. "
Samantha charges toward rock.
A full bodysuit of hooded, white leather with silver studs swings his weapon at Autumn, it is parried by her massive katana.

Selina continues to perform or disrupt the ritual.

Harriet charges toward Samantha.
Harriet takes off at a run after Samantha.

Morgan moves protectively towards Selina.
Samantha jogs out over the mountainside again. "She's doing the ritual..."

Harriet gives a nod to Samantha.

Autumn swings her weapon at a full bodysuit of hooded, white leather with silver studs, it is parried by him.

Nikolai's hammer flicks speedily towards Nikolai in an attempt to whittle down his defenses and ineffectually wounds his stomach.

Selina continues to perform or disrupt the ritual.

Autumn charges toward depression.
Harriet is buffeted by a sudden gust of wind.

Selina says "Harry charging."
Morgan moves protectively towards Selina.
Morgan says "I saw."
A small amount of frost forms in the air around Harriet.

Autumn says "Why am I suddenly far away from depression?!"
Morgan says "You suddenly ran."
Morgan says "Did someone ensorcel you?"
Selina says "Teleportation? Telekinesis? Another T-word I do not know?"
Gripping his hammer in both hands, Nikolai brings the massive weapon down upon Nikolai in a crushing blow that ineffectually wounds his right leg.

Nikolai fades out of the nightmare.
Samantha charges toward Selina.
Harriet pulls a big of a face over all of the soldiers.

a full bodysuit of hooded, white leather with silver studs fades out of the nightmare.
Autumn says "I have no idea. I was just standing there."
Samantha goes down to one knee before firing off a three-round burst at Morgan with her M4, it misses her.

Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at Morgan, and misses her.

Samantha launches a grenade at Selina.

Autumn charges toward depression.
Morgan draws and quickly fires an arrow at Samantha, it misses her.

Morgan says "Ow... "
Harriet charges toward Samantha.
The air around Morgan blurs slightly.

Autumn says "Morgan, run!"
Morgan moves protectively towards Selina.
Morgan says "No, I must protect our lady."
Selina takes a deep breath and focuses on the ritual, trying to finish it before everyone else arrives to bowl her over. "Much appreciated," she says to Morgan with a nod.

Samantha charges toward depression.
A glowing salamander with fiery wings hurls a small fireball at Samantha, it misses her.

The Virtuous Moderates Alliance has proved victorious.