\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Operationlogs/The Sapphire Martyrss Operation In Berlin Germany 240629

The Sapphire Martyrss Operation In Berlin Germany 240629

In the heart of Berlin, amidst a shimmering afternoon, a tale of intrigue and confrontation unfolded. Amidst this urban sprawl, Harriet, with her aristocratic finesse and an English long rifle, delved into the city's hidden veins, seeking a lost esoteric tome of profound knowledge. Her path intertwined with Autumn's mystic endeavors and Nikolai's winged pursuits, leading to a fierce skirmish against a backdrop of historical grandeur and modern mystery. Harriet, adorned in equestrian elegance, faced the assaults with the agility of a seasoned athlete, her rifle singing in the heated air as bullets and arrows sparked off cold, hard ground. Fires leapt, and shadows danced as the forces collided, a dance of destiny choreographed amidst Berlin's hidden catacombs and forgotten pathways.

As the sun dipped lower, casting long shadows over their battlefield, the tide of combat shifted. Nikolai, with valor in his heart and a hammer in his hand, sought not just victory but understanding amidst the chaos of conflict. Despite their bravery and resilience, Harriet and Autumn found themselves outmatched, their strength waning under the relentless assault of the Sapphire Martyr soldiers. In a decisive moment, Nikolai captured the esoteric tome, turning the tide and signaling a retreat to the extraction point. Their adversaries' bullets whispered past, missing their marks by fate or fortune, as Autumn provided cover for Nikolai's final dash. With the tome secured and their foes confounded, the Autocratic Alliance declared victory, leaving the streets of Berlin to whisper tales of the day's adventures, a saga of courage, sacrifice, and the ceaseless quest for knowledge that shapes the destiny of nations and individuals alike.
At Fri Jun 28 2024, in the city of Berlin, Germany

Mission: Intercept a long-lost esoteric tome and bring it back to the extraction point.

Among the many secrets concealed within the sprawling cityscape of Berlin is an esoteric tome. Lost to time, it's said to contain profound, world-altering knowledge. Beginning in the historic district, the operation will involve infiltrating the underbelly of the city, a labyrinth of hidden passageways and secret catacombs, in order to retrieve this coveted artifact. The terrain will be treacherous and the opposition formidable; rival factions will undoubtedly be in pursuit of the tome as well. The successful group will gain not just the book, but a significant foothold in Berlin.

Berlin, Germany
It is afternoon, about 90F(32C) degrees, and there are a few wispy white clouds in the sky.

Autumn chants a few words and a puff of black smoke appears.

With her English long rifle in hand, Harriet is navigating the cityscape with the use of her long, lithe legs that cary her swiftly down the streets. She is ready to take part in a fierce battle, although she is dressed up in equestrian style attire and looks like she should be in a horse show arena, competing on the back of one of her trusty steeds. Her stride is almost effortless and certainly graceful, covering a fair amount of ground quickly and efficiently. Posture is upright, gaze is focused, and she seems to be quite alert. As she continues to run, she appears to have the agility of a seasoned athlete. The firearm is held securely, always ready to be raised and aim in one smooth motion when the situation calls for it.

Harriet charges toward bus.
Autumn says "We meet again."
Autumn charges toward sedan.
Nikolai says "So we do."
Wings appear on Nikolai's ankles

Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at sedan, and damages it.

Nikolai charges toward sedan.
Nikolai taps his neck twice and activates a distress beacon.

Harriet charges toward bus.
As Harriet races through the streets, her hazel eyes scan the environment for suitable cover, as it is a critical necessity after all. Threats can manifest from any direction, and so she's glancing about repeatedly, trying to find anyone who may attempt to sneak up on her. Spotting a ........ she makes a swift decision to dart towards it with elegance and urgency all at once. Long, brown hair streams slightly behind her with each stride stretching and retracting powerfully, propelling her swiftly forward to try and mimimize wasted motion and only seeking to maximize her speed as she glides along through the urban landscape. Hazel eyes remain sharp and calculating, peering about and trying to keep track of the potential threats and assailants.

Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at sedan, and damages it.

Nikolai charges toward sedan.
Harriet spotted a bus, eventually. She heads right for it and makes it there.

Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at sedan, and damages it.

Nikolai charges toward sedan.
Charging his way over towards the sedan even as Harriet's bullets ping off it, Nikolai frowns over at the just /barely/ gapped distance. "That's annoying," he mutters. "Autumn - I don't suppose you have a rifle to handle this?"

Autumn charges toward sedan.
Harriet charges toward sedan.
Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at sedan, and damages it.

Nikolai points his hammer at Harriet and focuses for a moment before a gout of flame leaps from his weapon towards her that sparks off the ground near her feet.

A svelte woman in a three-piece suit fires off a shot at Harriet which misses her.

Autumn draws and quickly fires an arrow at Harriet, it sparks off the ground near her feet.

Harriet prepares a landmine.

Harriet takes a shot over at the sedan, trying to blow it up, it would seem. Her gun is aimed at the gas tank.

"I only use bows for range- Oh, she's coming," Autumn replies before she turns to fire arrows.

Harriet charges toward bus.
Autumn draws and quickly fires an arrow at bus, it damages it.

"She does not want to waste her time fighting four enemies, I imagine," Nikolai murmurs, without any judgement in his voice. He stands up straight from behind the sedan, then says, "I will match that honour. This is a little risky."

Autumn says "I see."
Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at Autumn, and sparks off the ground near her feet.

Autumn draws and quickly fires an arrow at bus, it damages it.

Nikolai charges toward Harriet.
Harriet prepares to fight Nikolai, terribly outnumbered in this fight, but not looking like she's fretting too much. C'est la vie.

Nikolai points his hammer at Harriet and focuses for a moment before a gout of flame leaps from his weapon towards her that

Autumn draws and quickly fires an arrow at bus, it damages it.

Harriet takes aim with her rifle, firing off a long, heavy bullet at Nikolai, and misses him.

Nikolai charges toward Harriet.
Nikolai swings his weapon at Harriet, it is parried by her elegant platinum 150lbs Warhammer.

Autumn draws and quickly fires an arrow at bus, it damages it.

"I will admit," Nikolai grunts, moving in to cross hammers with someone. "I was eager to see your weapon. You never sent me that picture. I was also hoping Jane would follow me, but I see she is quite comfortable with the sedan." He clicks his tongue disapprovingly. "A pleasure to meet you in person, though."

"I will admit," Nikolai grunts, moving in to cross hammers with Harriet. "I was eager to see your weapon. You never sent me that picture. I was also hoping Jane would follow me, but I see she is quite comfortable with the sedan." He clicks his tongue disapprovingly. "A pleasure to meet you in person, though."

Nikolai swings his weapon at Harriet, it is parried by her elegant platinum 150lbs Warhammer.

Harriet locks her gaze onto Nikolai before she channels all her strength and determination into one decisive motion with her warhammer and is parried by his oversized steel hammer.

"Did you request a photograph of it?" Harriet asks Nikolai with a glance at her warhammer that she's swinging, or at least trying to, at the fellow. "Nice to meet you, too. In person."

A sheathed broadsword appears on Nikolai's hip.

Nikolai swings his weapon at Harriet, it is parried by her elegant platinum 150lbs Warhammer.

Harriet disarms Nikolai.

Harriet lifts her heavy warhammer effortlessly, fluidly swinging it in a wide arc at Nikolai as its platinum surface gleams and is parried by his oversized steel hammer.

Autumn charges toward sedan.
Nikolai's hammer flicks speedily towards Harriet in an attempt to whittle down her defenses and

Harriet winces visibly as the troops come towards her as she fights against Nikolai.

Harriet lifts her heavy warhammer effortlessly, fluidly swinging it in a wide arc at Nikolai as its platinum surface gleams and is parried by his oversized steel hammer.

"I certainly did," Nikolai grunts switching to fists where his hammer proves terribly useless against her disarming manoeuvre- only to miss, regardless. "But this is better. You know what you are doing."

Autumn charges toward bus.
Nikolai swings his weapon at Harriet, it is parried by her elegant platinum 150lbs Warhammer.

Nikolai disarms Harriet.

Harriet lifts her heavy warhammer effortlessly, fluidly swinging it in a wide arc at Nikolai as its platinum surface gleams and

Harriet admits to Nikolai as they fight, "Well, I at least know when I am not going to win..." with a glance over at A glowing salamander with fiery wings, Autumn, and a svelte woman in a three-piece suit.

Nikolai swings his weapon at Harriet, it is parried by her elegant platinum 150lbs Warhammer.

Autumn charges toward bus.
Harriet locks her gaze onto Nikolai before she channels all her strength and determination into one decisive motion with her warhammer and is parried by his oversized steel hammer.

"You are rather outnumbered," Nikolai agrees. "No shame in that. We will still fight against the Martyrs. Germany would be an unpleasant loss."

Nikolai swings his weapon at Harriet, it is parried by her elegant platinum 150lbs Warhammer.

Autumn charges toward bus.
Harriet swings her warhammer again at Nikolai, doing her best to parry each attack.

Harriet locks her gaze onto Nikolai before she channels all her strength and determination into one decisive motion with her warhammer and deflects off his shield.

A set of plate armor appears on Nikolai.

Gripping his hammer in both hands, Nikolai brings the massive weapon down upon Harriet in a crushing blow that deflects off her shield.

Autumn charges toward bus.
Nikolai's hammer flicks speedily towards Harriet in an attempt to whittle down her defenses and ineffectually wounds her right arm.

Autumn charges toward bus.
Autumn swings her weapon at Harriet, it ineffectually wounds her left shoulder.

Harriet fades out of the nightmare.
Autumn says "Okay, once you recover, we find Martyrs and then head back to cover."
"Wow," Nikolai snorts, glancing aside to Autumn. "Okay. You can take that one. You deserve it for me giving you trouble yesterday. No complaints." He's not uninjured, himself, and leans against the bus as he catches his breath.

Autumn says "No problem."
Nikolai says "Where did Jane go?"
Nikolai says "There she is."
Nikolai says "Okay. I am not a lookout. Have you seen them?"
Autumn says "My guess is that they are on other side- Ifrit, you can stop attacking bus now!"
Autumn says "Oh, yeah. Once I hit target, there is no stopping it from attacking."
Nikolai says "Heh. Okay - checking west?"
Autumn says "Yes. "
Nikolai says "I am heading to the southwest."
Autumn says "Good idea."
Wings appear on Nikolai's ankles

Nikolai charges toward taxi.
Nikolai charges toward taxi.
Nikolai says "You see anything yet?"
Autumn says "Nope. "
Nikolai charges toward taxi.
Nikolai says "I do not thing southwest was the answer."
Nikolai says "I do not see a fucking thing."
Nikolai says "Where are these people."
Wings appear on Nikolai's ankles

Autumn says "Oh, okay. Maybe at southeast?"
Nikolai says "I just checked."
Autumn says "Oh. "
Autumn says "If they are not up north, they must be down south across lake."
Nikolai says "They must be."
Nikolai says "Must be perfectly far away that I do not see them."
Autumn says "Right. "
Nikolai says "I see them"
Nikolai says "They are near the van."
Autumn says "Got it."
Autumn says "I'll have Ifrit aid you."
Autumn says "But I'll also be coming too."
Nikolai says "I moved towards them and fucking lost sight."
Autumn says "They either must have invisibility or they are good at hiding."
Nikolai says "I hate hide and seek."
Nikolai says "This is fucking time consuming. Are they running and hiding?"
A Sapphire Martyr soldier in urban combat gear fires off a shot at Nikolai which misses him.

A Sapphire Martyr soldier in urban combat gear fires off a shot at Nikolai which sparks off the ground near his feet.

Nikolai says "I see him."
Autumn says "Maybe. Unless they are waiting when it's time for extraction- Alright."
Nikolai says "There are two."
Nikolai charges toward a Sapphire Martyr soldier in urban combat gear.
A Sapphire Martyr soldier in urban combat gear fires off a shot at Nikolai which misses him.

A Sapphire Martyr soldier in urban combat gear fires off a shot at Nikolai which misses him.

Nikolai points his hammer at a Sapphire Martyr soldier in urban combat gear and focuses for a moment before a gout of flame leaps from his weapon towards her that strikes the van she's taking cover behind.

Nikolai charges toward a Sapphire Martyr soldier in urban combat gear.
A Sapphire Martyr soldier in urban combat gear fires off a shot at Nikolai which sparks off the ground near his feet.

A Sapphire Martyr soldier in urban combat gear fires off a shot at Nikolai which misses him.

Nikolai throws a grenade at a Sapphire Martyr soldier in urban combat gear.

Nikolai lifts his hammer to the sky and points at a Sapphire Martyr soldier in urban combat gear, spraying her and those around her with falling embers which strikes the van she's taking cover behind.

A Sapphire Martyr soldier in urban combat gear fires off a shot at Nikolai which misses him.

A Sapphire Martyr soldier in urban combat gear fires off a shot at Nikolai which misses him.

Nikolai charges toward a Sapphire Martyr soldier in urban combat gear.
Nikolai swings his weapon at a Sapphire Martyr soldier in urban combat gear, it is parried by her.

Nikolai says "Are you closing in?"
A Sapphire Martyr soldier in urban combat gear launches a stab at Nikolai, it is parried by his oversized steel hammer.

A Sapphire Martyr soldier in urban combat gear launches a stab at Nikolai, it is parried by his oversized steel hammer.

Autumn says "Yes. "
Nikolai says "I'm in melee."
Nikolai disarms a Sapphire Martyr soldier in urban combat gear.

Nikolai swings his weapon at a Sapphire Martyr soldier in urban combat gear, it impacts against her armor.

a Sapphire Martyr soldier in urban combat gear fades out of the nightmare.
Nikolai has a long-lost esoteric tome.

Nikolai says "I have the tome, I'm going to move now in case we run out of time"
Nikolai runs towards the extraction point.
Autumn says "Got it."
A Sapphire Martyr soldier in urban combat gear fires off a shot at Nikolai which misses him.

Nikolai launches an attack at a Sapphire Martyr soldier in urban combat gear which strikes the van he's taking cover behind.

Autumn draws and quickly fires an arrow at van, it damages it.

"For fuck's sakes," Nikolai sighs, making a final dash for the extraction point in those last few minutes, tome in hand. "I hate the Sapphire Martyrs so god damned bad."

A Sapphire Martyr soldier in urban combat gear fires off a shot at Nikolai which misses him.

Nikolai launches an attack at a Sapphire Martyr soldier in urban combat gear which strikes the van he's taking cover behind.

Autumn moves protectively towards Nikolai.
Wings appear on Nikolai's ankles

A Sapphire Martyr soldier in urban combat gear fires off a shot at Nikolai which sparks off the ground near his feet.

Autumn draws and quickly fires an arrow at van, it damages it.

Autumn moves protectively towards Nikolai.
A Sapphire Martyr soldier in urban combat gear fires off a shot at Autumn which misses her.

Nikolai says "Fucking water."
Autumn says "Run west then north."
A Sapphire Martyr soldier in urban combat gear fires off a shot at Autumn which misses her.

Nikolai hurls a bola at a Sapphire Martyr soldier in urban combat gear's legs.

Nikolai runs towards the extraction point.
Autumn draws and quickly fires an arrow at van, it damages it.

Autumn moves protectively towards Nikolai.
A Sapphire Martyr soldier in urban combat gear fires off a shot at Autumn which misses her.

Autumn draws and quickly fires an arrow at van, it damages it.

Autumn moves protectively towards Nikolai.
A Sapphire Martyr soldier in urban combat gear fires off a shot at Nikolai which misses him.

Autumn draws and quickly fires an arrow at van, it damages it.

A Sapphire Martyr soldier in urban combat gear fires off a shot at Autumn which misses her.

Nikolai runs towards the extraction point.
Autumn draws and quickly fires an arrow at a Sapphire Martyr soldier in urban combat gear, it misses him.

A Sapphire Martyr soldier in urban combat gear fires off a shot at Autumn which misses her.

A Sapphire Martyr soldier in urban combat gear fires off a shot at Autumn which misses her.

A Sapphire Martyr soldier in urban combat gear fires off a shot at Autumn which misses her.

Nikolai says "Oh. Yes. Right."
Nikolai says "I thought I was racing against time."
Autumn moves protectively towards Nikolai.
A Sapphire Martyr soldier in urban combat gear fires off a shot at Autumn which misses her.

Nikolai says "I still hate the Martyrs. And Germany."
Nikolai runs towards the extraction point.
Autumn draws and quickly fires an arrow at a Sapphire Martyr soldier in urban combat gear, it misses him.

A Sapphire Martyr soldier in urban combat gear fires off a shot at Autumn which deflects off her shield.

A Sapphire Martyr soldier in urban combat gear fires off a shot at Autumn which deflects off her shield.

A Sapphire Martyr soldier in urban combat gear fires off a shot at Autumn which impacts against her armor.

Autumn moves protectively towards Nikolai.
A Sapphire Martyr soldier in urban combat gear fires off a shot at Autumn which impacts against her vest covered in scales of darkly painted metal.

Nikolai runs towards the extraction point.
Autumn says "Go on ahead. I'll distract them."
Nikolai says "Nearly there."
A Sapphire Martyr soldier in urban combat gear fires off a shot at Autumn which ineffectually wounds her left leg.

Autumn fades out of the nightmare.
A Sapphire Martyr soldier in urban combat gear fires off a shot at Autumn which mildly wounds her right leg.

Nikolai runs towards the extraction point.
The Autocratic Alliance has proved victorious.