\ Haven:Mist and Shadow OutOfDreams/Lumiere By Midnight

Lumiere By Midnight

Lumiére by Midnight


On the outskirts of Reno, an old VHS rental store still opens its doors... ...but the real interest is in what happens there by night.

Lumiére, by Midnight, is quite a different place.

Each time, at midnight, the store opens, and just for one minute patrons are allowed to come inside. There, they will able to not just watch and witness the stories contained in each of the videotapes, but actually live in them.

Whether it is a movie taking place on Cleopatra's Egypt, Hitler's Germany, a near-future eco-disaster or a futuristic space exploration story, Lumiére has movies from all eras. What life do you wish to have, tonight?


  • Visitor
  • Midnight, and you went into the store. Whether you're new to this or a regular, you're welcome to stay, and experience a few rentals.

  • Character
  • You're a movie character, WOW! you might be just the clerk on the store, the body on the ground, or maybe you're the face in the movie poster. But the world goes beyond your movie, and at midnight you can roam from tape to tape...


  • Film Buff
  • The more you know about movies, the more you can predict what will its characters do, what are good ways to escape from them, and, sometimes, you might even know what is supposed to be about to happen!

  • Protagonism
  • It's not always that way, but usually Protagonists are hero-type characters, aiming to protect the good guys and stopping the bad guys.
    In truth, even in the movies, most characters have a little big of both protagonism and antagonism.

  • Antagonism
  • It's not always that way, but usually Antagonism are villain-type characters, aiming to achieve their (often power-grabbing, nefarious) goals, no matter what's the cost.
    In truth, even in the movies, most characters have a little big of both protagonism and antagonism.