\ Haven:Mist and Shadow OutOfSecrets/The Dreamwalkers

The Dreamwalkers

The Dreamwalkers


Originally, a band of members of the People from the Wilds took to exploring the dream scapes, which could be accessed from any world. Eventually, they found that through concentrated will and various rituals, they could literally conquer entire dream worlds, which gave them considerable sway in the Nightmare. Using said leverage, the various members pooled their resources to begin constructing ways to build and fortify their dream constructs against outside forces while also attacking and undermining the consciousnesses of other worlds. Eventually, they were able to subjegate and enslave weaker-minded visitors and passers-by in the dreamscape and Nightmare in general, moving to secure resources for continued advancement.

Today, most Dreamwalkers are simply Arcanists that have taken to using the Nightmare for all its powers at their finger tips. They tend to be unconcerned with purely worldly concerns, like countries, governments, taxes, and the like. They focus on the subtle, the quiet, the sleeping, working magic and bending minds indirectly to operate well below the radar of most naturals, and even many supernaturals. Most naturals in the Dreamwalkers are professionally focused, moving and shaking in the real world to help afford the luxuries that the Dreamers do not want to have to work to obtain.

Vampires are universally shunned by the Dreamwalkers due to their need to get physically present with their prey for feeding purposes, which is counter-intuitive to the hands-off nature of most of the Dreamers. Combatants are not wholly forbidden, but often the work the Dreamwalkers do involves more cerebral pursuits.

Each member of the Dreamwalkers is expected to be familiar with, capable of creating, maintaining, or assisting with at least one Dreamworld, possibly more than one. All supernatural members are expected to be capable of invading and ensnaring people into said dreamworlds. Most meetings and interactions will be through dreams, not physical space.


Supernatural Neutral
Spiritual Strongly
Manpulative Strongly
Corrupt Slightly
Autocratic Slightly
Anarchistic Moderately


Restriction 1: No Vampires

Restriction 2: No Primary Combatants

RP Hooks

Dreams: Everything about dreams is covered here.

Equality: Everyone can dream, so supers and naturals are roughly equal.

Spy vs Spy: Don't wear a symbol if possible, don't talk about Dreamwalkers, use spycraft to talk to other Dreamwalkers.

Slaves/Servants: Collect servants, boss slaves, be a slave or servant.


Valira Swift?

Godfrey Abbot?

Jane Doe


Rule 1: Each member of the Dreamwalkers is expected to be familiar with, capable of creating, maintaining, or assisting with at least one Dreamworld, possibly more than one.

Rule 2: All supernatural members are expected to be capable of invading and ensnaring people into said dreamworlds.

Rule 3: Most meetings and interactions will be through dreams, not physical space.


Servant: Each new member will be considered a servant until they have proven some degree of competence with dreams, Societies, and interacting. Requirements to advance include, but are not limited to: Having a job, having a place to live, being physically self sufficient, and finding a dreamworld to participate in extensively.

Student: Dream Students have been taken into the fold to begin teaching them how to manipulate and construct Dreamworlds. Often, lessons will be done in dreams directly. Requirements to advance include, but are not limited to: Owning/Being Trusted in at least one Dreamworld, using the Describe File command to put useful information in it, and undergoing a proficiency test for combat, magic, and occult/dream knowledge.

Dreamer: Upon becoming a fully fledged Dreamer of the Dreamwalkers, options begin to open up for members. They can at this point begin pursuing power for their own sake, developing their own strategies, and essentially become a force of dreaming will unto themselves, with the Council's Blessing. Requirements to advance include, but are not limited to: Obtaining and maintaining Standing 3 within the Society for use of various orders, successfully Invading an enemy Society member's dream, provide an Oath of Service to the Dreamwalkers to be in effect, even during times of Stasis, and performed duties that are cumulative with the Dreamwalkers' goals (contributing/manipulating/scheming/et cetera).

Invader: Having successfully proven capable of offense, the concerns turn to defense, and Invaders are essentially the protectors of the Dreamwalkers' interests. Advancement beyond this point requires demonstration of leadership abilities, consistency, cleverness, and manipulation.

Noble: In addition to proving themselves capable leaders, a noble has managed to ensnare at least one servant/slave. Whether this is a personal servant or a slave for assisting with the Dreamwalkers as a whole is irrelevant. The key here is that the Noble has managed to create, develop, maintain, and foster this relationship. This servant/slave may also be an Apprentice.

Monarch: Monarchs have managed to get everything they need in life and can devote themselves fully to ruling their sections of the Dreamscape with impunity. They must still have a servant/slave, the same as a Noble, but must also boast a House and a Shop from which they can gainfully employ, feed, clothe, and shelter said slaves and other members of the Dreamwalkers as necessary, as well as provide an access point to the Goblin Market.

Pledge: A Monarch may apply to be a Pledge to the Council. This application also has a fee of ten thousand dollars attached to it, to be given to the local Councilperson in whatever form the Pledge can manage, including coins, currency, or bank transfers. Goods, services, slaves/servants, alchemical components, shipments, or any other source of resource currency is -not- allowed for this fee. Most intent on Pledging utilize professional servants and slaves for gaining currency, and this practice is often endorsed by the Dreamwalkers. This step should also include a document outlining policies, stances, projects, and ideas that the Pledge would like to pursue on the Council.

Junior: A newly appointed Junior Councilmember has the respect of all Dreamwalkers not on the Council. They hold authority over everyone of lower rank. Their commands are essentially law. They can only be overridden by a Senior Councilmember or the Dreamweaver. Most of their commands will be related to Projects that they are doing, so most Dreamers will not be pulled away from their own pursuits for too long. This position is limited to the local chapter, so it holds no authority over global goals or personnel.

Senior: After a period of success as a Junior Councilmember, some may be considered for a Senior position. This position is for Global-Scale Dreamwalker policies. There are only twelve at any given time, world-wide, and rarely more than two or three in a Local chapter.

Dreamweaver: Some in the Dreamwalkers view this position as purely an honorary one. The seat, the thirteenth on the Council, is passed down along the bloodline of the original founding members from the People, much like leadership of a kingdom. While the Dreamweaver has ultimate authority, politically, they are entrenched with and against the Council on many topics to such an extent that their authority is roughly equal in magnitude and scope. A Dreamweaver that pushes too hard, too fast, without gaining the proper votes may find themselves disposed of, such as in a freak fire in a place where arson is supposedly impossible...

The Dreamwalkers' Playlist

Magic Carpet Ride

All I Have to Do Is Dream

Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This)


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