\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Patrollogs/An Arcane Battle 240718

An Arcane Battle 240718

(An arcane battle)

[Wed Jul 17 2024]

At an open air garden
This is an open air garden that is a simple area of lush grass. Surrounded by wooden paling fences to almost two meters high, this garden is the epitome of privacy and simplicity.

A small garden path at the peripheries weaves through the grass but there is otherwise nothing disturbing the pristine openness.

It is after dusk, about 100F(37C) degrees, There is a waxing gibbous moon.

Freya casts a reaassuring smile at Juniper. "You don't have to if you don't feel comfortable." She murmurs as she moves off into the corner and starts to strip off her clothing. "There's a brush in the corner there if you want to brush us." She tells Victoria before she shudders and shifts too.

The air in the room begins to conflagrate, rising in temperature significantly and unnaturally.
"Oh!" Victoria notes, startled mometarily.

Freya(wolf) pants with her tongue lolling out as she walks over to sniff Morgan(wolf), her tail giving a friendly wag.

Freya(wolf)(ooc) reminds everyone shes at work and sporadic responses

Victoria reaches out to pat Morgan(wolf) on the head gently.

Morgan(wolf) tilts her head approvingly, beginning to trot about a bit soon after, sniffing at Freya(wolf). She's curious, inspecting.

Victoria sits herself down in the grass, stretching lightly.

Fayad says "My sanctification was successful. Additionally, we've signed."
Donovan says "Almost done- w- wait, signed the... the Treaty?"
Victoria raises her eyebrows.

Donovan exhales with relief as the ritual takes. "I see... i- it's official now. Things are going to become much more, ah... intense from now on," he selects carefully.

Juniper watches the other two interact in the yard with no small curiosity and a look of maybe yearning hopefulness. She picks at her shorts idly and pokes a toe into the garden soil while she weighs her options here. Hazel eyes are never far from the forms of Morgan(wolf) and Freya(wolf).

Donovan says "Now we have most of the center completed. The bookstore and the ball-courts... I'm glad that neat little basketball game stood the test of time."
Morgan(wolf) makes a canine whine, not displeased, happy for this interaction. She pads around Victoria and Juniper, then settles on her haunches, gazing up at the moon, fixed.

Donovan says "What is the name of our society?"
Freya(wolf) sniffs at Morgan(wolf)'s neck and then pads over to Juniper giving the other woman an encouraging cold close against the small of her back as her tail waves.

Fayad says "Scions of the Inferno."
Donovan says "... I like that."
Freya(wolf) tilts her head and whines at Victoria as if asking what's going on.

Fayad approaches Donovan and extends his hand up towards the larger man, in an attempt to 'dap him up' as the kids would say with a firm handshake. "We're in this until the end. We'll get through it together, alright?"

Freya looks curiously at Victoria. "Can you relay the conversation? I can't hear anything..."

Fayad turns his head and stares at nothing, impassively - no, he's staring directly at you. "And here I thought a ward would prevent this sort of thing. I guess not," he murmurs to himself.

Donovan exhales nervously. "This is it, then. The real battle only starts now... which, given what we've gone through already, is daunting. But- we press on." He reaches out and clasps Fayad's hand firmly. "... We'll get through this together. Please. Pr- promise me there's a light at the end of this tunnel. There is, isn't there? The thing we're trying to grasp...?"

Donovan glances around anxiously, then, unaware. "Hm?"

Fayad says "There is, Donovan. There has to be. I'm doing the best I can with the cards I was dealt. Either we achieve a better world or the cult disbands - either way, our primary objective is to survive."
Morgan(wolf) growls low, gazing at Victoria curiously.

Donovan nods firmly. "I- I'm going to do my best to protect you, too. When my leg is healed. I promise."

Victoria suddenly siezes up, her back going completly rigid and arching painfully as a stream of faintly glowing red energy flows out of her mouth and disappears into the air.

All the nearby lights flicker and die for a second before a stream of faintly glowing red energy coalesces out of the air and flows into a small gem in Fayad's hand.