\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Patrollogs/Fayads Nightmare Battle With Tabitha 240720

Fayads Nightmare Battle With Tabitha 240720

(Fayad's nightmare battle with Tabitha)

[Fri Jul 19 2024]

In The Hometown Diner's Dining Room
This room is both cozy and fairly modern in style, with oak panelling along the bottom half of the walls, while the top has been painted a rich, bright shade of white. Open windows on the eastern wall look out over the diner's pergola and firepit, offering a gorgeous view past that of the horizon to diners. The tables are spread out around the room so that the waitstaff can easily make their way to all diners, and the smell of home cooking fills the air at all hours of the day.

It is night, about 99F(37C) degrees, There is a waning gibbous moon.

Fayad says "Oh, what...?"
Fayad says "W-well. I suppose this is happening to me again."
Matthew's brows lift, eyes flitting between the three. "W-what..?"

Morgan nods. "Someone is attacking you then?"

Freya(hybrid wolf) says "Someone is attacking Tabitha"
Freya(hybrid wolf) says "I don't see her though"
"Well..." Tabitha says, after taking a bite of her ice cream, and then. She is thrown into darkness, and that cone is dropped down onto the nightmare ground. "It ... seems so."

Morgan says "Dear, you are."
Dean says "Yeah, him."
Dean nods towards Fayad.

Freya(hybrid wolf) says "Oh "
Morgan says "Anyone here not beside her is an enemy."
Dean says "And us, now, apparently."
Freya(hybrid wolf) says "Well Tabs go ahead and beat him up"
Fayad says "I'm not attacking shit. I'd be suicidal."
Freya(hybrid wolf) says "We'll stand here and look pretty"
Morgan says "Hell of an army..."
Freya(hybrid wolf) says "I don't even see tabs"
Freya(hybrid wolf) says "Where is she?"
Morgan says "Yes, because you're her enemy."
Dean says "You'll see her, soon."
Victoria says "I don't see anyone."
Fayad says "Great.. "
Freya(hybrid wolf) says "Oh I guess Morgan is here too"
Fayad says "I didn't do shit!"
Victoria smiles wryly.

Trevor grunts a reply out. "Right then."

Tabitha pulls out a chunk of clay. "Who is with me here?" She can guess. By voices. But all there is is dark, that she can not pierce. She stops moulding the clay, leaving it alone for a moment.

Trevor checks glances over at his watch, checking the time, and comes in close to Tabitha. "Trevor," he says to her - watching her shape the clay.

Morgan(wolf) growls soft at Trevor, not hostile.

Dean slowly draws out his sword, and the massive blade is twisted from side to side, swung idly before it is laid on his palm.

Freya(hybrid wolf) says "Hmm Fayad disappeared"
Freya(hybrid wolf) sticks close to Dean, seeming missing her rifle again. It makes her scowl as she flexes her claws.

Freya(hybrid wolf) says "Oh join the booths"
Freya(hybrid wolf) says "Fayad you here?"
Tabitha slips out of the dark but not to fire upon anyone in particular, but to at least see whom her foe is.

Dean says "Sorry, shit."
Dean says "Morgan, you're a fucking pest."
Freya gets in close to Morgan(wolf) and stabs her taser into the wolf's side, shocking her muscles as she nods to Dean, "Go for it."

Fayad winces. "I'll, uh- ouch, shit!"

Fayad says "Oh, Allah, I'm blind!"
Trevor grunts a small sound, readying his rifle for another shot. "The fuck?" he calls over to Fayad, "None of that shit."

Freya says "Just don't attack then"
Tabitha moves in closer to Fayad with a narrowed slit of her eyes, her little pistol pulled instead of her clay set upon the ground. "You are lucky that I only did that."

Fayad fades out of the nightmare.

Freya says "Vic "
Freya says "Attack Trevor "
Dean says "Nice. "
Victoria(wolf) swivels her head toward Trevor, charging toward him.

Tabitha takes a step back and assesses the situation. She chews on her lip, and takes aim at Victoria(wolf).

Morgan(wolf) is in the Knights, since people seem to be confused

Tabitha leaps back as Freya(hybrid wolf) leaps at her. She opens her mouth and speaks in a tongue

Victoria(wolf) fades out of the nightmare.

"God damn fucking wolves," Trevor mutters under his breath. "Why the fuck are there so many of you?"

Morgan(wolf) growls at someone, on her side

Morgan(wolf) is hit by someone despite being on her side

Morgan(wolf) is on her side

Freya says "You attacked me twice!"
Morgan(wolf) is on Tabs side

Dean says "Don't fucking flee from me now, bitch. You come right up to me and engage? I'm having your ass after this, Morgan."
"Tabitha," Trevor says, "No, she's in the Knights."

"I can't tell!" Tabitha calls out, but then, it comes clear, and there is a moment that she glances aside to Freya, "No hard feelings."

Dean glances at Trevor, with a narrowed look as well, but seems intent on only chasing after Morgan(wolf), for now, so the blade, it is hoisted up once more.

Freya(hybrid wolf) snarls as she leaps onto of Tabitha, throwing her head back to howl as she tries to tear into the woman underneath her

Morgan(wolf) could use protection if Trevor isn't too busy

Dean says "Should've left fucking Fayad eat it on his own, if I knew."
"No hard feelings," Trevor calls over to the wolf.

Mid-chant and lining up her athame to slice at Freya(hybrid wolf), Tabitha is knocked to the ground with a huff of air leaving her lungs.

Freya fades out of the nightmare.

Freya gives Matthew an apologetic shrug as ..the entire booth of people he's sitting with seems to have fallen asleep. "Sorry about that."

Morgan(wolf) fades out of the nightmare.

Freya says "Give me a moment"
Matthew squints at Freya for a moment... Then another moment. "What was -that-?", he wonders with a wrinkle of his nose.

Dean says "Finally. "
Tabitha scrambles backward on her hands and feet like a crab to move further away from Dean, a ritual there on her tongue.

Dean glances at Tabitha and Trevor, and the blade is sheathed on his back with a low sigh. "I could fucking shift and tear you two apart now, but.. Fuck it, have at it."

"You came in for a fight," Trevor mentions towards Dean. "It's exactly what we're doing."

Dean says "I came in thinking I'd be kicking Fayad's stupid face in."
Tabitha has a rather good notch on her kevlar where she'd been beaten and bloodied. "They came in after me," she says to Trevor.

Trevor snorts a laugh, "Nah, I did that already. Except, no kicking. Just a bullet to him."

Dean plucks an embedded bullet out of his shoulder, from his hauberk and flicks it to the ground.

Freya grumbles as she sits back down, rubbing her arm. She casts a sidelong glance towards Matthew, "Are you um aware?" She asks softly.

"But we are not allied, afterall." Tabitha aims her gun at Dean. "I think I will run out of bullets before you go down." But she tries.

Dean fades out of the nightmare.

Freya grumbles as she turns towards to Dean and bites him on the shoulder. Hard. "What were you biting at me for!"