\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Patrollogs/Jordans Ghost Banishing 240723

Jordans Ghost Banishing 240723

On an eventful day at Arkwright Cemetery, Jordan finds themselves face to face with three vexing spirits, notorious for their stubborn hauntings. As Jordan fumbles for their salt in panic — only to realize it's nearly depleted — the situation becomes dire. Nikolai and Korina step in, attempting to bolster Jordan's spirit and provide alternative means to confront these specters. Nikolai, emitting a golden glow, suggests the omnipresence of salt, even in the air they breathe, while Korina physically protects Jordan from the ghosts' attacks. Despite the encounters' high tension, Jordan's outbursts and the confusion over how to effectively banish the ghosts underscore the chaotic energy of the encounter.

As the battle against the spirits intensifies, with Jordan suffering phantom pains from the ghosts' attacks, Nikolai’s divine intervention grants Jordan a momentary respite, strengthening their resolve. With Korina’s help — who now appears in the form of a snow leopard — Jordan uses their own blood to forge a powerful, personal barrier against the spectral assailants. This act of bravery and self-sacrifice turns the tide, allowing Jordan to channel their focus into binding the ghosts’ essences and compelling them back into their graves. The once menacing spirits are finally vanquished in a dramatic whirlwind of spectral energy and music, signifying the restoration of peace to the cemetery and marking a pivotal moment of growth and triumph for Jordan.
(Jordan's ghost banishing)

[Mon Jul 22 2024]

On the Sprawling Hillside of Arkwright Cemetery

It is morning, about 80F(26C) degrees,

A haunting piano melody suddenly creeps over the graveyard as one by one, three spectral forms raise up into sight. Each is somewhat decayed and dressed in a mix of ballroom gown and old pirate garb, one wields a pair of flintlock pistols, another a wicked cutlass and the third a pair of sharp looking knives.

Jordan says "Oh, it WAS me- fuck."
Jordan walks in, then freaks out as the ghosts come up as soon as they enter the area. They flinch back, unprepared, then reaches into their pack for their salt.

Korina sighs. "If you fear too much they will keep coming," she tells Jordan a lie, moving over to them already for the stabbery and shootening that is sure to occur to them.

Jordan grumbles, "They've not come at all to me until today...." as they reach for their salt, digging into their pack as they realize that things have shifted.

The three spirits encircle the group, flicking in and out of reality as they coral them.

Well, that solves that. Nikolai lumbers back up to his feet, patting the poor headstone he'd been using as a seat. "I did not bring many tools," he warns. "And we only just banished these three some hours ago. Haven's most stubborn ghosts; fucking Blackburne." He sighs and steps forward towards the ghosts, a golden glow beginning to seep from his skin as he invokes the light of the sun to repudiate the spirits.

Korina helps by making Nikolai glow even more, until he almost hurts to look at.

Jordan grasps at a distraction, anything but the three troublemaker ghosts, "And Kittie, Repentance House, new Freshman. She's a Scion... but didn't want to share through text, in case Dean n Them got my phone, too." They studiously ignore the ghosts, feeling about desperately.

"Oh, good," Korina says, pleased with that bit of knowledge, though she doesn't reveal what she intends to do with that to the revealer. She's just studying the ghosts with an aloof air, keeping an eye on Jordan in case she has to drag them here or there to dodge a stab or a bullet shot while they look for their salt. "Forgot salt at home?" she questions.

Jordan finds the pouch, lifting it - only to find it almost gone, no doubt from the past two attempts, in addition to the normal shifting and sifting. They curse, "Mary's fucking goat-humping uncle! Fuck!"

Korina glances over at Nikolai with slightly wide eyes at Jordan's outburst; translation, please.

Korina then looks away immediately. Too bright.

The cutlass-wielder attacks Jordan, driving him back as the flintlock lady appears behind him, using the distraction to go through his pockets.

"You live in beach town, intern," Nikolai reminds Jordan. "There is salt in the air and in the earth." Speaking of things in the earth, he reaches over to pluck up one of the stones half-embedded in the dirt and begins to roll and crush it between his fingers. He's not so strong as to simply turn a piece of rock to dust in an instant - but he does seem to be managing it fairly quickly, breaking it down into a palmful of gravel as he goes. "Will this work, then? Not very pure."

To Korina, Nikolai murmurs, "He said he has no salt."

Jordan turns to the ghosts, expression taking one of horror, before turning to Korina desperately. "What- what do I do? Believe... what... what do I believe? I-" they glance at the ghosts again, and shivers. "The words, they don't matter, right? Right? Right. Just believe... in... uh... gods... they're coming for- ah!"

Korina womanhandles Jordan out of the way of the cutlass-wielder's blow by the collar, like a kitten getting picked up by the scruff and set elsewhere, and she 'tsk's at the ghosts in a disappointed manner. Rude of them to interrupt while they're in the middle of something. "Do I need to make you bleed again?" she questions Jordan in as stern a tone as she can manage, then glances over at Nikolai with a nod. "Like he said. Salt everywhere. You can cry and make a circle of it." Hopefully not that last suggestion.

Jordan looks incredulously at Nikolai - then regrets it, turning away, tears in their eyes as they deal with phantom pains on one side, phantom groping on another, and very real eye pain on the other front. "S-sure, yessss... yes, gimme. Don't let him-"

It's hard to believe that they've managed the last two relatively well, with how they fall apart now. Is it just the lack of salt? Or perhaps they're just too tired, it being far past when they normally sleep? They reach for the dirt, then pulls back, turning to Korina instead. "Y-yes... blood. I believe in blood. More than dirt. If he sees it again, maybe...."

Jordan's shoulder suddenly burns as the flicklock wielder materializes long enough to fire a shot into him, there's no visible wound.

"Jordan," Nikolai says again, clear and emphatic. "These ghosts will attack you, but they can only cause you pain. Like you said - there and gone." He holds a hand out towards Jordan and speaks a few words in Russian, and something settles into Jordan's spirit - nothing that takes away their freedom of choice, but bolstering them in executing their will.

Instead of the last time she'd done this, Korina decides to make things slightly more exciting this time. She pulls Jordan out of the way of the bullet /slightly/ too late, just ending up manhandling them again without much purpose as the shot sinks into their shoulder woundlessly. A disappointed 'tch', and she lets go and steps back.

Now more feline, Korina(snow leopard) pounces right on Jordan, knocking them heavily to the ground - there's no gravestone behind them to bash their skull on, thankfully - and rests one paw high on their chest, claws sliding out of their sheath to prick into the skin of their neck. There's a questioning rumble in her form - are they sure they want to bleed again?

The three spirits encircle the group, flicking in and out of reality as they coral them.

Jordan screams, the pain doing more to inflame their terror than an actual issue with pain... but they calm a bit, as the man of light grants a divine blessing. With a shiver, they turn back to the ghosts, looking furtively at them. "Y-you're right...," they agree, though pain was never the issue. Under their breath, they whisper, "They're not Cash... they're not his... not his soldiers-"

- and then they're on the ground. With a lethal, wild animal on their chest, claws near enough to their throat to cut it out... and they calm down even more. The sight of Korina(snow leopard) in her fluffy form seems to calm them further. "R-right. Let's... let's do this right."

Her ears pricked up to attention and her tail lashing back and forth in the air, Korina(snow leopard) gives it another minute or three for the beating of Jordan's heart to slow to a more manageable pace, and then chuffs out a breath and steps back onto the dirt, lifting her weight off them and allowing them to find their way to their feet again.

Jordan sits up, keeping their eyes on Korina(snow leopard) and letting their peripheral vision and hearing keep track of the ghosts. They keep their arm out for the cuts, face twitching in a grimace, but not fighting it. Then, they draw from their own blood, building the circle with their lifeforce. It quickly starts to resemble their first attempt with Nikolai, where they do their best to tune out the ghosts themselves, focusing more on their essences, their threads, and using blood to coax them, find them, bind them, and guide them.

Slowly and deliberately, so Jordan can see what she's doing, Korina(snow leopard) lifts a paw up to rake her claws shallowly down Jordan's forearm, letting a slow drip of blood run free. Not a mauling, just a controlled slicing of vulnerable, human flesh.

Jordan's shoulder suddenly burns as the flicklock wielder materializes long enough to fire a shot into him, there's no visible wound.

Like the last time, Korina(snow leopard) doesn't add in her arcane prowess to their attempts, letting Jordan make their way through this; messily, maybe, but undoubtedly effective. She keeps an eye on them, another on the ghosts, batting and pawing whenever they get too close, though material claws against immaterial spirits don't do a lot.

Jordan's shoulder suddenly burns as the flicklock wielder materializes long enough to fire a shot into him, there's no visible wound.

Jordan grits their teeth, growling in their pathetically human manner, as they push through the phantom bullet pain. Instead, they maintain their focus. If the ghosts can't hurt them, there's no reason to pay them any attention. And if they're ignoring them, there's no reason to be afraid. Again, it's not the pain the ghosts inflict that's the issue, but the fact that they're ghosts.

Korina(snow leopard) sadly lacks the vocal cords to make words currently, so instead she just sits near Jordan's feet and lets her tail brush lightly against their legs in approval, leaving some white fur behind as souvenir.

Jordan manages to work quickly now, their practice before coming to bear as they take the threads, and bind them, quickly, in blood, into the graves.

The three spirits begin to convulse and shake, they quickly move to grip each other, forming a tight circle as they spin faster and faster, strange orchestral music flowing through the air from nowhere before suddenly they are sucked down into the ground and vanish.