\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Patrollogs/Korinas Decursing Attempt 240704

Korinas Decursing Attempt 240704

(Korina's decursing attempt)

[Wed Jul 3 2024]

In a modern home gym containing a wrestling ring

It is about 80F(26C) degrees.

Korina says "I have a cursed necklace, if someone wants to help me not break it."
Korina says, quite simply, "I will not."
Korina says, quite simply, "I will not."
Korina says "... depending on how fast you are done. What do you have to do for avoiding expulsion?"
Korina says, followed by some just-barely-audible mumblings about renovations, "I have it. It is... uh. I was cleaning the old room with the trash. I should not have picked it up."
Korina says "We can do it in the hallway if you want. Maybe not safe to set the apartment on fire... I will put on some clothes."
Korina says "You are silly, pork chop girl. If it does not involve magic, you are wasting time in school."
Konstantin nods to Korina, once. "Where is necklace. Let's do this." He cracks his fingers in preparation. He is dressed in his combat gear, head to toe black

And hey, would you look at that. Korina /does/ have a silver necklace in her hands that just screams 'cursed' even to one without a magic bone in their body like Konstantin. She's also holding a black tentacle of dubious origins in her other hand, and a jar of crickets tucked under her shoulder, as though all of these are vital curse-breaking things. The necklace is lifted up for Konstantin's appraisal. "We are trying to /not/ break it," she reminds him.

Nodding, Konstantin takes in the situation. He licks his lips pensively and sniffs once. "It would solve the problem", he suggests, patting his right pocket. The vague imprint of a gun is visible through the cloth; a revolver. It, presumably, does not have 'decurser 5000' written on the side of it but who knows until we see it.

"Only if you want your eyebrows to be gone like your hair." Korina tells Konstantin with a little sniff - and then immediately regrets it, her face scrunching up like she's trying not to say something Very Rude about his smell. She's on her best behavior today, apparently. "All that curse energy will blow up in your face and then Pork Chop Girl will laugh at you." she knows where to hit where it hurts most.

"I would not want that", Konstantin admits. She does. The most.

"Still, what will we do? What kind of curse is it? Mindbreaking when you wear it? Bad luck for twenty years? Terrible taste in vehicle?", Konstantin enquires academically, going through the list of life's greatest evils. "What can I do?"

Korina says, very, very belatedly, "Also - you are neglecting your lessons with me. "
Now that that bit of information has been passed along to the void of faction communications where Pork Chop Girl may or may not be listening, does Korina /finally/ pay attention to the necklace in her hands, holding it up to the light. "I think something elemental. But if I was going to curse someone I would make them not able to eat meat. Can you imagine being forced to be vegetarian?" That last word comes upon a hiss, and she belatedly tells Konstantin, "Be ready to close your eyes, just in case."

An arc of lightning blasts out of the artifact to strike Korina, sending her flying.

"How will I know to close eyes?", Konstantin asks, nodding attentively to Korina. "Will you say or do I have to- BOZHE MOI!", Konstantin begins jovially before the lightning attack. He immediately draws his revolver, pointing it at the necklace, shuffling forward in a steady shooting stance. "The curse! shit!", Konstantin begins before looking over to Korina, "My eyes were open!"

There's a loud thud of Korina being pushed back against the wall with the current of electricity that runs through her and makes all her hair stand on end, comically, and even louder than that is the YELP she lets out, almost dropping the thing if it wasn't for, well, the electricity. Her fingers are clenched tightly around the thing, too tight to let go now. "I /hate/ this curse," she frowns, then peers at Konstantin as though unsure why he's pointing those guns /right at her/. She hasn't quite developed the reflex to be scared of guns being pointed at her during her stay on earth, it would seem. "Okay, that was... some of the magic out." A long stare at the necklace, as though seeing if it's got any more magic to expel. She holds it up to the light again. "Maybe not you can kill it without losing your eyebrows."

Do necklaces blink? Korina seems to think they do.

The artifact emits a flash of blinding light.
"Change to animal, then you will not have eyebrows to lose", Konstantin suggests helpfully. That's the main concern here clearly, since that's what Korina mentions the most. The curse is whatever at this stage.

He lowers his revolver to point it at the floor instead, resting his trigger finger on the guard, but remains ready to deploy it should the necklace come to deserve a good shooting-at.

HE SCREWS HIS EYES SHUT JUST IN TIME! "It blinked! It blinked!"

Korina's hair is still standing on end, like she's Goku and this is an episode of Dragon Ball Z where she has to charge up her kamehameha to defeat the evil, or however that works. She was ready for the blink though - see, necklaces /do/ blink! And her reflexes were also fast enough to close her own eyes in time.

"I will have so much fur to lose," she tells Konstantin, frowning at his awful bad terrible suggestion, before providing more advice, "Don't yell at it. It can sense your fear." Is that the truth? Korina seems inclined to let Konstantin believe it.

"I am afraid of NOTHING!", Konstantin announces furiously like he is Goku and this is an episode of Dragon Ball Z where he has to charge up her kamehameha to defeat the evil, or however that works. He lurches forward, reaching to try and snatch the necklaces from her hand and hurl it at the ground, clawing at her (humanform) paws.

Once the necklace is enfloored, he points his weapon down at it and aims up, gritting his teeth. "Any more and I'll do it. This thing need to -stop- the bullshit, blyat."

An arc of lightning blasts out of the artifact to strike Korina, sending her flying.

Konstantin yelps and withdraws his hand, zapped upon knocking it onto the ground, causing a discharge.

Good news: Korina does let go of the necklace to let it fall to the ground. Bad news: Konstantin's letting the necklace sense all his fear and the cursed artifact is eating it up like it's Thanksgiving dinner - so it shouldn't come as a surprise at all when it counter-attacks the smackening by sending a bolt of lightning into Korina, who has done nothing wrong at all. She jumps again with another yelp, and bats at Konstantin's hands in return to send some of that static electricity through him instead. Sharing is caring, and all that. They're true Russian comrades here. "Deep breaths! Deep breaths. I know it is an asshole fuckface motherfucker butthead who the ground wouldn't want to rot in it-" Is she still talking about just a necklace? She's got a mouth on her, apparently. This is what too much internet exposure does to a wildling. "-but you need to /be calm/, okay?" And for what it's worth, she does sound plenty calm herself, even if she's shooting daggers at the necklace on the ground now and then.

An arc of lightning blasts out of the artifact to strike Konstantin, sending him flying.

"I am calm", Konstantin announces, gritting his teeth as the shared shock makes him twitch violently for a moment. "It sensed fear in you and struck. I will show it not to fuck with the-" BLAM, Konstantin pulls the trigger.

Bweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee goes the tinnitus in his ears as he comes round, having been lightning-blasted from his feet in reponse to the gunshot, the amulet clearly not enjoying gunfire either. "Blyat!.. What the shit?", the russian remarks, rubbing at his jaw having clenched HARD upon being shocked. He hops to his feet shortly after, stepping forward and twisting his hips on a heel to round-kick the necklace across the floor, into the wall, in frustration. "Fucking thing!"

With a final burst of power the curse on a silver necklace is broken.