\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Patrollogs/Korinas Decursing Attempt 240719

Korinas Decursing Attempt 240719

(Korina's decursing attempt)

[Thu Jul 18 2024]

In a carpeted library filled with books and trinkets

Carpeted in a deep, plush fabric that muffles footsteps underneath, this lavish library is graced with rich wood paneling from floor to ceiling, with built-in bookshelves lining the eastern and northern walls, some filled with books and others with mechanical and magical trinkets. Large windows overlook Paine Avenue to the south, heavy curtains ready to be drawn for a more serene atmosphere as needed. Directly in front of these windows is a seating area with a couple of overstuffed armchairs and a small side table holding a lamp that casts a warm glow over the room.

It is morning, about 94F(34C) degrees, and there are a few wispy white clouds in the sky.

Korina carries the cursed necklace over to the armchairs near the windows after drawing the curtains open, sprawling out upon the plush surface and lifting the necklace up to examine it. "What are you..." she questions the jewelry as though it's going to answer her, a little frown on her face.

The necklace takes much too long to answer, so Korina just sighs out a breath and starts actually working in earnest. Her fingers trace along the little runes etched into the sides of the metal, circling around the whole piece of jewelry while she hums lowly to herself.

An arc of lightning blasts out of the artifact to strike Korina, sending her flying.

"OW!" It's a good thing Korina was seated already, so all that bolt of lightning does is shift the armchair out of place. She blinks at the necklace, huffing out an annoyed breath, and then places it upon the table so she can begin drawing a circle in blood around it to decurse it.

Growing air pressure makes your ear's pop uncomfortably and deadens all sound.
A soft growl escapes Korina's throat, the woman rubbing at her ears in irritation as they pop. "Stop that," she tells the necklace, continuing her ruining of the table as she stains it with more blood.

For several seconds the room grows painfully hot.
Slow, steady. The air-conditioning is working on overdrive, like it always is in here. Korina pauses only briefly to fan herself with her hand, but her work is almost done. Nothing too complicated - just a simply decursing. She can handle this with no problem.

With a final burst of power the curse on a silver necklace is broken.