\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Patrollogs/Korinas Ghost Banishing 240628

Korinas Ghost Banishing 240628

In the unsettling ambiance of Arkwright Cemetery, a trio of ghostly apparitions, each donning an eerie ensemble of ballroom and pirate attire, emerges amidst a haunting piano melody. Korina, alongside Gabriel and Harriet, find themselves confronted by these spectral pirates, engaging in a banter that touches on identity and allegiance. Gabriel reveals he's not your typical order member but rather the Acting Interim Chief of Temple Operations in Haven, while Harriet and Korina exchange quips, hinting at past exploits and reputations. The encounter escalates as one ghost pins Korina in place, prompting her to shift into her snow leopard form, initiating a playful yet fierce skirmish with the spirits.

As the battle unravels, Gabriel and Harriet discuss tactics and personal anecdotes, revealing their perspectives on the supernatural creatures and their own pasts, including Harriet's lament over her stolen dog. Korina, in her snow leopard guise, displays a mix of ferocity and playfulness, undeterred by the ghosts' attempts to harm her. Despite being targeted, she continues to challenge the ghosts with agility and sly attacks. The situation reaches a climax when Korina, deciding she's had enough of the spectral nuisances, shifts back to human form and employs a dazzle of arcanist abilities to banish the ghosts once and for all. The specters are forcibly drawn into a vortex, disappearing into the earth, leaving the trio amidst a quieter, yet still eerie, cemetery. Gabriel and Harriet, through this ghostly confrontation, showcase a blend of concern, camaraderie, and a glimpse into their thoughts on dealing with the supernatural realm, marking an end to this unexpected graveyard skirmish.
(Korina's ghost banishing)

[Thu Jun 27 2024]

On the Sprawling Hillside of Arkwright Cemetery

It is afternoon, about 84F(28C) degrees,

A haunting piano melody suddenly creeps over the graveyard as one by one, three spectral forms raise up into sight. Each is somewhat decayed and dressed in a mix of ballroom gown and old pirate garb, one wields a pair of flintlock pistols, another a wicked cutlass and the third a pair of sharp looking knives.

Gabriel raises a brow. "Frosty the biter?" she asks Harriet, curiously.

"... Order people." Korina finally realizes after she's dubbed Frosty the Biter, baring her teeth at Harriet for just a second. May as well live up to the name. Gabriel's just getting lumped in with 'Order people', apparently.

Gabriel wags a hand. "Actually, Acting Interim Chief of Temple Operations in Haven," he informs Korina.

Harriet looks amused by Korina's reaction to her and then she confirms, "Yes, an Order person," to the other woman. "You're famous after that threat to Rachel," she expresses, and then listens as Gabriel explains he is not one of the do gooder Orderites, but... alas, a Templar.

The dual-knife wielder disappears before her arms suddenly emerge from the ground, stabing into the feet of Korina to keep her in place as the cutlass wielder swoops forward.

Korina glances between Gabriel and Harriet, back and forth. "Temple. Order. Almost the same thing here." She says, then decides she's too tired for conversation and gets to doing what she does best: Frosting and Biting.

Gabriel raises a brow. "Oh, a famous threat? I'm out of the loop it seems." He gestures emphatically, then as the ghosts assault someone, she moves swiftly to try to protect her, then blinks as she...shapeshifts, raising a brow.

Gabriel raises a brow. "Oh, a famous threat? I'm out of the loop it seems." He gestures emphatically, then as the ghosts assault the woman, he moves swiftly to try to protect her, then blinks as she...shapeshifts, raising a brow.

Korina(snow leopard) snarls loudly and snaps at the air, batting at the dual-knife pirate ghost with one large, claw-tipped murder-mitten. It's almost like play-fighting, given the swish of her fluffy tail through the air.

Gabriel gazes at Harriet. "That tail is quite ludicrously fluffy, is it not?"

Harriet scrunches her nose and glances around the area as Korina(snow leopard) shifts right in the open. Her attention turns to Gabriel, who she assumes should be highly offended by this display by a supernatural in the middle of a cemetery -- and it is clear she thinks this given the expression across her facial features. "It is, Templar."

Look, is anyone really going to care about Korina(snow leopard) shifting in the open when they're beset by /ghosts/? The woman-now-leopard obviously doesn't give a fuck, just wiggling her furry butt in the air before she launches herself at another spirit, jumping right through it to land on all four paws upon the ground. Whee.

Gabriel doesn't seem as concerned, perhaps it's due to the fact they're fighting ghosts right now that he isn't as pressed. Still, there's a moment of calculation in his expression. "Gabriel, please. Or Mister Williams," he replies somewhat casually.

Harriet raises both of her eyebrows when a Templar does not have a negative reaction to Korina(snow leopard), and then she shrugs her shoulders. "I am used to the overzealous types in charge. The ones who think that even I am a problem," she tells Gabriel, and then moves a hand to grab her bag of sea salt, per usual.

Korina(snow leopard)'s shoulder suddenly burns as the flicklock wielder materializes long enough to fire a shot into her, there's no visible wound.

Gabriel laughs. "I've heard all about my formers dust ups with Haven. And considering its all but shot the temples operations into the ground, I think perhaps it's best someone with a better temper is in charge." He shakes his head. "If I see it, I am less concerned than if I hear about it. The road to helping this world is a long one, and it won't be done through extreme conflict. Force is a tool to be applied judiciously," he explains to Harriet. He holds out his hand for some salt.

Korina(snow leopard) is having the time of her life, really. While Gabriel and Harriet stand around casually conversing, she's beset with the zoomies, attempting to tag each and every one of the spirits - there's only three, so it's not that hard - with claws and teeth. There's a low growl that rumbles in her form when that one guy fires a shot into her, but she recovers with a long pounce at the flintlock-wielder, rolling right through him and chuffing out a playful breath.

Harriet reaches into the bag of sea salt and hands some to Gabriel, gently placing it in his offered hand. After, she begins to sprinkle some of the grainy, grey stuff around herself on the ground as Korina(snow leopard) gets attacked by the specters. "Do you know anything about ghost banishing?" she asks curiously.

Gabriel offers a gentle smile towards Korina(snow leopard). "Also, I while I prefer dogs, one cannot deny the amusement offered by a playful cat, can we?" He takes the salt and begins to pray softly. "I know enough, that it is more art than science. Lacking an arcanist with the power to pull the trigger, one most simply allow the ghost to exhaust the energy they are provided," he intones formally. He casts the salt at the specters, carefully of Korina(snow leopard).

The cutlass-wielder attacks Korina(snow leopard), driving her back as the flintlock lady appears behind her, using the distraction to go through her pockets.

Hopefully Harriet asked that question to Gabriel, because Korina(snow leopard) isn't listening. The zoomies are too strong. She runs past, kicking up a cloud of graveyard-dirt - disrupting Harriet's salt-spreading in the process when there's dirt kicked over the minerals - to yeet herself from one ghost to another, teeth closing around air instead of flesh when she attempts to bite. That's okay, she's not disheartened.

Gabriel taps a chin. "I am distinctly reminded of cats with a laser pointed? Have you seen such videos online?" he asks Harriet. He gestures. "I've heard it can be bad psychologically for cats, to fail to catch the prey they hunt, but," he nods. "She seems fine."

Harriet narrows her hazel eyes, gazing Korina(snow leopard)'s way after Gabriel's comment about cats. "I also prefer dogs," she comments. "But someone stole my goodest girl a few weeks after I moved to this town. He threatened to kill her and leave her body parts all over town, and I have no idea what ever became of my sweet Charlotte," is said in a saddened tone. Her head tilts and she gives a confirming nod about laser pointers. Both naturally arched eyebrows raise and she gazes at Korina(snow leopard) thoughtfully. "Does she seem fine?"

Gabriel's face expresses deep compassion as Harriet shares this tale. "I am...terribly sorry to hear that Harry." He exhales softly. "This world is full of wicked and lost people." He gazes at Korina(snow leopard) but, it doesn't really seem pointed. "I am sure she was simply released and found a new home. Dogs are capable like that." He says with utter confidence of this likely ridiculous outcome. He nods again. "Fine enough, for now. Perhaps she simply had a big breakfast and is burning it off?" he offers to Harriet.

One of the ghosts tries to go through Korina(snow leopard)'s pockets, and comes out sorely disappointed when it turns out leopard don't have pockets. Alas. Korina(snow leopard) lets her tail fwoosh through that ghost, letting her know what she thinks about thievery with a mrrrphing noise. She's paused to lick her paws clean of dirt for now. One needs breaks in the middle to zoom well.

The three spirits encircle the group, flicking in and out of reality as they coral them.

Harriet seems to be making some sort of a mental note, and her hazel eyes narrow considerably as she silently mouths something that looks like, "Laser pointer," but then she nods again to Gabriel. Throwing a handful of salt over at the ghosts to see if it does anything at all. "One can hope," she says of her stolen hound. As the specters move in, she backs up, huddling and not on purpose. "She was of a very important line..." gets murmured about her beloved pet. Then she supposes, "A leopard might make a good replacement, though. I do have a very impressive cat at home. He's not from around here... Asad is his name. I rehomed him once, but... we found him left alone, so... he's back living with me again."

"I call him Carne Asad-a," Harriet feels the need to share as she tosses more salt at the ghosts. "Because when he attacks me, I feel like turning him into a burrito, but... he's also too cute."

Gabriel watches Korina(snow leopard). Mostly with a protective impulse, but seems to keep himself in check, trusting the critter to fight with ghosts. He smiles at Harriet and nods. "I doubt our friend here is looking for a home," he notes. Then smiles. "That is deeply deeply adorable," he assures Harriet without really seeming to reflect it. It seems sincere enough, perhaps he is just like that.

Hey, just because Korina(snow leopard)'s got animalistic instincts doesn't mean she can't understand what Gabriel and Harriet are talking about. There's a warning growl up at Harriet, either at being called replacement, or because she gets sprinkled with salt from being too close to the ghosts - it's hard to tell. Korina(snow leopard)'s still licking at her paw though - there's a really stubborn bit of dirt stuck in her fur. And then she shakes off her fur like a wet dog, sending salt sprinkling back over to Harriet and Gabriel. Hopefully it's not the people-banishing salt instead of the ghost-banishing salt.

Korina(snow leopard)'s shoulder suddenly burns as the flicklock wielder materializes long enough to fire a shot into her, there's no visible wound.

Harriet purses her lips when Gabriel says that it is adorable that sometimes she'd like to slaughter a cat, but she does not comment on that. Instead, she nods, verrrry slowly at the Templar. "Mm," comes out in a confirming hum of a sound. Hazel eyes focus on Korina(snow leopard) when she's growling, and the tall brunette steps forward. "You could play with Asad," she informs Korina(snow leopard), but then the ghost is taking aim and firing, and she tries to dive ahead to protect the big kitty. However, she is not successful.

Gabriel was describing the nickname as cute. He doesn't -really- think she intends to turn him into a burrito! He winces and half steps closer to do the same but, two people diving and failing to block a shot? That's truly ludicrus.

There's something to be said about feline instinct, and no good deed ever goes unpunished, as everyone knows. Korina(snow leopard) hisses at Harriet for getting too close even when she's smacked in the shoulder with a ghost-bullet, and the kitty cat finally decides she's finished with her grooming - or is forced to retaliate out of pride, more likely, much meooOWRRR following the flintlock shot. There's a swipe of claws at the flintlock wielder, who is discerned to be the public enemy number one for that annoying hit.

The three spirits encircle the group, flicking in and out of reality as they coral them.

Harriet had hit the ground pretty hard as calculating the exact trajectory and speed of a ghostly bullet proved more difficult than she had expected. Lying there on her side, she throws some more salt directly at the ghost, which might annoy the flintlock wielder. Her body is then respositioned as she sits up, backing up via a scoot as the trio begins to move in, right towards Korina(snow leopard).

Okay, Korina's had her fun. She leaps right through one of the ghosts when in leopard form and shifts back mid-air to land upon human legs, straightening from the crouch she's landed in without missing a beat. Very impressive, if acrobatics skills impress anyone here. "I want a nap now," she informs the ghosts with a snap of her fingers that brings bright motes of prismatic light into existence all around the group - they may be encircling them, but now she's got her light encircling the ghosts, and she's done playing. Hey, turns out they had an arcanist after all, she just wasn't interested in doing the actual banishing from the start - sorry Gabriel.

Gabriel moves to offer Harriet a hand as he steps over murmuring some latin prayers under his breath. As effective as salt, maybe, but he remains calm and focused. He averts his gaze as Korina shifts back, letting out a firm nod as she uses the power to finish them off. He'd be annoyed if well, anything of consequence had happened to another other than the person who decided to goof around.

With that baggy of salt in hand, Harriet is flinging more of the sticky, Celtic grains at the ghosts. She seems certain it does /something/. What it does, though, who knows. Determined, she continues on, and she watches as Korina jumps through and shifts again. Her head tilts over what is said to the specters, and then glances over at Gabriel briefly.

Gabriel stares at his outstretched hand for a moment longer and eventually pulls it back.

The three spirits begin to convulse and shake, they quickly move to grip each other, forming a tight circle as they spin faster and faster, strange orchestral music flowing through the air from nowhere before suddenly they are sucked down into the ground and vanish.