\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Patrollogs/Korinas Syndicate Bargain 240712

Korinas Syndicate Bargain 240712

(Nikolai's syndicate bargain)

[Thu Jul 11 2024]

In Town Hall Southern Meeting Room

It is about 70F(21C) degrees.

Nikolai says "Hm. "
Korina says "That was the right room."
Korina goes to stand near the doorway, peeking out to see if anyone else is on their way up here.

Korina seems disappointed regardless of what she'd expected, her lips immediately turning into a frown. "Vampire," she tells Nikolai, moving over to take a seat on the couch and recline back, utterly at ease. "They are all a little gross, I think."

"Well, well," Nikolai muses, looking Zdenik up and down. There's a pregnant pause, awaiting some grand conclusion... But eventually he just turns and says to Korina, "I have no idea who this is. A Redeemer, apparently. And no Sanctuary. That's unfortunate."

Korina has noticed the red too, yes - it's a little hard to miss. "Who did you kill?" she questions Zdenik idly, jumping to the conclusion immediately despite not seeming too concerned about the well-being of some nameless individual who may or may not have died to Zdenik's fangs. Likely not, considering his Sect, but one can never know, right?

If Korina's comment of his ilk bothers Zdenik at all, the vampire gives no indication of it what so ever. "How astute of you," he murmurs, cocking his head to Nikolai and holding up his bound hands with a raised eyebrow. "Is this truely necessary? Surely we are capable of having a civilised conversation without such... unpleasantness." A faint smile tugs at the corners of his pale lips then, his glacial gaze trecking back to the woman seated on the couch. "That depends, I suppose. To which decade might you be refering? The list is... a rather lengthy one."

"Normally," Nikolai murmurs in reply, glancing across to Korina, "We would simply feed from you and be done with things. But you are a vampire, which makes you less... appetising... and you had this pizdec scenario occur where you manage to get sold at auction without sanctuary. I sympathise. But you are up shit creek. Ball is in our court, as they say." He runs his fingers through his hair in thought, then says to Korina, "If nothing else, we can simply drain his blood and use it as party favours, later?"

"I don't like sass," Korina sighs out, planting her elbow upon the arm of her end of the sectional, and propping her chin atop it. "Don't be annoying," she tells Zdenik, as though he's supposed to know exactly what she finds annoying or not. She lifts her shoulder in a lazy half-shrug at Nikolai's words. "We will need a party for that," she informs the man who isn't bound matter-of-factly. "And that sounds boring. I thought you did things in more expensive ways, like... making him stand in the corner of the room like a vee-tap." She doesn't mean that, surely. It's just a thought said to see Zdenik's reaction to it.

Korina has chosen to ignore the question of whether Zdenik being bound is necessary, so maybe she just prefers it that way.

"So it would seem," Zdenik muses, effecting a shrug that tries for something as close to graceful as he can manage, given his bonds. "I had thought no less when the situations were reversed, after all, and business is business." He mostly directs this to Nikolai in a tone of some familiarity, with the situation if not the parties involved, then his gaze snags on the man's signet ring. "Still. I think of no reason to be rude, all the same. Or am I to remain ignorant of the names of my... hosts," he intones with a faint of careful uncertainty to the word.