\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Patrollogs/Korinasnow Leopards Nightmare Battle With Selina 240709

Korinasnow Leopards Nightmare Battle With Selina 240709

(Korina(snow leopard)'s nightmare battle with Selina)

[Mon Jul 8 2024]

In a brick and wood-paneled living area with a skylight
A warm beige colors the walls in this living room, trimmed at the top and the bottom by dark oak. A pair of broad windows dominate the northeastern and southeastern walls, flanking the eastern archway and providing clear views of the garden. The floors of this simple, tastefully decorated living room are immaculate, hypoallergenic hardwood with a matte, natural stain applied. The skylight above brightens the room with natural light when the sun is out. In the evening, recessed floor lights in each corner of the room keep the living room gently illuminated.

Dominating the centre of the living space is a very large rug in a deep shade of blue and an overstuffed cream sectional. A low coffee table in a gorgeous rosewood is arranged in the middle. The only other thing of note in the room is a great deal of greenery. Small and large, potted or hanging, there are ferns, palms and ivy plants placed all over the space as a form of decoration.

It is afternoon, about 97F(36C) degrees, and there are a few wispy white clouds in the sky.

Selina glances around once she gets settled and ready. She notices something through the nightmare, then looks over at Calista. She nods then and reaches out to pat Calista on the shoulder. "This will be over quickly," she comments from behind her mask.

Calista OOCly just got a stupid emergency work phone call right as she signed in and side note has no idea what is going on.

Korina(snow leopard) did not have her gear in her stash -- this really will be over quickly.

Calista wonders why she is wearing only a dress shirt???

Korina(snow leopard) has been prowling around the nightmare, sniffing ineffectually at anything and everything she can sniff at. Finally, though, she catches sight of Selina and Calista, a light meowrrRRR escaping her before she makes a run for it, leaping right towards them.

Selina aims an arrow at Korina(snow leopard) and jumps in between the leopard and Calista, trying to make sure to keep the half nude woman safe. As soon as the arrow is loosed, her string hand moves to draw her rapier to prepare to meet Korina(snow leopard) in melee, ready to block her attacks. Despite the confines of the fight and the fact she is trying to keep Calista safe, she moves with a fluid, martial grace that suggests she is at least competent in combat.

Selina maintains her stance in front of Calista and tucks her bow away behind her back. With a deft movement to switch sword hands, she sends off a quick spell toward Korina(snow leopard), not really super effective at this range, but she leaves no openings to get to Calista. The spell requires a quick couple of movements with her right hand, and the words, "Raui-o Echor!" before a chilly beam shoots toward Korina(snow leopard).

Duck, weave, and leap again - Korina(snow leopard) has little to say owing to a lack of human vocal cords, but she's impressively vocal regardless, a hissss and a snarl with bared teeth being snapped Selina's way when she dodges that beam of chilly magic. Another short bounding of furred feline feet crosses the scant distance between the leopard and the other two women, and dangerously-clawed mittens come up to bat at the more combat-oriented of the duo, clearly recognizing the threat here, though she maintains a defensive stance, fur mildly poofed up. She's more interested in the fight than she is at trying to get to Calista hiding behind the sorceress.

Selina manages to slip to the side to avoid Korina(snow leopard)'s claws without leaving an opening to get to Calista, so she does. She does not broker any space to allow the claws to get near Calista, but she does try to take any opening she can find, especially aiming for Korina(snow leopard)'s belly and side when the fierce feline goes for any attacks. She reaches out with her right hand to grab Calista's wrist to keep her constantly moving and behind her as she dances with the shifted woman.

Korina(snow leopard)'s tail lashes behind her, back and forth rapidly in aggression while she attempts to dodge strikes of the rapier - sharp blades do not look particularly appealing to this feline, and she lets out a fierce snarl - falling much short of a roar, sadly, if only leopardine throats were made for such a thing - before lunging at Selina once more, claws and teeth bared in more of an all-out attack. Calista is an afterthought, if even that, going ignored - by Korina(snow leopard), at least - while the duel goes on.

Selina keeps Calista behind her and continues to dance, duck, and dodge the swipes from Korina(snow leopard). Her steel leaps out at opportune moments, trying to catch Korina(snow leopard) where she can or at least potentially make her regret over-extending or over-aggression, if that can even be done. She backs away a little after the latest clash, raising her blade up in a defensive position. Behind her gas mask, she starts panting softly with the exertion, shaking her head as she analysis the situation.

Korina(snow leopard) isn't looking her best either, to be fair. Some of the dodges have been by the skin of her teeth, and others have managed to slip past her guard enough to make the leopard prowl low to the ground, hurt or just wary enough to put more thoughts into her movements now. Alas, the range of her claws isn't quite able to match up to the reach of Selina's rapier, and so all she does for now is flick those stabby little paws out in hopes of catching Selina's ankle or somesuch while she looks for a more opportune moment.

While Calista stays behind her, Selina presses the attack when Korina(snow leopard) goes low, faking to one side before committing to the other in a spin. She slips her blade under Korina(snow leopard)'s guard to land an ineffectual blow as she goes by, pulling Calista with her as she shuffles into a position behind the Korina(snow leopard) for a split second. She once more raises her rapier in a defensive posture to try to keep the vicious claws away from her and Calista.

That hurt, ineffective as it may have been. Korina(snow leopard) lets out a loud yowl, reacting just a split second too late to keep the rapier from smacking against the side of her belly, and the resulting reaction is nothing but pure animalistic survival instinct, a flurry of claws and teeth snapping at Selina without care for the pain that's sure to follow this bad, bad decision - or perhaps owing to it; if she's going to be hurt, may as well make sure Selina suffers the same.

Selina cries out from behind her mask as her right arm gets claw marks down through her leather armor. She pushes Calista away with that arm, to keep her from getting clawed as well, then shuffle steps around Korina(snow leopard) to get back between the other two. Her rapier flashes several times, probing for another weak spot in Korina(snow leopard)'s guard, eventually finding one for another ineffectual wound. She backs away from Korina(snow leopard) and into Calista before crouching down, panting and likely gritting her teeth behind her mask against the pain of the cuts along her right arm.

There's another pained yowl as Selina's rapier scrapes along one of Korina(snow leopard)'s arms, and the feline attempts to a muzzle full of sharp teeth to snap shut around Selina's ankle while still trying to protect her more sensitive body parts from harm - it's not a foolproof strategy, but maybe it works, just a tiny bit. Could be a lot better, if we're being critical here. The bodysuit really gets in the way; nobody likes the taste of leather.

Thankfully, the leather armor of her boots holds up better than that of her sleeves, and while Korina(snow leopard) does get a good mouthful of ankle, none of the fangs manage to penetrate deeper. It does lead to Selina being off balance a little as she has to wrench her foot free to get her footing to stab at Korina(snow leopard) once more. "This is it. If you've got anything to commit, now's the chance," she mentions aside to Calista as she raises her rapier for what she expects to be the final blow of the fight.

Scrabble, scrabble, scrabble. Korina(snow leopard)'s hindpaws bat at Selina's leg in that catly way, and her jaws snap shut around her ankle - if the other woman attempts to move away, it'll likely result in her dragging Korina(snow leopard) along with it, because she's got her teeth sunk in there nice and tight after a bit of adjustment, and she's not planning on letting go. There's a muffled mrrrrph around the mouthful - almost human. If Selina wants to read into it a bit (or maybe a lot), that might be something along the lines of 'good fight'.

Selina fades out of the nightmare.

And now it's just Calista and Korina(snow leopard) in here. The leopard takes a moment to clean her muzzle of blood - she's still wounded and on the brink of collapsing, but she doesn't dare to let herself relax while there's an 'enemy' still nearby, even if the enemy in question is half-naked and pretty helpless, all things considered. There's a weak swat of claws at Calista, maybe judge to gauge how easily her skin shreds beneath those claws.

Not a threat, then. Korina(snow leopard) considers Calista for a moment longer, then rakes her claws along the woman's unprotected leg in one long, clean swipe, enough to bring her jerking back to the waking world.

Calista fades out of the nightmare.