\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Patrollogs/Meridiths Ghost Banishing 240623

Meridiths Ghost Banishing 240623

On an eerie dusk at Arkwright Cemetery, an unexpected clash unfolds between a resolute group, including Meridith, Sara, Miranda, and Harriet, and a trio of ghostly pirates, each armed with fearsome weaponry from an era long passed. These spectral adversaries, draped in fashion akin to a blend of haunted ballroom and pirate garb, emerge with the uncanny melody of a ghostly piano, signaling the beginning of an ominous confrontation. Meridith, undeterred, greets the ethereal pirates with a mix of defiance and diplomacy, eliciting a complex tapestry of plans from her allies. Sara, wielding optimism as her sword, attempts a more straightforward, albeit futile, negotiation with the undead. Meanwhile, Harriet and Miranda, each equipped with their unique strengths — Celtic sea salt and an intricate knowledge of the supernatural — prepare to ward off the spectral menaces in their own ways.

As the skirmish escalates, each character’s resolve is tested by the pirates' relentless attacks. Meridith showcases her quick wit and physical agility, dodging flintlock bullets and engaging in swordplay without a sword, a performance so daring it could belong in the midst of a swashbuckling saga. The battle is both a spectacle of physical prowess and a testament to their determination to protect the living realm from these restless spirits. Miranda, drawing upon her spiritual connections, invokes the assistance of a deity, hoping to dispel the ghostly encroachers with divine intervention. In a dramatic climax, the unity and individual strengths of the group begin to turn the tide. The spectral assailants, momentarily bewildered by the combined efforts of earthly and divine powers, engage in a final, desperate gambit, spiraling into a vortex of their own making before being forcefully banished back to the ether, leaving behind a resonant silence and a tale of courage, wit, and an unlikely alliance against the spectral remnants of piracy.
(Meridith's ghost banishing)

[Sat Jun 22 2024]

On the Sprawling Hillside of Arkwright Cemetery

It is dusk, about 89F(31C) degrees, and there are a few wispy white clouds in the sky.

A haunting piano melody suddenly creeps over the graveyard as one by one, three spectral forms raise up into sight. Each is somewhat decayed and dressed in a mix of ballroom gown and old pirate garb, one wields a pair of flintlock pistols, another a wicked cutlass and the third a pair of sharp looking knives.

Sara says "Did you now?"
Meridith says "I'll expect a polite sorry, whenever you're ready"
Meridith smiles warmly at Miranda, and stretches out. "Howdy, old friends," she tips her head to the ghostly trio

"Always these three," Sara sighs.

Miranda is forced to eat her own words when the piano melody creeps across the graveyard. She snorts softly and says, "Lucky." then when she spies the ghost she winces faintly and goes on to say, "I'm tired of these three."

Harriet brushes some stray strands of brown hair from her face, tucking the locks behind an ear. A nod is given to Sara and then her attention turns to where the haunting melody begins to play.

The flintlock wielder unleashes a stream of spectral bullets, somehow not needing to reload as the group is forces to drop to the ground to avoid getting struck.

Sara ducks down, looking about. "Well, this time we have....flowers."

Meridith changes tactics, pulling a nearby gravestone out to block the shots against them as best she can. SPectral shots pass through, but the impact is cognitive not literal. She weathers the remaining impact much more easily.

As Harriet prepares to confront the spectral remnants of a pirate crew, long since perished but not at peace, the tall brunette stands firm on the grass here. Clad in her horseback riding attire, she does not look adapted for the night's task, but she pulls from her coat pocket a small bag of Celtic sea salt -- her favourite. With the stream of bullets coming at them, she immediately lets herself fall to the ground.

Miranda moans irritably till gun shots make her hit the deck, she falls to her knees over the grave and puts her headdown till she feels safe enough to raise it. She huffs and reaches up to tighten the bow in her hair to make sure everything is still perfect after the gunfire dissipates. "The last time I did a banishing ritual, it was only temporary for these three."

Meridith mm's. "Ah right, celtic sea salt from the purest region of...wherever," she smirks. Gazing over at Harriet for a moment, then shrugs gently, moving a little bit between the shots. Wary. "They are fueled by their Eidolon. I suspect. A spirit riling them up still." She muses.

The dual-knife wielder disappears before her arms suddenly emerge from the ground, stabing into the feet of Meridith to keep her in place as the cutlass wielder swoops forward.

"I'm gathering they're not fans of flowers," Sara frowns, brushing herself off after having taken cover behind Meridith. "That figures. But hey, we have the salt!" She frowns towards the knife wielding ghost with a sigh.

The first thing that Harriet does after rising back up to stand is mark out a boundary with the sea salt, doing her best to create a protective circle around herself. She glances over at Meridith who is mocking her choice of protection, but then she nods to Sara in full agreement. "We have the salt," gets repeated, and she checks to ensure Miranda still looks she's doing okay.

Meridith glowers down and tears herself free, skipping backwards as the cutlass wielder begins to swoop forth. Thankfully, in lieu of a weapon, Harry has salt.

Since Miranda is already on her knees, she stays there with bare knees in the grass. Meridith is taking the punishment and so the curly blonde takes her sweet time preparing a small circle by running a palm inches above the grass to coat it in a layer of frost till a circle of frosty grass is formed.

"Where have you been during this heatwave?" Sara asks Miranda, watching the grass frost over.

Meridith lets out a sound of complaint again. "We got a little climate controlled place in the wilds," she tells Harriet with a grin. "That's the key."

The three spirits encircle the group, flicking in and out of reality as they coral them.

Harriet gives an approving look Miranda's way as she sees how the blonde is seeking to confront the spirits. The salt is obviously a staple in the brunette's repertoire for warding off evil pirate ghosts, and she has it ready, forming that protective circle about herself, trying to use it as a barrier against the encroachment of the violent specters. She glances over at Meridith and says, "I have mulitple pools."

"Like air conditioning," Sara says wistfully, frowning up at the ghosts as they circle the group. "Nope, not today," she tells them, wagging a finger.

Meridith steps lightly as they are coraled into a tighter grouper. Not at all worried. She stretches out a bit and nods to Meridith. "Pools are good too, I suppose, but they attract pests."

"Basking in my air-conditioned apartment" Miranda teases Sara as she glances her way with a sly grin. She does not seem to have any fear of the three ghost, after-all they have appeared many of times and never claimed any real price for their visit. "I wish I could find a way to bottle these ghost up and dump them in a sewer drain."

Sara perks up visibly at the mention of bottling. "Oh, could we, do you think?" she asks Miranda. "The house in the Wilds feels like air conditioning, but I'd rather have one with me all the time. Portable like," she grins. She looks up, studying the ghosts again. "I feel like they'd all fit...."

"That's right, you did come and swim in it at the last party at my place," Harriet recalls, suggesting that Meridith is a pest in a lighthearted tone. She offers up the sweetest little smile after. She listens to both Miranda and Sara, considering the options for actually bottling up ghosts, but she just ends up biting at her lower lip.

"Unfortunately this isn't ghost busters. We don't get to suck them up into little bottles and do things like that." Miranda says, then she cracks her fingers before wiggling them in a spirit fingers gesture, "Nope instead we have to blast them with magical energy to disrupt their energies. Usually it only takes one go, but something more powerful is keeping these ones held together."

The three spirits encircle the group, flicking in and out of reality as they coral them.

Meridith dances this way and that, forcing them from keeping them away from her and the others as best she can, trying to buy everyone time. "It's the Eidolon," she repeats. A guess. She is certain though.

"I can tell them to leave if you want," Sara says in an attempt to be helpful.

"Back home, long ago, they would spread salt across the thesholds and nail an iron horshoe above the doors to prevent spirits from entering homes," Harriet relays to the group. "But I am not all that attuned to spirits, and have not done much studying on how to get rid of them. Although I would not be opposed to have Ghost Buster machines." She tosses some salt at the trio, and then tells Sara, "By all means."

Miranda huffs derisively, "Eidolons. Pretenders to the real gods." she then holds her hands out in front, palms up and calls upon one of those 'real gods' "Hermes, lend me the strength to banish these spirits. They are but a shadow, of a shadow. Their power is but a imitation of yours." her voice is strong, nearly commanding while she does this, but also, subordinate to the power that she is calling upon.

Sara nods her head, looking upwards. "Hey, you!" she says, wrinkling her nose. "We're all sort of sick of coming here over and over to continue to banish you away, so if you could just leave, that'd be fantastic," she gestures about her with a hand, attempting with niceness it seems.

The flintlock wielder unleashes a stream of spectral bullets, somehow not needing to reload as the group is forces to drop to the ground to avoid getting struck.

Meridith nods to Sara. "Your cursing is always appreciated, Sar-bear." She gives a little grin, then looks over to someone. "'Real' Gods? There's just the one. And it ain't any human sorcerer running amock," she insists. Then glances at the salt peppering them and snorts. She shifts back a little, then ducks fire.

Meridith nods to Sara. "Your cursing is always appreciated, Sar-bear." She gives a little grin, then looks over to Miranda. "'Real' Gods? There's just the one. And it ain't any human sorcerer running amock," she insists. Then glances at the salt peppering them and snorts. She shifts back a little, then ducks fire.

Harriet looks expectantly over at Miranda as she begins to call upon an Olympian god, but when Sara starts to try and talk with the ghosts, she decides not to make any comments, and simply stands there, watching. A little more salt gets sprinkled about, and then she's crouching low again, crunching the granules under her hands. "Meri should start going door to door," is said to Miranda finally after Meridith mentions there only being one God.

Sara frowns and ducks. "Okay, nice doesn't work," she decides flatly.

Miranda's lip tugs at one corner, subtly revealing a sneer at Meridith's comment but she doesn't have time, nor the inclination to debate religious doctrines with her. Instead she continues to weave her ritual, that is much more like a prayer than some sort of voodoo,

Meridith sighs annoyedly at Harriet. "I would but now people gotta invite me in," she gestures emphatically.

"I believe that is how it works with the Mormons, as well," Harriet expresses to Meridith. "Admittedly, I have never seen one barge into a home uninvited," she shares quite honestly as she pushes herself back up to stand, brushing palms across knees to rid those tight riding pants of any dirt and sea salt they've picked up.

Meridith flicks a hand out, beckoning a nearby branch. She swings it through the air a few times. Then seems to judge it appropriate. "That's true," she notes to Harriet. "But getting them out is tricky," she grins

"Does anyone go in anywhere uninvited anymore?" Sara blinks. "Rule of thumb is at least a text message. At least." She stares upward again and makes a shooing motion with her fingers. "Go, damn you."

The three spirits surround Meridith, attacking and harrying her from all sides.

"Apparently Meri before her most recent change," Harriet replies to Sara with a gesture Meridith's way. "Now, she is a part of polite society." She winks at Meridith but then winces as the spirits close in on the woman. "Hermes, may you hear us." A glance is given over at Miranda.

Meridith shrugs gently to Sara. "We are treading on the ground of the dead. This graveyard is lent to the ghosts, so, really, we're trespassing. Oh well." From there, as the ghosts appear about her she becomes a whirlwind of motions, stick flashes like it's a perfect sword despite its sticky nature. She sticks her tongue out at Harriet in the melee.

A grin forming on her lips is cut short as the ghosts surround Meridith, and Sara notes, "They put up enough racket to get us here. And they're mean!" She stomps a foot on the ground, hoping to draw attention from Meridith.

"As one of your kin, I ask you to aid me in removing these spirits from these lands." Miranda ask all formally. She closes her eyes, hands still held with palms splayed open in front of her. The noise around her does not seem to affect her as if she was in a trance or is just really good at focusing. The frost that she laid on the grass earlier seems to deepen in intensity, bending grass with the weight of the ice crystals that form in a small circle around the kneeling woman.

Harriet cannot disagree with Sara's assessment of the ghosts being mean. She simply nods, and as Meridith fights against the spectres, her attention shifts to Miranda again.

Meridith picks up the intensity of her battle. Looking content with it, taking on the spectral foes, delighting them with a pirate style of cuthroat swordplay. Dancing about. If only she had a chandelier to swing from. "I'll burn em out, you do whatever you think is best," she insists.

The three spirits begin to convulse and shake, they quickly move to grip each other, forming a tight circle as they spin faster and faster, strange orchestral music flowing through the air from nowhere before suddenly they are sucked down into the ground and vanish.