\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Patrollogs/Nikolais Syndicate Bargain 240717

Nikolais Syndicate Bargain 240717

(Nikolai's syndicate bargain)

[Tue Jul 16 2024]

In Town Hall Southern Meeting Room

It is about 70F(21C) degrees.

Konstantin shrugs a bit. "Whatever. Vee is vee; probably worth the price to buy."

"It is a woman," Nikolai murmurs over to Konstantin, after slipping a note to one of the Syndicate's shadow guards.

Conferring with the captors and winking after a little 'golden handshake' between them, Konstantin notes aside to Nikolai "Order."

"Peyton, maybe," Nikolai suggests, rubbing his chin. "Or Autumn. Doubt it is Harriet, but maybe. Syndicate is crafty. I will bid $20."

Nikolai says "If you wish to purchase instead, I will not compete."
Konstantin nods firmly. "I want peyton. She refused to meet me in public for conversation, so I intend to have it on our terms instead. A little chat about her leaving too early."

Glancing back over his shoulder, Konstantin spots Trevor and tips back an unpnod to him. "Privet, Trevor. Here to spend?", Konstantin asks, currently stood beside a syndicate representative with his phone in his hand, talking numbers.

"Every time you try to deal with Syndicate, the Virtuous come sniffing around," Nikolai sighs, side-eyeing Trevor as he talks shop with Konstantin. "It is funny how eager they are for chance to have one of us at feet. They rarely show up for other work that needs doing in town. Only here for when work is done for them."

Trevor looks at Konstantin, then over to Nikolai. "What?" The man says, "You were here first, you realize that, yes?"

Konstantin grunts quietly. "Da. Dragon storm causing problems for everyone; Hand fixed it." Clucking his tongue quietly, Konstantin sucks his teeth. "I think we deserve a little private chat with someone in the know, no? A little intel, maybe a donation of blood for helping hands blood drive. That way; everyone can contribute."

Trevor snorts a little laugh, but otherwise doesn't comment.

Trevor dusts his hands off, nodding to the well, the rest of the Syndicate in the room. He inspects Peyton, and looks over her. "You alright?" Trevor he says, stepping behind the woman to begin to untie her.

Peyton emerges sheepishly from captivity, looking like she was probably in the middle of putting her makeup on, since her lipstick sort of veers wildly off her lip onto her cheek. She seems relieved to see Trevor, and flashes him a smile so bright that she literally lights up the room a little brighter for a moment. "Yes, I'm fine, thank you." She dusts herself off and sighs melodramatically. "Thanks." She repeats, her southern accent effusively gracious.

"Hey, all good," Trevor mentions casually to Peyton, and glances at the smeared makeup. "I don't.." he pats his pockets, looking for something. "You've, uh," he snorts, probably to himself. "I'm not gonna say I'm experienced with makeup, Miss, but I don't think it's supposed to go on your cheek."

Peyton makes an ugh sort sound, and fishes out a small compact, and a wipe from her purse to wipe it off. "They're getting pretty bold, literally strolled right into Fairfax Manor and snatched me out of the bathroom!" She says, incredulously. She slips out her phone and shoots off a quick text. "Gosh, I hate to admit this happens to me far too often. The feel of the needle to the neck is almost familiar now." She huffs indignantly, but she seems remarkably unperturbed all things considered.

Trevor nods in understanding at Peyton. "Yeah, that's..." he grunts, trailing off. Like he doesn't really have the words to explain. "Bold is definitely what that is." He looks at her, wiping the lipstick off, "Looks better," he admits shortly. "Think you got most of it? And.. wow, I didn't think I'd hear someone say they're used to a needle in the neck."

Peyton gives her head a shake. "Well, yeah. It's still a shock every time. I worry more about the face I'm going to see on the other side of it, than the abduction itself." She admits with a faint chagrin. She glances down at Trevor's shoes and makes a curious sound. "Do you play Tennis? We have a court at the Manor." She says, "Always hard to find people to play with." She muses. Then glances at her watch. "I was just going to check in at work and then head to do some other things, I suppose it's a good thing you didn't have diabolical plans for me." She says. "Hopefully Selina is impressed you rescued her Consort from certain doom!" She adds, with a faint giggle for herself. "Also, thank you for the stuffed dragon, it's guarding my pillow collection."

Trevor can't help but laugh at the somehow still almost bubbly nature of Peyton. "I think," he says, addressing the last point first. "Selina would probably kill me, or something, if I had diabolical plans for you, Miss." He steps back, like he's really driving the point home - no evil plans. Then he's moving on, to other points, "Ah," his eyes trail down to his own feet, "Nah, they're just comfortable," he admits, "But, I wouldn't mind playing. I've.. played like once or twice in high school during the summer? I can't tell you I'd be a good partner or anything, but, I'm definitely open to trying." He glances back up, to meet Peyton's gaze again, "And, you're welcome! It was more of Selina's doing anyway, I bought one for my girlfriend, and she told Selina, so she wanted me to get some more custom made. I'm glad you like it."

Peyton gives an evil little grin. "I almost went to the olympics, so it's been very hard to find anyone to play with." She admits, with another sly little giggle. She flashes a bright smile and effusively gushes "Thanks again so much, I won't forget this! I hate to rush out on you after your brave rescue but I need to hit the road for Boston for some work soon." She gives Trevor a quick and breezy squeeze, airkissing one cheek, though this is somewhat of a feat of high-heesl and tip-toe jumping. "Take care, y'hear?" She says.

"I will," Trevor says, smiling back at Peyton as she begins to depart, but he manages to get out, "Oh, so you're going to bait me in with talks of sports and then tell me you're going to kick my ass?" He doesn't seem offended, but more intrigued. "Ask Selina for my number, if you do want to absolutely destroy me. Drive safe!"

Peyton looks like she almost wants to run, but she is in her highest of heels. So she has to settle for a dramatic saunter.