\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Patrollogs/Peytons Bargaining 240701

Peytons Bargaining 240701

(Nikolai's bargaining)

[Sun Jun 30 2024]

In Town Hall Northern Meeting Room

It is about 65F(18C) degrees.

His arrival preceded by the heavy thudding of his oversized footsteps, Nikolai steps in and shuts the door behind him before looking the representative up and down. "Privet," he says, exaggerating his Russian accent. "You want to work with the Hand, here. We saved your territory in Berlin from being uprooted by the Martyrs just the other day. There is no argument to be made as to who can offer you more."

Korina walks in and leaves the door open - which may be necessary for light because her walking in coincides with the lights flickering off. Definitely a coincidence. She gives Peyton a long, blatant stare before making her way over to Nikolai, and then moving on to staring at representative of Temple Strike Force with unabashed rudeness.

Peyton opens and shuts the door door, before she strolls in casually, flashing a smile that could melt hearts, proverbially of course. "Hey ya'll." She greets warmly. She rifles through some things, finding a manilla file folder, she drums her manicured fingernails against the paper adroitly. "Well, it's still on the eve of our alliances being sorted out, but are are for the moment still in partnership. Perhaps that will continue going forward? It's hard to say. But I think this is a fair offer. The Order has always been reliable." She says in a soft southern accent, her tone warm, hospitable.

There's a little grumble under her breath at Peyton's words, but Korina comes to settle by Nikolai's side after letting out a sleepy yawn. "Reliable at being bad," she mumbles, then tells representative of Temple Strike Force, "There are more of us." Either that means majority wins, or that means they're all going go group up to beat up both Peyton and representative of Temple Strike Force if he chooses the Order.

Striding in, Konstantin wastes no time in approaching representative of Temple Strike Force. He comes with far less preparation than Peyton, not a single folder in hand. With a nod aside to Korina and Nikolai in greeting, he surveys the room, lips pressing together when he spots Peyton, pausing to listen to her making her case to the Templar.

"An alliance due to shift, I think", Konstantin interjects approaching. "Konstantin, President of the Hand cell here in Haven. Peyton here held Hand president position once. Now; works for Order. So quick to change the mind is her type." He operates without all the warmth, instead bluntly appealing to logic. "Save your strength, don't toss it in with Order. When Venice shifts, they will stab Temple's back like this girl stabbed Hand."

Nikolai nods his head in agreement with Konstantin's words, though Korina gets more of a side-eye for trying to apply her faeling methods to the diplomatic meeting. Implicit violence is still bad, after all. "The Hand is entering an era of stability and power, and it will extend into control. The Temple has little local enforcers - our alignment will be ideal."

Peyton rolls her eyes, but adopts a relaxed, easygoing stance, reaching up to adjust her glasses and then sighing a little. "Follow your blessed hearts." She says, as she pulls out her iPhone, and sends a few messages, to local contacts perhaps? Or just some online shopping? Who knows.