\ Haven:Mist and Shadow Patrollogs/Saras Ghost Banishing 240612

Saras Ghost Banishing 240612

In the eerie dusk of Arkwright Cemetery, a group led by Sara engages in a tense confrontation with three ghostly pirates, identifiable by their spectral forms adorned in a unique blend of ballroom and pirate attire. The ghosts, aggressive and relentless in their attacks, force the group into a defensive posture. Sara, with a blend of bravery and exasperation, attempts various methods to fend off the assaults, from utilizing salt to singing Christmas songs, while her companions offer varied support. However, amidst the chaos, Elanora's attempt at using her siren voice with popular Christmas tunes, and Trevor's naïve attempt to communicate with the specters, add layers of complexity to the battle. Meridith and Miranda provide assistance and council, though the former's warning to take the situation seriously highlights the peril they face.

As the encounter escalates, Sara resorts to setting up a ceremonial circle, lighting candles in a desperate bid to amplify their efforts against the persistent haunts. Despite the physical and spectral attacks that leave them with no visible wounds, the group's resilience shines. With a mix of improvised singing from Elanora and tactical thinking from Sara, they manage to counteract the ghosts’ aggression. Sara, fed up with the ghosts’ persistence, commands them to return from whence they came with a powerful outburst of emotion and will. The spectral pirates, finally heeding Sara's demand amidst the strange, orchestral cacophony that fills the air, convulse and merge into a singular form before being sucked into the ground, signifying the group's hard-fought victory and the banishment of the ghosts, thereby ending the night's supernatural ordeal.
(Sara's ghost banishing)

[Tue Jun 11 2024]

On the Sprawling Hillside of Arkwright Cemetery

It is dusk, about 90F(32C) degrees,

A haunting piano melody suddenly creeps over the graveyard as one by one, three spectral forms raise up into sight. Each is somewhat decayed and dressed in a mix of ballroom gown and old pirate garb, one wields a pair of flintlock pistols, another a wicked cutlass and the third a pair of sharp looking knives.

Sara says "Mhm, same ones."
Elanora says "You didn't sing to them enough last time so they came back?"
"I do not sing," Sara remarks. "It sounds much like a dying animal."

Meridith shakes her head. "They are no doubt disturbed by the Eidolon of the pirate the Spears fight," she notes to Elanora, Sara and Miranda. "So, they will continue to rise until dealt with."

"Let's see....Harry threw rocks of salt...." Sara says, fishing around in her pockets.

Meridith giggles. "Miranda, if you could guide my sweet beloved Neophyte I would appreciate it," she tells Miranda of Sara.

The flintlock wielder unleashes a stream of spectral bullets, somehow not needing to reload as the group is forces to drop to the ground to avoid getting struck.

"Ugh, they should hurry up and kill this Eidolon." Miranda says a bit childishly. So far, she's offered no real solutions and she does not show much urgency on the matter. She perks up at Meridith's comment and intentionally misunderstands. "Who's the nympho?"

Sara ducks suddenly, frowning. "Really?" she asks, staring upwards.

Elanora eeps and drops to the ground, taking cover behind a gravestone, "I wasn't told there would be shooting! Urg I'm not feeling that well.... You guys would be fine if I left you guys to handle this right?"

Sara grabs onto Elanora. "No leaving now."

Meridith blinks and tugs Sara down. "It's spectral but it still hurts," she bellows, taking cover. She waves to Miranda. "NEOPHYTE! But...also yes, my bad." She demands. She looks to Elanora. "No you're in this, you big baby!"

Elanora blinks at Sara, "What why not?"

"They're ghosts. I'm sure we can handle them," Sara tells Elanora with a nod. "You'll be okay."

Elanora shakes her head. She does look rather tired. And sickly really from the heat. "This heat is killing me.." She groans softly.

Sara stares implacably at Elanora.

Meridith grumbles at Elanora. "You can skinny dip in the ocean after!" She insists to the whiny baby!

"We could totally solve this with a sacrifice. Any virgins here?" Miranda ask, studying the group for a reaction that may indicate they are in fact a virgin. Even if no one admits to it

Meridith snorts. "Yeah totally, all of us, virgins, mmmmhm." She nods thoroughly.

Sara can't manage to stifle a quite loud giggle.

Elanora snickers, "Sorry I took both their virginities."

Meridith shouts over the gunfire. "Any virgins!?" She shouts and rolls her eyes. "You wish."

"Pure as the driven snow," Sara says with wide, innocent eyes and a smile.

Miranda touches a hand to her collar and gasp, "Am I?" with a coy smile, "That just wont do. I can't be the one to sacrifice and perform the ritual to do the sacrifice." her logic is entirely made up, most likely.

Sara pops her head up. "Hey! Elanora's a siren. Sing!" she nods. "Maybe they'll like it, and go away."

Meridith shakes her head at Miranda. "Just teach Sara how to do it, she can sacrifice you."

Elanora sits behind a gravestone, rubbing at her temple a little. Her blood red hair spills around her shoulders as she leans back against the stone, "What...Would I sing about.. to ghosts?" She asks with a squint, "Revenge songs? Sad songs?"

"Sacrificing was not on the list for tonight's affairs," Sara replies. "Harry said they liked some Christmas song, if I recall," she tells Elanora.

Miranda pouts a little then tells Meridith, "Like you said, this is a Spears problem, if they want to ultimately get rid of them forever." she shrugs then waves a dismissive hand towards the last known location of the three annoying spirits. "We can temporarily patch this problem, but I hope they get around to finishing them off sooner rather than later."

The dual-knife wielder disappears before her arms suddenly emerge from the ground, stabing into the feet of Sara to keep her in place as the cutlass wielder swoops forward.

Sara gives a small shriek, and narrows her eyes, grabbing the closest thing she can find and throwing it towards the spirits. Unfortunately, that happens to be dirt, and pieces of candle wax.

With throbbing feet, even from spectral knives, Sara calls to Miranda, "If you have ideas, I'm all ears!"

"Alrighttt..." Elanora looks very skeptical and shrieks softly, dodging behind another gravestone as Sara gets pinned in place, "So this is Christmas... And what have you done? Another year over.... And a new one just begun..." Her siren voice rings out over the graveyard, filling it with her voice which is interupted by little eeps and squeaks as she tries to dodge. " And so this is Christmas... I hope you had fun...The near and the dear ones... The old and the young.."

Miranda idly answers her vibrating gold-plated phone with a quick text, she wrinkles her nose and explains, "Why do I have to have so many responsibilities? You know I'm here on vacation." it's hard to tell who she is talking too, its more of a general rant. The rant itself does not overpower Elanora's 'singing'

Sara turns about herself, and decides on stones, grabbing the ones she can reach and piling them carefully. "You think these will do anything?" she asks.

Meridith had to step away but is back now!

The double knife weilder appears suddenly behind Sara, cackling right in her ear before rearing back to stab her in the back.

Meridith glances to Miranda and shrugs to her. "I have tried to kill an Eidolon before, it isn't easy." She moves swiftly to protect Sara from the cutlass swinging foe, distracting them. Then back and laughs at Miranda.

's voice rises up louder. She still looks exceedingly skeptical this is going to work but she gestures for the other girls to join the chorus, "A very merry christmas! And a happy new year... Lets hope it's a good one... Without any fear....Watch out!" Elanora calls out to Sara as the ghost makes to stab her in the back, "And so this is Christmas!! War is overrrrrr." She sings the war part extra loud.

Sara nearly falls forward, and her eyes narrow. She grabs one of the stones and flings it directly at the knife wielding ghost. "You would think," she sighs, "They'd at least have the decency to stab you to your face."

Elanora's voice rises up louder. She still looks exceedingly skeptical this is going to work but she gestures for the other girls to join the chorus, "A very merry christmas! And a happy new year... Lets hope it's a good one... Without any fear....Watch out!" Elanora calls out to Sara as the ghost makes to stab her in the back, "And so this is Christmas!! War is overrrrrr." She sings the war part extra loud.

Meridith is there at Sara's back, taking that stab, wincing some and nodding to Sara. "These ghost pirates are quite dishonorable!"

Elanora yells over to Sara, "Is this the right christmas song???? What song is it?"

Sara makes an attempt to join Elanora's singing, which results in a series of horrid honking noises. "No idea," she shouts, "But I don't think they like that one!" She clings onto Meridith, frowning at the ghosts.

Meridith says "Can we help you!?"
Elanora waves at Calista and Trevor, she's hiding behind a gravestone singing out John Lennon's war is over. She gestures for them to duck behind some gravestones, "Okay I'll try a different one!"

Miranda turns her focus towards the two new comers, there is a lot going on here but the curly-blonde seems relatively relaxed as she takes an observatory role for now.

Calista clearly has no idea what she's walking into and widens her eyes at the hiding Elanora before scurrying over to duck down and hide behind one beside her. "What the heck Ells?" she stage whispers at the other woman.

Trevor wanders in behind Calista, glancing around the area with a curious eye. He's not going to duck behind a gravestone, because he's not afraid of... whatever it is. "Right," Trevor says, tilting his head from side to side a moment or so later. But doesn't elaborate.

Elanora looks very hot and very tired as she slumps behind a gravestone and she reaches out to hug Calista, clinging onto the other woman, "I do'nt know... there's like.. ghosts... Can you see them?" She shakes her head, "Apparently christmas songs help?? I don't know I feel sick.." She rests her head against Calista's shoulder but starts to sing again, " Last Christmas, I gave you my heart... But the very next day, you gave it away..."

"I think that's the one, it sounds familiar?" Sara nods over to Elanora. "But I'm seriously not sure at this point."

Sara's shoulder suddenly burns as the flicklock wielder materializes long enough to fire a shot into her, there's no visible wound.

Meridith winces moving to steady Sara after she is shot with the spectral ammo

Calista holds onto Elanora, rubbing her back gently as she kinda joins in with no other better idea to do. "This year, to save me from tears I'll give it to someone special..." Her voice is not that of Elanora's but, it's sweet enough? Everyone usually sounds a little better when they sing Christmas songs... usually.

"This year, to save me from tears... I'll give it to someone special.... Last Christmas, I gave you my heart.. But the very next day, you gave it awayyy.... I can't tell if this is working." Elanora says exhaustedly as she leans on Calista's shoulder, taking strength from the other woman as the ghosts pop in and out. She nods thankfully at Calista as the other woman's voice joins hers.

Sara brings a hand to her shoulder, visibly annoyed. With a noticible exhale, she drops to the ground and hastily makes a large circle on the ground, using the point of a rock. She steps inside it and stares upwards thoughtfully.

Meridith nods to Sara approvingly. Then moves to bring some aggression to the spirits, trying to draw them off of Sara with a furious expression

Trevor being Trevor is planning on trying to make friends with the gunslinging ghost dude. "Hey," he says, walking into a small patch of free space. "Mr. Ghost?"

Meridith says "Trevor take this seriously or fuck off!"
Meridith notes the women singing christmas songs and grumbles too.

Miranda glances to Meridith, admist all the talking and christmas singing, she looks amused that she chides Trevor for not being serious enough.

Meridith seems to realize she's being ludicrus when she looks at Miranda and somehow gets more flustered, throwing up her hands.

Elanora waves over at Sara, "Do I keep singing?" She calls out, "And Trevor try not to get shot by some bullets okay??" She shakes her head and keeps going with Calista, taking her strength from the other woman, "This year, to save me from tears, I'll give it to someone special. Once bitten and twice shy, I keep my distance, but you still catch my eye."

The three spirits encircle the group, flicking in and out of reality as they coral them.

Trevor lets out a grunted reply towards Elanora - that's an obvious, Trevor will TRY not to get shot, but there's no guarantees, since apparently he's not hiding behind any gravestones, in fact the curly-blonde doesn't seem all that pertubed by anything going on.

Calista clears her throat, also looking uncertain, but she knows this song. It's hard to -not- know this song. And if Calista is one thing, it's a Christmas officionado. "Tell my baby, do you recognize me? Well, it's been a year, it doesn't surprise me." It almost seems like she just uses it as a distraction now. For her, and for the tired woman leaning against her whom she still rubs gently.

Sara stares up at the ghosts and clenches her hands, murmuring to herself. "Hey!" she finally yells. "You can either leave, or I can get really pissed off!"

Sara grabs a few scattered candles, placing them about her quickly. She sifts through to see which may have a wick that could be usable, and looks to the group. "Surely one of you can light these, yeah?"

Elanora rests her head against Calista's shoulder, her chest is heaving slightly in her corset as she sings and she really doesn't look that flush hot in the heat, "Happy Christmas, I wrapped it up and sent it. With a note saying I love you I meant it. Now I know what a fool I've been. But if you kissed me now, I know you'd fool me again."

Meridith stretches out a bit, standing protective before Sara as she bellows out. She lets out a little grin, and stretches out a little bit. She nods and lobs a little lighter over to Sara, dollar store quality.

Sara catches the lighter, grinning to Meridith and lights the candles quickly, chanting under her breath.

Calista leans in to Elanora closely to whisper to her.

The absolute chaos of Christmas singing, ritualism, talking, spectral bullets flying and so on does not suit Miranda, she has very little to add to the madness.

Sara begins to fan the flames on the burning candles, causing smoke to rise up around the group, towards the opposing ghosts. She clears her throat purposefully.

Elanora rests her head against Calista, "We'll give it a little bit longer.. See if Sara manages anything.." She sighs as she gives up on the singing and just hugs the other woman, watching from around the gravestone.

Sara turns to Elanora. "You can stop singing, I don't think they have the proper appreciation," she says, glaring upwards angrily.

Sara's shoulder suddenly burns as the flicklock wielder materializes long enough to fire a shot into her, there's no visible wound.

Elanora is wayyy ahead of Sara already and just leaning against Calista for support.

Meridith nods to Sara. "Focus your will, let 'em know whose boss," she assures her. Not that she knows shit about shit, but she's read it in a book before. She growls, flinging a headstone through Sara's shooter with a honest to goodness animalistic growl.

Sara directs a plume of smoke directly toward the flintlock wielder in disgust. "Annoying!" she tells him.

Well, this ghost doesn't seem to respond to friendliness, so Trevor just wanders over to where Calista and Elanora and hiding and singing, and plops himself down next to Calista, waiting.

Meridith takes a deep breath, observing Sara's rough work with interest. She glances at Miranda, and the others nearby for a moment as if assessing things. The spiritual energy by this point has been spent largely in their assault, all that's left is the coup de grace. She considers her options.

Finally growning angry, Sara stomps her foot within the circle. "Hey!" she shrieks upwards to the flickering spirits above her, voice higher pitched than normal, face twisted into a scowl. "I dare to say, no- I DO say, we've all had enough of your shit, and you need to go back to where you came from because you're not wanted here! Got it?" She takes a deep breath and closes her eyes a moment. When they flicker back open she bellows, "GO!"

Elanora smiles slightly at Trevor as he takes a seat next to them as they hide behind a really large gravestone but able to keep an eye on what Sara's doing. She is practically resting her weight on Calista now, her topaz eyes slightly glazed as she tries to keep an eye on the action.

Sara glances to Meridith.

Meridith gives a huge thumbs up to Sara.

Sara continues her stare, noting they have not moved. "Well?" she asks. "I said go!"

The three spirits begin to convulse and shake, they quickly move to grip each other, forming a tight circle as they spin faster and faster, strange orchestral music flowing through the air from nowhere before suddenly they are sucked down into the ground and vanish.