(redirected from OutOfPlay.Courtney)
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Name | Courtney Ann Townsend |
Age | Twenties |
Occupation | Unemployed, with no work history |
Birthplace | Las Vegas, Nevada |
Song | Celldweller - Welcome to the End |
Magic Number | 4+2 = 6 |
Courtney's a recent transplant, apparently from Las Vegas, Nevada if her word is to be believed. She seems to keep to herself mostly, only rarely seen in public watering holes like the Lounge. She stops by Club Decadence fairly often, however.
RP Hooks
- High-Maintenance - She's big on designer clothing. And fur. And diamonds. For someone with no work history, some of the threads she sports are a bit high-end.
- A Looker - She's got the build of a lingerie model and a face that will have trouble ever looking less than fetching. Haven has a decent handful of pretty women, but she's certainly one of them.
- Polite - Though she's not the most outgoing girl in town, she's known to be well-mannered with everyone she runs into even if they're not in return, making her fairly easy to approach.
- Gratuity - Anyone who's waited on her or served her drinks at a bar would also say, she's a very good tipper.
- Vanity - Courtney cannot stand being dirty. She can't stand being the slightest bit uncleanly. If she doesn't look stunning (even in casualwear) and smell like daisies at any given time, she's probably irritable or too embarrassed to leave the house.
"I'm gonna show you a whole world of awesomeness, you sexy bitch." - Louis?
"I think we've all felt enough emptiness and fulfillment for this lifetime. Face it head on with me, girl. Sorry for the past." - Perkele?
"Interesting suitors you have. I wonder if that's the way you prefer it." Pope?
"I like you but I think I'm seeing like a tenth of what you're actually thinking. That makes me... nervous." - Timmery?
"She seems really sweet, if lonely. Maybe I'm completely misreading that, I'm not sure...I just would like to help her smile and mean it." - Indra?
"This girl is everything other girls should aspire to be. She's amazing and perfect and so, so pretty. Brings out the worst in me. The feelingsy shit." - Louis?
"Courtney knows what it's like to be empty... And one time, we weren't. Empty. And that time's past and now all we have is ... empty again. We share in it, and we're not alone anymore. That's why I love her." - Leah?
"Courtney belongs in some Manhattan lounge with a bunch of other beautiful people. But I think we could friends. I'd like that." - Susan?
"I haven't yet spent too much time with Courtney but what I've seen I've liked. She looks like the perfect person to shopping in NYC with and swap shoes with, mmmm I wonder if we're the same size." - Lieny?
"Y'don't get freaked out by my whole 'I hate people' thing. That's a valuable thing t'me. Bonus points 'cause yer sexy as Hell an' y'okay with havin' a delinquent f'a best friend. Thanks for puttin' up with me." - Benji Leigh Ross?
"One of these days, I am going to buy the world for this woman. I act like she is just an everyday girl... I am lucky she cant read thoughts. I looooove her. Enix?
"Oh, pretty doll, you're so sweet and polite, and positively delicious. You rock designer handbags." - Rajini?
"Miss Courtney has that polished outside look, but I sense a tangible darkness within. Maybe it's all the D I drink, but she strikes me as a woman that would be willing to manipulate just about anything to get what she wants. Not that I've ever minded that characteristic in a woman." - Katarina Asenova?
"Like a beautiful doll that leaves you staring... And then takes your head in its hands and crushes you to death. Though she might do that with more class, of course - but that's how I see it, and it's why I do so adore her as a lovely friend." - Kinsey Anne?
"Flying along side you is quite possible one of the better highlights of my life. Even more when you forget suitable clothes. You will be the death of me one day flying naked, and me flying into a tree breaking my neck....yeah." - Jase?
"I don't think alluring would be a word used to describe you, Miss Townsend. Or any of its synonyms, truly. You're in a world all your own. I do wonder what joys might come if I got you alone, though. I am just uncertain you'd ever be allowed to leave." Dante?
"Helpful. Wrath will forgive the slights of this demoness as the mask agrees with her methods." - Suicide Knight?
"It is a shame you are a demon. You would have made a fine addition to the court." - Padraig?
"You are the only person I know who has never abandoned me. That means something. To me at least." - Leah?
"She's pretty cool and real pretty. Talks about boys a lot though and it's a little weird, but she's still cool." - Miya?
"I like Courtney. She seems to be an early riser (at least sometimes), like me! Good company and makin' this place feel more like home." - Minnie?
"Polite. Well-mannered. That's good enough for me, despite past experiences. I learned better. Did you?" - Ruby?
"I love the calmness with which Miss Courtney handles everything that she comes up against." - Talessa?
"Me hating you was a slow growing process, at first it was you proving you were everything wrong with this world. Coda? sealed the deal." - Kevik Armstrong?
"To be honest? I woulda liked to dance again." - Edgar Hobbs?
"COURTNEY!? NO, NO NO NO! NO! COURTNEY! I ... I should have been there. I should have... COURTNEY!!! GOD DAMN IT!" - Leah?
"Gone, but not forgotten. Never forgotten, Miss Courtney." - Talessa?
"I should be happy you're gone. I should have cheered when we heard what Pope did. Instead, I am pissed. Your death was -ours- to bring." - Kalina?
"I had nothing against you, Courtney, until you stole my friend away. Coda was precious to a lot of people. You're very lucky Pope got to you before we did, because there wouldn't have been enough of you left to send to the afterlife." - Sigrun?
"You already know what I thought - and it's going to be strange not having someone who actually *understands* around. God fucking knows what happened in that cell. I think the Order is dumb enough to think you did it in cold blood. Just like you got me - I got you enough to know that just isn't what happened. Keep Hell warm for me and Freckles." - 'Paul'?
"What can I say about Courtney that ain't been said? I didn't know her that well but she seemed to leave an impression on a lot of folks and I'm sorry she's gone." - Jay?
"Poshel na khuy, bring her? back!" - One Very Pissed Off Nightmare?
"I only knew you for a few days, Miss Townsend, but you opened my eyes to Haven. I'm grateful for what you could teach me before you died." - Lissandra?